See You Again


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She spent all summer writing back and forth with Black, who used the most odd and random birds to send his letters. Seeing her nightmares and future him in some of them was a lot. How could he become such a person? How could he bow to that... thing? Then they saw the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. She got lost in the crowd and tried her best to help anyone she could.

The Triwizard Tournament! Why on earth would they ever bring that death trap back!? She just wanted a peaceful year, and yet her name was pulled from the cup. Once again, everyone turned on her. Ara was scared and terrified; no one believed her, and she was forced to participate. They watched as she asked the new Defence Professor to help prepare her. She spent most of the year with the Professor, learning and spending time with him in his office as they played Wizards chess.

I don't know how she could ever play that game again after her first year. Bloody brilliant how Moody turned the little Malfoy into a ferret! No offense, Lucius, but he deserved it, Barty thought to himself. But something about the Professor felt familiar to him, though he couldn't understand why. They watched her first task with nothing but horror spreading within them. How can you send her against a fully grown mother dragon!? Are you insane!? A bloody Hungarian Horntail as well!! But she did it! Bloody hell!! Only escaping with a minor burn.

She learned from the map that Professor Moody wasn't who he said he was. He was only after her... she reasoned with herself. No one ever believed her anyway, so she didn't say anything. She continued to act as if she didn't know he wasn't who he said he was. Black had returned and hid out in a cave nearby; she frequently visited him and had Dobby help take care of him, to get him what he needed.

Her fear of the whole Yule Ball event, which was unfortunately mandatory for her to attend... how the Weasley girl accepted the date for Ara before she could so much as utter a word when the guy asked her to be his date. She was gonna say no... but now she was stuck with him. This, for some reason, really made him feel angry! Ara spent days in the library searching for spells to hide her scars that no one knew about. Black had sent her a rose gold-colored dress for the Ball. Barty was speechless. Ara looked absolutely beautiful!

She anxiously got through the opening dance and had an absolutely horrendous time with her "date." After enough time passed, Ara excused herself for a moment, hoping to get a bit of fresh air alone. When she was returning, however, she overheard her date with his friends bragging about getting the "Girl Who Lived" to go with him and that he was easily gonna win the bet. Instead of returning to the ball, she snuck out to see Black and cried as she told him about her disastrous night.

When she solved the clue of the second task, Ara looked terrified because she didn't even know how to swim, let alone hold her breath for that long. Fortunately, she managed to learn how to swim in time, thanks to Neville, and learned about gillyweed to use for the task. Her kind heart made her stay behind as she waited for all the hostages to be collected, but the mermaids and grindylows weren't so pleased. They dragged her down and even shot their poisoned tridents at her, but luckily she escaped.

He didn't know how to feel when he saw her stumble upon the dead body of his father... He was just mostly glad no one tried to blame her for it. They seem to love doing that. Then the third task came... and none of them were prepared for that nightmare. Watching the Diggory boy die in front of her, Pettigrew and the whole ritual, the return of Voldemort—he looked so messed up! There was no way he was even human anymore! They all had to watch as Voldemort laughed while he tortured her, but she refused to scream until he did the Cruciatus curse in Parseltongue. None of them had ever seen it done in Parseltongue before or known it could ever get worse. This time she did scream... she screamed out Black's name. Blood began dripping from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth as he held her under the curse.

He summoned his followers as she lay there on the ground, trembling from the aftermath of the curse, trying to gather her wits. They watched as her wand and Voldemort's connected, how she broke the connection and ran back to Diggory's body, and Lucius secretly Accio'd the cup for her. The crowd cheered before realization dawned on them. She refused to let go of his corpse. Moody then took her away from the crowd. They watched as he pointed his wand at her only to suddenly lower it in defeat. The Polyjuice began to wear off only to reveal to Barty's complete and utter horror, it was him! He did that to her! How could she even look at him? Let alone be friends with him after what he'd done? They watched and listened as the older version of Barty explained everything, and his heart broke when she begged for him to run, to escape, but he refused, believing he deserved whatever was gonna happen to him. Her reaction to finding out he was gonna be kissed by the Dementor... they literally had to knock her out.

The next memory was when she awoke... in Azkaban. How could they put her in Azkaban!!? She was forced to relive every horrid memory she had. The Dementors crowded around her bars so much that actual Aurors had to do patrols just to make sure they didn't enter her cell. Some Aurors who were close with the Diggory family found amusement in taunting and tormenting her. They even moved Thorfinn Rowle into her cell one night. He waited until it was clear to attack her. She managed to use her chains to defend herself. He was clearly there a lot longer than her and very much weaker than she was. By the time the Aurors returned for the next patrol, Thorfinn Rowle was dead.

