Kristin Fright

By CreepyStalker324

4.1K 118 45

Kristin moves to Amity with her obsessive ghost hunting parents, Jim, and Michelle Lite. They heard of the gh... More

Ch.1 Meetings
Ch.2 Impossibilities
Ch.3 Prophecy and Unexpected Revealations
Ch.4 Sisters for life! Or after life?
Ch.5 Her Battle
Ch.7 Allies Made and Love
Ch.8 Invasions and Confessions
Ch.9 Death is something that comes when it's suppose to
Ch.10 Stakes
Ch.11 Accepted

Ch.6 More Impossibilities

296 10 1
By CreepyStalker324

Kristin POV


This is what my visions were about!

Is all that gonna happen, or can I stop it?

I always told Clockwork that the future isn't always set in stone.

This has to be one of those times!

I slowly got to my feet, snatching my necklace, and turning it into a scythe again, I held it in the air, and smashed it into the classroom floor, growling.

I was crying still, not caring that I was in front of high schoolers. I turned my scythe back into a necklace, and put it around my neck.

I used my hands to make a sphere of fire and ice with my cores. The outside was a transparent ice, while the inside of it was flames swimming inside.

I started walking toward the back of the group of kids that had surrounded me. People moved out of my way as I walked past them, the orb in my small palm.

Once I made it to Danny, I looked him in his icy eyes. They were swimming with confusion and fear.

I handed him the orb. He took it, examining the glowing form of my 2 cores.

"You'll know what to do with it when the time comes." I whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Your acting like Clockwork." He chuckled, his laugh cracking.

"I know you saw them. I know you saw what the future was, but I've always told Clockwork that the future isn't always set in stone. I can prevent it." I said in a regular voice.

"We'll be there right by your side the whole time." Danny said, meaning him, Tucker, and Sam. My glowing green eyes darkened, but in my case, glowed brighter.

"No, you won't. You saw my visions, you know what happens. I gave you this because I know you'll need it." I growled pointing to the orb.

He just glared at me, but nodded. Everyone was gapping at Danny. I ignored it, but Danny seemed uncomfortable. I turned to Mr. Lancer, who was looking at me with sad eyes from his desk.

"You know what to do." I said to Lancer in a monotone. He just nodded and stood up while I left in a flash.

I went invisibly into my seat, and sucked up the fake Lite. Mr. Lancer was leading everyone out of the classroom dismissing everyone home.

If anyone gives him crap about it, I told him to call me because I'll talk some sense into them.

Instead of flying home, I decided to ride my skateboard. It was black and white, with a KF symbol on the bottom, and the wheels were green.

I dropped it into the sidewalk, and put one foot on it, pushing with the other. I glided down the sidewalk for about 5 minutes when my ghost sense went off.

Who could be here now? Wouldn't they be planning an attack with Pariah?

I looked up in the sky, but spotted no ghost. I was confused now! If my ghost sense went off, then where is it?

I then looked behind me on the sidewalk. There, 15 ft behind me, was Cujo, a green puppy, but if you make him mad, he changes into a monster dog.

He spotted me, and his red eyes lit up with excitement. His feet shifted into a ready position, and the ghost puppy ran towards me.

"Oh shite!" I yelled. I turned to face forward, and shot off on my skateboard.

I was zooming down the street when I saw a stop light glow. I looked behind me, and there was Cujo, now in monster dog form, running down the street behind me.

I could hear people scream when they saw him, but I couldn't worry about that right now. I had to dodge the pooch.

I didn't stop pushing forward on my board when I was coming up on the stop light. I needed to get away from him!

I used my powers to create a ice ramp with my mind. I lined up with it, pushing harder with my leg. Just as a police officer tried to grab me from riding into on coming traffic, my board made contact with the ramp.

I flew off of the ramp, making me fly through the air. I looked under my board and saw cars under me.

I was jumping traffic.

I landed on the sidewalk on the other side of the street and kept moving.

I had to because Cujo wasn't far behind.

@@Danny POV@@

I was flying home when I noticed Kristin riding a skateboard at a fast speed toward moving traffic.

All of a sudden, I saw an ice ramp in front of her, a police officer tried to stop her, but she ducked out of his way. She rolled up the ramp, and flew over the moving cars.

I now noticed why she was moving so fast. Cujo, in monster dog form, was chasing her.

Cujo also leaped over the traffic, trying to keep up with the girl on the white and black skateboard with green wheels.

She jumped her skateboard, hitting the rails, down the steps of a museum. People watched her slide down the rails with a ghost dog after her.

People were taking pictures, and a news crew was following the scene in a helicopter.

I flew down in front of Cujo and told him to heel, but he didn't stop. He just ran past me, and kept going after Kristin.

Why didn't he listen? He always listens to me!

Kristin used a curb to jump a step, making the bottom flash at me. It was a symbol of a KF on it.

Did KF stand for Kristin Fright?

Suddenly, Kristin skidded to a stop, and turned to face Cujo. Cujo just kept running at her even when she did stop.

She held her hand out and yelled.


Cujo sat down mid run, and his butt skidded across the concrete. He stopped right in front of Kristin, turning to puppy form, and leaped on her.

She stumbled, but didn't fall backwards, catching the puppy in her hands, she held him to her chest, and whispered something into the puppy's ear.

Cujo lifted his head and looked around. He saw the people, reporters, and the damage he did.

He looked at Kristin with his puppy dog eyes, and whined. Kristin laughed, patting his head.

I floated to the ground, and walked up behind Kristin. I could hear people gasping. She seemed to hear them to and turned around to face me.

She was shorter than me, and looked up at me. She was frowning, and handed me Cujo.

