Abducted: Part Two (SPN | De...

By betty_stonewell

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It's a new year with plenty of new cases for you and the Winchesters. The only problem is, now that you know... More

Chapter 01: A Slice Of Apple Pie
Chapter 02: Love Triangles
Chapter 03: Was It Bach Or Simpson?
Chapter 04: Two Redheads Aren't Better Than One
Chapter 05: Improvising
Chapter 06: Honey And Babe
Chapter 07: Later
Chapter 08: Tonight I'm Getting Over You
Chapter 09: No More Cry
Chapter 10: We Need To Talk
Chapter 11: The Deal
Chapter 12: My Door Is Always Open
Chapter 13: More Than Friends
Chapter 14: Who's Courting Who?
Chapter 15: Waiting With The Enemy
Chapter 16: Pins And Needles
Chapter 17: When Later Becomes Now
Chapter 18: The First Date
Chapter 19: Snow Days
Chapter 20: Normal Couple Things
Chapter 21: An Unexpected Phone Call
Chapter 22: The Search For Amelia
Chapter 23: So, About My Friend, God
Chapter 24: Putting For Angels
Chapter 25: The Thing About Tulsa
Chapter 26: Sherrifs And Angels
Chapter 27: Keeping It Happy
Chapter 28: Date Night
Chapter 29: The Book Of The Damned
Chapter 30: There's Always Another Way
Chapter 31: The Truth Can Hurt (But So Can Withholding It)
Chapter 32: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 33: Whoever Said Romance Was Dead, Was Wrong, Dead Wrong
Chapter 34: Welcome Home
Chapter 35: Moving In
Chapter 36: All Trains Lead To Central
Chapter 37: Night Moves
Chapter 39: The Not So Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 40: It Started And Ended With Charlie
Chapter 41: Broken Up
Chapter 42: Awkward And Unwanted Conversations
Chapter 43: Removing The Mark
Chapter 44: The Exact Time And Place
Chapter 45: Reunited

Chapter 38: The Eyeball Thief

42 2 0
By betty_stonewell

May 2015

The next morning on the way to Omaha, Dean made a point of playing Bob Seger over the stereo. It caused Sam to mutter a "Seriously?" from the front seat.

"Glowworm here didn't know who Bob Seger was." Dean pointed out. Taking a glance at you through the rearview mirror before he turned the engine over.

"And you didn't know who Rowan Atkinson was... Sam, please tell me you've at least heard of Mr. Bean?" You asked Sam from the middle of the back seat.

Sam turned to Dean and huffed before he looked over his shoulder to you. "Yeah of course. I know both of them... But you seriously don't know Bob Seger? Dean plays him all the time..."

The real Night Moves was currently playing through the tape deck and the recoding of the song still didn't sound familiar to you. "Not when I've been in the car. I swear I hadn't heard this song until last night."

"Last night huh?... Do I want to know why you guys were talking about this song last night?" Sam asked wearily.

"Nope." Dean chuckled.

"Dude... That's still too much information..." Sam retorted.

Dean looked at his brother and grinned. "You asked... I didn't give you any details. Although, you know she asked me last night, whether you and I ever talk about our, night moves, with each other."

"What?" You and Sam both asked in unison. Although you assumed your question was entirely unrelated to each others. You had struggled to understand what the hell Dean had said. Sam on the other hand seemed uneasy by the question.

"You know. Do we ever share our hook up stories?" Dean reiterated.

Did he really have to tell Sam that? "Hang on! That's not actually what I meant..."  You piped up.

"What did you mean then?" Dean asked mockingly. "Are we speaking different languages now too?"

You shook your head and gave a frustrated reply. Your first words coming across strong to get your point across. "I meant, did you guys talk about relationship stuff in general. Not just your sexual conquests!"

Dean muttered your odd choice of phrase under his breath, while Sam chuckled at him and you. "Come on Glowworm. Have you ever actually held a conversation with my brother for longer than a minute?" Sam joked.

"Hey!" Dean spat back insulted.

"Well that just answers my question... You two might not talk to each other, but I've had long, conversations with both of you. Albeit separately." You chided. "The two of you might benefit from talking to each other occasionally.... Dean thinks you're secretly seeing someone... Did you know that Sam?... Discuss..." You placed a hand on each of their shoulders with you last statement, grinning in satisfaction.

"I already told you last night... There's no one...." Sam said defensively.

That response just caused Dean to scoff. "You're telling me you're still a virgin? After all this time?"

"Wait! What?!" You exclaimed. It was none of your business, sure, but that couldn't be right. Could it? Sam had had girlfriends before. Girlfriends he'd lived with. There was just no way he was a virgin.

