I built a food city based on...

By dreamer_reine

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Related works "I built a food city based on spiritual fields" Author: Tongshi Copywriter ◤ Warmth Healing to... More

171-174 end of text


495 4 1
By dreamer_reine

Chapter 81. Twenty-six dragon fruits The boss and I went in both directions. ...

[Shit, take a quick photo to show me the true face of boss Lushan. ]

[Li Tian: Don't think about it. The boss once posted on Weibo and said please don't take pictures of her. ]

[You secretly filmed her without knowing it! I'm so curious. ]

[Li Tian: Wow, you are so cruel. What good will it do to you to have a bad impression of me from your boss! ]

[Okay, okay, can you take a photo of the store entrance? ]

[Li Tian: No problem, wait until I line up at the door to take pictures for you. 】

Li Tian raised her head, stood on tiptoes and looked forward, and began to wonder if it would be bad for her to come over without saying hello.

Turning around, she thought again that she was here to buy fruit today. She said hello first and would receive the fruit promised by the boss tomorrow - wouldn't this make it possible for her to go to the boss twice with confidence?

After queuing for ten minutes, she finally came to the door and raised her phone to take a photo of the plaque and the store entrance.

After sending the photo to the group, she clicked it and took a look at it. She couldn't help feeling that the words on the plaque were really beautiful.

Li Tian didn't understand the characters, but she could tell that the characters were unusual.

Having satisfied everyone's curiosity, she opened Weibo and moved forward in small steps while scrolling through Weibo until she heard the boy maintaining order standing beside her and said: "Sorry everyone, this lady doesn't have any Xiangxue strawberries or mangoes." The goods are out. If you want to buy these two kinds, please come back tomorrow."

Li Tian looked at the time and took a breath. It was only 12:20, and only milk and strawberries were left?

She looked back and saw that there were at least dozens of people behind her, who were destined to miss the Xiangxue strawberries and mangoes. The boy who just scanned the QR code to collect purchasing intentions asked people who couldn't buy the fruit to leave early, so as not to wait until he found out that the fruit was gone.

Finally it was Li Tian's turn to enter the store. Seeing her carrying a suitcase, Du Ping smiled and said to Miss Gu: "Maybe there will be more people carrying suitcases during the holiday tomorrow."

Li Tian glanced around and targeted directly Focus on the beautiful woman wearing a mask with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Her eyes lit up instantly and she shouted: "Hello, boss! I finally came to F City to see you. I chatted with you on Weibo, called..." Before she could finish her words, she suddenly paused and

realized A question arises...

if the boss doesn't remember her, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to call out her ID?

There are always people on the Internet who say that the boss has a good memory, but...

The smile on Li Tian's face gradually froze. Gu Qingxian looked at her when she heard the voice, her voice was gentle: "Isn't it very sweet?"

The little girl's frozen smile immediately brightened up, and she left The suitcase ran over excitedly and said, "It's me, it's me! How did you guess it? That's amazing!"

Li Tian felt like she was chasing a star. When she learned that her boss remembered her, fireworks exploded in her head.

Gu Qingxian smiled and said: "Because you are the only one who has chatted with me and said that he wants to come to F city to find me." "Isn't it

very sweet?" She had previously helped Gu Qingxian fight with anti-fans on Weibo, so she promised to invite this person Fans eat fruit. Later, the fan misunderstood that she was pretending to be the owner of a fruit shop. Later, the misunderstanding was cleared up. After the two had a good chat, the little girl became less aggressive and no longer lit up like before.

There were other customers behind. Gu Qingxian said to the little girl who said "Oh my God, the boss and I are going both ways": "If you have nothing to do, you can wait here. I haven't forgotten what I promised you." Du Ping on the other side asked

curiously "What did you deal with in private?"

Gu Qingxian said mysteriously: "Secret."

After receiving the promise, Li Tian happily bought a box of strawberries, and then sat aside and waited according to the boss's instructions.

[Li Tian: Sisters, ah, the boss just called out my ID. I'm so happy and complete! ]

[Wow, she faces so many people every day, and she can still remember you who chatted with her a month ago! ]

[Li Tian: Yes, that's why I admire her even more. Moreover, she is as gentle and gentle in real life as she is online, and her eyes are big and beautiful. She will definitely be a beauty when she takes off the mask. ]

[So have you eaten watermelon? Didn't the boss say he wants to treat you to watermelon? ]

[Li Tian: Not yet, she asked me to sit aside and wait~]

After saying this, the small pot over there, who had finished his work, poured two cups of kumquat water, one for Boss Gu and one for Li Tian who was waiting.

"Hey, come and have a glass of water. The boss said you worked hard for coming here."

Xiaoguo presented a disposable paper cup, Li Tian took it and said "thank you", then raised the cup to her mouth without any reservation, and immediately Stunned.

She had seen countless compliments on the taste of kumquats on the Internet and tried to imagine what kumquats tasted like. But now she took a breath of the scent of kumquat water, and she realized how barren and powerless her previous imagination was.

It was so fragrant...

She swallowed subconsciously to absorb the impact of the aroma, then raised the cup and took a sip.

Delicious! ! !

Li Tian didn't know how to describe the fragrance. The moment the kumquat water entered her mouth, her language system failed.

She stared blankly at the clerks who poured kumquat water one after another when they were tired from work, and her envy was so strong that it almost turned into reality.

When she came to F City this time, she originally wanted to spend two days by herself, and then sign up for a one-day or two-day tour to explore the surrounding area... But now, she has a new idea.

After Gu Qingxian finished her work, she finally had time to look at this little fan who had come all the way to find her. Suddenly, the little fan's eyes lit up and she stood up and said, "Boss, do you want to hire another part-timer in your store?

" ? No money, just enough Kumquat water pipes!"

Chapter 82. Can you do food research and development with twenty-seven dragon fruits? ...

The middle-aged aunt next to her was stunned when she heard her words. She didn't expect that such an operation could be done.

A little girl travels with a suitcase...and then wants to stay and work in a store? !

Is she too old? Why can't she understand this kind of operation?

But when she saw the kumquat water in the hands of the shop assistants, the woman who still couldn't buy a fruit plate today felt her throat twitch and she was a little excited.

Not only her, but other customers in the store also pricked up their ears and paid attention.

Gu Qingxian sighed helplessly.

It's true that people have offered to work part-time in the past, but they are locals after all, and Li Tian is the first to come to work during the holidays... Regardless of whether

she really wants to work part-time, Gu Qingxian did it in front of so many people. No one can agree to her, lest anyone ask for a part-time job in the future. She took the cup from the little girl's hand, poured her another glass of water, and then said: "You are here for a trip, so take a walk and have fun. I have no shortage of people here." She could hear the boss's refusal

. , Li Tian lowered her head and went back to sit down, but looking at the water she had just poured in her hand, her frustration disappeared instantly.

She took out her mobile phone and took a photo of kumquat water and strawberries. This time she sent it not only to the dormitory group, but also to the professional group. She also said: [I came to F City to eat the freshest strawberries~ The kumquat water was given by the boss. Delicious! 】

Miss Gu's fruits are famous in their major, mainly because Li Tian and her dormitory are crazy about Amway in school. At first, a few weak-minded people in the class were attracted by Amway. After grabbing the strawberries, they tasted them and soon spontaneously became members of the Amway team and began to give Amway to others.

Someone even said on the confession wall of S University -

[I hope those boys and girls who buy a bunch of useless furnishings will know more about Miss Gu's fruit shop, and our food court will have fewer flashy and useless ones. Young couple celebrating an anniversary? Buy a strawberry bouquet! Causing someone after a quarrel? Buy Xiangxue strawberries! Even if you break up, you can still give him a box of fruit plate to make him remember the various flavors you gave him. Of course, the premise is that you have to run back and forth to City F. 】

Many people simply don't believe that a strawberry can be worth two hundred and still be remembered fondly. Later, some students were curious and jointly bought a box of strawberries with milk in their dormitory. They were so impressed by the taste that they gave several rows of thumbs up under the confession wall.

I don't know since when, many people in Li Tiantong's profession have regarded strawberries as the first choice for gift giving.

Later, when Huiji released milk, some smart people snapped up a whole box of yogurt online, split it into individual boxes and sold them at the door of the dormitory building. The price of each box was increased by two yuan, and they earned a lot of hard-earned money for courier delivery and rush shopping. But everyone didn't think so. They are scalpers.

After all, scalpers are charging exorbitant prices, and students are just earning their well-earned hard-earned money.

It can be said that Miss Gu's fruit shop is quite famous in Li Tian's profession.

So as soon as the photo and accompanying text were posted, the professional group immediately started posting messages.

[Awesome, this is the real foodie. ]

[If I don't go home on November 1, just to eat some fruit, my mother will probably beat me to death. ]

[It's okay. I'm going to travel on the 11th. I'm going to F city and eating some fruit on the way. There's nothing wrong with that. ]

[It only takes two hours for me to go to City F by bus, and I'm a little excited. 】

【Does everyone who goes to the store drink kumquat water? I saw many people on Weibo saying that kumquats are delicious, but unfortunately they cannot be mailed, which made me want to try them. ]

[@李天, you've already gone to the store, why don't you buy mangos? It is said to be particularly good for the body. ]

Li Tian saw this message and replied: [I was late and didn't buy the mangoes and fruit plates. Come early tomorrow. ]

[Wow! If you buy it, can you resell it to me? I'll give you 1.5 times the price! 】

【I will pay twice as much. 】

【3 times. ]

[Do you look down on mangoes? 5 times! 】

The bidding mode was started directly in the group, and Li Tian sent a string of ellipses and said: "Don't mess with me. The boss caught a scalper on the street before. Later, the scalper wanted to buy fruit in the store but was found and kicked out." I don't want to take this risk. If I offend my boss, I won't have any fruit to eat. 】

[Okay, then I'd better consider the feasibility of traveling to F City by myself. ]

[Actually, you can travel to F city. I went there in junior high school and it seemed good. 】

【Yes, there is a water park in F city that is very good, and there is also a very famous resort. There are also many snacks, which is very lifelike. ]

[I know there is a fairy tale town in F city, as well as Maple Leaf Mountain. I saw someone taking pictures of big mushrooms on the trees. ]

[It seems like it would be nice to have an ecological scenic spot with a waterfall. 】

【I have been rafting in F city, it was exciting! 】

【Is it all around? Is there anything fun in the city? ]

[Yes, I like to go to museums. There are several famous museums in F city. ]



The trend in the group suddenly changed. Everyone began to discuss places worth visiting in F City. After chatting, someone finally returned to the topic - [

So we can get kumquat water when we go to F City. ? ]

[I don't know, it would be nice to be able to buy mangoes or something. 】

【After the game, it's all Li Tian's fault, my head is full of kumquat water now [face covering]】

Li Tian took a sip of kumquat water guiltily, she didn't mean it...

By the time the store was finished, there were already a few people in the group. Students not far from City F have made an appointment to travel tomorrow. Fortunately, F city is not a particularly popular tourist city, and you can still buy bus tickets the day before National Day.

Although it is not a good place for tourism, there are Miss Gu's fruits here, so it is worth a visit for now.

Li Tian didn't pay attention to the follow-up. She saw the boss closed the store door and everyone started cleaning. She quickly got up, threw the disposable paper cup into the trash can, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to help.

Du Ping quickly asked her to sit back: "Oh, you came here to play with Qingxian, how can I let you work?" The

five students who came to work part-time today also nodded. They took a lot of money and ate and drank. Yes, if their lives are taken away from them now, their value will not be reflected!

Everyone's enthusiasm for working was beyond imagination, so Li Tian had to sit down in frustration.

After cleaning up the store, Sister Zhu Xia from next door came on time to call them to eat.

Nowadays, the business of the barbecue restaurant is booming day by day. Zhu Xia has set up a sales line through Gu Qingxian and Huiji, and purchases strawberry milk every day. Because the amount of milk is not large, it is only provided to diners in the store. Some people thought that her family cooperated with the fruit shop, and subconsciously thought that this barbecue restaurant must taste good, so they stopped by to try it.

After trying it, I found that the taste was really good. I just queued up to buy fruits and had lunch here every day.

There were so many customers that they temporarily added some tables and chairs. Zhu Xia now wakes up happily every day. The store is busy, so she hired some more people, and now she is busy.

These customers were all from the fruit shop. Zhu Xia knew it well and naturally became better and better to Gu Qingxian.

Gu Qingxian has completely given up her resistance now. The eldest sister's gratitude to her cannot be expressed in words. Unless there are special arrangements, she will always go to her shop to eat.

The little fan came from afar, and Gu Qingxian also brought her there.

A group of people sat in the box reserved for them by Zhu Xia. They were served some strawberry milk before ordering.

Zhu Xia said cheerfully: "There are a lot of new faces here today. I just passed by and heard someone say that they haven't drunk yet. I took it upon myself to bring up the box left behind. I borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha. Don't mind." A few of them didn't drink

. The students who passed by had their eyes shining brightly. They thanked the proprietress and all put their straws in and took a sip.

Li Tian had drunk Huiji's strawberry milk at school before, but after traveling thousands of miles to drink the freshest local milk produced on the same day, she still felt a little bit excited.

Really... no matter how many times I drink it, I never get tired of it. Rows of messages of "super delicious", "happiness", and "want to drink it again" constantly pop up in my brain.

Not to mention other students who had never drank it before, they were instantly conquered by the taste of milk, without exception.

Xiaoguo, who loves to record life, sheepishly took out his mobile phone and said, "Can I... take a photo?"

Gu Qingxian nodded: "Of course. Relax, you all did a good job today, we might want to do more We've been together for a long time, so we can't be so reserved all the time."

Xiao Guo took a photo of the milk in her hand and suddenly reacted: "Have we been together for a long time? Do we have to occupy the places of the seniors? Isn't this good..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and Gu Qingxian spoke softly. Explained: "No, the store will add new products in the future. The previous fixed manpower is not enough, so we must recruit new part-time workers. If you come here when you are free, you will also be the permanent manpower in the store in the future." Xiaoguo breathed a sigh of relief

. She likes this part-time job very much, but she doesn't want to take over other people's positions to work part-time.

Thinking that there would be delicious snacks in the future, she smiled with two cute little tiger teeth and said, "Then I'm relieved. Thank you boss! If you need me, you can call me at any time." "Me too!" "


. There is me and there is me!"


The other four students also raised their hands to express their attitude. This part-time job is a fairy part-time job, right? There was a lot of money, a good boss, food and drink, and...

they looked at Li Tian, ​​whose face was full of envy.

Ahem, and there is also an inexplicable pride!

For the first time, they felt that their trivial part-time jobs could be envied by others.

It seems that we have to work harder to do this job well. After all, there are too many hidden competitors!

After the food was ordered, it was served one after another, and everyone began to chat while eating.

Because today's clerk and Li Tian are both new faces, everyone is starting from scratch, but they are a little less nervous, and it quickly becomes lively.