"He warned me. All of your allies have wanted to team up with the human world to defeat Pariah again, once and for all." She told me.

"You can understand him?" I asked. She smiled.

"Having a dead sister, and being the only one that knows besides you, Tucker, and Sam, I've learned other languages. The ones I needed to learn for emergencies, like this one." She whispered, making sure anyone else didn't hear it.

"Well, since you have Cujo now, I've gotta go, but when you throw him back in the portal, spray the rim of it with cat pee. It'll keep him from digging his way out. Gross, but useful." She told me.

She put her board back down, and rode away. I looked around to see that the reporters had gotten over their shock and tried to bomb me with questions.

I turned invisible quickly, and intangibly slipped through the crowd of people. I flew home with Cujo asleep in my arms.

@@Kristin POV@@

I put my skateboard under my bed, changed into Fright, and went on patrol.

I flew out my window, and took towards the park. It didn't seem many of the ghosts were out in the human realm now.

"Probably planning an attack." I grumbled, crossing my arms while flying.

I was busy thinking of the Pariah thing that I didn't notice my ghost sense go off.

I was hit in the back with a pink blast. I fell out of the sky and into the ground. I groaned. That hurt.

I got up, rubbing my white haired head. I looked up and saw a vampire ghost. He had blue skin with a cape.

"Who are you suppose to be? Are you with a vampire clan?" I laughed.

"I'm Vlad Plasmius for your information, and I'm not a vampire!" He growled.

Vlad Plasmius? Vlad Masters? Another Halfa, but this one is evil!

"No, I think your name is really Vlad Masters, mayor of Amity Park." I corrected. He looked shocked for a moment before smiling sickly.

"I've never seen a ghost that protected humans, unless it was a Halfa." He said. I didn't change my voice or movement for fear of him figuring me out.

"Maybe because your to busy chasing after a married woman!" I scoffed, I knew how to read people by their eyes. He growled.

"How did you know about Maddie?" He growled. I almost started choking!

"Are you talking about Maddie Fenton?!? Oh, this is priceless! Danny is gonna flip!" I laughed.

"He already knows!" Vlad yelled.

"Figures. A Halfa with a Halfa enemy!" I laughed back.

"You know he's a Halfa?" Plasmius asked dumbfounded.

"Found out on my own?" I shrugged.

"You look just like him except your a girl." He eyed me.

"People think we're brother and sister, but we're in no way related." I answered.

"The names Kristin Fright." I told him, taking my necklace, turning it into a scythe, and hitting him with it.

He gasped, and grunted as he was hit. I created a duplicate behind him. He was about to recover, but my duplicate hit him with and ecto blast from behind before he could.

He turned around quickly, and slashed at my duplicate. It wavered, but stayed where it floated.

I made 2 more, and flew beside my first duplicate with my others. We each created a blast, but I used my scythe to do so.

We hit blasted him with all of them at once, making him hit the ground, and turn back to human.

"You may have defeated me, but when Pariah is ready, ghosts will run the world. You can count on it." He said, before teleporting away.

"No, all I have to do is NOT count on it." I whispered before flying back home.

My luck, I didn't make it home. I spotted the Fenton's, and they spotted me.


Typical Danny's dad.

I just chuckled and started dodging all of their shots at me. I laughed and landed in a tree.

I stuck my tongue out at them, and yipped excitedly, flying in loop de loops.

@@Maddie POV@@

I shot again at the girl ghost that looked strangely like Phantom. She yipped excitedly doing loop de loops. She must have a fire core because she shot sparks out of her hands.

She made a snowball in her hand, and threw it at Jack, giggling like a little girl. Jack was sputtering because of the snowball to his face.

What?!? She has a fire, and an ice core! That can't be right! Ghosts can only have one core because the ectoplasm can't handle both of the elementals. The only way she could have 2 cores is if............she had human blood!

That's impossible! No one can be both human and ghost. Its scientifically impossible, but if one were to have lots of ectoplasm mixed with their blood it could turn them.........half ghost!

This girl was only half ghost! She has a family, goes to school, and has a human form.

I needed to talk to her alone. Jack would never believe it, anyways. I thought of a plan to get Jack away from here.

"Jack, can you go get the kids? It'd be a great step in making them ghost hunters! I'll take care of her...I mean it." I corrected myself so Jack wouldn't get suspicious.

"Alright, honey!" He boomed, and ran off to get the kids.

The ghost girl looked confused as my husband ran away. She floated to the ground, and looked at me with confusion in her bright green eyes.

Another human trait. Emotions.

"I know what you are." I told her. She looked taken aback.

"What?" She asked. Her voice echoed slightly.

"Your half human." I said. She looked down.

"Yeah, I am. I'm surprised you figured it out. Danny hasn't, he just thinks this form is my dead sister." She chuckled.

"Danny? My son or Phantom?" I asked.

"Phantom. He's so clueless. Just like he is with S-.......nevermind." She stopped herself.

"What were you going to say?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's non of my business anyways. He'll tell you when he's ready." She said.

"Why would Phantom want to tell us anything? We hunt him." I asked. She laughed.

"You'll know when the time comes." She said, then grimaced. "Danny's right, I really am turning into Clockwork."

"Who are you, really?" I asked.

"I'll tell you. I need all the help I can get anyways, it'll be easier if you know who I am." She said.

2 rings appeared at her waist, and the halos went in opposite directions of her body. Her snow white hair turned jet black, her eyes turned to an icy blue, and her jumpsuit turned into red shorts, a blue hoodie, and a red beanie on her head.

"Hi, I'm Kristin Lite." She smiled.

Maddie is a little OOC

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