When she was released, she was immediately taken to Grimmauld and introduced to the Order of the Phoenix. She learned that the Daily Prophet spent all summer trashing Dumbledore and her name, that there was a weapon that Voldemort was after, and that he was using Fudge's ignorance to his benefit. They watched as she finally confided in Black, telling him the truth about the Dursleys, her theories about Dumbledore, her school years, everything that happened to her. Ara and Black spent the rest of the summer ripping Grimmauld apart and purposefully redesigning it to look absolutely horrendous before she was made to return to Hogwarts. It was the only thing she could think of to help get Black's mind off being trapped in his own terrible childhood home.

Black had given her a gift, a magical communication mirror, and told her to just make it through the year as he was working on a surprise for when summer came. Everyone once again turned against her—bloody imbeciles! Hypocrites! But he never thought he would hate someone as much as he hated that Umbridge woman! She tortured Ara with a Blood Quill over and over again. When that didn't work, she even drugged Ara and locked her up in a tiny closet. Ara's supposed friends made her form "Dumbledore's Army" and teach them all, much to Ara's reluctance. Ara spent every night talking to Black on the mirror, something which greatly displeased her friends. They saw all her nightmares and her struggle with anger throughout that year.

She was sent a vision of Black being tortured, which made her spiral into panic mode. She searched her room for her mirror to call him but couldn't find it anywhere. Barty saw what Ara didn't—her friends exchanged guilty looks with one another. Did they take her mirror and hide it from her? Ara then grabbed the map to search for someone a part of the Order, but Dumbledore was gone, McGonagall was also gone (due to the whole taking on a bunch of stunners incident), and so was Severus. She then ran out of her dorm and snuck into Umbridge's office to use the Floo, where she called Grimmauld, but no one answered before she was suddenly pulled back out by Umbridge herself.

That toad-faced bitch bloody Crucio'd her! Ara managed to knock her out with one wicked punch—he wished he could replay that over and over again! On her way to the forest, she ran into her friends and told them to stay behind before she then flew off to the Ministry on the back of a Thestral. It was a trap, but Ara already expected such a thing to occur. It was part of the reason why she had told her friends to stay behind. But Ara had made a deal—Black's name cleared for the prophecy. Lucius accepted, but right as Ara was about to leave with the Death Eater, her bloody friends showed up, throwing spells around. The chaos that was unleashed next happened so fast it was almost hard to follow.

The Order had arrived, Black got a good swing on Lucius, and Ara and Black were dueling side by side, covering one another. They'd won... Black turned to her looking so proud, and then he was hit with a spell. Ara watched his body go into the veil as Bellatrix cackled in the background. Merlin, her face... the pain... her expression will forever haunt him. She tried to run after her only to be held back by Lupin. She let out a heartbreaking scream, but when she did, a wave of magic rippled throughout the room, sending everyone back into the walls and causing the veil to crumble. It looked like a magical backlash of sorts—did Dumbledore place an illegal magical block on her? When she opened her eyes, they were glowing, and she ran after Bellatrix.

Ara Crucio'd her in the atrium before releasing her from the spell and punching Bellatrix repeatedly. She was not stopping, and there was so much blood... quite literally beat Bellatrix to death. Voldemort arrived and sent Ara flying back towards the fountain. It was like she was no longer there mentally... she just lay there as Voldemort and Dumbledore fought one another around her. Then he tried possessing her, and she barely managed to fight it off. People began arriving at work and finally saw Voldemort, realizing Ara was telling the truth. Lupin tried to help get her out as fast as possible, away from the whole situation and the cameras, but as the Aurors were moving the captured Death Eaters, Antonin Dolohov broke free. As if she hadn't been through enough, Lupin was beheaded in front of her, and his corpse landed on her.

The Dursleys never arrived to pick her up from the platform that year, and she had to find her own way home. It was only when she arrived that she realized why. Ara walked in to find them murdered with Voldemort's sign painted on the wall with their blood. Some Death Eaters were waiting for her to arrive, and she quickly had to fight her way out. She illegally disapparated, splinching her left leg a little bit. Unfortunately, the only place she could safely hide out was Grimmauld. The Order was still there, and she passed out when she arrived.

Over the summer, she listened to the Order fumble about and argue over whether or not to trust some "Pavo." While exploring, she'd come across a portrait of Orion Black in the attic and chewed him out good for his treatment towards Black and Regulus, leaving him in front of the screaming portrait of his wife for hours as a punishment. They all couldn't help but laugh about that.

