~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

967 57 2

The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~

~Serious Conversation~

44 2 0
By Cyrilwolf

Hours have passed from two to three hours straight. Filimena was asleep in Asmodeus's bed, definitely a lot bigger than her, but it was still comfortable. Soon, she finally opened her eyes, but as she tries to stretch, her head started to hurt very bad. The stinging punch in the brain feeling was too much for her right now. She looked around to see she was in Asmodeus's room.

Filimena rubbed her eyes to see what was happening, she feels a little sick, her stomach was hurting, and her head got worse when she tries to get out of bed. She tries to stand, but almost collapsed, her legs are weak, and she does feel she was about to throw up any second now. She looked around to found Ozzie, wondering how she got here, and what happened during the day with her and May. She slowly walked outside of the room and through the hall where she struggled throughout her time trying to walk normally. She carefully makes it downstairs and saw in the lounge room, Asmodeus was at his sofa, in front of the TV, sitting quietly, and Filimena saw him, walked a little closer to him to see him. The look on his face wasn't anything too pleasing, he looks stress and seems he's trying to cool down from something. Filimena didn't know why, but tries her best as she starts talking to him.

"Oh, Hey Ozzie, I..Uh..Didn't notice I'd wake up here, w-what happened?.."

"Your cousin brought you here, and left afterwards, you've only been asleep for a half an hour."

He said bluntly, Filimena rubs her head, getting a stinging headache. She groans a bit

"Ugh, My head hurts real bad, I..Can't remember what happened with May, I..Don't know how it happened."

"Well, I can say what did happened besides from you coming over, you came back from Bee's, after trying to attend a bachelorette party there, openly confessing about the proposal."

"Oh..Did May tell you that?"

"Yes, she did."

Asmodeus didn't speak for a few moment, until a sigh escapes from him and he soon gets back up to his feet, he walks away in a different direction, Filimena curiously followed him.

"H-Hey, what's the matter? Where are you going?"

Asmodeus then turns around to her, stopping her track.

"How could you openly claim about our proposal? This is not something that should be known for anyone, including not to your cousin."

Filimena was confused by his firm nature, she hadn't seen him this stressful, it made a small pit in her stomach automatically by looking into his eyes.

"H-Huh, what? But..You didn't say I could not tell anyone about..Our marriage."

"Well, it's because you were falling asleep as I told you that night, and that must've made you not hear that last line, but, the point of this conversation is that you can't say anything about what happened last night, it's not something I want anyone to know about, but, now half of the demons in the Gluttony Ring knew about it because your cousin told off everybody, and that will spend rumors to other rings as well. Filimena, this is not just a proposal where you can just gossip to anyone, even someone you're close with, it's something I'm not sure if I'm ready for, because there's something about it you don't understand."

Filimena doesn't understand what Asmodeus was talking about, all this was starting to make her feel even more confused than before.

"Asmodeus..I Didn't know this was that serious, Why is it so important, is there something I wasn't informed? You..Mentioned something about..losing who you are, what did you mean by that?"

She asked, but Asmodeus refused to answer.

"I..Can't answer that, it's a personal matter that Lust demons have to do when it comes to a marriage proposal, let's just say we have a different way to wed, and it involves magic, but...It's not that simple, marriage in the Lust Ring hasn't been done countless by succubi or demons that are born here, but never has there been one where it involves love, the magic of passion bonds each hand to connect souls, and if it detects true feelings and..love..."

He slowly stops talking while he was almost finishing his words, he looks away with dejection. Filimena couldn't understand even more when he didn't finish what he was trying to explain.

"W-What do you mean? What happens next? Please, talk to me, I need to know what happens."

She said, but Asmodeus still couldn't answer, still looking away, FIlimena placed her hand onto his leg, she then senses the feeling on him, she felt he was worried and almost scared even. This still took her in question.


Silence was filling the room, until Asmodeus decided to leave, he turns around to walk away, and then stop before he could go further, looking back at Filimena.

"Look, I need my time alone, I need to..Process some stuff, You can stay or go, I don't mind at all, but, I can't stay out for all."

He said as he left, Filimena was left alone as she heard the door closed. She felt a little guilty, and thought about the things he said, and slowly walks away as well, looking back to where Asmodeus went to, she then sighs, and knew it was pointless to stay if he won't come out right now. So she decided to leave him alone. She heads back through the halls where a bunch of succubi were working and chatting, She looks around as she passed by the portraits and artifacts. She slowly heads to the elevator, and down she looks. Filimena couldn't get rid of the pain her stomach, as all the guilt is dropping and weighing her down, she couldn't stop thinking about the concerning feeling on Ozzie, the sadness and worry was really triggering, and it made her feel sick, not from all the sugar or the alchol, but the feeling of her to-be husband.

