The Source

By aotg17

8K 585 61

James Bond mixed with Robin Hood storyline featuring Freen and Becky and many other beloved characters. FINIS... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 8

198 19 0
By aotg17

Miss Mela: OK, now that you know the Chankimhas I will explain Freen's situation a bit more.

Freen was a popular girl in high school even if she didn't want to be. She was the cool kid all dressed in black who never smiled and that was always having sex with some random girl in the teacher's bathroom on the 2nd floor. She had a reputation for being really good with her tongue. The only ones who could bring a real smile to her face were her brother Heng or Song. They hung out all the time at school. Some people thought it was dorky for Freen to hang out with her bother, but she made them regret their words. She always planned her attacks while there were no witnesses around. She beat up whoever spoke badly about her brother, herself and Song.

Freen: Mess with my family or Song and you will never see the light of day. Everyone feared her because she was a royal descendant and they knew if they messed with her, they messed with the royal family.

Song: Freenky, you have to stop beating people up for us. Song was curing one of the many bruises that Freen had. One day someone will overpower you and it will be much worse than this. She pressed Freen's hand firmly.

Freen: Ow!! He deserved it. He was talking badly about Heng and saying he's an addict. Plus, it was my graduation present for James. She chuckled. Song sighed.

Song: Heng might not be an addict, but he does consume a lot of drugs and alcohol. I'm surprised your parents haven't noticed. Freen shrugged.

Freen: They barely notice we exist. They just wanted kids to shut my grandmother up and now that she's dead, they don't need to care anymore. Song smacked her arm. Rude! I will start kissing you if keep hitting me. Song blushed.

Song: Your brother is right outside, so control your hormones Chankimha. Freen blew her a kiss.

Freen: It's a little difficult when I have the sexiest girl as my best friend. Song moved away from her and threw the blood-covered tissues in the trash.

Song: Come on. Let's spend time with your brother. Freen pouted.

Freen: Do we have to? He's a big boy. He can take care of himself. Song rolled her eyes.

Song: Come on! I want to talk to you both about something. Hopefully, he hasn't done any more drugs since we came to my room. Freen grabbed Song's hand and they searched the house looking for Heng who they found in the pool fully clothed.

Freen: What the hell Heng? You couldn't wait until we got home? He chuckled.

Heng: It was too hot. The pool was calling my name. Freen splashed his face with the water as he laughed. Why are you here? Freenky said you two were going to have sex. Freen avoided Song's fist by running towards the other end of the pool.

Song: Stop telling your brother stuff like that! Freen raised her hands.

Freen: I was kidding, songbird. Don't get your panties in a twist. Song scoffed and sat down on one of the pool chairs. 

Song: Come back here. I need to talk to both of you. Heng looked between them.

Heng: Uh-oh. That's your serious face. Freenky, what did you do now?

Freen: Nothing! I swear!

Song: She didn't do anything. This is really important to me so can you two shut up and listen? Heng leaned on the edge of the pool as Freen sat beside her. Do you guys remember Ice?

Heng: Umm the sexy smart one from chemistry class? Song nodded. I remember her giant... He stopped talking when he saw Song's face and cleared his throat. Freen knew of Song's crush on Ice, and she didn't like it.

Song: Well, we've been on a couple of dates and I'm planning to ask her to be my girlfriend at Sam's party next Friday. Freen wasn't very happy about that. She felt very protective of Song and thought no one was good enough for her.

Heng: Right on! Song's got more game than both of us combined, Freenky. Neither of us has a girlfriend yet. He chuckled. Freen wasn't listening.

Song: Freenky? She moved Freen's face towards hers. What's happening in that beautiful head of yours? Freen looked away from her. I know you don't approve of anyone, but I really think Ice will be a good partner. Please can you just try to accept it? Freen looked at her brother who knew what she was feeling. Heng nodded.

Freen: Fine, but if she hurts you, I'm making her disappear from the face of the Earth. Song smiled widely and hugged her tight. Heng looked at his sister. He knew Freen was in love with Song but could never find the words to tell her the truth.

Song: Let me get some drinks for us. Do you want anything in particular? Freen shook her head.

Heng: Whatever you want, songbird. When she left, he got out of the pool and sat next to Freen. Why haven't you told her? You've been in love with her half your life Freenky.

Freen: She likes Ice. I can't do that to her. I don't want our friendship to change. Anyways, we're going to different colleges so a long-distance relationship wouldn't work. He patted her shoulder. Ice can make her happy. I'm just a friend.