Dumbledore took her to bait Slughorn into returning as the Potions teacher; he wanted Ara to let him "collect" her. On the train to Hogwarts, it was time for them to start getting into their robes, but as the Granger girl pulled out hers, Ara's mirror fell out of her trunk. Both Granger and Weasley panicked and tried to pick it up before Ara saw it, but they were too late. That seemed to be the final line for Ara as she left them, furious.

They watched as she spent all year learning about Voldemort and succeeded in retrieving the important memory from Slughorn, which uncovered Horcruxes to their absolute horror. How she comforted little Malfoy after he lost his shit in the bathroom, told him that she'll take care of it, and for him to do what he needs to do to survive in the meantime. She snuck out through the secret passageway to Gringotts and took a full inheritance test. Though, for some reason, they couldn't see the results in the memory. It just looked like a smudged piece of parchment to them. Goblin enchantments?

She set up illegal portkeys and returned in time to meet Dumbledore at the astronomy tower. They were meant to go get a Horcrux at some cave, only for Hogwarts to be invaded by some Death Eaters. Ara went and hid underneath as little Malfoy arrived and threatened to kill Dumbledore but couldn't. Ara suddenly appeared from underneath to the surprise of little Malfoy, but she stared past Dumbledore as if she was seeing something else they all weren't. Without hesitating, even as Severus had arrived and slowly approached from behind, she aimed her wand past Dumbledore and shot out the killing curse. To all their shock, the Dumbledore in front of her vanished only to have the real Dumbledore appear as he got hit by her curse and fell off the astronomy tower.

"Bloody hell! She killed Dumbledore!" Barty exclaimed.

Then she gave little Malfoy one of her portkeys before leaving Severus and little Malfoy standing there in shock. Ara then snuck out of Hogwarts and began her journey of hunting down the Horcruxes.

They watched her find the cave, forced herself to drink the potion, and be dragged under by the inferi. She managed to escape them and grab the locket, only to find out the locket wasn't real. After returning to Grimmauld, she learned the truth about the locket and Regulus. His best friend was killed by the inferi trying to do the right thing! She learned that Umbridge had it because of that thief Mundungus! She broke into the Ministry, freed a bunch of people, snatched the locket, and escaped.

She bounced from place to place trying to find other Horcrux locations, eventually making her way to Little Hangleton, where she found another one—a ring. She was attacked by Voldemort's snake, which took a literal chunk out of her, but she managed to escape and patch herself up. Outrunning snatchers and Death Eaters, she finally got the Sword of Gryffindor after the locket tried to kill her while she was in the damn water. She destroyed the ring and locket, which really messed her up with all the lies it was spouting at her.

Another full moon came, and she was attacked by Fenrir Greyback. He damn near tore her arm and leg off, only for her to summon the sword and stab it through the head as he tried to go for her throat. When she woke up, she was surrounded by Kreacher, Dobby, and two worried Malfoys. Did this mean she was a werewolf now? He thought back to how she was around the full moon.

Bloody hell! Ara is a werewolf! Barty realized.

As soon as she was able, she left to continue her search, only to return not long after having a vision of some kind where she saw a cup, Bellatrix's face, and a Gringotts vault. Since Bellatrix was dead, she assumed everything was moved to her husband's vault and planned her break-in into Gringotts. During her time planning, she ended up getting close to Lucius. When they got real close, it took everything he had not to punch Lucius in the face! Why!? He didn't know, but he felt like doing it! Luckily, it skipped the rest of that memory after the clothes started coming off. Lucius looked like a damn tomato, though, and it was pissing him off! She broke in, got the cup, and flew off on the back of a bloody dragon!

She had another vision which led to her returning to Hogwarts. She got the diadem, and a big battle broke out, nearly destroying Hogwarts entirely. Forcing herself to have another vision after destroying the cup and diadem, she learned that Voldemort's snake was a Horcrux and went down to the Boathouse, only to witness Severus get attacked repeatedly by the snake.

She tried her hardest to save him, but the snake's venom required a special potion, and she used all hers when the snake took a chunk out of her. Severus gave her a memory to take to the Pensieve, and she did so, confirming that she was a Horcrux, as she had suspected. They watched in horror as she walked to her death, though she had pulled one last trick before Voldemort's killing curse hit her. She disillusioned the Sword of Gryffindor and levitated it high above all of them until it was perfectly above his snake. The second she died, the sword dropped and killed the snake as well.

The boys all suddenly returned back to the room as they were kicked out of the Pensieve.

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