It didn't take long until the elevator stopped to her destination, the doors open for her, and soon she leaves. She passes by the fountain, structures of many different succubi piled together, she makes her way to the exit, but was caught by the secretary.

"OMG! That's the most gorgeous design ever!"

Filimena turns around to see a succubus with glasses, pink hair, and some freckles on both cheeks, she was admiring Filimena's appearance as she comes close to her.

"Wow, look at that tail! It floats but sparkles? How amusing it is to see that! The horns, and the dress, my gawd! Sign me up on this latest fashion!"

She eagerly checks her out, which Filimena uncomfortably watches.

"Uhh..Thank you? But I'm not sure on what you mean by that."

"Oh sorry! It's just that anything that sparkles and has the color always get to me! I'm a lover for unique fashion!"

She said, fixes up her glasses.

"Sorry if I scared you a bit, Am I really scaring you?"

"Oh no! You're not, not at all, It's just that..I never got that attention from someone, or anyone who would compliment like that about me."

She blushed, feels embarrassed while rubbing her arm.

 "Why not? You must be one of the most amazing looking demons I've seen, I never seen something that has a floating tail like that before, kinda like a spirit tail."

"Actually, I am a Hell Spirit."

The secretary's eyes bulge when she heard that, she looks at her again closer, and soon realized of what she said was true.

"Hold it! You're saying you're THE hell Spirit!? My gawd! So it is true! There really are spirits roaming around Hell! I've never seen one up close, my mom told me there are suppose to be incorrect souls of demons that died but went far down in Hell as either magic sources or something, but never I heard her see they walk!"

She excitedly explains, her attitude and behavior was a little too much, but at least she was friendly to talk to. 

"So uh, You got a name or something?"

Filimena quickly gets out of her thoughts for a second after hearing her voice for the past few seconds.

"Oh, it's Filimena, please to meet you."

"Wow! That's a pretty name, never heard of a name like that before, but anyways, I'm Sparkles J, Nice to meet you as well!"

The curiosity already hits Filimena with the receptionist, something about her seems familiar, and she suddenly puts into question to ask.

"You almost look like someone people know, wasn't it..Verosika but, different."

Sparkles J's brows raised up.

"Verosika? Oh, yeah, that's correct, she's actually my sister!"

Filimena was surprised, knowing Verosika, the popstar, and most famous around Hell, she knew how she is but never in person, but never knew anything about her having any family members, including siblings, so this raised some even more questioning.

"Sister? I..Didn't know Verosika had a sister."

This then Sparkles J's expression turn into a frown, and her looking down after Filimena's response, but still kept her smile.

"Oh yeah, well, no one does."

Filimena saw her sudden change, she saw her getting upset but struggles to hide her expression in front of her.

"Are you okay?"

Filiemena asked, But Sparkles J still hides her emotions with a smile and her witty personality.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine, totally fine! It's that things sometimes get in the way, but I'm good!"

This still doesn't settle Filimena as an answer, as she reassures her.

"You know, you don't need to lie, I know you're lying, I can sense you are hiding something, so there's no need to do that, it's not good for you to keep secrets, it's okay, you can tell me, if you want, I won't mind, I promise."

She said truthfully, this already made Sparkles J's fake smile difficult to keep, and soon lets out with a sad sign and lowers her head in shame.

"Eh, well, to tell ya honestly, my sister..Doesn't like to talk to me a lot, she and I have a rocky relationship when she started to do her music career, no one knows I'm her sister because she doesn't talk about me, and makes me invisible, making everyone believe I'm just a stranger and all. I still love her though, and I have have to call, come over to her, and well, everything, even show up in her concerts, but the fame seems to make her forget about me entirely, I was still heartbroken from the thought of her pushing me away and never come to see me because she thinks I will make her look bad in image, so..I don't actually talk about her a lot either, but I still never forgot we are related. To this day, I still hope she'll one day come to see me, just say how am I doing and all that, maybe hang around for drinks or go out like normal sisters would. But, in the end, she's in her world, and so am I, so that's that I guess."

Filimena feels bad after hearing her story, she can sense her sadness and neglect of wanting to see her sister, who's apparently Verosika, and she is telling the truth, but never got the chance to due to her sister being a popstar and living her best life as one, never showing any compassion to see her.