Heng: Don't you want to have a girlfriend someday and settle down? Song came back with the drinks and their conversation was cut short.

Sam's party was in a couple of hours. Freen, Song and Heng were getting ready at her house. Heng was already high on drugs, so Freen took away his special stash.

Freen: No more. I'm not dragging your ass home tonight. Heng pouted. He looked at Song who gave him a disapproving look.

Heng: Fine, fine. No more drugs. Scout's honor. Song chuckled.

Song: You're not even a scout, Heng. He shrugged and put on his headphones.

Heng: I'm getting hungry. Do you have any snacks in that big fridge of yours, Songbird?

Song: I might have your favorite macadamia nut cookies... in the fridge. He was already gone when he heard macadamia nut. He's obsessed with those. She laughed. Freen who had been quietly doing her makeup was startled when Song hugged her from behind. What if she says no?

Freen: She would be an idiot for saying no to someone as beautiful as you, songbird. She won't say no. If she does, I will make her disappear and you and I can ride off into the sunset. Song laughed and pressed a kiss to Freen's shoulder.

Song: Thank you for always being there for me. I love you Freenky.

Freen: I love you too, songbird. Heng started yelling from downstairs.

Heng: You two almost done?! We're going from fashionably late to almost missing the party late. Freen groaned.

Freen: We're coming! Eat your stupid cookies!

When they got to the party, they all went in different directions. Song went to speak with Ice, Heng went to talk to his boys and Freen went straight for the bar. A couple of drinks later, Freen regretted not eating something before coming to the party. She was too drunk for her liking. She texted Song to see if she needed a ride home. Song said she didn't so Freen went to find Heng. You could tell Heng had done more drugs when she dragged him away from his friend group.

Freen: Didn't we make a deal bro? I'm starting to worry about your drug use.

Heng: Oh, come on! Don't be such a prude Freenky. I'm just having fun. She threw him in the backseat of the car.

Freen: There's fun and there's addiction. You're becoming an addict, Heng. I think you should get some help. She slammed the door before he could say anything else. She waved goodbye to a couple of her other friends and got in the car. Heng had been playing around bothering Freen and she started to get annoyed. Stop that! I'm driving.

Heng: I think I'm going to throw up.

Freen: Not in Dad's car you're not. Grab the barfing bag it's under the seat. Heng reached out and couldn't find anything.

Heng: Freenky! It's not here and I'm about to... He stopped himself from puking. Freen looked at the road which was clear from obstructions and quickly looked for the bag under the seat. Heng sat up a little bit and yelled out. Watch out! Freen moved the steering wheel, but not quickly enough. It was too late. Freen had run over somebody. She stopped the car immediately.

Freen: I have to check if they're okay. The windshield was cracked from the force of the person's body hitting it. Heng shook his head. Just stay here. I'll be right back. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. The woman's body lay there behind the car. Freen could see her fingers twitching. Ma'am? The woman didn't answer. As Freen got closer, she started recognizing the person's clothes. No... She ran over to her immediately. No, no, no! Song! She bent down beside her and moved a strand of hair from her face. She was covered in blood and not moving except come parts of her body that were twitching. Heng! He ran to her as quickly as he could. He recognized their friend.

Heng: We have to go...

Freen: What?! No! We have to call 911! They can save her! Heng lifted her.

Heng: Freenky! I'm under the influence, you're drunk. We would go to jail! This is murder.

Freen: No. She's still breathing. Look! We can save her. She shook her head. Heng pulled her towards the car. NO! STOP! SONG! HENG, LET ME GO! LET ME SAVE HER PLEASE! Heng threw her into the car, and they left.

Heng: I'm sorry! I loved her too, but I don't want either of us to go to jail. No one saw the accident, so we just have to tell Mom and Dad and they'll know what to do. Freen hadn't said a word. Did you touch? He looked at her through the rearview mirror. FREENKY, DID YOU TOUCH HER? She nodded slowly.

Freen: I moved a strand of her hair. As soon as they got home, Heng told their parents everything and they did what they had to do to cover things up. In the news, they reported that Song died on the way to the hospital. She died from her injuries. The next morning the Chankimhas packed their bags and moved out of the city. Freen came back alone for Song's funeral but didn't let anyone see her. She said her goodbyes and went to her car. She saw a paper on her windshield.

'I know what you did. I'll be in contact soon, killer.'

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