Until Sunrise (Applyfic)

By MintyShplinty

442 57 271

Previous Title; ITYD ------------ "I'm never going back there." The police tapped his pencil to the report in... More

[Ch. 1] Roomates Could Be Worse
[Ch.2] Time Stops
[Ch.3] Found
[Ch.5] Taking Sides
[Ch.6] Silence is Loud

[Ch.4] In the Open

46 8 24
By MintyShplinty

"Lucky?" Lily yawns and sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and getting out of bed. They had fallen asleep a little after they had gotten back to the room. The persistent knocking at the door was what had her getting up completely.

She looked around, noticing the disappearance of her girlfriend. She peaked into the bathroom —door which was wide open anyway— and still, the woman was nowhere to be found.

"Linnie?" She calls a bit louder despite checking everywhere she could reach. The knocking on her door increasing as well. She sighed and opened the door to not keep whoever it was waiting any longer

"He-" She's interrupted instantly, "Ground floor. Now." The brown hair girl states, her friend behind her. Before Lily could question anything, the two had already vanished down the hall in quick retreating footsteps. She even heard a distant knock after a moment. She sighed and snatched her smallest bag that she could find, not before taking one last look in the whole room. Perhaps Lucky had already left to go to the ground floor.

She grabbed her light, trudging out the door with it in front of her as she walked. She reached the stairwell, and crept down it carefully to not slip. She could hear someone else in the stairwell also trying to get to the bottom. She heard the door to the ground floor open and rushed down a bit just to catch it. She smiles at the young girl who held the door open for her when she heard the rushing footsteps.

"Thank you, dear." The young girl smiled, her wolf ears moving up and down quickly for a second. "I'm Addie." She says as they walk together to the front, "Lily. Lily Reden." She introduces herself. Addie grins and turns to look at the scene filled with many people.

Lily turns a little behind them to see a young man had joined them as well. "Hey!" Addie waves, she seemed to know him. The black haired male just scoffed quietly and walked to an empty wall to lean against.

"He seems fun." Lily jokes a bit, gathering a small snort from Addie. "He never told me his name. He's my roommate though." Lily shrugs, having to speak up a bit because of all the chattering in the room, "Maybe he's just shy. Some people without constant social interaction can usually be unresponsive and unsure how to communicate. Or it's genetically induced. I read that somewhere." Addie's tail wags a bit as she grins, slightly changing the subject. "I like reading. And drawing! I should show you my drawings! Do you wanna see?," She says quickly, not even needing to take a deep breath after. Lily nods and watches the girl pull out a tablet.

The girl scans through her stuff on the device, explaining it in detailed sentences that Lily could only partially keep up with. "And this is Inferno." There was no further explanation for the small drawing similar to Addie's looks, just a little note off to the side that was a little hard to read. The only thing she could read was 'As the host for Inferno' She nodded, supposing the child just had a bit of a wild imagination.

"It's all very wonderful." Lily smiles at her, Addie beams at her, joyfully skipping away after a 'talk to you later' and started interacting with her rude roommate who barely glanced at her from his gaze towards the ground.

Lily jumped at the tap to her shoulder, seeing Allen standing there with a slightly forced smile and a phone with the light on in the other hand. Lily was quick to give Allen a very long hug, thankful Allen had been able to make it to the ground floor even when she was probably terrified. A tall man slipped by her, his wings accidentally hitting a kid in the back to which he instantly turned and apologized for. Suppose that's Allen's roommate. Perhaps he helped her with her fear.

"The doors stiff shut." Someone huffs as they try to pull the door open.

"Even if we were to get out of here- We have nowhere to go. We were brought here by bus and I didn't see any surrounding buildings." Someone else in the growing crowd acknowledges the multiple missing bits in the unsaid plan going on. There were a few agreements within the group.

She could even hear some people still saying others were missing. Just like Linnie currently was.

"We'll find them." The tall man with wings from earlier said, hands behind his back as he stood next to another boy with demon horns and a tail.

Almost everyone suddenly jumps at the thundering sound of lightening. Lily watched as multiple people grumbled about the weather. The tall man noticeably looked shaken up from the noise and sighed as he was comforted by his friend. Another boy nearby had a girl comfort him as he sat on the ground to pull himself together.