"But I am, I get it, I'm use to it already anyways, I'm more of a loser if a sister who nobody bothers to talk with, while my sister's the popular sister that everyone knows, it's all about strong talent and stuff they say."

"I don't think that's right, you're not a loser, and that's awful from what she did to you."

"Yeah, it is, but I mean, who can blame me, I'm round, I wear glasses, and I have freckles, who in the world would compliment someone like me? I'm more of a nerd than a model, sometimes, I do think she's right, I can never compete her trait of beauty."

Filimena frowns even more and walks up to her, placed her hand onto hers.

"You're beautiful in every way, don't let others think you aren't, if nobody, even someone you thought was close thinks that way, then don't let them in your head, you're in no way of being ugly, you're just yourself, and that's what makes you pretty, both outside and inside."

Sparkles J started to smile warmly, even her face of going red of appreciation. She never had that talk with anyone as she could tell, she must really wanted to hear that.

"W-Wow, that's actually a very good advice, no one really told me that before, thank you for that."

She then hugged her, which caught Filimena off guard for a moment, but she hugs back, it was brief however, as they let go of each other in seconds.

"Man, I do needed that, given that I have no friends or anyone to talk about them with, most of the people I know are either suck up jerks or just horny people, you however, you are something else, and I like you already!"

"Oh, well, glad I can help, it's common to help those who are doubtfully about themselves, and I just wanted to help."

"oh you did fantastic!"

She then looks at her watch, and realized what time it was on it.

"Oh crap, it's almost time for my shift to come back, sorry but I gotta get going! Nice chatting with ya!"

She runs off, leaving Filimena on her own again, she was about to leave through the front doors, until Veronica stops her again by calling out her name. Filimena looks back at her.

"Thanks for talking with me, you know, don't tell anyone, but you are the first person I've talked to in such awhile, thanks again for that."

She smiled as she gathered some things from her desk, Filimena smiled back and nods.

"Of course, you're welcome."

Filimena leaves the building, and stops for a second, she thought about what happened back there with Veronica, and felt kinda better after the whole stressful conversation with Asmodeus. She still didn't feel fantastic, but it was still a bittersweet moment for her. Filimena didn't know how she'll deal with Asmodeus and his situation, she wanted to know more on what's happening with the man she cared about. For now, she wants to respect his boundaries and decided to leave the Lust Ring.  

Rain has poured harder and sharper, a storm was coming in the city, Asmodeus was still in his room, pondering to himself. He thought about today from what had happened, he then looks out the window, sees the beautiful sight of the city with neon signs and music playing in the distance. He felt weary and had a long look of exhaustion drawn onto his face, he didn't feel of admiring his city right now as he leaves to go to his bedroom. Asmodeus looks through his things, he saw some photos of him and Filimena together in different settings of the frames. They were sweet, which brings him the good days of when He and her were friends years before their relationship started to grow. Asmodeus looks up at the ceiling, sees the well-crafted diamond chandelier, the hue of blue and pink shines down to where he stands. It was at this point he knew what he must do, but whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good.

Asmodeus walks to a door next to where his bed was, inside was a secret room full of potions and spells, even some machinery stored inside. he heads over to a giant cauldron, made in tempered glass. He saw the liquid inside forming some steam and bubbles as he started to use his magic to start it up, then adds in specific potions inside, bit by bit, drip by drip. Once he was done, he closed his eyes, and starts humming a small tune to form a spell, uses his finger to light up the sparks from his tips, snapping, and moving in a rhythm. Once his ritual was going smooth and was completed, the bubbles and the smoke started to turn a giant flame. He places his hands onto both the skulls from his fur.

The magic from them spread with the fire, It shapes itself like a heart, before turning into two small spheres of fire. Asmodeus looks at them, saying his final words of the spell, before finally the spheres was fully made. Then, voices appeared from it.

"Ah, well if it ain't our behemoth sore from the wounds brother of ours, crawling back I see? Never thought I'd see you too soon from the beyond, what's the news for today, seeing how dreadful your life as a lord is?"

The left flame, which has the voice of Asmodeus's brother, who was trapped inside of Asmodeus for as long as being dead in the great beyond of Hell, who already was belittling Asmodeus, which he doesn't take too kindly at first, but still kept his cool when speaking to the flame.

"Hello Brother, sister, I've come to talk to you two for your approval."

Literally, the flames laughed obnoxiously.