The brothers then told you all about a case they'd done in Hartford, South Dakota, shortly before they'd met you. Saving you from doing a Google search, they purposely explained where on the map, the town was. It being near Sioux Falls and had fallen under Jody's jurisdiction at the time. They'd fought with a pagan god who was targeting a church group for people who were reclaiming and or, supposedly saving their virginity.

"I'm sorry... You two took an oath and signed a piece of paper, that made you virgins again... And that was enough?" You scrutinised.

"It was enough for the pagan god..." Dean countered.

Your face screwed up in disbelief. "You're messing with me. There's no way..."

Unfortunately, your skepticism brought on more of the story and a detail with it, that you didn't want to know. Dean had had a one night stand with the group leader, who just so happened to be an ex porn star. Sam insisted that Dean really wasn't making things up, which just made it worse for you. Was it hot in the car today?

It then became your turn to claim too much detail was being given. Raising your hands in submission, you leant back against the seat and muttered. "Yeah okay... I regret even asking..."

Both men chuckled at you. Dean going one step further by asking. "I thought you would've read about it in the Supernatural books..."

"What?" Sam turned to look back at you in disgust. "I thought you only read the first few chapters and then stopped..."

"Oh she did... Until Charlie gave her a soft porn guide to all our, sexual conquests, in those books and where to find them!" Dean added, pointing to you with his thumb.

"What?!" Sam asked again. This time with much more animation in his voice.

Defensively, you answered back. "I didn't read the sex scenes! She told me the page numbers so I could avoid them!..." You then turned your head to face Sam directly. "...She only suggested I read them, when we weren't talking." Your hand waved back and forth between you and Dean for emphasis. "You know, after the Junction City fiasco?"

Sam stared at you for a second before turning to Dean, looking very serious. "Dude. We gotta find a way to delete those books."

"Yup." Dean agreed.


You arrived at the crime scene sometime before eleven. There wasn't much to go on by the way of evidence in the office building itself. However, watching the security footage of the back alley behind the crime scene, brought with it some bad news. The murderer responsible for taking the girl's eyeballs, was a Styne. An Eldon Styne, according to the tenancy agreement.

Whether that was his real name or not, was another matter. But Sam had picked up on the tiny detail that gave him away when he asked the landlord to zoom in on the man's arm. The Styne family crest that you had all seen in the Men of Letters file was clearly tattooed there. Just like the thugs you had dealt with in Des Moines, had had on theirs.

The iPad screen in the landlords hand was still zoomed in on the tattoo when Dean asked, "How long was he renting the office for?"

Juggling the iPad in one hand and the tenancy agreement in the other, the landlord had to flick through the paperwork before answering Dean's question. "Uh. About a month... He said he was doing some kind of clinical trial with student volunteers... But he never mentioned eyeballs..."

"Guess you're gonna ask that next time huh?" Dean commented with a quiet snort.

As your own eyes rolled at Dean's ever inappropriate comment, Sam's phone began to ring, distracting you all for a brief second. All of you watched on as he pulled it out of his pocket to check the screen. "Excuse me." He said as he stepped away from you.

Your attention turned back to the conversation at hand and you motioned towards the tenancy agreement. "Um. Can you give us a copy of that?" You asked.

"Yeah. You can have this one actually. I've got a digital version somewhere on here." He replied as he raised the iPad in the air and handed you the paperwork.

You nodded your head in thanks as Dean added. "Listen, ah, if you remember anything else, and I mean anything, give us a call. Alright?" He handed the landlord his business card and then placed his hand on your lower back to escort you over to Sam.

"Telemarketer..." Sam huffed as the two of you approached him. He placed his phone back in his pocket as the three of you ducked under the yellow and black police tape that obstructed the door to the office.

"Who's hungry?" Dean asked as you all continued down the hall to the stairwell. Sam following closely behind you. "Let's grab a bite before we hit the road."

You shook your head at him. "Really? After all the eyeball talk?"

Dean just shrugged his shoulders at you with a grin. "It's never stopped me before sweetheart... I'll just avoid any soup."

You looked at him quizzically as you stepped onto the first step. You couldn't recall any time you'd seen him eat soup since you'd known him and you were wondering why he would mention it. "Why soup?" You asked hesitantly.

"Please tell me you've seen Temple of Doom?" Dean's eyes narrowed at you.

Temple of Doom? Your brain had kicked into overdrive as Dean said the words. Temple of Doom? You thought again. It was clearly something he expected you to know and more than likely, it was a pop culture reference.

