Destined Assassins || Complete

Por sihle0071

30.6K 1.4K 217

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED.] This book is a sequel to Assassin Love and cannot be read as a stand alone... Mais

War zone?
Desperate times?
Me and you?
Are you ready for it?
Tolerating her?
Tolerating him?
Unexpected confessions?
Thing of the past?
First Move?
Ignite the flame?
Safe distance?
Own empire?
Liquidating at its finest?
Breaking own boundaries?
Special request?
No way out?
Now or never?
Step up to the plate?
Back permanently?
Long overdue conversation?
Grand entrance?
Nice offer?
Replaced me?
How does he know?
Forgive her?
Protect them?
Ring a bell?
Family lunch?
No involvement?
Won't be this nice?
Very dangerous?
Mind games?
Questioning my innocence?
Rile me up?
Love him?
Forbidden trap?
Love her?
Tight corner?
Seeking revenge?
Declaring war?
Come around?
Obsessed stalker?
Solace and comfort?
Hurt me?
Wish you dead?
Jump into conclusions?
Legal issues?
Little mission?
What meets the eye?
The kidnapping?
Step ahead?
Clear the tension?
Mommy and daddy?
Miss her?
Sister bond?
Own revenge?
Make a bet?
Family moments?
Cross paths?
Rid of her?
Leap of faith?
Final push?
Greed and power? (part 1)
Greed and power? (part 2)
Plus one?
What's mine?
Man up?
Destined Assassins?

Remain locked?

275 10 0
Por sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

"Yes I've come around so can we move on and talk about why exactly you want me to help you take them down when you are more than capable of doing it yourself." I say. "He is your baby daddy so I'm sure you will get information more easily." he says. "Nawe uyasho baby daddy so where do you think I will get the information." (You also said it.)

"Calm down we will come up with a plan to do that." he says and i sigh. The amount of times I wanted to punch him in his face. I should congratulate myself for being able to have this much self control without snapping. "What plan is this now?" I ask. "It's still in motion." "It better not be legal because you failed twice in that department."

"No now we not playing it safe. They go low I go lower." he says and i fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Who else are you taking down besides your favourite family?" I ask. I want to see if he will mention the other families. I know he won't mention mine because it will be a bad card from his side. "Vilakazi." "Why them too?"

"They both took away my family from me and i want to destroy theirs. It will be nice living the rest of your life knowing you failed your family members." he answers. "You so evil." I say and he laughs. "Amukelani ungazozi yenza ncono ngami la." (Don't act better than me.) "Kanjani ngoba ngiyasho ukuthi ukhohlakele." He chuckles. (How cause I'm saying you are evil.) "Wonders never cease to amaze me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "Asiyeke." (Lets leave it.) he answers. "You know Melokuhle if you cannot respect me then I will let you get them by yourself." "Ngiyakuva Mngomezulu." (I hear you.) "Manje when you said they took away your family what do you mean?" "You know what I'm talking about. There is no point in defending them." I roll my eyes.

"I work with evidence and for as long as you don't bring evidence then I can't help you." I say. "You don't need evidence for this." he says. "Why would they take away your family?" "Revenge." "For what?" I need him to confess to me even though it won't make a differences in this whole thing. "For getting them arrested four years ago."

"So it was you all along." I say acting surprised. I must say I am a good actress. Connie Ferguson should come and hire me to act in one of her soapies. "Please don't act stupid Mngomezulu you not convincing enough." he says. I guess Connie Ferguson won't be calling me as of yet. "Whatever Melokuhle."

"What is your game plan?" I ask. "Keep them all under watch until the plan is solid." he answers. "As in stalking?" "Yes." "Oh okay. Stalking isn't worth it and stuff but it's your war and I'm just helping. What else." "Once I've come up with a plan we will take the next step but they must know that it won't be nice. And I don't mean literally that they must find out." I chuckle. "I'm not that stupid." "For love you can be?" "Love for who?" "Nothing." I hum.

"Let me go I have errands to run and tell your stalkers to back of from me otherwise I will blow their brains out." I say. "I will." "If you don't I will blow your brains out." "I promise you I will let them back off." "I'm watching." "Say hi to your daughter." "If you have nothing better to say then shut the fuck up." He chuckles and i click my tongue.