"Oh, approval? you have not gotten it in ages, not even when we've died and had to be a part of you, so what could be so important for you to waste your breath on calling for us? Let me guess, you knew taking over the Ring was too much and you need to retire, Hah! Good luck with that, you are bound to be in this position as long as your powers keep you up."

The Right flame, Ophelia, Asmodeus's sister speak with a sarcastic tone.

"Look, I didn't want to even call you, but this is important you must understand, and I need your offer for my conclusion of my future, it's..Not about myself or anything, it's about something else."

"Oh spit it out already! What is it you must tell me?"

Otis demanded, pushing Asmodeus even more.

"You remember that day when I refused to marry anyone and wanted to take over on my own? And that you two and the others were upset that I haven't approved any of your choices?"

"Yes, we clearly remembered, knowing from the fact you have turned down every single one of the spouses father have given to your petty self, we couldn't understand that you need someone to fill in your shoes, and let yourself grow overtime in the family's name. But what does that have to do with this topic?"

Ophelia asked, Asmodeus sighs.

"Well I didn't want to tell you this until I was sure, it took a lot to build up my own courage to let you know, I have been engaged with someone."

"Oooohhh! So, you finally did it? It's about time I've gotten some senses out of you."

"Uh, yes, but, she's far different than what you think, her name's Filimena, she's..Who I've known for a long time, and I do think it'd be right if I ask for you to lend her to the Asmodeus bloodline as the next queen of the generation."

The flames has gone quiet for a moment, before replying to his request.

"Filimena, that's quite a "unique" name, I thought it was clear you don't need anyone just their bodies? Because I remember you saying the same thing when that happened."

Asmodeus frowns as he can hear him mock that line.

"That's none of your business! and that was a long time ago, I'm pass that, this is different, and I've done that so many times before in so many decades. But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about my engagement with the one I want to bestow my hand to."

"Well, This "Filimena" you are talking about, reminds me of something, but, tell me more about her, what is she like?"

Otis asked.

"Well, Filimena's a Hell spirit from the spirit realm, clearly now lives in Hell's ground, and she's also a love spirit too and-"


The flames suddenly burst as the sparks shoot that, Asmodeus avoided ones that shot at him.

"Are you insane! You're saying you want to bestow us with a Hell Spirit that is the embodiment of love magic? Are you that brain-dead to not know who we are?"

Asmodeus groans, but comes forward back to the flames, and tries to defend himself more.

"I know how this sounds, but, she is the one I most truly fond over, and I want to be there for her, no matter how bad this situation is, but it's my choice, and I'd be grateful if you just say yes to my arrangement."

"Don't you know our history, we don't accept Love for a reason, we are not meant to love, love is a weakness to our bloodline, it not only weakens our powers and ourselves worth, but also can kill us of how much it has, one giant blast of love magic onto you, and then, you're gone faster than a bomb! It was already bad enough you were almost causing our family's bloodline to become a joke, and father forced us to put our souls inside you literally, but this, this is another level! Are you really about to end your life with someone who can without a doubt kill you!"

With the yelling getting into his nerves, Asmodeus grid his teeth, the frustration was too much to bare for him, even if he tried to ignore all his older siblings and their criticisms and harsh warnings, he couldn't keep cool for long as his fur was about the burst into flames.

"It's my choice! Filimena may be breaking the rules of forcing love among all hellborns and sinners around the nine circles and may harm those who don't need it, but I've known her for too long, and know what she's like, she's kind, sweet, gentle, and above all, carefree for everyone, and herself. I don't want to tell her however, because she'll be worried about me and about the marriage, this will become a problem, which, it's starting to be due to some issues that happened today, but I can handle things myself. After all, I am the lord of Lust, and I don't take crap from others who think otherwise!"

"You're wasting your breath, and your time, You really are something else. our ancestors didn't sign you up to be the next lord of our Ring for a purpose to be a coward, they sign you up to be the most powerful one you could be, instead, you only make us look bad, and you're attempting suicide by a being of love. So excuse us for being too unreasonable, and excuse us mother and father raised a son who couldn't do the arts and the laws of basic knowledge right!"

Asmodeus frowns in anger after hearing his brother and sister's words, finally had enough of what they say.

"You're all talking balls of fire, why am I even talking to you two, or why do I need your approval? You've shown nothing but a giant gateway for a headache, now that I think about it just now, I don't need to hear this, no, I don't need you to tell who I can or cannot marry. I make my own rules, and you, do not."

The flames laughed louder, and scoffed after that.

"You really are soft! Why do we even call you our brother, don't come crying to us if things don't work out, oh wait! You won't! Because you'll be dead! You'll know we're right, and You'll thank us later."