Li Tian introduced herself that she came from out of town and came to City F solely to eat fruits at the fruit shop. Xiaoguo didn't expect that someone would go to another city just to eat fruit. She was surprised and asked her many questions, which felt like a door to a new world had opened up to her.

Traveling to a city for a store... Are Miss Gu's fruits so attractive?

Xiao Guo took a sip of strawberry milk, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it was indeed quite attractive.

We chatted a lot, and since we were similar in age, the topics we talked about never stopped. Later, when talking about her major, Li Tian said: "I majored in food engineering."

Gu Qingxian finished chewing the mutton skewers in her mouth and raised her head to look at her: "What do you study in food engineering?" "I

mainly study food-related courses, as well as various chemistry, chemical engineering principles, and so on. Oh, by the way, there are also Regulations and efficacy." After Li Tian explained, she added, "I am now a junior in college. Hey, I haven't decided whether to take the postgraduate entrance examination..."

A boy who was also a junior in college chatted with her and listened to what the two of them meant. , they don't seem to want to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Li Tian sighed faintly: "I finally came out to play, but I thought about the sad thing about the postgraduate entrance examination again."

The boy made a pause gesture, laughed and said: "Okay, let's stop and change the topic, for example, talk about what you want to go to. Industry?"

"I might do quality inspection or quality control," Li Tian thought for a moment while holding a straw in her mouth, "I also want to challenge food research and development and design and production, but I don't know if any company wants me." Gu Qingxian listened

. When he found a word of interest, he asked, "Can you do food research and development?"

Li Diansi nodded: "Yeah... and I have a course on dietary therapy and food nutrition."

Gu Qingxian thought for a moment and said, "You If you like food research and development, you can come to me in the future."

"Huh?" Li Tian was a little confused.

"I have plans to open a food company in the next two years. If you are interested then, you can apply for the job." "

..." Li Tian was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

She just came to eat some fruit.

Why do you suddenly feel like you are looking for a job?

But if you think about it carefully, you are so happy working part-time selling fruit here with Miss Gu. If you can go to work in her company, how happy will you be?

So Li Tian nodded repeatedly: "Okay! I will definitely study hard. If I don't get a first-class scholarship this semester, I won't be a human being!"

Hearing Li Tian's "poisonous oath", Gu Qingxian laughed: "Well, then I'll wait for you. Good news to continue being human."

Chapter 83. Twenty-eight pitayas and cherries.

After swearing in front of her longed-for boss, Li Tian immediately felt nervous and wished she could go back to school right now to pick up her books and gnaw on them.

After taking a bite of the fried skewers specially made for them by the barbecue restaurant, Li Tian finally calmed down and glanced at the boss quietly.

In fact, she had been restraining herself just now, so she didn't scream excitedly when her boss took off his mask.

Previously, her roommate said that her attitude towards the fruit boss was like chasing a star. When she saw the boss's true face under the mask, Li Tian felt that she was really chasing a star... Who would have thought that

a fruit boss looks like a little idol? No, no, no...even more beautiful than the little idol!

While Li Tian was taking a peek, Gu Qingxian suddenly asked: "Have you ever learned how to process fruits? For example, how to process mangoes to maintain the original flavor of the fruit?" "..." The test question came too suddenly, and Li Tian quickly exited the nympho mode

. , frantically searching for relevant knowledge in the brain.

She actually had an elective course that taught about processing. After some hard work to recall it and organize her thoughts, she was able to answer it in a decent way.

Phew...it shouldn't be a shame.

Gu Qingxian nodded, thinking that those ordinary mangoes could be cooked according to the methods Li Tian said.

After successfully answering the questions, Li Tian felt for the first time that she had learned nothing in more than two years of college. However, she ate very nervously after the meal, in case the boss came to ask questions again, and she never dared to break the string related to study.

Gu Qingxian saw her nervousness, so she didn't ask for any specific knowledge. She just asked about the college and school where her major was.

After dinner, the other part-time students left happily. Li Tian was about to go to the hotel. Gu Qingxian called out to her: "By the way, did you come alone?" "Yeah! And so that I can come to your house early tomorrow to buy something

. Fruit, I live near here."

Gu Qingxian asked again: "Have you decided where to go?"

Li Tian was about to say that he planned to sign up for a tour group for surrounding tours, but when he came to his mouth, he took a turn and said: "No, I came here just to eat fruit. After buying fruit tomorrow... I haven't decided where to go yet."

Before Gu Qingxian could speak, Li Tian stared at her eagerly again, putting his hands under his chin in a clasped posture: "Sister, are you really not short of shop assistants? I see that you are already very busy today. Maybe there will be one tomorrow on November 1. Even busier... Let me help you. I said a lot of outrageous things to you on Weibo before, and I feel really bad about it. I have always wanted to do something for you to apologize." Those pitiful words in front of me are meant to stay in the

fruit It's like drinking kumquat water in a shop, but the last sentence is sincere.

Li Tian really felt that she had gone too far at that time. She clearly did not understand the whole situation, nor did she understand the other person outside the screen, but she used a few words to label the other person... Now when she makes any comments,

she has already learned how to do so. Consider more.

Her roommates all said that she has gradually become gentler, which is all due to her boss.

The little girl made a prayer gesture, and Gu Qingxian looked at her and sighed: "I'm going to have fun during the holidays and don't walk much, so I'm going to stay in a hotel and work?" "I can go to the museum after work! I can also go to find delicious food nearby

... "Li Tianxiao said in a low voice, "I think it is very meaningful to do this. I am originally a food major, and working in a fruit shop is just social practice..."

She kept talking about little things, and Du Ping was The people nearby couldn't help but laugh. Gu Qingxian couldn't get enough of this little girl, so she had to promise her to come and help tomorrow.

Because tomorrow will be really busy.

After seeing off Li Tian, ​​Gu Qingxian planned tomorrow's activities.

During this period, a lot of fruit inventory has been saved in the space, and the warehouse can be cleared during the National Day holiday.

Ordinary mangoes can easily be passed off as spiritual mangoes, and buyers are worried that they can't tell the difference, so they can't sell them now and have to wait. However, the ordinary dragon fruit also has certain effects similar to those of the spiritual dragon fruit. Although it cannot effectively clear fat, it is still good for moisturizing the intestines and detoxifying.

Ling Xi's family is now almost a dragon fruit experience officer. Their weight and body changes are fed back to Gu Qingxian in real time, allowing her to know more about this fruit.

She plans to be bold when the whole dragon fruit is put on the shelves tomorrow. She originally planted more than 300 dragon fruit plants, each weighing nearly a kilogram. Now she has nearly 4,000 kilograms in stock, which is enough to sell in the past seven days.

There are also Lingzhi mangoes. Several batches have been produced after the increase in production, and there are thousands of them in stock. I hope that everyone who wants to buy them can buy them.

She also saved a lot of kumquats, but she couldn't sell them by the pound, so she worked hard with Aunt Ping to make several large jars of kumquat jam, and planned to provide kumquat water to consumers for free during the eleventh or seventeenth day.

After what happened today, she realized that maybe someone like Li Tian came from afar during the holidays just to taste the freshest fruits. She consciously wanted to treat guests well, so she simply gave kumquat water as a gift.

As for watermelons... Gu Qingxian has no plans to increase production for the time being.

Watermelons are cold and the weather is getting colder. As autumn and winter come, watermelons are not a good choice, so she will not consider planting them in large quantities for the time being.

Let it continue to exist on the platter, and we will wait until next summer to increase production.

Thinking about it, Gu Qingxian drove Aunt Ping back. As soon as Aunt Ping got home, she went into the kitchen to study snacks, full of energy.

Speaking of which, the oven Yu Lan sent was really good.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingxian ran to the kitchen door and said, "Aunt Ping, the bags and boxes I bought have arrived. If you are free, bake some soufflés like today and send them to Yu Lan." Du Ping responded repeatedly

: "If you don't have time here, just ask. But can Yu Lan eat? Didn't you say that she just took on a movie..."

Du Ping learned on the Internet that actors have to control their weight. Although When we meet in private, it seems that Yu Lan is already very thin, but in the camera most of the time she looks like she has gained ten pounds. If you want to look good on camera, diet control is very important.

Gu Qingxian blinked and said, "Don't worry, she insists on eating the fruit platter. There is dragon fruit in it. She won't get fat."

Du Ping felt relieved and started to think about what to do better.

As a fan of Yu Lan for many years, how can one soufflé be enough?

Just need some more snacks!

Aunt Ping started working in the kitchen, and Gu Qingxian stretched back to the bedroom, threw herself on the bed, and started editing Weibo for tomorrow's activities.

[Miss Gu's Fruit Shop: The long holiday is coming, and the fruit shop has prepared seven days of small activities. During the National Day period, the opening hours will be extended from 10 am to 2 pm. No replenishment will be done if the items are sold out in advance. Sales on the mini program will also start at 10 o'clock. Tomorrow, thousands of boxes of strawberries, thousands of catties of mangoes, and thousands of catties of new dragon fruit will be on the shelves. This type of dragon fruit is somewhat different from the dragon fruit in the platter. It cannot detoxify and reduce fat, but it can help digestion and laxative. Finally, during the event, every purchase in the store will be given a cup of kumquat water, and no refills of any kind will be accepted. 】

What is written is fruit, and the picture attached below is the little hedgehog Guoguo.

He not only satisfies fruit fans, but also takes care of cute pet fans... he can be said to be a very considerate blogger.

However, there are still people below who are not satisfied.

[I heard that the boss has very beautiful eyes and she looks like a beautiful woman at first glance. Why don't you post some selfies to satisfy our fans? ]

[One thousand kilograms of mangoes is not much, just add more. 】

【Fruit PlatterFruit PlatterFruit Platter! Say important things three times. ]

[Yeah, why didn't you mention the fruit platter? Are they still only selling a hundred boxes? ]

After reading the comments, Gu Qingxian chose a reply: [The platter is still 100 boxes because the output of some fruits is small. ]

[The boss replied to me! Great! Then I won't worry about the platter and go buy the new dragon fruit. ]

[Holy shit, I just noticed that there is kumquat water available for consumption in the store... I'm excited. ]

[The child is in Linshi, City F, and wants to go. ]

[Kumquat water, I'm so craving for it on Teacher's Day, and I want to go to City F. ]

[Help, the tickets are sold out, so you can only drive there by yourself. 】

【How can we foodies be defeated by such a small difficulty, sisters, make a date? ]

[ Make an appointment! 】


Some locals who were originally hesitant to go to the fruit shop saw everyone wanting to go to the shop for kumquat water. They were inevitably affected and became a little impulsive. They began to plan to get up early to queue up during the holiday.

I always feel like I'm missing something if I don't go there...

At the same time, Xiaoguo also posted his second part-time job diary today.

[Xiaoguo's part-time job diary: I don't know how to describe my mood today, I'm so happy that I fainted! After work, the owner of the fruit shop took us to eat at the barbecue restaurant next door. It seemed to be free of charge, because the fruit shop brought many customers to the barbecue restaurant. The owner of the barbecue restaurant was trying hard to hold his thighs, haha~ And there is also, in the barbecue restaurant I drank delicious strawberry milk. I heard that the strawberry raw materials were supplied by the fruit shop owner! I was very satisfied with my lunch, and another happy thing is that the boss is so beautiful! Looking at her face, I can't help but eat a few more bites of meat, hehe. 】

The attached picture is strawberry milk and barbecue restaurant lunch.

Xiaoguo happily finished posting on Weibo in his dormitory, put down his phone and started studying.

Xiaoguo usually works part-time on his days off and works all day long, but today he came back early to study. Another roommate in the dormitory who was far away from home asked curiously: "Did you end your part-time job so early today?" "

Yes, and the salary given by the boss is high, so you don't have to work multiple jobs during this holiday," Xiaoguo thought for a while , and said, "Maybe I won't have to work so hard in the future."

Working too much part-time really delayed her studies. She is not a gifted child, and it will take a lot of time to work hard to improve her grades.

But now, things seem to be getting better.

Xiaoguo grinned and looked at the cup of strawberry yogurt from Huiji's series that he couldn't help but buy on his way back.

Ahem...should I drink it after dinner in the evening, or should I drink it first when my stomach is not full?


That night, Gu Qingxian planted cherries and Shiranui tangerines, and then ran to the stone monument immediately, waiting for a miracle to happen.

It's a pity that with so many trees planted, the stone monument didn't respond at all.

After being disappointed, Gu Qingxian quickly figured out that spiritual plants were hard to come by. She already had so many of them, so there was no need to ask for spiritual plants to appear in every fruit.

Xiaoyu poked Guoguo's belly beside the bed and was already planning to go to sleep. The other robots were still working around the clock. Gu Qingxian conveyed spiritual energy to Sheng Jinhuai, took her hand back, and was about to go back to continue practicing, but suddenly she found a cow in the small pasture getting restless.

Gu Yu had recently established a relationship with all the pasture animals, and he immediately sensed something was wrong. He jumped out of bed and ran over on his short legs.

"What's going on?" Gu Qingxian walked into the pasture boundary and put her hand on the restless cow, but she couldn't clearly feel the cow's condition.

Gu Yu didn't know, so he shook his head and said, "I haven't done anything to this cow recently..."

He suddenly paused, his little eyes widened suddenly, and he jumped and said, "No... I remembered it. , it was that time! When Zhuang was still awake, I used a magic technique that I suddenly realized on this cow!"

Chapter 83. Twenty-eight pitayas and cherries.

After swearing in front of her longed-for boss, Li Tian immediately felt nervous and wished she could go back to school right now to pick up her books and gnaw on them.

After taking a bite of the fried skewers specially made for them by the barbecue restaurant, Li Tian finally calmed down and glanced at the boss quietly.

In fact, she had been restraining herself just now, so she didn't scream excitedly when her boss took off his mask.

Previously, her roommate said that her attitude towards the fruit boss was like chasing a star. When she saw the boss's true face under the mask, Li Tian felt that she was really chasing a star... Who would have thought that

a fruit boss looks like a little idol? No, no, no...even more beautiful than the little idol!

While Li Tian was taking a peek, Gu Qingxian suddenly asked: "Have you ever learned how to process fruits? For example, how to process mangoes to maintain the original flavor of the fruit?" "..." The test question came too suddenly, and Li Tian quickly exited the nympho mode

. , frantically searching for relevant knowledge in the brain.

She actually had an elective course that taught about processing. After some hard work to recall it and organize her thoughts, she was able to answer it in a decent way.

Phew...it shouldn't be a shame.

Gu Qingxian nodded, thinking that those ordinary mangoes could be cooked according to the methods Li Tian said.

After successfully answering the questions, Li Tian felt for the first time that she had learned nothing in more than two years of college. However, she ate very nervously after the meal, in case the boss came to ask questions again, and she never dared to break the string related to study.

Gu Qingxian saw her nervousness, so she didn't ask for any specific knowledge. She just asked about the college and school where her major was.

After dinner, the other part-time students left happily. Li Tian was about to go to the hotel. Gu Qingxian called out to her: "By the way, did you come alone?" "Yeah! And so that I can come to your house early tomorrow to buy something

. Fruit, I live near here."