Temple of.. Indiana Jones, right, of course. "Yes. I've seen it..." You replied hurriedly as you realised Dean was giving you a judging look. "The eyeball soup, right? I always hated that part... And the monkey brains..." You shuddered. "That shit was nasty..."

"But you've seen it?!" His eyes lit up excitedly.

"Yeah... I loved it as a kid, haven't seen it in yonks though." You replied as Dean looked at you funny again. Before he could say whatever it was he wanted to say, Sam's phone went off behind you once more.

You and Dean stopped to turn around and look at Sam who was pulling his phone out of his pocket. The younger Winchester giving you an apologetic look as he went to answer it. "Telemarketers..." He chuckled. "I'm just going to tell them to fuck off... I'll ah, meet you guys downstairs..." And he stepped off to the side to take the call.

"Alright..." Dean replied dubiously. "We'll meet you in the lobby..." He glanced at you before taking a second one at his brother. With a shake of his head, he turned around and moved his hand back to you, encouraging you to walk with him once again.

As you made it onto the landing between the second and first floor, Dean looked back up at Sam as you turned the corner together. His face was serious and you knew that his suspicions about Sam were resurfacing.

"What's your favourite Indy movie?" You asked him in an attempt to pull his focus away from whatever it was he was thinking. Admittedly, Sam's phone calls had you suspicious too, not that you could admit that to Dean. Having wondered if it had anything to do with Rowena and the Book of the Damned after all.

"Raiders obviously." Dean replied with an insulted tone. "The original is always the best!... Why? Have you seen them all?"

"Yup. Although that last one was awful. The Crystal skull, with the aliens? What the hell was that?" You continued.

"Right!... So Temple of Doom? You haven't seen it in, yonks huh?" Dean asked with a smirk. "I take it that means a long time?"

You used your elbow to poke his side gently. "Why ask me if you clearly guessed what it means?"

"Because it's funny when you get frustrated over it." He grinned.

Now at the bottom of the stairs, you were able to step away from him playfully. But Dean caught on quick to what you were doing and grabbed both your arms to stop you from moving too far from him. Resulting in you wrestling against him some, struggling to contain the giggles. It was moments like these that really made all the gross stuff that came along with the 'job' much more tolerable.

"Really guys?" Sam's voice called out to you as he stepped into the foyer. "You think you can contain yourselves 'til we get home?"

On hearing Sam's words, you both straightened up and ceased your game. Dean choosing to speak up as his brother walked over to join you both. "You, ah, all good with the telemarketer thing then?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Sam replied casually. "All sorted... So we going to go eat or what?"

"Let's go..." Dean agreed.

The three of you stopped by a diner down the road from the crime scene building to eat. Dean stayed away from any soup as promised, opting for his regular, a double bacon cheeseburger with fries. Along with a beer.

Your conversation on Indiana Jones with Dean continued. "You know I used to watch the Temple of Doom over and over again, even though it was gross. I must've drove my parents crazy... And not just that movie, everything. I went through a lot of phases..."

"What else?" Dean asked through a mouthful of burger. He was always interested in your apple pie childhood and jumped on the topic whenever you brought it up. "I remember you said you watched the Ninja Turtles, the Flintstones and now Indiana Jones... All that doesn't make you sound like much of a girly girl..."

That comment slightly ticked you off and your voice raised to a higher pitch because of it. "I've never claimed to be a full on girly girl. I just like, some, 'girly' stuff! I've gotta variety of tastes!..."

Dean raised his eyebrows and asked, "And that includes?..." before sinking his teeth into more burger.

"The Little Mermaid and the Care Bears..." You added with a grin.

"Is that the bears with the rainbows spilling outta their tummies?" That wasn't actually what you heard. That's just what you assumed he had said, through the bread, meat and cheese.

"Yeah..." You confirmed, giving him a look of amusement. "I had one of the toy ones. That thing went everywhere with me. It got a bit festy over the years, but I still, I had it, in Sydney. Guess Charles got rid of that too..." You added sarcastically. "Do you guys have anything from when you were little? Besides the photo of your mum and the Lego and army man that are forever stuck in Baby?"

"Nope..." Dean shook his head. "Guess we're in the same boat now sweetheart." Dean placed his burger down on his plate and moved his hand to your thigh. "Although there's a chance you might get your things back, if we ever find Charles."

"Maybe..." You took another bite of your own dinner. Deciding it was probably a good idea to get away from that topic of conversation. Especially because Dean was now looking at you with sympathy. "What about you Sam? I know you like Harry Potter but that came out when we were older..."