"Just great." Addie's rude roommate sighs at his place against the wall.

There were a few loud thumping noises of footsteps as two girls and a boy came down quickly and came into the room. Almost all the missing people conversations stopped because apparently, they just came down. All of which none of them were Linnie.

"Stellar! Eleanor!" The tall man and his friend next to him exclaimed as the two women quickly noticed them. "Void! Damien!" The taller woman smiled at them and giving them both a hug with a barely there gesture suggesting who was who as the shorter woman just stood there. She didn't seem uncomfortable standing there so she most definitely knows them. The boy that was with the two women walked over to a white haired boy about only an inch or two shorter than—Void? Lily thinks is the taller's name from the subtle hint.

The boy just received a hand pat on the shoulder blade. Lily would say it was awkward there to say the least. Even though she wasn't over there, she could practically feel the slight tint of disappointment radiating off the shorter boy.

When the two that were banging on the doors to get everyone down here returned, that confirmed they thought they had gotten everyone. Lily tapped them on the shoulders, asking if they'd notice Linnie sneaking out or anything. They just glanced at each other during Lily giving a description of her girlfriend and shook their heads. "Fraid if I did, she'd be down here already. Nothing to worry about though. I'm sure she'll come down here soon." The girl shrugs carelessly and drags her friend with her towards a slightly less crowded corner. Lily doesn't bother any attempts to mask her worries shown on her face.

Nobody says anything though— they were too focussed on the front door— except for Allen who put a reassuring hand on Lily's shoulder. "She's tough as nails, Lily. We both know it." Lily nods, wiping a stray tear off of her face and hugging Allen tightly.

After a few minutes of the desperate hug, they separated as people started talking louder. Lily felt pity towards the boy who was still sat on the ground with his ears covered. The girl tried to get out of her comfort zone to get people to quiet down but nobody seemed to listen to her.

Lily furrowed her brows as the boy started breathing harder, seemingly about to have a panic attack at the even louder growing noises everywhere. She looked around and locked eyes with Allen for a moment, who seemed to get what Lily was trying to do.

"Quiet down, now!" Allen's voice is demanding as she shouts over the commotion.

Void covered his ears briefly just as the crowd went silent. The boy sitting down still had his hands over his ears and most definitely jumped at the sudden shout. But after a moment of everyone staring at Lily in silence, the boy took his hands off his ears and was breathing normally. With the help of the girl he was with, he stood back up and buried his face into her neck as they hugged.

Addie's rude roommate had gripped tightly at his shirt—which had been pulled up to cover his ears— when Allen yelled. He pushed it back down and put his earbuds in to hopefully not be caught off guard again. But Lily had taken notice of every detail in the entire room. Both who disliked loud noises, and those who didn't care.

"Some people here can't stand your shouting. We will figure all of this out together, alright? We—" Allen gets cut off by the sound of a loud, panicked knock. Everyone stares at the door, some slightly backing away from it.

There were muffled voices and Lily ran over to the door, along with the taller one of the two women from earlier to attempt to open the door. "Stellar." The woman introduced herself as she tried to pull at the door, "Lily Reden." Lily returned the introduction and yanked the handle as well. The door barely budged as the sound of loud rain patter and lightening strikes continued. Thunder roared in the distance as well, and Lily was unsure how bad the weather could become out here.

"It's going to hail soon." A girl who's wings were barely visible huffed. She read off of someone's phone as she spoke up. Said person hid their phone away from view subconsciously.

"Well- we need to let them in then." Stellar said, her voice raising only a sliver to get her words heard as the rain continued to downpour. The people outside were pushing on the door as well, trying to help get themselves inside. Lily heard someone walk over, that person being the girl that got everyone down here in the first place. She pulled the door hard and planted her feet on the walls as she tugged.

After a few seconds, the door finally opened. Wind and rain fled in as four figures ran inside. The doors were then shut by the three that opened it, though there was some of a slight delay since it was being pried open by the wind.

One of the four people were panting and holding onto their friend for support as they looked around at the huge group of people. Another one of the four waved to no one in particular. "Hi."

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