Midnight Memories Larry Styli...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

18.4K 628 102

Louis was very vocal about his love for Harry Styles going to every concert and documenting it on his social... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue 🥲

Chapter 6

744 22 5
By NotReadyToPlayNice

The following weeks were busy for louis and harry as they tried to spend as much time as they could and have agreed to meet each others families

"hazzie" louis yells out as he walks into harrys house

"my room" harry yells out as louis goes to harrys room

"you almost done" louis asks

"yeah sorry was on the phone with jeff" harry says

"its ok I know your getting busy getting things ready for recording" louis says

"it was more that the live lounge wants me to do a set when I release my first single and jeff got the contract for my tour clothes from Gucci" harry says

"really I am so proud of you" louis says as he places a kiss on harrys lips

"ok I am ready lets go" harry says as they walk out of harrys room and get into harrys car

"umm hazzie" louis says nervously

"yeah" harry says

"what if your parents hate me" louis says nervously

"they wont hate you they love you and see how happy they see me" harry says

"ok but if they hate you please don't leave me" louis says as harry interwines his fingers with louis

"I promise" harry says "so I meet your family tomorrow and you have to promise the same thing"

"I promise and they cant wait to meet you" louis says with a wide smile as they get to harrys parents house "ohh shit this house is nice"

"thank you they deserve it specially how supportive they have been with me and my career" harry says

"I love when you talk about your parents" louis says as they get off the car and walk to the front door as harry opens the door and they walk in as louis hides behind harry

"mom" harry yells out "why are you hiding"

"cuz im scared they will hate me" louis says

"they wont I promise" harry says as he sees his mom walking to them "mom" harry says as he walks to her and hugs her

"ohh my did you grow another human" anne says with a small laugh

"no louis is scared you will hate him" harry says laughing

"ohh louis harry has told me so much about you don't worry about me or robin its gemma you have to worry about" anne says

"see told ya" harry says

"Im sorry I just want to make a good first impression and I really like harry and not because of him being a pop star but I got to know him the real him and I want to be with him because of that I promise" louis says nervously

"I know harry told me everything and as long as my son is happy that is all I care about and I know you make him happy" anne says

"see told ya princess" harry says "mom this is louis my boyfriend louis this is my mom anne"

"nice to meet you mrs twist you have a lovely home" louis says as he extends his hand as anne goes to hug louis

"don't be nervous you are doing just fine" anne says with a smile

"thank you I appreciate it" louis says

"where is dad and gems" harry asks

"dad went to get some things I forgot and gems is on her way" anne says "ohh and she is bringing alice and lance"

"who are they" louis says nervously

"my sisters best friends they are so over protective of me" harry says

"I have to go my mom is calling me I forgot I have to watch my sisters" louis says nervously as he tries to leave as harry gets his hand as the door opens and louis hides behind harry

"dad" harry says

"son I missed you so much" robin says as he walks to harry as they hug" are you growing another human"

"no louis is worried you all will hate him" harry says

"what did he do" robin says as they all laugh

"princess this is my step dad robin dad this is louis my boyfriend" harry says proudly

"nice to meet you louis harry has told us so much about you and we have been so excited to meet you" robin says

"its nice to meet you as well and harry talks about you all all the time" louis says as he shakes robins hand

"lets go to the garden gemma just texted me she should be here n 10 minutes" anne says as they walk to the garden and sit down "so louis tell us about your family"

"ohh not much just my mom my step dad and I have 4 sisters" louis says

"ohh my so harry says you help your parents with your sisters" anne asks

"yeah my mom is a labor and delivery nurse and my step dad is a surgeon so they have weird hours but I love my sisters and we have a lot of fun" louis says

"well that is good harry said we are all meeting next week" anne says

"yeah harry wanted us all to take a vacation but we all couldn't find a right time to do it so next week" louis says

"I cant wait to meet them all" anne says

"my parents cant wait to meet you all" louis says with a wide smile as louis hears someone yelling

"gems we are in the garden and be nice" harry yells out as louis sees 3 people walking to them

"I have missed you so much" gemma says

"me too" harry says " alice lance how bave you both been I missed you both so much"