Gu Qingxian asked again: "Have you decided where to go?"

Li Tian was about to say that he planned to sign up for a tour group for surrounding tours, but when he came to his mouth, he took a turn and said: "No, I came here just to eat fruit. After buying fruit tomorrow... I haven't decided where to go yet."

Before Gu Qingxian could speak, Li Tian stared at her eagerly again, putting his hands under his chin in a clasped posture: "Sister, are you really not short of shop assistants? I see that you are already very busy today. Maybe there will be one tomorrow on November 1. Even busier... Let me help you. I said a lot of outrageous things to you on Weibo before, and I feel really bad about it. I have always wanted to do something for you to apologize." Those pitiful words in front of me are meant to stay in the

fruit It's like drinking kumquat water in a shop, but the last sentence is sincere.

Li Tian really felt that she had gone too far at that time. She clearly did not understand the whole situation, nor did she understand the other person outside the screen, but she used a few words to label the other person... Now when she makes any comments,

she has already learned how to do so. Consider more.

Her roommates all said that she has gradually become gentler, which is all due to her boss.

The little girl made a prayer gesture, and Gu Qingxian looked at her and sighed: "I'm going to have fun during the holidays and don't walk much, so I'm going to stay in a hotel and work?" "I can go to the museum after work! I can also go to find delicious food nearby

... "Li Tianxiao said in a low voice, "I think it is very meaningful to do this. I am originally a food major, and working in a fruit shop is just social practice..."

She kept talking about little things, and Du Ping was The people nearby couldn't help but laugh. Gu Qingxian couldn't get enough of this little girl, so she had to promise her to come and help tomorrow.

Because tomorrow will be really busy.

After seeing off Li Tian, ​​Gu Qingxian planned tomorrow's activities.

During this period, a lot of fruit inventory has been saved in the space, and the warehouse can be cleared during the National Day holiday.

Ordinary mangoes can easily be passed off as spiritual mangoes, and buyers are worried that they can't tell the difference, so they can't sell them now and have to wait. However, the ordinary dragon fruit also has certain effects similar to those of the spiritual dragon fruit. Although it cannot effectively clear fat, it is still good for moisturizing the intestines and detoxifying.

Ling Xi's family is now almost a dragon fruit experience officer. Their weight and body changes are fed back to Gu Qingxian in real time, allowing her to know more about this fruit.

She plans to be bold when the whole dragon fruit is put on the shelves tomorrow. She originally planted more than 300 dragon fruit plants, each weighing nearly a kilogram. Now she has nearly 4,000 kilograms in stock, which is enough to sell in the past seven days.

There are also Lingzhi mangoes. Several batches have been produced after the increase in production, and there are thousands of them in stock. I hope that everyone who wants to buy them can buy them.

She also saved a lot of kumquats, but she couldn't sell them by the pound, so she worked hard with Aunt Ping to make several large jars of kumquat jam, and planned to provide kumquat water to consumers for free during the eleventh or seventeenth day.

After what happened today, she realized that maybe someone like Li Tian came from afar during the holidays just to taste the freshest fruits. She consciously wanted to treat guests well, so she simply gave kumquat water as a gift.

As for watermelons... Gu Qingxian has no plans to increase production for the time being.

Watermelons are cold and the weather is getting colder. As autumn and winter come, watermelons are not a good choice, so she will not consider planting them in large quantities for the time being.

Let it continue to exist on the platter, and we will wait until next summer to increase production.

Thinking about it, Gu Qingxian drove Aunt Ping back. As soon as Aunt Ping got home, she went into the kitchen to study snacks, full of energy.

Speaking of which, the oven Yu Lan sent was really good.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingxian ran to the kitchen door and said, "Aunt Ping, the bags and boxes I bought have arrived. If you are free, bake some soufflés like today and send them to Yu Lan." Du Ping responded repeatedly

: "If you don't have time here, just ask. But can Yu Lan eat? Didn't you say that she just took on a movie..."

Du Ping learned on the Internet that actors have to control their weight. Although When we meet in private, it seems that Yu Lan is already very thin, but in the camera most of the time she looks like she has gained ten pounds. If you want to look good on camera, diet control is very important.

Gu Qingxian blinked and said, "Don't worry, she insists on eating the fruit platter. There is dragon fruit in it. She won't get fat."

Du Ping felt relieved and started to think about what to do better.

As a fan of Yu Lan for many years, how can one soufflé be enough?

Just need some more snacks!

Aunt Ping started working in the kitchen, and Gu Qingxian stretched back to the bedroom, threw herself on the bed, and started editing Weibo for tomorrow's activities.

[Miss Gu's Fruit Shop: The long holiday is coming, and the fruit shop has prepared seven days of small activities. During the National Day period, the opening hours will be extended from 10 am to 2 pm. No replenishment will be done if the items are sold out in advance. Sales on the mini program will also start at 10 o'clock. Tomorrow, thousands of boxes of strawberries, thousands of catties of mangoes, and thousands of catties of new dragon fruit will be on the shelves. This type of dragon fruit is somewhat different from the dragon fruit in the platter. It cannot detoxify and reduce fat, but it can help digestion and laxative. Finally, during the event, every purchase in the store will be given a cup of kumquat water, and no refills of any kind will be accepted. 】

What is written is fruit, and the picture attached below is the little hedgehog Guoguo.

He not only satisfies fruit fans, but also takes care of cute pet fans... he can be said to be a very considerate blogger.

However, there are still people below who are not satisfied.

[I heard that the boss has very beautiful eyes and she looks like a beautiful woman at first glance. Why don't you post some selfies to satisfy our fans? ]

[One thousand kilograms of mangoes is not much, just add more. 】

【Fruit PlatterFruit PlatterFruit Platter! Say important things three times. ]

[Yeah, why didn't you mention the fruit platter? Are they still only selling a hundred boxes? ]

After reading the comments, Gu Qingxian chose a reply: [The platter is still 100 boxes because the output of some fruits is small. ]

[The boss replied to me! Great! Then I won't worry about the platter and go buy the new dragon fruit. ]

[Holy shit, I just noticed that there is kumquat water available for consumption in the store... I'm excited. ]

[The child is in Linshi, City F, and wants to go. ]

[Kumquat water, I'm so craving for it on Teacher's Day, and I want to go to City F. ]

[Help, the tickets are sold out, so you can only drive there by yourself. 】

【How can we foodies be defeated by such a small difficulty, sisters, make a date? ]

[ Make an appointment! 】


Some locals who were originally hesitant to go to the fruit shop saw everyone wanting to go to the shop for kumquat water. They were inevitably affected and became a little impulsive. They began to plan to get up early to queue up during the holiday.

I always feel like I'm missing something if I don't go there...

At the same time, Xiaoguo also posted his second part-time job diary today.

[Xiaoguo's part-time job diary: I don't know how to describe my mood today, I'm so happy that I fainted! After work, the owner of the fruit shop took us to eat at the barbecue restaurant next door. It seemed to be free of charge, because the fruit shop brought many customers to the barbecue restaurant. The owner of the barbecue restaurant was trying hard to hold his thighs, haha~ And there is also, in the barbecue restaurant I drank delicious strawberry milk. I heard that the strawberry raw materials were supplied by the fruit shop owner! I was very satisfied with my lunch, and another happy thing is that the boss is so beautiful! Looking at her face, I can't help but eat a few more bites of meat, hehe. 】

The attached picture is strawberry milk and barbecue restaurant lunch.

Xiaoguo happily finished posting on Weibo in his dormitory, put down his phone and started studying.

Xiaoguo usually works part-time on his days off and works all day long, but today he came back early to study. Another roommate in the dormitory who was far away from home asked curiously: "Did you end your part-time job so early today?" "

Yes, and the salary given by the boss is high, so you don't have to work multiple jobs during this holiday," Xiaoguo thought for a while , and said, "Maybe I won't have to work so hard in the future."

Working too much part-time really delayed her studies. She is not a gifted child, and it will take a lot of time to work hard to improve her grades.

But now, things seem to be getting better.

Xiaoguo grinned and looked at the cup of strawberry yogurt from Huiji's series that he couldn't help but buy on his way back.

Ahem...should I drink it after dinner in the evening, or should I drink it first when my stomach is not full?


That night, Gu Qingxian planted cherries and Shiranui tangerines, and then ran to the stone monument immediately, waiting for a miracle to happen.

It's a pity that with so many trees planted, the stone monument didn't respond at all.

After being disappointed, Gu Qingxian quickly figured out that spiritual plants were hard to come by. She already had so many of them, so there was no need to ask for spiritual plants to appear in every fruit.

Xiaoyu poked Guoguo's belly beside the bed and was already planning to go to sleep. The other robots were still working around the clock. Gu Qingxian conveyed spiritual energy to Sheng Jinhuai, took her hand back, and was about to go back to continue practicing, but suddenly she found a cow in the small pasture getting restless.

Gu Yu had recently established a relationship with all the pasture animals, and he immediately sensed something was wrong. He jumped out of bed and ran over on his short legs.

"What's going on?" Gu Qingxian walked into the pasture boundary and put her hand on the restless cow, but she couldn't clearly feel the cow's condition.

Gu Yu didn't know, so he shook his head and said, "I haven't done anything to this cow recently..."

He suddenly paused, his little eyes widened suddenly, and he jumped and said, "No... I remembered it. , it was that time! When Zhuang was still awake, I used a magic technique that I suddenly realized on this cow!"

Chapter 84. Twenty-nine Pitayas Sure enough, fairies can possess gods...

The cow cried uneasily for a long time, and its tail flicked hard again and again.

Xiao Yu used a technique to appease the animal, which seemed to be somewhat effective, but it could still be seen that it was a little uncomfortable.

The cow toiled for half the night and finally calmed down in the early morning.

Gu Qingxian carried Xiaoyu to the bed to rest, then returned to the small pasture and continued to check on the condition of the cows.

Milking as usual in the morning, she stored the milk produced by the cow that had been noisy for a while separately. When she was about to leave the space to have breakfast, she suddenly noticed a change in the stone tablet.

She ducked over and a new row of words appeared on the stone tablet.

[Congratulations, the spiritual cow was successfully bred and the milk production increased five times. Efficacy of Ling Milk: Calcium supplementation and whitening. ]

Gu Qingxian was slightly surprised and turned back to look at Xiaoyu.

Gu Yu has woken up and is feeding Guoguo chopped strawberries. Seeing his sister standing in front of the stone tablet looking at him, he temporarily put down the little hedgehog and ran over, standing on tiptoes and asked: "Is there any new news?"

In fact, he wanted to ask directly whether the new news had anything to do with Zhuang Zhuang, but he was too disappointed. Many times, he had learned to avoid this disappointment in advance.

Gu Qingxian touched his head and said, "Yes, Xiaoyu is great. The cow you raised last time using your spiritual energy is now a spiritual cow."

She told him about the effect, and Xiaoyu grinned: "I I raised a very powerful cow!"

"Yes, it is a very powerful cow."

Xiaoyu glanced at Zhuang who was still sleeping, ran to him and told him the good news, and then happily went to find the cow. .

When he went to sense it again this time, there was indeed a slightly different feeling. It was the spiritual energy in the cow that echoed with him.

Suddenly there was a spiritual cow in the space. Gu Qingxian covered her head and felt dizzy.

The effect was quite good, but at the critical moment of National Day, she was really busy.

After telling Xiaoyu to store the spirit milk separately, Gu Qingxian left the space and thought about what to do with the spirit milk while eating.

Today, the dairy factory was having a rest. Gu Qingxian didn't go over to take a look, but Ding Qin was still working in the greenhouse.

Gu Qingxian originally wanted to give her a holiday, but Ding Qin shook her head and said, "Other people take holidays to go home. I don't have a home, so I just work here." And for Ding Qin, if she must give her a holiday now

, A place to call home is the increasingly cozy wooden house.

When everyone got together a few days ago, Ji Mulan learned about her situation and asked the child if she was allergic to flowers, so she specially matched a vase of flowers with her.

It is said that if you add water and maintain it well, this vase of flowers can live for less than half a month.

Because in Ji Mulan's view, flowers are a beautiful embellishment in life, and a house with flowers will have a more lively atmosphere.

Now there is a bouquet of clean flowers placed on the dining table next to the small window of the wooden house, which indeed looks a lot warmer and more comfortable.

Ding Qin carried Xiong Xiong to the greenhouse and settled him down, then went to work in the fields.

Some of the first batch of crops to be planted needed to be selected, so she was very busy.

I used to look forward to the National Day when I was working and wanted to go home. But now that I don't have this expectation, I didn't expect that my life would be pretty good.

Ding Qin shook his head, bent down and threw the weeds aside, and sighed again.

That being said...the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, but she has no one to watch the moon with.

On the other side, Gu Qingxian was driving to the store.

There were too many fruits to sell today, so she rented a truck and parked it nearby to replenish the goods at any time.

The students who came to work part-time were very motivated and were already waiting in front of the store at nine o'clock. And the customers were more motivated to buy... When they came at nine o'clock, there were already dozens of people lining up outside.

Zhou Xinxin, who was in the front, yawned. She got up at seven in the morning. It was the first time she got up so early during the holiday. She ran over after eating.

She usually doesn't have time to buy fruit plates when she goes to school, but she is particularly greedy for kumquats. Finally, she can come to the store during the holidays and will definitely seize the opportunity to grab kumquats!

After Zhou Xinxin yawned, she suddenly saw a truck approaching, followed by a young lady wearing a long khaki windbreaker who opened the door and jumped out.

She did not tie up her hair today, and let it hang loosely. Her long hair was tucked behind her ears, and her whole body exuded a gentle scent.

If she hadn't gotten off the truck, Zhou Xinxin would have thought she was watching the heroine of an idol drama appear.

Gu Qingxian looked at the time, nine minutes and three minutes.

There are already so many people?

She walked over and saw several boys carrying large travel bags, as well as a few familiar faces - such as Zhou Xinxin.

When the shop assistants saw the boss coming, they immediately ran over to help move the goods. Zhou Xinxin did not dare to leave the team for fear that she would not be able to buy the fruit platter, so she could only jump on the spot and wave to her: "Sister! It's me!"

Gu Qingxian looked at her, waved her hand and said, "I see, happy holiday."

Zhou Xinxin smiled happily and said, "I'm so happy, I will definitely be able to buy a platter today!"

The store did not have a back door, so the goods were moved into the fruit shop. The process was watched by everyone, and everyone looked eagerly, wishing that they could buy the goods now and then go home to eat fruits.

The barbecue restaurant next door also came early today and planned to open at eleven o'clock. It was only nine o'clock, and someone came over with a lot of vegetables and meat to prepare in advance.

Li Tian saw the long queue when she came, and patted her chest and was glad that she didn't have to queue today. Although she was a wage earner, she was treated like a VIP to some extent.

She was walking along the line to the door, and suddenly she heard someone shouting: "Li Tian?"

She paused in her steps and turned around to see several seniors looking at her.