"Ah..." Sam began. But as he was about to answer your question, his phone went off again. With a quick glance of the screen, he moved to stand up. "Sorry guys, guess they didn't get the message..." And with that he excused himself, again.

As he walked to the door to go outside and take the call, Dean turned to you. "Okay... I agree with you now. It ain't a chick, but it's not night school either. He's hiding something..."

"What could he possibly be hiding?" You retorted. Knowing full well what it could be.

"I dunno. But somethings going on..." Dean grimaced.


You returned to the bunker that same evening, sometime close to ten. As you were still in your FBI gear you decided to hit the shower straight away so you could change into something more comfortable. You bid Sam goodnight and agreed with Dean that you would meet him in the room shortly. Rather than heading straight back to him and your shared bed however, you purposely passed by Sam's room. Wishing to inform him that Dean was becoming suspicious. Real suspicious.

During your brief talk, Sam confirmed that the phone calls during the day had been from Cass. If that surprised you, it was nothing compared to what you heard next. Not only was the angel on board with using the Book of the Damned, even after your previous discussions with him, but he was calling Sam so much because Charlie had also been dragged into deciphering it.

As the codex itself was, as its name suggested, a written code, it was supposed to help the user read the book. But the object itself was further coded and Charlie had been called in to crack it with the help of her computer, looking for patterns in the text. This in turn would allow Rowena to read the book. As far as Cass was concerned, his job was to supervises the two of them as they weren't getting along.

"What the fuck were you thinking!" You hissed at Sam after he'd told you all this. "Dean is going to flip if he finds out Charlie and Cass are involved too... It's bad enough you and me are in on it..."

"He's not going to find out! Not until after at least..." Sam rumbled back in a whisper. "Just keep doing what you've been doing and it'll be fine... We've almost cracked it!"

You shook your head. "Sam! He's already suspicious that you're hiding something... He doesn't buy my studying thing anymore. Not after all those calls you had today... You've gotta be more careful!"

"You bringing up the girlfriend thing again didn't help either!..." He growled before he sighed and changed his tone to one that was more agreeable. "But, I know, I know, you're right... Just keep deterring him like you have been ... And I'll get Cass to back off..."

"Are you really sure he can hold a secret? I know I'm horrible at this lying thing, but Sam, he's too damn literal..." You asked as a final thought.

Sam jittered his head from side to side in the way you knew he was trying to save face. "Yeah I know... But I had no choice. Rowena's a powerful witch and we needed Charlie's skill set. He's their umpire..."

"Umpire?" You chastised.

"They're not exactly getting along..."

"Right... Okay... This is your show and I'll do my best to keep Dean out of your hair, but we gotta get a move on... Speaking of, I have to get back to him before he comes looking for me..." You added.

"I'll see you in the morning alright." Sam stated as he stepped back into his room. "Night again, Glowworm."

"Night Sam." You greeted in return before turning back down the corridor.

When you reached room 11, the door was closed. You knocked before opening it to see Dean sitting on the bed, his legs stretched out in from of him with his laptop sitting on them. He had also changed from his FBI gear, now wearing only a simple black tee and his boxers.

"What's with the knock?" Dean asked with a smirk. "I know you're not fully moved in yet, but this is your room too you know?..."

You snorted at that. Brushing the notion aside by adding. "Right... Force of habit."

"I thought we could watch Indy together?" Dean suggested as you moved to join him. His arm coming to wrap around your shoulders as you settled at his side.

You looked at the screen to see he'd already pulled up Raiders of the Lost Arc and had it ready to play. It caused you to chuckle at him. Turning your head you saw his face sharing your amusement. "What?" He asked. "You took forever, I almost started playing it without you... Do I wanna know what you were doing in there?"

"A lady never reveals her secrets." You quipped back. Earning you a playful tickle as Dean squished you into his side.

"So not a girly girl but a lady? I thought we already discussed that and you ain't one of those?" He teased.

"No..." You shook your head. "You told me a lady doesn't swear or sit on gentlemen's laps. I'm currently doing neither, therefore I'm a real lady!" For extra emphasis, you placed your hand above your chest and raised your head like you'd seen the actresses do in old movies.

Pushing his laptop off and onto the other side of him, Dean grabbed your arm and began to gently pull, encouraging you to sit on him. You were defiant and you showed it with your facial expression, but you followed his lead anyway, eventually settling where he wanted you to be. On his lap.

"See, not a lady..." He jeered as he leaned in close to your ear. His breath sending a welcome shiver through your body as he added, "But then again, I'm no gentleman..." in a low rumble.

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