I stand up and leave. I am so annoyed at the fact that i have to work with him till further notice and i hope he listens to me and backs the stalkers down because I don't need secret admirers after me all the time. I also hate the fact that he talks about my daughter as if we are friends or whatever. I get inside the car and Mzwa drives off. "How did it go?" asks Mzwa. "Revolting to say the least." I answer and he chuckles.

"You shall be strong. You just need to fake it till you make it." he says. "I'm tired already," I say and he chuckles. "I'm also scared that he might found out that I'm not on his side and hurt Sino." "I know the parental fear is talking now and don't be. You need to play your cards safe and everything will be okay. He would be making a mistake if he tries to hurt Sino." I nod. "I know I just can't help it. This is risky."

"Trust me you can do it. You were able to seduce Sthembiso so what's stopping you from succeeding this one and you lucky that you don't have to sleep with him." he says and i chuckle. "With Sthembiso I caught feelings that I wasn't supposed to." I say. "But here you lucky you don't need to date him." "Over my dead body." He chuckles.

"There it is. Focus wena and don't raise any suspicions." he says and i nod. "You right." I say. "I'm always right." "Don't be delusional." He laughs. "After giving you a nice pep talk you call me delusional." "If the shoe fits wear it Cinderella." "Uyadika shem." I chuckle. (You annoy me.) "So I've been told."

I get back to work and i go back to my office. I get inside and continue with my load of work I have missed out on. I won't be able to finish it today I'll probably be done by the end of the week so I text Sthembiso asking him to fetch Sino for the rest of the week after school and he will drop her off at my place.


I get back home and release a sigh of relief. I desperately need the shower. I don't go to the gym in three weeks and when I catch up my body feels like it's on fire. I leave the takeaways on top of the kitchen counter and walk upstairs to my bedroom and i go inside the bathroom and pour myself a glass of wine that stays in the cabinet. I pour water in the tub and add bath salts and bubble bath.

I strip off my clothes and get inside the water and sigh when it makes contact with my skin. Hai shem working out isn't for the weak or its because Sthembiso's sessions are always hectic. I low-key missed working out with him even though I will never admit it out loud to him or to anyone for that matter of fact...the same way you won't admit that you lov...shut it.

My mind keeps going back to this war thing. Now that the was has been declared it has gotten a little serious and i need to start taking things serious. If I knew Melokuhle's game plan then I would know what I'm working with and decide if whether I should be calm or panic but now I don't know anything and it's nerve wrecking.

Having him following us around and him lying to me that he is only attacking two families is a bit too much for me. Why is he using me if he is after my family? Revenge too? I can never be too sure. Maybe he knows I helped Sthembiso or I was with Sthembiso that day he went and assassinated Siyanda and that's why he thinks he can use me and get away with it.

I finish bathing and i drain the tub and clean it. I wrap a towel around my body and walk to the closet. I take out winter pjamas and wear them then take my phone and go downstairs to the kitchen. "Hi mamá." greets Sino. "Hi princess." I say and pick her up and kiss her forehead, cheek, nose and mouth and she repeats the action.

I missed seeing her everyday and getting to kiss her anytime. "Unjani ma?" I ask while sitting down and placing her on my lap. "Ngiyaphila wena." answers Mam Miriam. "Nami ngiyaphila." She takes out the plates and she plates up for us and we thank her and walk to the living room to eat.

We sit down and start eating. "How was Colombia?" asks mam Miriam. "It was nice. I missed being there and getting to spend time with my family." I answer. "Are they as wild as you?" "If not worse." She laughs. "I can imagine." "But we all get my grandmother's vibe and energy. When you around her you can never be sane." We laugh.

"Shush mamá." says Sino and i roll my eyes. "Ungazongitshela ukuthi ngithule kwami." I say. (Don't tell me to keep quiet in my house.) "Uyarasa mamá and no TV hear." (You making noise.) "Hai Sino yekela abantu abadala bakhulume kahle. Ungaphinde uyenze lento oceda ukuyenza. Akusinhlonipho leyo." She folds her arms and sulks. (Leave the adults to talk. Don't you ever do that again that's very disrespectful.) "Hai sisi ungangideleli mina ngizokushaya." (Don't disrespect me I'll hit you.)