They had said in the group yesterday that they would come to F City to buy fruit together, and they came right away. Just like her yesterday, they didn't have time to put their luggage and rushed directly outside the store.

One of them asked: "Why did you go in directly without queuing?"

"Ah... I came to the store to help." Li Tian explained, "I used to know the boss... well, we know each other."

Everyone looked enviously. Watching her enter the store, Li Tian felt inexplicably happy that her vanity was satisfied.

Ahem, is this an unexpected gain from part-time work?

After entering the store, Xiaoguo looked at her in surprise: "You're here for a trip, why are you here to work?"

Li Tian said seriously: "You can do social practice during the holiday while traveling."

"..." Xiaoguo paused. After all, the social practice of the Food College is very special.

There were many fruits and kumquat water to brew. Everyone didn't have much free time to chat and quickly got back to work.

Gu Qingxian bought a large boiling water bucket used in a milk tea shop yesterday. She can directly use the interface to connect cups of kumquat water to everyone, which is very convenient.

After brewing a bucket of kumquat water, the employee drank two glasses internally, and then continued working with a satisfied look on his face.

In addition to kumquat water, everyone was also given brioche bread made by Aunt Ping before the store opened. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that there will not be much rest time at noon, so it is considered to have lunch in advance.

There was a cute panda-shaped print on the bread. Some boys said they were reluctant to eat it, but after taking it apart, they chewed it like crazy and gave a thumbs up while eating.

Xiao Guo ate a lot in the morning and took a photo of the packaged bread. She didn't plan to eat it at first. Seeing how delicious everyone was eating, she thought about opening it and taking a bite, but she couldn't stop after she tasted it... It was soft and sweet

. Every bite of the bread seems to be biting on the clouds, it is sweet, there is no greasiness of butter, only sweet enjoyment.

Woohoo, is she really short-sighted?

Why do I feel like every bite of food I eat here is extremely delicious!

Xiaoguo ate up the bread reluctantly. Du Ping saw that she was not happy after finishing the meal, so she hurried over to ask. The answer was "It's so delicious that I can't bear to finish it." She couldn't laugh or cry.

There were still a few minutes left before she left the store, so she took the time to post on Weibo.

[Xiaoguo's working diary: Sisters [depressed] I really doubt that I have eaten anything good now. The store gave away small bread today. I don't know where I bought it. It was so delicious that it made my tongue fall off. 】

The attached picture shows the bread in hand.

After Xiaoguo finished posting on Weibo, it happened to be ten o'clock. The store door opened and customers poured in instantly.

Those delivering golden orange juice, those picking up the goods, those verifying the pickup codes... were all busy at the same time.

When Zhou Xinxin was in line, the kumquat water Gu Qingxian gave her was particularly full. The little girl squinted at her and smiled and said, "Miss, you look great today. You look like the heroine of an idol drama." It's been a long time since she was hit by a child

. When she praised her face to face, Gu Qingxian cleared her throat and pretended to be calm: "It's okay."

Ahem, I don't know why, after hearing so many rainbow farts, the one from the children in No. 1 Middle School sounded the best.

There were so many people that Zhou Xinxin did not stay long and left with a fruit plate, dragon fruit and Xiangxue strawberries.

I saved the money for the fruit plate myself, and the money for the dragon fruit and Xiangxue strawberries was sponsored by my father.

Xiangxue strawberries were given to my wife, and dragon fruit was kept for herself because her father had trouble going to the toilet recently.

When I got home, my parents were not at home, so the sweet middle-aged couple probably went out to the supermarket.

Zhou Xinxin pouted, took a photo of the purchased fruit and sent it to the space, and soon received various replies.

[Damn, damn, I got there late, and the queue is now hopelessly long. ]

[I came to buy it too. There were too many people. Xinxin, you are so fast. ]

[Why does the dragon fruit look stale and wilted? 】

【You don't understand this, the ones with wilted skin are ripe and delicious, which means they were picked after ripening on the tree. ]

[Did you buy the fruit plate? ! What time do you leave the door? Zhou

Xinxin proudly opened the lid of the fruit plate and ate half a kumquat in one bite.

She has been craving for kumquats for a long time! Finally got a bite.

The kumquat water before was also delicious, but Zhou Xinxin still preferred the taste of fresh fruit.

She ate the fruit happily and opened Weibo while her parents were not at home.

My favorite actor Yu Lan just posted on Weibo, showing off the snacks and bread sent from a good friend's house, describing the taste as heaven and earth, very exaggerated.

Clicking on the comment, the first hot comment said: [Sure enough, fairies can have fairy friends. 】

Zhou Xinxin sighed, she was obviously a little fairy, how could her best friend know how to eat it?

So, she desperately sent a message to her best friend: Look at the delicious food sent by Yu Lan's friend, should you reflect on yourself?

Best friend: I just thought about it, why haven't I found a friend who can make snacks? Why.

The ball was kicked back to his feet, and Zhou Xinxin replied: Oh, then the kumquat I finally saved from my mouth will be eaten by others.

Bestie: Wait! Although I don't know how to make it, I will buy it! I'll buy a small cake and go to your house to do my homework. Boo-boo-boo [kiss]

Zhou Xinxin couldn't help but laugh, and looked at Yu Lan's Weibo post again.

The snacks in the photo are indeed quite tempting. She has eaten soufflé cookies with dried cranberries and raisins, but this is the first time she has seen strawberry soufflé.

She automatically substituted the smell of strawberry from the young lady's house and salivated unconsciously.

Oh my God, she didn't dare to think deeply about it, how delicious it would be if it were made from strawberries from the young lady's house!

Chapter 85. Thirty dragon fruit eaters?

How busy is the fruit shop today?

It was so lively that even the TV stations came to interview us.

Gu Qingxian is an old friend of the TV station, and the reporter who came today happens to be an acquaintance of Guo Ya. Guo Ya knew her temper. He walked in and spoke to her before going out to interview the customers lining up outside without disturbing the busy shop assistants.

It was the first time in their lives that the store clerks were interviewed by a television station. Although Ms. Gu told the photographer not to photograph any staff in the store, everyone was still nervous.

The store continued to be busy. Guo Ya came out and saw several girls with suitcases. She motioned to the cameraman to follow them and quickly followed them for interviews.

After a brief inquiry, Guo Ya learned that they were college students studying in a neighboring province and that their trip to F City on November 11 was entirely for this fruit shop.

Guo Ya asked in surprise: "Have you ever eaten from this fruit store before?"

Several girls looked at each other and pushed the girl in the middle to answer the question: "No, actually we are fans of the band Stab. Last time we saw Ah Can comes here to work and said that after eating the fruit, his skin gets better, so we want to try it." "

So do you have any other travel plans besides eating fruit this time in F City?"

"Yes! I made the plan!" Another girl in charge of planning the itinerary responded, "After buying fruits today, we plan to go to the famous Ytan Park in City F, and we have made an appointment for the museum tomorrow. Because the same person can only buy mangoes once in three days, we will go to the water park for a whole day the day after tomorrow. , I will come back the day after tomorrow to continue buying mangoes, then eat and drink, and visit Fairy Tale Town..."

She kept sharing the travel itinerary, and Guo Ya couldn't help but applaud this little girl who has done a complete job of making travel guides - if she also has a person who likes to make travel guides What a great best friend!

Every time she goes out, she is responsible for making strategies. Hey, she just wants to be a salty fish who eats and drinks along with others.

After hearing what the little girl said, she gave a thumbs up in approval and praised: "Listen to what you just said, other friends are lucky to have friends like you traveling with them. It seems that you already know a lot about F City. Well, our F city is indeed a city with beautiful scenery, cultural connotation, entertainment and leisure. You are welcome to travel and I wish you a happy time." Several girls were interviewed for the first time, waiting for Guo Ya to interview other

people , they secretly took two photos and sent them to their WeChat Moments excitedly.

Wuhu! An unexpected bonus from coming to F City!

Guo Ya continued the interview, this time she chose a couple with a little girl.

The three members of the family are all dressed very simply. The mother is leaning on the father, her face is rosy, but she can still tell that she is a little sick. The father held his wife with one arm and held his short daughter with the other. He was a little overwhelmed when the reporter came over.

After Guo Ya introduced herself, she curiously asked why the three of them came to buy fruit together. The shy wife was embarrassed to speak, but the younger daughter whispered: "Because mangoes are not easy to buy, my father and I have used up all the quotas, so we have to I brought my mother here."

Their family did not look wealthy, and the price of mangoes was not low... Guo Ya knelt down on one knee and asked the little girl: "Then why do you want to buy mangoes?" The little girl replied obediently: "

Because mom I'm sick and can't afford surgery, so I want to come here and give it a try."

The wife was afraid of having a bad impact on the fruit shop, so she quickly said: "We know that the boss has never said that mangoes have the effect of curing cancer. I have no choice but to think about it. Give yourself a little more hope."

Guo Ya nodded understandingly. In the later stages of the disease when they cannot receive effective treatment, terminally ill patients will inevitably seek some spiritual support. Once a person's desire to survive breaks out, a miracle may really happen.

And having said that, she doesn't think it's outrageous to eat mangoes to cure illnesses. After all, her father recovered well and quickly after the car accident, and a lot of the credit was due to mangoes.

Guo Ya said some blessings to the girl's mother for her recovery, and then asked: "How do you think your physical condition is now?" His wife smiled and said, "Maybe it's

psychological. After taking it for less than half a month, I feel better than before." It was much better when I came here, I couldn't stand outside for so long before."

The boy responsible for maintaining order had been eavesdropping. When he heard this, he quickly ran back to the store and told the boss what he had just heard. Gu Qingxian motioned to her to move the chairs out of the store.

Soon, the boy moved the chair with the pulley over, and the reporter had already gone to interview other people.

The boy put down the chair and said to the girl's mother: "Hello, I just heard about your physical condition. I'm sorry because the store rules don't allow you to buy in advance. You can sit down and queue up. This one has pulleys so you can push it around. It's more convenient. ."

The family of three thanked him, he waved his hand, and went back to get three glasses of kumquat water for them.

Although other people are a little envious of their special treatment, it is really not easy for them, and this cannot be compared with others.

But I have to say that this wave of humanized operations in the fruit shop is very heartwarming.

When the boy returned to the store, he was indeed affirmed by Gu Qingxian. The corners of his mouth were raised, with a bit of sincere stupidity in happiness.

His family background is not good either. He has been able to successfully study and has received help from many people. Being able to help others to the best of his ability is what he has always wanted to do.

He happily continued to work. After Guo Ya finished interviewing a couple, she turned around and saw the woman with cancer sitting on a chair. She hurriedly grabbed the cameraman and recorded some additional footage for them.

When the interview was about to progress, the cameraman put the equipment back in the car in the parking lot, rubbed his shoulders and said, "You guys go back first, and I'll queue up and buy some fruit to eat." The colleague responsible for lifting radios and other equipment also said

: "I'll go too! I just asked, can you still buy dragon fruit in line now?"

Guo Ya got into the car and sent the footage she just shot to her editing colleagues, and said, "Wait for me, I'll go too."

She She is not responsible for social news, so she was sent here today because of a temporary mission. Fortunately, she is making rapid progress now, and is not afraid of this kind of impromptu interview at all, and has successfully completed the task.

After the materials were sent, she locked the car and went to line up with two colleagues.

The three people who were being interviewed just now suddenly turned into customers, causing a small commotion in the team. Many people took photos of them and posted them in group chats, Weibo, and Moments.


No one can escape Miss Gu's fruit, not even the reporters who come to interview.


Boss Lin and his son got out of the car and gave the driver a few instructions. The driver nodded and left.

She held her son's hand and walked to the roadside. When she saw the long queue, she rubbed her brows and couldn't help but sigh.

She was quite surprised at the mall, but she didn't expect to have to queue up for a cup of free kumquat water.

Since my anorexic son started drinking Huiji's new products and eating strawberries, his appetite has gradually recovered and he is now the same as a healthy child. And I don't know if it's because of her psychology. Sometimes I eat and drink with my son, and my body feels better, and my sleep quality has also improved a lot. I no longer have to lie down and have insomnia for a long time before falling asleep like before.

Boss Lin got news a while ago that the Pharmaceutical Research Institute was studying the mangoes of this fruit shop, and there were certain results. He was more sure of the efficacy of this fruit, so he took his son over to play on the 11th and taste the freshest fruit.

I originally planned to ask an errand boy to come over and buy it, but I didn't expect that this store would launch a kumquat water giveaway during the National Day holiday. She asked her son, and he jumped high and said he wanted to drink, so she had to take her son to queue.

There is no packaging and only disposable paper cups for water. It is more secure to drink it on the spot. After all, the Internet says that this kumquat is particularly fragrant. If the errand boy can't resist the temptation... Boss Lin is queuing up

. Holding my son in hand, I kept sending messages with one hand to keep in touch.

In fact, she came here not only to play and eat.

The team moved forward quite quickly. After waiting for nearly half an hour, they finally reached the queue. Boss Lin bought all the fruits he could buy and said to the boss by the way: "Thanks to your strawberries, my son's anorexia is cured. Now You can eat and drink."

The little pot next to him already had a surprised expression on his face.

Yesterday, she occasionally heard guests coming over to praise her. She felt it was incredible. Could fruit be so magical?

She has calmed down today, probably because of the holiday. Fruit fans from all over the country came here, wanting to take advantage of the holiday to try fresh fruits and thank the boss in person.

Xiaoguo listened to dozens of compliments beside her, such as how she no longer had insomnia, how her acne was cured, how her appetite had improved... all these things made her feel numb.

However, Gu Qingxian never got tired of hearing these compliments, and responded with a smile: "That's good. I wish him a lively and healthy growth."

Boss Lin smiled at her, bought the fruit and left. Before leaving, his youngest son suddenly jumped up and shouted. Gu Qingxian waved her hand: "Goodbye, beautiful sister!"

Others around her laughed kindly, and Gu Qingxian also pursed her lips and smiled, and then said: "Okay, good-bye, little handsome man." Xiao Guo was so busy that he was

dizzy, and the sudden appearance of Xiao Guo The interlude made her relax briefly, and she felt a little warm in her heart.

I don't know why, but I always feel good working here.

The gentle and kind boss is a bright light in the world~

The business continued until one o'clock in the afternoon. People who came to queue later learned that the fruit was about to run out and had to leave with regret.

It was said to be open until two o'clock in the afternoon, but at 1:10 the fruit was sold out. As soon as the store closed, everyone started cleaning.

Li Tian worked part-time for the first time in her life. After the work was completed, she felt a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. She excitedly said to Xiaoguo: "The working atmosphere is great. I must study hard when I go back. I will tell my boss to open a company in the future." You have to apply for everything."

Xiaoguo chuckled, in fact, she thought so too.

She majored in logistics, and her boss sells fruits and does food processing. Her major will definitely be put to use!

After cleaning, Gu Qingxian took them to the seafood boat restaurant they booked yesterday for a feast: "It's a holiday today, let's eat something good." "

Long live the boss!"

The waiter took them into the box, and the passing waiters couldn't help but look at it more After a few glances at the previous customer, he whispered to the person next to him: "The person who just came in looks a bit familiar."