Asmodeus hits the flames with his hand, swooshes the smoke and the fire into the air, until nothing was seen again. The souls swoop back into his fur, turning back into the steeled skulls like before. He huffs, tries to calm himself with his slow breathing, and soon his fur changes back to normal once more. Asmodeus was deeply upset about this not going as planned, which he expected, but mostly of what his brother and sister said that really pushed him over the edge too soon.

Asmodeus already had enough weight to press onto his shoulder, and exits the room. While he got out to lock the door behind, he was suddenly greeted with a familiar face. The makeup of a clown that Asmodeus knows all too well.

"Fizz! W-What are you doing here?"

He seemed surprised to see Fizzarolli upfront like that, like if he appeared out of nowhere in the most rightful time. Fizzarolli looked up at him in concerned, but still kept his smiled for him.

"Ah! Ozzie, I uh, left something at your place, and I was trying to find it, but while I was looking, I heard you talking to someone, I'm just curious and was about to come and see ya."

Asmodeus just stared at him, he only gave him a sad sigh in response, Fizz could tell this was not the right time, even for the lord himself, he frowns.

"Hey..You okay? You don't seem so hot tonight, what? Did something happen to ya? Come on, speak up on what's bothering you."

"I-It's nothing, I'm just..Having a stressful day, I'm not feeling well right now, and I don't really want to get invested at the moment. I got things I must keep up."

Fizz then stops him by having his arm onto his leg to stop him.

"Ozzie, I know something's wrong here, I can see you're not okay, so please, just talk to me, I'm the only one that's here, you know I'll listen to ya, always! So, just talk to me."

Asmodeus slowly sat down onto his bed, with his arms put together, and he bend his back forward, hanging his head down, Fizzarolli looks at him, waiting for him to talk.

"Eh...It's about..Something happened earlier today, Filimena, she uh, came here passed out, after getting into a party at the Gluttony Ring, and her cousin apparently spread the word about both of our arrangement, I was..Pretty upset that she did that. Not only her cousin told almost half of the Ring already, but Filmena getting into trouble and telling someone without permission, which I want her to keep it to herself. I..Don't know, Things just haven't been going as planned, it's just becoming a disaster."

Fizz looked at him and rubs his leg in comfort.

"Hey now, it's alright, everything's gonna be okay, it's only the first day of being a fiance, first days are stressful days, it'll get better!"

"No, you don't understand, I want this to go as I planned it, but, things are crumbling and going bad, how am I suppose to go along with this marriage if this is how the first impression is going to be like? I don't know, I should've know this was a terrible timing for this, I'm..Just an idiot for not thinking clear."

Fizzarolli jumps up to his level and pulls his head up with his arms.

"Hey! Look at me, You're in no way an idiot for proposing someone you care about, and things aren't going to be a mess, I get it, but you can't just blame everything on yourself for the smallest things, you have to stay strong and work through this. I know you can do this, and I know Fei will understand the struggles you are trying to pass through, but this is not going to get in the way for too long, if anyone says something that's the total opposite, then they can go die for all I care, like you said, don't take crap from others."

Asmodeus kinda smiled hearing Fizz's words, it seems to almost help him a bit by the clown reassuring him about the marriage and how he must not cry about it or overwork himself. Asmodeus took a breath and side hugs him.

"Thanks Fizzy, what would I do without you sticking around?"

"Aw, it's no problem Ozzie! That's what best pals are for! Just always here to help."

"But..What could I do in the meantime? I may have hurt Filimena's feelings, I didn't mean to, I was just trying my best to clear my mind, I'm not sure how I can make it up to her after today."

"Oh Don't worry, she'll get it, besides, there's always room to do for tomorrow, why don't you take her out somewhere nice, like, maybe something calm or something, you get the drill?"

He then bounces up to whisper in his ear, which Asmodeus listen and understood everything he said.

"Oh! That's a great idea! I think I can do that for her, I'll just need to prepare everything and make sure the factory could handle making the products without me for today. Say! I got an idea Fizz."

Fizzarolli tilts his head.

"Why don't you take over the factory for just one day while I take Fei out? It'll be much easier if you're around and taking care of things while I'm not there."

"Wait? Putting me in charge? Oh, Ozzie, I always appreciate helping and all, but, I can't do things you could, I don't know how I can handle with all the machinery and ordering people around to make certain stuff."

Asmodeus Laughs.