She mumbles something but I can't hear her. She's lucky I didn't hear her otherwise I would have beaten her. I'm not about to be told to watch my tone in my own house. She loves testing my patience sometimes. We continue eating and once I'm done i take the plates and go wash the dishes.

After I text Sthembiso telling him about the parents meeting on Friday i chuckle a little. This one always knows how to make a joke and sometimes I know his not being intentional and that makes it even more funny.

"I wonder uhlekani." says Mzwa. (laughing at.) I could say a smart remark and say some of our co-parents know how to keep us entertained but I will never live to hear the end of it. "Sir you must mind your business." I say and he chuckles. "Okay I have a feeling what's it about but you don't want to tell me it's fine." I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"Ngena emsebezini." he says and i sigh. (Go to work.) "Mesengizibuza ukuthi ngifika nini." I say and he laughs. (I was wondering when I was arriving.) "Unamanga mowusafuna ukuhlala nami nje." (You lying you still wanted to sit with me.) "Please let's not go there." We laugh. "Hamba ke bozza." "It's not like angiphumi and stuff." We chuckle and i take my bags and leave. (getting out.)

I get inside and head to the elevator doors. They open and i get in and press the top floor. The doors open and i get out and walk to my office with my assistant following closely behind me. Jessica has officially gone for maternity leave and i have a new assistant, Zama. She is such a sweet person and i can tell she is a bit shy.

We get inside my office and she hands me my iced cappuccino and i thank her and sit down. "If you don't loosen up by the end of the day i would be forced to fire you for being to shy." I say and I can see her eyes pop out of their socket and i chuckle. "Ngiyadlala. Can you tell me my appointments for today." She sighs a sigh of relief. (I'm joking.)

"Don't worry with me you might end up becoming mentally unstable." I say and she let's out a nervous chuckle. She tells me all my meetings and once she's done i ask her to stay for a little bit. "You know one thing about lawyers or attorneys you need to be vocal." "I know it just takes time for me to get used to new people." she says.

"And I understand but we need to do something about your shyness. Come out of your bubble." I say. "I'm trying." she says. "Do you have anxiety?" She nods. "Oh okay well I don't want to pressure you and possibly scare you away I just want you to be more relaxed and chilled cause I'm that kind of person. If you don't speak up for yourself I guess nobody will."

"I understand. I'm attending therapy to try and lessen the anxiety." she says. "That's good. Don't worry therapy plus me will leave you talking way too much." I say and she laughs. "I hope so too." "You can go work. I like you work ethic too so keep it up." She let's out a little smile and nods and she stands up and leaves.


"Mzwa stay in the car." I say. "I am hired to be your driver and guard so how do you expect me to do my job if you are preventing me from doing it?" he asks. "Take it as a break." "I already had a three week break which is more than enough so asambe." I sigh and roll my eyes.  "Lets go."

"It's not like I'll be walking right next to you. You know i always keep my distance." he says. "Lets go." I say and take my wallet and phone and head out to the mall. I get inside and walk to Checkers. I take a trolley by the entrance and start shopping for groceries.

I get to the spice aisle and i spot Khanyisa from a distance. I'll act like I didn't notice and continue with my shopping. "Oh hey I didn't see you there." she says and i force out a smile. The way she is always wherever i am 90% of the time makes me think that she might be the one following us.

"Hey unjani?" I ask. The least I can do is be polite even though I feel like hanging myself with a tissue. "Ngiyaphila wena." she answers. "Nami ngiyaphila." She smiles and one can tell its not genuine. What happened to that nice girl I met from the beginning? People change man.

"Did you ever move on or try finding out about the people behind the kidnapping?" she asks and i sigh. Out of all topics she can choose from she chose this one. I was actually recovering from this but now she wants to send me back to square one. "I let my dad handle it and how he did I don't care. Why?" I ask. "No it's just that I can't seem to get it off my mind since I bumped into you." "Well you need to cause it's not worth it. Some doors need to remain locked."

"But what if the answers are closer to us than we think." I raise my eyebrows and she smirks...

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