"Celebrity Internet celebrity?"

The man shook his head and suddenly recalled: "I remember, it was that time I came to the store Big eater!"

"Really or not? But she brought a lot of people here this time... Is it still a show?"

As the news spread, everyone was instantly reminded of the mysterious big eater who shocked all the waiters in the store.

One person ate a seafood boat for more than ten people, and even placed the shells of shrimps, crabs and shells neatly on the table... He had a

strong appetite and weird habits, and it was hard not to remember.

As a result, everyone in the box soon discovered that the waiter was different every time he came in. They all stared at Miss Gu who was sitting at the head table.

Occasionally you can hear them discussing and chatting in low voices at the door.

"Oh my gosh, I can't tell at all."

"She's so thin, why can she eat so much?" "

She's so good-looking, why should she be a big eater? Wouldn't it be a good idea to make her debut?" "

I really want to ask which platform she is on. Live broadcast."

"Don't go, inquire about guests' privacy, and you will be in trouble if the manager finds out."


Gu Qingxian's hearing is a hundred times better than ordinary people, so she naturally hears every word.

She calmly took a sip of water, and Xiaoguo couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "Boss, what's this big eater they talk about?"

Gu Qingxian lied innocently: "Maybe I got the wrong person."

Xiaoguo thought for a moment. I think it should be like this. There are many beautiful people who are similar, so it is understandable to admit mistakes.

While waiting for the food to be served, Xiaoguo opened Weibo to read the comments. As a result, the software was stuck for a few seconds, and the number of messages in the lower right corner jumped to "999+".

"......"what's the situation!

Xiao Guo had set up message prompts only for comments and reposts. She clicked into the message interface and saw dozens of reposts, more than 800 comments, and more than 100 private messages, and her brain instantly stopped.

She usually only has dozens of comments. What happened today? !

Xiaoguo clicked into the comments with a confused look, read a few pages, and finally understood.

Netizens discovered that the bread she baked today was exactly the same as the bread baked by actor Yu Lan...

Xiaoguo checked Yu Lan's Weibo again and enlarged the picture for a long time. She was sure and sure - the soufflé was the soufflé she ate yesterday, and the bread was the bread she ate today!

The food was certain, but...how could the snacks given by Yu Lan's friends be the same as what she had eaten?

Xiaoguo reacted for a long time and suddenly looked at the boss.

Gu Qingxian tilted her head and cast a questioning look. Xiaoguo hesitated for a moment, then raised his phone and asked, "Boss, do you know Yu Lan? The snacks she received today...are similar to what we eat." Before

Gu Qingxian could speak, Du Ping next to her spoke first.

"Bangfeng Express is so fast. I sent it last night and it has already arrived."

Xiaoguo blinked and took a breath.

My co-authored celebrity friend is actually by my side? !

Chapter 86. Thirty-one dragon fruits are illegally operated?

There is no one at this table who doesn't know Yu Lan.

Yu Lan's TV series can be said to be a household name. Because of its high popularity among the people, it has always been the darling of GG businessmen.

Although she has been very low-key recently and only occasionally comes out to record variety shows, when the name is mentioned, everyone's first reaction is that of a big star.

Celebrities are essentially ordinary people, but because of the performances on the screen, they feel that stars are out of reach. But now... they are working in a fruit shop, and the boss is actually friends with Yu Lan.

Everyone was in a daze.

They ate the same snacks and bread as Yu Lan, so they were one step closer to becoming a star, right?

Xiaoguo is considered a fan of Yu Lan. I have watched all of Xiaoguo's dramas starring her. Last month, I shed real tears for her BE costume drama series. Suddenly getting closer to Yu Lan, she was so happy that the corners of her mouth stretched to her ears, and she asked with bright eyes: "Are you friends? Is Yu Lan also eating the fruits we sell? When will she have a new drama? I'm so scared."

As he was talking, the seafood boat came in, and the waiter who came in this time kept peeking at Gu Qingxian, thinking about how her small body could fit into a seafood boat. So many people just ordered it today. Is one boat enough for her...

When the waiter left, Gu Qingxian said: "Well, she often comes to buy fruit, and we got to know each other as soon as we go there."

Another girl said "Wow": "Then we will also have the opportunity to meet her in person in the future Are you here to buy fruit?"

Before Gu Qingxian could say anything, the girl next to her said, "You're stupid, it must be the assistant who came to buy it." "That's

right..." The girl lowered her head, but soon thought of another thought. Situation, "When the fruit shop becomes bigger in the future, I will definitely hold an annual meeting when I open a company. Maybe I can come to the annual meeting."

The more she said, the more outrageous it became. Xiaoguo couldn't laugh or cry - she really dared to think about it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingxian said: "She will come to me sometimes, maybe I have a chance to meet." "

Ah, boss, you are great! Can I get an autograph then?"

"I want it too!"

"Uh... I like Yu Lan, but I like her good friends even more. I really want to ask for autographed photos."

Everyone was very excited about the discussion. Gu Qingxian had no choice but to pick up the big and plump shrimps first: "No matter you Alright, let me start first."

Xiaoguo stuck out his tongue. Although Yu Lan was very attractive, the seafood in front of him was even more attractive. She also quickly ended the discussion and picked up a crayfish that was almost the size of a palm.

She had only eaten a small ball of lobster tail before. Such a large crayfish had only been seen on TV. The shrimp meat was firm and elastic in the mouth, with a hint of sweetness.

Woohoo, so delicious!

The things that attracted attention on the Internet were not worth mentioning in front of the delicious food. I was so excited about eating in the small pot that I almost forgot about the things on the Internet.

After eating and drinking, she picked up her phone and saw a dozen messages from gay friends she met while working online. After getting Gu Qingxian's permission, she wiped her mouth and replied: [The new boss and Yu Lan are friends, and I ate snacks with her. I also sent a copy to Yu Lan. ]

What answered her was a piece of green grassland.

A row of cursive prefixes were written on it, and her gay friends had already begun to ask where she worked, and she wanted to resign.

Xiaoguo smiled: [I found it in the city where I study in college, which is thousands of miles away from you. You should work hard as a part-time job in a bookstore. 】

My gay friend felt heartbroken. When she applied for her first choice, she also applied for the university in the city where Xiaoguo was located, but unfortunately she put it in her second choice...

A mistake caused her to lose a magical job!

Xiaoguo suddenly remembered that her gay friend was studying accounting. She looked up at Li Tian and thought of the conversation between her boss and Li Tianhe yesterday. She quickly revealed the gossip to her gay friend: "Then you study hard. If my boss opens a company in the future, can you?" Applying to be an accountant [Gotou]]

Things on the Internet are not over yet. Many fans of Yu Lan came to Xiaoguo Weibo to check in, asking where she works and why there is Yu Lan's same style of bread.

Xiaoguo was a little at a loss. In the end, Gu Qingxian contacted Yu Lan. They discussed it and Gu Qingxian forwarded their Weibo posts respectively.

[Miss Gu's Fruit Shop: Employee Benefits, Don't Be Gay 6. //@Little pot's part-time job diary:......]

[Miss Gu's Fruit Shop: Fairy Friends Come Uninvited [Dog Head] // Actor Yu Lan: ...]

Old fruit fans all know that Yu Lan and Miss Gu had interacted before, but this was the first time for such direct interaction. !

It's simply a dream connection.

For a while, the comment area was filled with "Who wouldn't want to have a magical friend like Miss Gu?"

The fruits are so delicious, the characters are so beautiful, the people are so gentle... and they can even feed them delicious snacks!

When Zhou Xinxin read these two Weibo posts, she was ecstatic and drooling. She had imagined the taste of sour cream by imagining the taste of strawberries from her young lady's home. Now that her idea was confirmed, she felt like she couldn't stop drooling.

For a moment, she thought, if she gets the top score in the city this year, will she be interviewed by a TV station? When being interviewed, she must say that the reward she hopes to get is snacks made by the little sister at home. Then the TV station went to find the little sister in order to fulfill the wish of the city's number one... The little sister made snacks for her with her own hands... Hehehe !

Zhou Xinxin was daydreaming, and the more she thought about it, the more beautiful she became. Suddenly she was pushed by her best friend, and she woke up from her dream in an instant.

"Why are you laughing? You look like a fool."

"..." Zhou Xinxin rolled her eyes at her, "You don't understand. I'm going to study. This year, I must be the number one winner in the city." Best

friend: "..."

So bold She really doesn't understand the idea very well :)


The fruit shop seems to have its own traffic. With it on Weibo, it can always easily hit the entertainment hot search list.

Yu Lan later forwarded a Weibo comment to Gu Qingxian, saying, "Thank you for the bonus dragon fruit. I won't be afraid of being scolded by my manager after eating the bread." This led to everyone discussing what Yu Lan was talking about about the dragon fruit.

Therefore, the old fruit fans took on the important task of telling them about the various magical effects of Miss Gu's fruits.

Fans who wanted to lose weight and become more beautiful were immediately excited and asked how to buy it. After learning that they could only buy it locally in F city, some fans with financial resources immediately bought the remaining air and train tickets to F city.

Staff from the Ministry of Transport have long since discovered that a particularly large number of people came to City F during this National Day, and the passenger volume increased significantly compared to the same period last year. There was another booking peak this afternoon, and they quickly reported this abnormal situation.

Thanks to Yu Lan's friendly promotion, the popularity of the fruit shop has reached an unprecedented high.

Not long after the TV station finished editing the program, after receiving the news, they immediately cut a small trailer and posted it to Weibo and D-sound platforms.

Hey, the heat is in vain.

Soon someone noticed the trailer of the Fruit Shop interview, and fans of the Fruit Shop and Yu Lan fans began to look forward to it. Many people left messages on the official blog of the TV station, asking them to do a live broadcast on Weibo during the show.

It is difficult to find live broadcasts on local stations' online platforms. The station discussed this matter and decided to let the operators start live broadcasts to attract more netizens to watch the programs.

Fans also reposted the post to promote it, and it went directly to the local hot search list.

As a result, more people knew that the program related to the fruit shop was going to be broadcast today. Young people who never liked watching TV with their elders even started fighting with their elders for the remote control before the program was broadcast.

After the show was broadcast, some people who had never been to a fruit shop were shocked by the length of the queue.

Is this really selling fruit? Not doing a book signing?

Fortunately, there were people maintaining order, and everyone queued up in several lines according to their needs, and the team moved forward at a slow pace.

Later, after hearing various answers from reporters, some Yu Lan fans began to suspect that the fruit shop was some kind of problematic organization.

What fruit is so amazing that it's worth traveling all the way for it? And mango cures cancer... Nowadays, adults and aunts don't dare to be so straightforward when trying to deceive health care products, okay? They have come up with some concept of sheep colostrum and some fancy golden cicadas, but how can they just use mangoes to deceive people!

Although the fruit shop takes good care of cancer patients, it does not prevent everyone from thinking that they are just lying.

Yu Lan's fans were a little devastated. In the afternoon, they thought Lan Lan had made a godly friend and boasted wildly. Now...

it's hard to explain in words.

What is going on with this friend Yu Lan? Why does he look so wrong?

The TV station originally thought that it would be able to achieve a win-win situation with Ms. Gu due to its popularity. However, after the show was aired, it was discovered that most of the online comments were negative.

When people discuss something, they always like to guide it in the direction they want to arrange it. After all, fruit shop fans are still a minority compared to the large number of netizens. These netizens have no in-depth understanding of the past experiences of fruit shops, do not know about the anti-counterfeiting incident, and do not know about pharmaceutical research papers. When they see other people's one-sided summary, they immediately jump up and start complaining.

For a time, the public opinion trend on the Internet turned out to be one-sided. The voice that wanted to explain to everyone was drowned by the louder voice and could not make a sound.

Starting from the outrageous efficacy, then to the outrageous price... Netizens began to criticize this fruit shop for using its efficacy to defraud money, and for using people's desire to survive to defraud money.

Feng Bo, who went to the beach for vacation on November 1, was enjoying the sea breeze and watching the night view in his villa when he suddenly received a call from a marketing account telling him that the opportunity had come.

After hearing this, Feng Bo curled up his lips. This was not his intention to cause trouble, but the fruit shop's own fault. He was just following the trend.

So he immediately arranged for a cooperative marketing account to set the pace. Not only did he say that she had made up false results to cheat money, he also listed a formula to roughly estimate her daily turnover, implying that she was earning a high income but did not pay taxes in accordance with the law.

It's become more lively now, with more and more people coming in to fish in troubled waters, and it has also become a hot topic.

#谷Miss Fruit Shop Illegal Operation#

Xiao Guo finished his studies in the evening, patted his stomach that had not yet been digested after eating in the afternoon, picked up his mobile phone and saw the messages and screenshots sent by his gay friends, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

What, what's going on?

How could her best boss in the world be trending in this way? !

Xiaoguo was panicking. If she hadn't posted on Weibo, no one would have known about the relationship between Yu Lan and her boss, and she wouldn't have received so much attention...

She was so anxious that her eyes were red, and she quickly sent a message to her boss to ask.

However, at this time, Gu Qingxian had no time to care about these things, nor did she know about them.

She is now pouring bucket after bucket of spiritual milk into large storage tanks.

The amount of milk produced by the modified cows was so great that one of them produced more milk than the previous total daily production.

After storing the spiritual milk, she took out part of it and heated it with spiritual power, cooked it, and gave it to Xiao Yu to drink.

Gu Yu sat beside the hospital bed, dangling his little feet and drinking milk. He stared at Sheng Jinhuai, thought for a moment, put the bowl close to his face, and fanned the milk-scented wind with his little hands.

"This is the spiritual milk I transformed," he took back the bowl with a proud face, paused, and then said with a little grievance, "Zhuang, please wake up quickly, I want you to taste it..." Gu Qingxian touched

it Xiaoyu turned her head, just about to comfort him, when her keen spiritual sense suddenly noticed something was wrong, and her eyes immediately locked onto Sheng Jinhuai's knuckled hand on the bed.

Um? Is it an illusion?

She just...

seemed to have seen his hands move.

Chapter 87. Thirty-two dragon fruits and he is still practicing! ...

Gu Qingxian's phone was almost full of calls. She noticed the movement on her phone but was not distracted.

Because Sheng Jinhuai moved just now!

Xiaoyu looked at him eagerly and kept calling him. Gu Qingxian raised her hand and sent a steady stream of spiritual energy to him without hesitation.

A quarter of an hour passed, but Sheng Jinhuai did not move again, just like before, like a doll without intuition.

Gu Qingxian frowned slightly, sighed and took back her hand, but suddenly there was a response from another person's spirit body in her spiritual consciousness.

She suddenly realized something, sat down on the spot, closed her eyes and let out her spiritual consciousness, and circled around Sheng Jinhuai.

After an unknown amount of time, a subtle response came through.

There was no sound or touch, but she could feel that this weak spiritual consciousness came from Zhuangzhuang!

Even Gu Qingxian, who came from the world of cultivation, has never seen anyone who can activate spiritual consciousness just by building a foundation.