"Oh come on, you've been here for as long as I can remember, you know what to do, and it shouldn't be too hard, I'll tell everyone you'll be taking over for the day tomorrow morning, so no pressure at all okay! Anyways, I better get ready, thanks for the talk!"

He suddenly gets up to get ready for tomorrow, Fizz just stands there, still keeping up with his joyful attitude, but as the lord was gone, he then fell down to feel a giant panic in his face and veins.

Filimena returns back to the Pentagram City as the sparks of her tail trails into the red sky, and she flows through the air and back to her apartment window. She changes back into her original form soon after her feet lands on the floor, sighs to herself as she walks to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of strawberry juice from the fridge and sitting down on her sofa. While she turns on the TV of a romcom, drinks her strawberry milk with a straw, she felt a little weary, but okay, she's still a little upset with Asmodeus, but after talking with Sparkles J, it kinda helped, but not a whole lot.

"Ohh...What a day, I hope this will be okay for now, hope for no interruptions right now, please."

She begged, but then the moment was ruined as May flew inside her room unannounced.

"Hey there! How's my little cousin doing? Hopefully doing good, great! You see, I've been thinking about today and I thought, hey, why not visit ya okay, I knew you would be here, so glad I was right going to here first."

She babbles, but Filimena had a look of annoyance in her eyes when seeing her appearance.

"May! You got some nerve coming in here!"

She openly said when putting her strawberry milk down to her seat, it kinda spilled on the edge of it.

"O-Okay, now I know you're angry, but I settled things, I may have done a few rough patches here and there, and I may have gotten Bee's house under heavy construction, but I did talked to Bee and asked for forgiveness. Well, not really, but you get the idea."

But then, Filimena pushed her against the wall.

"Do you have any idea how my day went after that stupid idea you got me into went, I woke up at Ozzie's place, and he and I got into an argument because of what you did with me, forcing me into stupid games like drinking giant gallons of honey, and also getting the whole place destroyed."

"Well, technically, you're the one that destroyed Bee's party."

But then Filimena pushed her again.

"That's not the point here! If it wasn't for you to drag me out to your antics, and made me do such horrible things, I would've not have felt like trash. You always do this, you always make me do things I don't wanna do, it's always about you, what about what I do? Don't you know I have a very important marriage plan now, I can't screw this up further than I already did."

May groans.

"Yeah, like I already knew that, while you were passed out, your fiancé kicked me out with such pitiful anger, I can't get an answer as to why he's acting weird about this whole marriage you guys are doing."

"I didn't get one either, but..He said something about it, about how lust ring's marriage proposals work, something about power in hands must be connecting, and the magic will connect or drain? I'm not sure, but after he said that, he was frighten, I could tell by his eyes."

She looks down and walks off, May frowns as she follows her.

"Fei, listen, I don't know about this, maybe you should consider canceling the proposal."

Filiemena's eyes widen in shock.

"What? Why would I do that?"

She didn't understand why May would suggest such an idea like that to come out of nowhere.

"I feel the marriage thing is bothering you, and it seems to worry that the two of you are acting weird, maybe because it's not working out."

"May, I'm not going to reject Asmodeus's offer to wed, you know I love him dearly, so why would I do such a thing!"

May looks at her disappointed cousin when she asked, she frowns either with annoyance, or concern.

"Look, it was only a suggestion, I can tell something's up, and from what I see, a rocky start literally after Ozzie proposed, maybe it seems...He didn't want to do it, maybe was forced to."

"Forced? He would never do something so important if he it's only the right time, I don't know why you're saying such theories like that, you know for certain we are committed, and we have the same feeling. You understand how important this is, even for me, so this is really the next step of my relationship, and I don't want anything to go wrong, including for Asmodeus. You may not understand or care, but I do."

"I do understand, but what I'm saying is that, well, maybe Asmodeus just seems...To be hiding something is all, like, think about it, why would be ditch out the subject every single time? You don't think there's more to the story?"

"Asmodeus would never just hide something, if he had something to say, he'd always say it. I've known him for decades, and I know he would never just bottle up secrets or lie about anything, now please, I can't argue anymore, I'm too stressed out on how today went, thanks to you."

She then leaves back into her kitchen, May watches as she goes back to the fridge. May wanted to respond back, but her words were already final, she can already tell she doesn't want to hear any more of what she's thinking. When the moment of silence passed on, May decided to leave her be, disappearing without a trace. Filimena looked back to see May was gone, she for some reason feels kinda bad on what she said to her. Something inside her was different, she never felt this way before, or at least for a very long time. Filimena however wanted to brush off the stress to more Strawberry milk from the fridge.

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