Ibis x Reader

By Norah651

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When ibis died, I was devastated so i decided to write this fic (which you get to be a part of) I sat thinkin... More

End note


131 5 0
By Norah651

Zubeia had left with the humans and Rayla to see if they could talk to Rex Igneous.

You stayed behind with ibis, taking care of the storm spire. And, besides Zym, there wasn't much to take care of. So the two of you where playing a not-so-calm game of chess.

"Noooo, not my queen!" Ibis wailed dramatically, " murderer, how dare you!!"

You rolled your eyes. "Oh calm down ya big baby."

"Now the king must rase his children alone, how devastating! I will avenge her!"

"Ibis, what in the world did Callum feed you?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at his out of character behavior.

"I don't know!" He wailed, then he got serious again. "Checkmate."

You fell out of your chair. "Blood, blood, blood. And...death." You closed your eyes and stuck out your tongue.

"Oh come on, now your just milking it." He said, poking you playfully.

You sat up. "I know."

"What should we do now?" He asked, helping you to your feet.

You shrug. "I don't really know."

"I've got an idea!!" Ibis shouted excitedly. "Wait here and don't jump off that cliff!" He said in a joking manner.

"I won't!" You call as he ran off. "Silly mage." You looked over at his staff and picked it up, running your fingers over the smooth stone in the center.

You thought for a moment before trying a simple wind spell, shocked that it actually worked.

You heard a gasp and turned, expecting to see ibis with a smile on his face, proud to see that you completed a spell on your own. But instead, you saw two elves you didn't recognize.

You griped the staff tighter, preparing for a fight.

" how did you get that?" The first elf asked. She had blue hair, but her skin was similar to ibis' you knew she was a sky wing elf, as was the other with her.

The secound elf had bright white hair like ibis- actually he just looked like an older, meaner version of ibis.

You took a step back, you weren't sure if they where here for zym, but you didn't want to find out the hard way. The young dragon was currently asleep and you wanted it to stay that way, so you intended to guard him until ibis' return.

"Answer my question, how did you get that staff?" She repeated with a cold stare.

"I'll be the one asking the questions." You growled, clutching the staff tightly.

The male elf whispered something to his partner. "How hid you get that jacket?!"

You glanced down. You where wearing ibis' cloths. You didn't exactly have any. Save for the ones you where wearing when you got stabbed, that where now covered in blood and had a hole through them. Ibis had lent you his jacket, which you gladly took and had little intention of returning, you liked it a lot.

"I'll say it again, I'll be the one asking the questions!" You where not happy with the intruders.

The mail elf drew his sword. "What did you do to him?"

You knew you were in no shape to fight not when you were still healing " I may not be the best mage, but I can't fight, so I suggest you back down" you hope to intimidation would be enough, but unfortunately, not the elf lunged, attacking you.

You do a rune in the air with the staff. "Fulmanus!" The lightning hit the ground. " next time I'll aim!" you don't have a connection to the sky arcanum, but with the staff you could do some magic.

The elf ignored your warning. He swung his blade, which turned into a metal whip, knocking stuff from your hand and slicing your right cheek in the process you could tell that the cut was deep from the way that it stung.

You yelped in pain and placed a hand your cheek as you lost balance, and fell, scurrying away from your attacker.

"Tell me what you did to him!" The elf commanded.

You didn't answer you were too afraid to talk in a bit confused as well.

He brought his blade down towards your heart with quick thinking you grabbed the dagger in your boot and blocked his attack. You used to a little strength you had in that moment to keep the blade from cutting you.

The elf grabbed another blade and swing it at you. You flinched and slammed your eyes shut.

" enough!" It was ibis' voice. You opened your eyes to see him standing in the entrance. "Mother. Father, she isn't he enemy, stand down."

The elf put his blades away and shot you a cold warning look.

Ibis walked over to you and pulled you to your feet. You hid your bleeding cheek from him, but ibis noticed the blood on your palm. "Where are you bleeding?" He asked you.

You turned your face so he could see your cheek. Ibis gasped, then his face showed anger. "What did you do?!?" He shouted, turning to the elf he had just called father.

You grabbed ibis' wrist with your free hand. "He didn't attack me just to attack me. They must of thought I'd hurt you in some way." You said. "Oh, and I may or may not have been holding your staff when they first saw me."

"Your also wearing my jacket." Ibis stated, picking up his staff. "But I did hear lightning, did you perform a spell on your own?"

You nodded. "Two actually."

Ibis smiled. "I knew you could... now let me take care of your cut."

Ibis' father cleared his throat. "Who exactly is she?"

Ibis froze at this question.

"Even if the war is over we still can't trust this...this human."

"Her name is y/n." Ibis said as he cleaned your cut.

"Ragnar..." a gentle voice said. "Our son is smart he knows not to trust them too much."

Ibis looked lovingly at you as you sat in the chair. "I trust you with my life." He whispered so only you could hear.

"I have trusted you with mine." You stated.

Ibis smiled at you. "There I stoped the bleeding,  it I'm not sure how to bandage this cut." He held up his finger and rummaged through his bag until he located what he was looking for. An aquamarine. He crushed it and uttered words you cared not for, that is until you felt the pain in your cheek disappear. "I would have loved to use that spell on your other wound, unfortunately it only works on surface cuts."

You touched your cheek and felt tight skin, a scar.

Ibis grabbed your hand. "Still beautiful." He whispered before standing up and walking over to his parents. "I missed you." he said.

They hugged him back. "We missed you too." His mother said.

You sighed you wished your parents would love you the way ibis' did, but once you left for xadia, they became cold and distant. You knew if you told them you were studying magic, they would go ballistic, so you kept it a secret.

Ibis' parents turned their attention towards you. "Son don't tell me you have a human friend." His mother said.

"She is my friend, we've been through a lot together." 

You chuckled and nodded before grabbing your side and hissing in pain.

Ibis gave you a sympathetic look.

"I'm alright." You said.

Ragnar, ibis' father, took a step closer. "I do wonder, why didn't you answer my question instead of fighting?"

You hesitated. "Well yo be honors I thought you where after Zym." You admitted rather shyly.

"Zym?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Azymondias, the-" you gasped as, if on que, zym came bolting out of the room and barreling into ibis, knocking him over and licking his face. "...dragon prince." You finished.

Ibis started to laugh. "Zym no! Not my mouth!!! Y/n, help!"

"Oh yes, I'll help..." you said, tickling ibis.

"No! Help me, not zym!!!"

"All right, all right." You said, pulling zym off of ibis. " you deserved it." You said, chuckling.

"Yah yah go ahead and laugh at me." He said.

You smiled. " as I said, you deserved it."

Ibis chucked and dusted himself off. "Ok, so maybe I did."

"You two seem very close." Ragnar said, walking towards the two of you.

"Well when your assigned to guard the storm spire together, you become pretty close." Ibis admitted, putting an arm around you.

You booped his nose playfully.

He gave you a smile. "What was that for?" He asked.

You just smiled before yawning. Healing from a wound tone size was exhausting.

Ibis shook his head. "Go get some wrest, you need it."

"I but-"

"Y/n, don't ignore what your body is telling you."

You groaned, but he was right and you knew it. "Fine, I'll go get some wrest." You grumbled.

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