From foundation building to golden elixir, there are two levels in between: consecration and fasting. How did he do it? !

After Gu Qingxian was frightened, she calmed down to feel the response, and finally understood.

It was probably because I had sent him too much spiritual energy during this period, and he had protected himself during the golden elixir period to pass through tribulations. Rounding it up, it was equivalent to him also going through a tribulation, and he had unknowingly risen to a level, and now he has reached the level of cultivation. The consecration period is complete.

Although the strong spiritual body cannot awaken with the physical body, he is still practicing!

He was trying to wake up.

Gu Qingxian opened her eyes. Xiaoyu had long since stopped caring about drinking milk and was squatting next to her and watching worriedly. She rubbed the little guy's head and said, "Zhuang Zhuang's spirit body is fine. He has not stopped practicing and has improved a lot. It's just that he hasn't found a way to wake up yet." Gu Yu was already prepared to hear the bad news

. After listening to her words, her eyes became brighter and brighter, almost shining: "Really? Zhuang also wants to wake up and play with me, right?" "

Yeah!" Gu Qingxian nodded her head, and Xiaoyu drank happily. Milk.

Gu Qingxian stood up, opened and clenched her right hand, and the mobile phone on the table fell into her hand.

Her phone was dying from the messages and calls.

She took a look at it, understood the situation, and called Guo Ya first.


Guo Ya was not feeling well. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening. She stood anxiously on the balcony, her head in a mess.

This interview in Taili is, firstly, because the fruit shop is a topic and a good news hot spot, and it is a relatively unique scenery in F City today; secondly, because the research institute has recently made a lot of research results, and internal news claims that mango has anti-cancer effects. Basically, it's a done deal, just waiting for them to conduct further research and experiments, and then plan to find the boss to cooperate in developing drugs.

Very few people know the news now, and the TV station cannot release the news, but they know that this thing is good for people, and proper publicity can allow more people in need to eat mangoes. This is the result the station hopes to see.

Everyone in the station is well-intentioned, but now I don't know what's going on. Public opinion on the Internet is one-sided...

Guo Ya feels that she has cheated her boss again. I heard that many media are contacting Miss Gu and want to conduct further interviews. She wanted to ventilate Miss Gu, but she could not contact her.

She had to get up early for work tomorrow, but she couldn't sleep.

Guo Ya went to the refrigerator to get a can of beer. Dad Guo came out with a cane. When he saw the beer in his daughter's hand, he sighed: "You have work tomorrow, so don't drink." "Well..."

Guo Ya obediently put down the wine. When she went back, she turned to her father and said, "It's very late. Go to bed quickly, Dad. It's been a hundred days since your muscles and bones were broken, and you still have to take good care of yourself." "I'm fine. If

your mother hadn't made such a fuss, I would have used it. No crutches." After Guo's father finished speaking, he paused and asked, "Are you worried about the fruit shop?"

Guo Ya nodded. She felt that she was particularly sorry for her boss. Originally, her business could be improved to a higher level tomorrow, but now they are all Screwed up.

Dad Guo sighed and comforted her. She understood the truth, but...

suddenly the WeChat call on her mobile phone rang. She picked it up and looked at it, and quickly ran to the balcony to answer the call.

Guo Ya's heart was full of guilt, and her voice was choked with sobs: "Miss Gu, I'm sorry, we..."

Gu Qingxian interrupted her. The TV station was not to blame for this matter, it was obvious that someone was stirring up trouble inside.

She briefly inquired about the situation and learned that the TV station planned to find a reliable official media to conduct a follow-up investigation tomorrow to clear her name. Gu Qingxian said "hmm" and thought it was feasible.

Just in case, Guo Ya cautiously added: "What they said is all false, right?"

Gu Qingxian did not answer her question directly, but said: "Let the official media investigate, don't worry."

Guo Ya felt even sadder for a moment.

It was obviously them who had caused trouble for her, but now it was them who came to comfort her.

Gu Qingxian got first-hand information from Guo Ya, and then responded to other people's messages one by one.

Yu Lan was also apologizing. She thought it would be a win-win situation, but things ended up getting to this point. Their public relations officers have already started to get involved, but because they can't produce strong evidence, they can't prove Gu Qingxian's innocence.

However, the public relations department has immediately contacted the cooperative media to prevent them from conducting malicious interviews with the fruit store.

But no matter what, tomorrow's opening will definitely be affected. They are worried that someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble, or media reporters will hinder their normal business.

The better situation is that I haven't seen any customers who have already purchased say anything excessive, but they are all helping to maintain it.

Gu Qingxian reassured them that she would open as usual tomorrow.

There was a lot of noise online, but she wanted to see who didn't have the guts to make a fuss about her store in real life.

Yu Lan was originally very worried about her, but seeing how calm she was, she gradually calmed down and gained confidence.

Qingxian has never let her down before, and she will definitely be able to save the day this time!

The topic online is a mess, but in reality, people in various small groups who want to buy fruit are saying that they won't have to wait in line so long tomorrow, and they might even be able to buy a fruit platter.

Several students who were interviewed during the day could not sleep until almost midnight, so they excitedly shared their experiences in the group.

When someone asked if the fruit was delicious, they all yelled that it was "magical deliciousness."

Although they are students and not so wealthy, they still think the fruit prices at this store are quite reasonable.

The taste is worth the price!

[But I see people on the Internet criticizing this company for operating illegally and lying to people. ]

[The person who scolded me has definitely never eaten her fruit. Anyway, I have eaten it, and I can only praise it. ]

[+1, I plan to grab a bunch of strawberries from the mini program to send home tomorrow. They are so delicious that I can't eat them alone. ]

[I don't understand why what you said is completely different from Weibo. ]

[Senior, you will know after you try it once. I think someone on Weibo is setting the pace, so ignore it. ]

[Yes, just bring it, it's better if they don't buy it, so we don't have to rob it. 】

Not only in this group, but also in other groups who have eaten fruits are full of compliments. Only those who have never eaten are sour and sour.

For example, in the group of Class 7, Grade 3, Chen Xiaotong is currently facing off passionately with Jiang Na.

Jiang Na was blacklisted by her boss before, and she hated this store from the bottom of her heart. Although she has been secretly buying Huiji's milk to drink recently, she just hates the fruit boss.

As annoying as Chen Xiaotong.

Chen Xiaotong was really speechless. This Jiang Na had never eaten fruit before, so she would dance the most enthusiastically whenever there was any negative news about her boss. It's a pity that Chen Xiaotong is not very good at quarreling with others. After being scolded by Jiang Na for a long time, she only responded with a few weak words. Fortunately, her deskmate was very powerful in fighting. She rushed up to Jiang Na and scolded her into silence.

Jiang Na had turned off the microphone, but there were still people on the Internet who were still talking nonsense. Chen Xiaotong was so angry that he couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and wrote a short composition on Weibo.

The young lady is obviously so nice. She promised everyone that she would produce fruits that even students can afford, and she really did it, so that everyone can drink affordable strawberry milk and yogurt.

The last time Chen Xiaotong heard teachers say in the office, they felt that many students were more focused in class and their learning efficiency had improved. According to her observation, those who had changed were those who usually supported Miss Sister's products.

For example, she now has good skin, good health, and high learning efficiency. Her class rank improved by ten places and her grade rank increased by nearly a hundred places in the last monthly exam.

On the one hand, her own efforts are part of the equation. She believes that the fruit produced by the young lady is really good for the body.

With this feeling, she wrote from her first "encounter" with milk strawberries, to how Xiangxue strawberries helped her regain her confidence, and then to her current healthy state of study and life.

She wrote the truest feelings in her heart and shared her story with everyone about the fruit shop. She did not mention a topic, she just wrote down what she wanted to say, and after sending it out, she stopped reading it.

After saying that, Chen Xiaotong finally felt comfortable, lay down and fell asleep.

What she didn't know was that besides her, someone else was also writing essays.

Jiao Lingling has been doing live broadcasts in Huiji for a while, and now there are many people in the live broadcast room who are her fans. Her experience and the hardships she went through step by step made many people full of hope for life. Some girls with the same anxious appearance watched her live broadcast and began to learn to accept their imperfect selves.

In the Internet age, people see too many carefully crafted characters and their glamorous lives, which makes some people who have not yet established a firm outlook on life and values ​​pay too much attention to appearance.

Jiao Lingling used herself as a wake-up call and took advantage of the popularity of Huiji's live broadcast to help more people get out of the vicious cycle.

Her efforts were not in vain. During this period, she received a lot of attention on her Weibo. Every day, people sent her private messages to say thank you for her guidance and that she has now given up on pathological weight loss.

Jiao Lingling gradually understood that her job brought not only money, but also a sense of accomplishment and value.

She thanked Miss Gu. If she hadn't met at the gate of the community that day, she would have probably broken up with her boyfriend and was now suffering from the disease alone... How could she have the good life she has now?

Jiao Lingling hasn't stayed up late for a long time, and she made an exception today. She stayed up late to finish writing the essay, incorporating her feelings for the fruit shop, hoping to wake up some netizens who didn't understand the truth and started to curse at random.

Yu Lan's team soon discovered these two special Weibo posts, and suddenly found another idea - the emotional card.

So public relations quickly started working and a new plan was made.

Yu Lan's agent knew that this time would bring trouble to the fruit shop owner, so he allowed appropriate compensatory publicity for the fruit shop in the plan.

That night, everyone involved was extremely busy. Only Gu Qingxian practiced comfortably all night and went out feeling refreshed the next day.

When delivering the goods to the flower shop, Ji Mulan pulled her worriedly and talked for a long time. Gu Qingxian asked helplessly: "Have all the fruit baskets been ordered for today?

" Time!"

Ji Mulan was anxious to death, but the person involved was not in a hurry at all, and said slowly: "Your flower shop is not affected, and my fruit shop will not be affected at all." "..."

Ji Mulan wanted to refute. She paused and found that what she said seemed to make sense.

The fruit flower baskets are sold out soon after they are put on the shelves every day, which shows that the customer base is still stable. In this case, the basic base of the fruit shop will not be easily shaken.

Ji Mulan was soothed by her few words and her mood calmed down. She finally had some appetite and took a sip of the breakfast soy milk brought by the clerk.

Seeing her calm down, Gu Qingxian curled her lips and said, "By the way, the ordinary dragon fruit I sell here is pretty good. When the National Day event is over, would you like to replace the fruits in the fruit basket with mine?" On the side?"

Chapter 88. The thirty-three dragon fruit bosses were so handsome just now! ...

The ordinary dragon fruit produced this time weighs nearly one kilogram each. They are sold according to weight, fifty-one kilograms, which is considered a relatively affordable fruit in the store.

Ji Mulan did the math and found that a dragon fruit costs about forty yuan. When the cost price is included in the fruit basket, the price will increase by about fifty yuan.

It seems possible, but I'm worried that flower shop customers won't buy it.

Gu Qingxian didn't ask for an answer immediately. She asked her to think again and said that she could give her a wholesale price of forty yuan each.

After everyone left, Ji Mulan sent a message to her friends and customer groups asking everyone if they could accept the price increase.

In fact, she was still a little worried about what happened online yesterday. However, after she asked, everyone who responded said yes.

One of them was the secretary to the general manager of a certain company. The manager had an accident half a month ago. He accidentally learned of this flower shop and ordered a fruit flower basket. The boss was extremely satisfied. He found the wealth code that satisfied his boss. When his boss was hospitalized, he put the fruit basket on the shelves every day and ordered the fruit basket for his boss on time.

However, his boss usually only likes to eat mangoes inside. There is no core, and the skin is edible. It is convenient to eat without bothering others, and it tastes very good. One time, the boss's wife cut the dragon fruit inside for him to eat. The boss also complained to him that the dragon fruit seeds were too filling for the teeth and tasted like drinking sugar water, which was not interesting.

But now the flower shop owner said that he should replace the dragon fruit in it with one produced by the same company as the mango!

It is said that this dragon fruit has no seeds and has a unique taste. The secretary's eyes lit up and she felt like she had unlocked the password for promotion and salary increase for the second time.

It's only a few dozen yuan more expensive, but as long as it makes the boss happy, the money doesn't matter.

[That's great. Can I go there tomorrow? ]

[Can't wait. ]

[The price is completely acceptable! 】


The secretary responded the most positively in the entire group, which made Ji Mulan think that the clerk had stuffed an atmosphere group into the group specifically to enhance the atmosphere.

As long as it is Miss Gu's fruit, everyone who has bought it will approve it, so without thinking too much, Ji Mulan replied and told Gu Qingxian that mangoes and dragon fruits are purchased every day.

Gu Qingxian was not surprised by the result at all. She replied "Okay", then put away her mobile phone and released her spiritual consciousness outside the milk factory.

She deliberately went out early today to deliver goods and stopped by the milk factory to take a look. Worried that she had affected the work of the workers in the past, she did not go in, but scanned the outside with her spiritual sense.

The ordered machine has been delivered, and there are people at the factory working overtime to debug it, but most of them are lazy. They came early, but they were all chatting.

The workshop director was chatting with them and happened to be talking about Gu Qingxian.

Gu Qingxian didn't like to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. She originally wanted to see how the new machine was working, but she didn't expect to hear everyone's opinions and comments about her.

She frowned and listened, and the general idea was that she, the person who bought the processing plant, was not good enough and was just playing tricks. They had to find another way out as soon as possible and couldn't follow her nonsense.

The workshop director had already planned to work elsewhere and asked them if they wanted to join him. The salary was about the same as now, but it was an established manufacturer and his job was guaranteed.

As they were talking, some people began to make ambiguous conjectures, saying that the new boss was so rich because he was kept, and he didn't know how to do business at all. The money was given to her by men for fun.

Some people also say that she has a particularly profitable fruit shop, but her illegal operation was investigated. The dairy factory is not even sure what it produces yet. It is estimated that she will not be able to work for long, and she will soon become a prostitute.

After such a discussion, everyone felt that they really wouldn't be able to work here for long, so it would be better to leave early.

Gu Qingxian curled her lips. Anyway, there was no one else here. She used a cover-up trick and appeared at the door of the workshop in the next second, pushed the door open and walked in.

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, she smiled and said, "You're all here. You've worked hard during the holiday. How is the equipment being adjusted?" The

workshop director was so frightened that he didn't hear any movement at all, and he didn't expect that the boss would be here. The time comes suddenly.

He made a swallowing motion, calmed down and said, "Everyone is discussing how to debug, and it will start soon."

"No need." Gu Qingxian walked up to a few people, the smile on her face disappeared, and she said coldly, "Since you have found your next home, you don't need to worry about things here. Take a good holiday on November 8th. Come back and find the financial settlement salary."

From what they said, they shouldn't pay much attention to the new production line. The equipment is expensive and requires high precision. If they mess with it, it may have a certain impact on future production. It is better to just let them go back and find someone reliable to do it in the future.

Several people looked at each other, wondering how they heard this.

They didn't say it at the door of the workshop. How could the people standing outside hear it?

Unless the workshop director had leaked the news...

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable being spoken to so coldly by a young woman. Some of the bad-tempered ones stood up and shouted: "If you hadn't taken over and brought down the factory, we wouldn't have found another one." There's no way out."

"Yes! You still have to point fingers when you don't know how to do anything. A stinky bitch who relies on men for food doesn't even think about her own virtue..." Before

he could finish his words, he saw a weak-looking woman put her hands on the table. The water in the teapot splashed all over the table, and then he grabbed the man's collar and hung his face over a puddle of water.

"What the hell are you doing!" She moved so fast that no one could react at all. When someone came back to their senses and came over with fists raised to tear her away, Gu Qingxian picked up the enamel teapot with a bowl mouth on the table, crumpled it with one hand like a can, and threw it to the ground where it was smashed. A pit.

Several grown men paused and frowned. They had strong hands, but they couldn't squeeze the enamel jar into this shape with one hand.

After hesitating, Gu Qingxian turned around and said in a cold voice to the man she was holding down: "Why don't you first see what kind of virtue you have?"

The man was so flustered now that such a weak woman held his hand with one hand. The collar was half-stretching his throat. He couldn't use any strength in his body and had no strength to fight back.

What kind of monster is this? !

He blushed and said stammeringly: "I, I was wrong boss, I was a bitch just now."

Gu Qingxian added a little more force: "Well, so what kind of virtue do you have? Are you able to point out the virtues of the country with your mouth? Or do you have no ability but maliciously speculate on other people's virtues?" The man shook his head with all his strength: "I said it wrong

. I've said it, I don't dare anymore... You, please spare me..."

After all, this is a society governed by the rule of law. Although it is killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, there is no need to kill the chicken thoroughly. Gu Qingxian let go of him. The man suddenly lost his strength and hit his face on the table, with water all over his face and body.

He got up in embarrassment, not daring to say any more.

She said with a cold face: "If you don't drink a toast, you will be fined. Pack your things and get out of here immediately. If I see you walk in here again, be prepared to bear the consequences." The others were suppressed by

her aura just now . They stayed and left one by one in despair. If they had any intention of coming back to cause trouble before, they no longer dare to do so now.

They are people who want to live their own lives, and will not cause any big trouble by standing up for a co-worker.

Gu Qingxian patted the non-existent dust on her hands, raised her hands to add a protective barrier to the machine, and at the same time left a wisp of spiritual consciousness.

She originally thought that she would just drive them away, but they couldn't blame her since they spoke so freely.

Gu Qingxian thought of how Ling Xi would look at her longingly every time and say, "Qingxian, you are so gentle. You are the gentlest person I have ever seen." She touched the tip of her nose uncomfortably and straightened her clothes.

You didn't blame her just now, right...?

However, this incident reminded her that there was no one she could trust to take care of the factory, and things seemed to be prone to trouble.

Moreover, she had just kicked out several people, so there were fewer workers and she had to recruit new ones.

Gu Qingxian rubbed her eyebrows. She really didn't want to care about this kind of thing at all.

At this time, she suddenly thought of Xu Lin, found a clean place to sit down, and sent him a message.

Xu Lin just received a generous bonus before the National Day, but unfortunately he didn't have time to enjoy it. He used part of the money to send his girlfriend and her parents out to play, while he worked overtime at the company miserably.

It's not particularly hard. He works overtime voluntarily, just because he wants to learn more.

In the past, he had basically figured out the factory because he had projects. Now an entrepreneur has come to cooperate with Huiji. He wants to cooperate with Huiji to set up a factory in other places. He wants to try to win the project. Now he is checking the information to research and build a factory. Factory related knowledge.

Xu Lin was so dizzy from work that he took a break to take a sip of water. When he saw the new news, he thought it was his girlfriend sending him beautiful pictures. When he saw it was Miss Gu, he quickly put down the water glass to check.

Miss Gu seemed to have encountered a problem and asked him if he had any solution.

Xu Lin looked at the news and thought. Miss Gu's processing plant was still in its infancy, and personnel control was very important.

It suddenly occurred to him that an old employee in the factory whom he had met a while ago would be retiring next week, but he couldn't take any time off and wanted to find another job.

He had met that old employee many times. He was a nice person, took good care of him, and was good at management. If he is willing to help Miss Gu after retirement, it should be a good choice.

Xu Lin told Miss Gu about the situation, and then went to the old employee to check in. Feeling that something was interesting, he gave Miss Gu his contact information.

Gu Qingxian contacted the person and got to know him roughly. He was indeed a good person, honest, honest and capable. Just because the superior leaders in the factory did not step down, he could not move up until he retired. He simply retired and went home, planning to find a more leisurely job as his children said.

Gu Qingxian came to the door and said that he needed a deputy director who could manage the entire factory. He was inevitably excited and checked several times to see if it was true.

Although the person who wanted to recruit him was a young girl, the old employee had a vicious eye and knew that this person should not be underestimated. He was involved in the production of Huiji's new products. This girl had the capital and ability, so he dared to follow her.

The old employee weighed the pros and cons and agreed, and Gu Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief. This was a big problem solved.

At this time, it was less than an hour before the fruit store opened. She drove the rented truck to the store and parked it. She saw that several employees had arrived at the door of the store, dozens of people were queuing up, and there were a few media reporters. people.

When Gu Qingxian got out of the car, the reporters immediately gathered around him and rushed to interview him.

She paused, then reached back and pulled out a long stick that she didn't know where it came from from the car and quickly circled it in front of her.

The long stick left a trail of afterimages in the air, and everyone knew that if he got close to him now, he would definitely get a hard blow from the stick.

The reporters did not expect her response to be so hard-core. For a while, no one dared to approach her anymore, and they retreated step by step.

Gu Qingxian turned the stick and came to the door of the store, and then slammed the long stick on the steps. As soon as the reporter who wanted to follow stepped on the steps, his feet were numb from the shock. Then he suddenly became panicked and did not dare to go any further. Take one step forward.

She didn't really want to attack anyone. What she wanted to do was release the spiritual energy field when the reporters were catching up, so that they would be fearful in their hearts and not dare to cause trouble again.

After all, there were so many passers-by watching, so it was impossible for Gu Qingxian to brainwash and cast spells on passers-by one by one, so she simply used a long stick as a cover and pretended to use fancy martial arts to calm the reporters.

She is a golden elixir-level monk and can easily defeat a few ordinary people.

The reporters only felt their heads buzzing. They were inexplicably afraid of interviewing Gu Qingxian. They swallowed their saliva and went home one by one.

Passers-by didn't realize it, and an old man queuing up in front clapped his hands and said, "Young lady, you're good at playing with sticks!"

Gu Qingxian: "..."

She was recently affected by Ji Mulan's nonsense, and wanted to reply, "It's a small trick, but it's useful." Just use your hands." In the end, he still held back.

Li Tian and Xiao Guo were completely stunned.

They were so anxious just now. They were all thinking about how to open the store today. They didn't expect the boss to be so hard-core and scared people away... How should I put it... Suddenly it felt

like they didn't work in a serious fruit shop?

But the boss was so handsome just now!

Gu Qingxian entered the store and calmly threw away the stick and asked everyone to move the goods on the truck.

Du Ping arrived last because she was making snacks. She walked in and saw a long stick standing in the corner, and wondered: "Where did the stick come from?"

One of the people whispered to her: "It was brought by the boss. She just beat away the reporter who came to interview with a few sticks. She is so handsome." ."

Gu Qingxian accidentally heard:? ? ?

Wait a minute, she obviously scared people away, why did the first-hand news spread that she beat them away!

The rumors came a little too fast!

Before Gu Qingxian had time to explain, another boy stretched out his hand to show Du Ping: "At that time, she was like this, like this, and then like this! The reporters were all beaten away! The boss is so handsome. I practiced martial arts when I was a child, but I couldn't do it at all. She is so powerful."

Facing Aunt Ping's surprised look, Gu Qingxian was speechless for a moment.


Hmm...can she still explain this matter? !

Chapter 89. Thirty-four dragon fruits, don't talk about it, I got it, I'll buy it...

Things started to develop in a strange direction.

After Gu Qingxian finished moving the goods and saw the video sent by Ling Xi, she fell into deep thought.

...Which bastard took a photo of her and posted it online!

She sighed deeply and covered her eyes not wanting to take another look, but Ling Xi said excitedly: "Qingxian, your aura is so strong. In just a short time, the video has been forwarded hundreds of times." ]

Gu Qingxian couldn't be happy. Before she could think of how to reply, Ling Xi sent another message: [Wow, you can't believe who commented on the video! Tao Wu! It's Tao Wu! 】

Tao Wu can be regarded as the top martial arts actor in the country. He has a Tao family class under him. They are all martial arts backgrounds and provide martial arts guidance for martial arts action movies. Martial arts films starring Tao Wu are basically classics, and he can be said to be a god in the hearts of martial arts film lovers.

He commented under the dance stick video: [Good body skills, masters among the people [like]]

When a top martial arts actor commented that it was good, the crowd immediately went "wtf".

At first, everyone just thought that this girl was good at stick dancing, cool and sassy, ​​and she looked very silly with her status as a fruit shop owner. Now that they were praised by Tao Wu, they realized that the seemingly flashy movements were not simple. The moves were sharp and the whole person was full of aura. When they looked into those eyes for a moment, they couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

Especially the last strike on the steps... they couldn't say what was special about it. Anyway, it just looked different from the ones in martial arts movies. It really had an evil spirit.

Gu Qingxian had a headache. When she opened Weibo, there were indeed many more private messages. In addition to the people who thought she was a liar last night, there were also people who just came because of the stick dance video.

One of them was the current leader of Tao's class and asked her if she was interested in auditioning for a role.

Gu Qingxian: "..."

What kind of mirror are you trying on? She is just a farmer!

It was outrageous to be approached by Ye Sen, the president of the Calligraphy Association, before. Gu Qingxian still remembered the scene where a group of elderly people dragged her to chat and asked for advice, but refused to let her go, so she decisively refused the Tao Family Class' invitation.

She regretted exposing her skills, and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock, and she was ready to launch the mini program.

Today, the number of people queuing outside the store is no less than before.

Xiaoguo felt extremely guilty. He always felt that he had caused trouble and apologized to his boss several times. But she soon discovered that those people who shouted and cursed seemed to only exist online. The reality was - there were more people out there than yesterday!

Looking at the long queue outside, she finally relaxed and smiled.

Du Ping brought milk cupcakes today. Xiaoguo was worried that only some old customers could come today and sales would not be as good as yesterday, so she was too worried to eat them. Now she saw the lively scene outside and went to eat the cake happily.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to work!

Woohoo...Today's cake is so fragrant and delicious. It actually has a filling inside, which is strawberry flavored and tastes like mousse. It is smooth and delicious, not too sweet, and it can remove the oiliness on the outer layer of the cupcake very well. .

Xiaoguo cried inwardly and lamented, "Wow, it's so delicious." At the same time, he was angrily complaining, "Why should such a good fruit shop be scolded? I'm so angry!"

Not long after the cake was finished, the store door opened. The scent of the cake had not yet dissipated. The first batch of customers who came in smelled it vigorously and asked in surprise: "What does this smell like? It's so fragrant?" Gu Qingxian paused and took the opportunity

. He said: "I'm going to open a dessert shop in a while and let my employees taste the food."

Everyone's eyes lit up. In the hearts of old customers like them, the products in the fruit shop are of the highest quality.

The desserts they serve are absolutely top-notch!

Xiao Meng got up early and came to line up before even having time to eat. As a result, he suffered such a taste attack. After buying the fruit, he picked up the paper cup of kumquat water and quickly fled the scene.

I can't stand it! I really can't stand it! She has never seen any cake shop that can make cakes so delicious!

Is this fruit shop about to go against the grain?

Seeing that the customers in line in front were all running outside in a desperate manner, an anchor in the middle of the queue quickly switched the lens to a rear camera to take pictures of various people fleeing the scene.

Gou Mo is a food anchor of Boji Live. He has been living in S City and broadcasts local food after work. The Internet celebrity fruit shop in F City has been very popular recently. Many fans have been planted with fruits that are said to have various miraculous effects. However, considering the price, they dare not buy it, so they all encourage them to come to F City to try the water.

Gou Mo's original plan was to buy two boxes of strawberries online, but unfortunately he couldn't get them for a week, so he was so angry that he ran over during the holiday.

At this time, he held up the gimbal of his mobile phone and pointed the camera at the people who were hurried out. He said, "It's strange. These people seem to be running for their lives after buying fruits." [Hahahaha, maybe it was because the boss was holding the stick too much just

now It's fierce. 】

【Who is not afraid? The scene taken by the old dog just now made me feel like I was going to be beaten through the screen. ]

[I never thought in my life that an intellectual and gentle sister in a trench coat could play with a stick. 】

【Brother Gou, raise the camera higher, you can't see clearly! ]


Gou Mo curled his lips. He was also startled by the stick just now, but he didn't want to run away after buying the fruit.

The team kept moving forward, and when they were getting closer and closer to the store door, he heard the new people saying: "It's terrible, where did they buy their cakes? Why are they so delicious?" The

people traveling with him nodded repeatedly: "I don't dare to say more for a second. Wait, pay the money and come out quickly."

"I feel like the fruits I just bought are no longer fragrant..."

"No, no, no, the fruits still smell fragrant, ah, I can't smell that smell anymore!"

The two of them were obviously relieved after going out. Walking slowly, Gou Mo watched them leave. Just as he was about to say something, the boy who was maintaining order came over and said, "This guest, please don't take random photos in the store. If you want to live broadcast, cut it to the front." "Okay, okay, okay

. ..." Gou Mo honestly changed the camera to the front.

He was afraid that if he disobeyed, his boss would beat him with a stick.

The barrage burst into laughter.

[It's the first time I've seen Brother Dog so cowardly. ]

[I laughed to death, hahaha. This man is really scared, I feel it. ]

[The 180-pound old dog bows his head to the fruit shop. 】

Gou Mo sighed, there was nothing he could do. Although he was tall and round, in terms of momentum, he felt that he could not compare with the boss's blows just now.

He helplessly said to the camera: "Brothers, I call those who understand current affairs a hero, okay?"

But now he finally understood why everyone was running for their lives. It turned out that the store was too fragrant.

The reason why Gou Mo is called Gou Mo is, firstly, because he is from Yun Province and likes to eat mushrooms, and secondly, because he has a good nose since he was a child, and his friends always say he has a dog nose.

He was still some distance away from the door of the store, and his nose moved, but he didn't smell the smell of the store. However, the people around him came out with kumquat water, bringing with it a strong kumquat aroma.

Gou Mo remembered the news he read online yesterday, saying that the owner of this restaurant had sent snacks and bread to Yu Lan, which was said to be delicious. He couldn't help but look forward to what kind of aroma he would smell when entering the store.

While chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, Gou Mo suddenly stopped and sniffed a few times quickly.

【What's going on? ]

[The old dog's eyes are straight. ]

[Did you see the beauty? 】

【Brother Dog is not interested in beauties, okay? There were so many beauties at the last anchor conference, and he was the only one who only knew how to work. ]

[Save him some face, hahaha! 】

Gou Mo didn't have time to watch the barrage. He just smelled a wonderful smell that is difficult to describe in words. The sweetness of strawberries was like the wind in spring, wrapped in the fresh milk smell, drifting in along the nose, enticing people. I swallowed subconsciously.

It smells so good...it's so fragrant that I can't help but smell it.

It wasn't until someone from behind patted him on the shoulder to remind him to move forward that Gou Mo took steps with difficulty.

His tongue and taste buds were crazy for this taste to enter his mouth and taste it, but his reason told him that this seemed to be something he couldn't buy now.

So, his body walked honestly to the store, breathing greedily through his nose, wanting to smell it a few more times; but his brain kept sending warnings, telling him to leave quickly. If he continued to smell it, he would easily do something embarrassing.

There's nothing he can do, he's just greedy, more greedy than the average person, otherwise he wouldn't be a food anchor.

Gou Mo inhaled hard, which made Li Tian think he had asthma and came over to ask him if he wanted help.

The live broadcast room was about to explode with laughter.

[Look how greedy this old dog is...]

[Brother Dog, be more reserved! ]

[I can't help but laugh. I've already recorded the screen. I'll go back and show Brother Dog how stupid he is. 】

【Just be a human being! (Remember to post in the group)]

Gou Mo also felt quite embarrassed. His already strong face turned red, and he looked like a drunken and confused elder brother.

He explained awkwardly: "I'm fine... your store smells too good, just... smell it a few more times."

Li Tian couldn't help laughing and coughed a few times before controlling herself: "I understand, it's really... It's delicious, I can remember it for a year."

"..." Gou Mo almost glared at her, he was already greedy, but she deliberately stimulated him!

But Li Tian's next words gave him a little hope: "The boss said he was going to open a dessert shop. This one will be available then. You can come and try it."

Gou Mo quickly asked: "When will the shop open?"

"I don't know about that. , please follow the boss's Weibo, Weibo will definitely notify you."

Gou Mo was so greedy that he wanted to look up to the sky and howl - give him a target to look forward to!

When he got closer to the shelf, the smell of the strawberry and milk-flavored mixed cake was covered by the aroma of various fruits. Just as Gou Mo was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he found that the fruit aroma was also amazing... The aroma of strawberry and mango was especially strong. He was

originally I wanted to buy strawberries and dragon fruit for everyone to try their effects, but my nose was so obsessed with mangoes that it directly affected my brain - I simply bought a big mango weighing more than a kilogram.

Looking at the other people next to them, they also bought all the fruits they could buy in one go.

Damn it's so real, who can resist this smell?

It cost nearly 600 yuan to enter the fruit shop. Gou Mo didn't feel bad at all and couldn't wait to take the fruit out.

However, when passing by the section of road where the aroma of strawberry cake wafted, his steps were particularly fast.

[Familiar scene. ]

[The old dog runs so fast. 】

【Step as fast as flying, and you will get stronger when you are old! ]

"..." Gou Mo walked out of the fruit shop and said to the camera, "Don't say sarcastic words. If you have the ability, come and have a smell. Most people can't stand it." [Oh, who

can stand it? ]

Gou Mo ran all the way back to a nearby hotel, saying as he ran: "You guys have a cold and a stuffy nose."

He ran into the hotel excitedly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at various barrages and replied: "That The cake is not sold in the store. I asked the clerk and he said that the store will be opened later." [

The old dog quickly tasted the fruit, it was delicious. I will take my wife and children there next week. ]

[The cake is too far away, eat the fruit first! 】

Under everyone's urging, Gou Mo rushed into the room by swiping his card, fixed the live broadcast mobile phone on the table stand, and took the fruit to the sink to wash it.

Immediately afterwards, the audience in the live broadcast room heard the sound of running water and a voice - "Fuck, it's delicious!"

Gou Mo couldn't hold it back and immediately stuffed a strawberry into his mouth after washing it. I almost couldn't stop eating. Considering the audience in the live broadcast room, I couldn't bear to continue eating and returned to the camera with a box of washed strawberries.

"Brothers, I just couldn't help it. I tried one first. The taste is worth it. This red strawberry weighs two hundred and one kilograms. If I had money, I would buy two kilograms every day." He said and picked up another white strawberry. Xiangxue Strawberry, "The effect of this white strawberry is to beautify and protect skin. I have a rough man's face, and I don't usually apply anything on it. There are two pimples here that came out after eating hot pot and barbecue, ah, and I still have a few bumps on my forehead." Come on, what is this called? Oh, shut up, right? Then there is a shut up on the forehead, well, I will use these two pieces to do an experiment for you."

After saying that, Gou Mo drank some water, gargled his mouth, and threw the Xiangxue strawberry into his mouth . , and then gave a thumbs up: "The Xiangxue strawberries I have eaten before have no taste, and some are very sour. This one is sweet and fragrant, and the entrance..." He said

a lot, and the barrage swept across the rows. of saliva.

[Stop talking, I got it, I'll buy it. 】

[Are you a caretaker? ]

[I'm so greedy, I'll grab it tomorrow. ]

[I'm so greedy that I just went downstairs and bought a box of strawberries. They were small, sour, and annoying. ]

After Gou Miao finished eating the strawberry, he picked up the washed mango, hesitated for a moment, and took a bite.

The skin is really edible, and both the flesh and the skin are equally delicious...

"Brothers, I'm not exaggerating! Even if this thing has no effect, just chewing it is satisfying. Damn, I didn't expect that eating mangoes can be so good. , it feels different from buying good fruit. You can't suffer a loss or be cheated if you buy it for 100 kilograms! I will make good money when I go back, take on more projects, and try to have enough money to come to F city to eat more times." See how he

eats With intoxicated faces, the audience in the live broadcast room gradually lost their minds.

All the slander and negative remarks I saw on Weibo yesterday have been completely overwritten by the greedy eating of dog mushrooms.

Who can bear this!

The audience touched the snacks and fruits at hand, watched the live broadcast, and imagined that the food in their mouths was the same type of fruit.

But as they ate, they began to feel bitter.

No, they have never tasted it, they can't imagine the amazing taste!

Chapter 90. Let the adults carry the burden of thirty-five dragon fruits...

A group of store clerks were so busy that they vomited blood. The products were sold out at more than one o'clock yesterday, and they were sold out in less than one o'clock today.

The rest of the fruits were ordered by someone on the mini program, and subsequent customers had to leave with regret.

Xiaoguo felt that she had overthought yesterday. The boss was speaking entirely on strength, without any need to clarify or make any fancy remarks. Her fruits were the best sign!

She collapsed on the chair, and Du Ping happily handed the kumquat water to the young people. The small pot was not too thirsty, but the taste of the kumquat water was too tempting, and she could not refuse.

Gu Qingxian finished her work and settled into a comfortable chair, watching the mango group and the yogurt group chatting.

These guests are so cute.

She couldn't help laughing when she thought about it. Most of the lovely students and teachers from No. 1 Middle School came over today, saying they were supporting her.

The fruits in the fruit shop have now become everyone's most wanted reward after the exam. They said that they must not let the people on the Internet destroy the fruit shop.

Zhou Xinxin was talking passionately in the group about how smooth it was for her father to go to the toilet after eating dragon fruit. The edema caused by fatigue and stress also completely disappeared, and he felt a lot more energetic. Moreover, her father is always prone to dizziness and drowsiness. After eating dragon fruit, his head feels much clearer. Anyway, he feels comfortable everywhere.

Students sit for long periods of time, and many in their senior year of high school do not like to exercise. They sit all day long, and many of them suffer from constipation. They are young and thin-skinned, and they are embarrassed to admit it, and they are embarrassed to buy it. Now seeing Zhou Xinxin talk about her father like this, a new idea instantly opened up.

Hey, they can be said to be buying them for parents!

Under Zhou Xinxin's promotion, many people in the group followed suit and said, "Well, then I'll buy some for my parents," "I'll buy one for my grandpa tomorrow," and "My grandma needs it too."

No one admits they want to eat it anyway.

Let the adults take the blame!

After praising the dragon fruit, everyone praised other fruits. Gu Qingxian watched with gusto, until someone mentioned the stick dance video...

Gu Qingxian closed the group chat and took a sip of kumquat water.

She really didn't want to be labeled any more strangely. Being a calligraphy hermit was enough for her...

As soon as she had the idea that Cao Cao had arrived, President Ye Senye came over and said that the calligraphy exhibition had already been held. At the end of the exhibition, people who came to the exhibition were full of praise for her work and asked her when she was free and if she had time to have a meal.

Most of the exhibitors are older, very few people use Weibo, and they don't know much about her other aspects. They only know that she is a hidden genius in the circle of calligraphy, and she is very low-key.

During this period, many contractors and dealers even came to Ye Sen and asked if they could give Miss Gu's contact information and wanted to hold a personal calligraphy exhibition for her, but Gu Qingxian refused.

These people couldn't contact Gu Qingxian online. In reality, she could only wait in line to buy fruit, but after buying it, she was kicked away without even saying a few words... Anyway, no one can deal with her now.

Gu Qingxian didn't hate the calligraphy circle, she just wasn't very interested, so she declined Chairman Ye's invitation.

Ye Sen got the expected reply and said to the old man sitting next to him: "Mr. Jin, you see, it's not because I don't contribute. Miss Gu really has no time."

Jin Hongyan tapped his cane and wrinkled His mouth became pursed and he didn't want to speak.

His granddaughter said a while ago that his state was like chasing after stars when she was studying.

Jin Hongyan told her at the time, "I'm different from your star-chaser. I can meet and eat, but your star can't be seen at all." As a result, he might as well be a star-chaser now. After all, her granddaughter could watch TV, a computer, and a mobile phone. There were TV series and variety shows, but he could only see one picture of words, and it was Ye Sen's.

Seeing the unhappy look on Mr. Jin's face, Ye Sen got a headache for a moment and said he was an old kid. Mr. Jin was only eight years old and couldn't be any more.

After thinking about it, Ye Sen told Mr. Jin what his daughter told him that morning.

The general meaning is that Ms. Gu has been slandered and criticized. Now many people on the Internet cannot tell the truth and follow her to criticize her.

A deep ravine suddenly formed between Jin Hongyan's eyebrows.

He said in a roundabout way that he wanted to spend six figures to buy one of Miss Gu's words, but Miss Gu refused without even thinking about it. If she really wanted to make money everywhere, why didn't she agree?

Jin Hongyan wished she had more money so that he could have a collection of his own instead of looking at Ye Sen every day!

He coughed twice, took out his mobile phone and called his assistant.

After that, he contacted a few more people, then put away his phone with a proud smile on his lips.

"..." Ye Sen thought about all the relationships he had just been looking for, and shook his head in a funny way, forget it, as long as Mr. Jin is happy.

When the store was about to close, Gu Qingxian received a call from Guo Ya, saying that people from the state media had come to interview and asked her not to chase people away with sticks.

Gu Qingxian silently threw the long stick from the store back to the back of the truck.

What should I do? Will anyone still believe that she is a peace-loving person in the future?

Not long after waiting, a reporter from the state media arrived, introduced himself and told her the content of the next interview.

After receiving the notice, the reporters worked overtime and went out early in the morning to start investigating. The people on duty at the tax bureau cooperated with the investigation at the request of the leader, and the investigation results came out quickly.

So this interview was just a clarification interview. Everything was directed towards Gu Qingxian. The reporter repeatedly told her that there was no need to put any pressure on her.

Gu Qingxian was not under any pressure. In fact, it was the leaders of the tax bureau who were under pressure.

This is the future major taxpayer in the local area, and there is news from the Transportation Bureau that the passenger traffic in F City has increased significantly during the National Day. There is also news from the Tourism Bureau, and it seems to be related to the fruit shop.

It seems that a fruit shop will not have much impact on the development of a city at present, but leaders can feel that it has huge potential.

City F has developed many natural scenic spots in recent years, and has also built attractions such as Fairy Tale Town in the city. However, the development of the tourism industry is not as good as expected. The fruit shop is still small in scale now, but looking at its development momentum, it may become one of the brightest labels in F City in the future.

Another very important point is that this company is very proactive in paying taxes, and it is easy for them to cooperate with such a down-to-earth and high-quality merchant.

In short, various factors are entangled together, and the fruit shop is now a new star worthy of support. As long as the boss is honest and not a monster, the officials are willing to help her more.

Just like now, with proof from various departments, reports from official media, and clarification from the shop owner himself, the rumors on the Internet quickly stopped.

The official media sorted out the whole matter clearly. The Taxation Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau proved that Ms. Gu's fruit shop had no operational problems, and the Price Bureau determined that the prices were not in violation. As for the efficacy of the product, the efficacy of mango has been recognized by the research institute, and consumer feedback from other fruits is also quite good, and there is no false advertising.

The results of the investigation and interviews were not unfavorable to Gu Qingxian in the slightest. They also affirmed her reputation and attracted the attention of many netizens who had not known her before.

The old fans started to feel melancholy again - well, it will be even harder to grab fruits in the future!

On the other side, Feng Bo's face turned green when he saw the official Weibo post.

How can this be!

She has only opened the store for a long time, how could she have already paid taxes?

He had expected how long a small shop like this could delay tax payment. He usually waited for someone to come to check the tax before paying it. Who knew what was wrong with this person to be so active in paying tax?

Feng Boren was on vacation at the beach. At this time, he was so angry that he put on his bath towel and walked back. His phone rang. He saw that it was a message from a marketing account and chose to ignore it.

He doesn't want to see news about these rubbish things now.

At this time, the account owner of the marketing account and a group of studio colleagues were anxious.

Usually, it's no problem to hire some big-name celebrities, and you can even make money from both sides. This time, it's a big problem to hire a small fruit shop owner.

In the morning, a colleague ventilated them and told them not to get involved in this matter, as the official might be punished. At that time, they felt that their colleagues were joking. It was just an Internet celebrity and high-priced fruit shop. What kind of background could it have? Moreover, they did a simple investigation when they took the job. The boss had set up a street stall before and was just an ordinary vendor.

However, at noon, Weibo staff suddenly contacted them and said that they might face the risk of having their accounts blocked or banned from publishing a large amount of false news.

It takes a while to run a marketing account. They are a small studio run by themselves. Losing several major accounts all at once is simply a devastating blow.

Later, the official media released the investigation results, and not long after, all their accounts were banned! They went to inquire internally, and familiar insiders only said that it was a task assigned by the leader. They heard that a big boss in a certain circle contacted the top management... Their heads were in a mess now, and they didn't understand how things could develop into this

. Like this.

Feng Bo returned to the hotel and rested for a while. When his phone rang again, he thought it was still a marketing number and was about to hang up when he suddenly realized it was a colleague from the R&D department. He paused and picked up the phone.

"Brother Feng, I have good news for you! The new strawberry seeds I got from that store finally germinated smoothly, and they grow faster than ordinary strawberries!"

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