"we have to but we get it you are busy with the boyfriend" alice says as harry smiles and laughs

"yeah have to spend time with my princess" harry says with a wide smile

"well I am waiting' gemma says

"louis this is my sister gemma and her best friends alice and lance" harry says

"umm umm nice to meet you all " louis says nervously as he extends his hand as alice and lance shake it and gemma walks around louis and louis gets more nervous

"gemma be nice I told you" harry says

"I am he is gorgeous do you have a friend or an older brother" gemma says

"no I am sorry I am the oldest" louis says nervously

"boo that suck but harry has told me all about you and I want to say thank you for making my idiot brother happy" gemma says with a wide smile

"thank you I really appreciate it" louis says as gemma hugs louis tight

"dinner is ready" anne says as everyone stands up and goes to the dinner table

"mrs twist let me help you" louis says

"no you are a guest" anne says

"I insist" louis says

"ok here you take this" anne says as she hands louis a pot and louis takes it to the table and soon they sit down and start to eat "so louis harry says you work as a waiter and help your parents with your siblings"

"yeah I have 4 sisters I am the oldest and my parents sometimes go in really early in the morning so I take them school and if I work my parents are usually home by the time I get off work" louis says

"ohh so you are not going back to school" robin asks

"no I am not interested in school I mean I was a good student but I am not interested but I am giving myself another year to decide if I want to go back to school and get a degree and that would mean my sisters will be older I eventually want to move out and have my own apartment but for now my parents need my help" louis says

"ohh ok I get it not everyone is meant for school" anne says

"so harry tells me you mr twist you are an accountant" louis says

"yeah been at the company I work for been there for 30 years" robin says

"that is good and harry told me anne you used to have a flower shop" louis says

"yeah it was fun and when harry won x-factor I left because it was hard to take him to taping and auditions then harry started touring and since he was a minor I would travel with him" anne says

"ohh that must be an exciting time" louis says

"it was but I felt so guilty leaving robin and gemma but harry wanted to live his dreams" anne says

"I love how supportive you all are reminds me of my family" louis says

"really" anne asks

"yeah my mom is amazing and loving I know she was disappointed in me for not going to college right away but she knew she had to let me learn things on my own" louis says

"well that is good cant wait to meet your family" anne says

"are you excited to meet louis family H" gemma says

"yeah I cant wait" harry says with a smile

"my mom said she cant wait to meet you all as well just have to let you all know that our house is chaos with so many kids in there" louis says as he smiles

"its ok we can manage is there anything your mom wants us to bring" anne asks

"no we have everything I was talking to her earlier" louis says

"mom can you make your delicious chocolate cake" harry says

"yeah I can do that" anne says

"ohh chocolate she is going to love you" louis says

"ohh she likes chocolate cake" anne questions

"yes its her favorite" louis says

"then I will make a chocolate cake I think I might make 2" anne says as they continue to talk and laugh and soon louis and harry leave

"so what do you think" harry says as they get into harrys car as he drives back to his house

"you family is amazing I love them" louis says with a wide smile

"well I know they love you because you make me happy" harry says

"you make me happy too" louis says with a wide smile as they interwine their fingers as harry continues to drive to his house

"you staying tonight" harry asks

"no I have my dads car" louis says

"lets watch a movie until you have to leave" harry says with a wide smile

"yeah ok" louis says as they get to harrys house and soon walk in as harry picks up louis and puts him over his shoulder as harry walks into his movie room and puts louis down "why do you have to be so extra" louis says laughing

"cuz I can" harry says laughing as he sits down and turns on a movie as harry and louis cuddle together and soon they fall asleep the following morning louis wakes up

"ohh shit" louis says as harry wakes up

"what" harry says

"I slept over night my dad is going to kill me" louis says as he looks at his phone

"im sorry we fell asleep" harry says

"shit its almost 9" louis says

"well I will see you later" harry says as louis stands up and leaves harrys house and gets to his house and walks in and sees his mom and dad

"mom im sorry harry and I went back to his house and watched some movies and fell asleep" louis says nervously hoping his parents would not be mad at him

"its ok son we thought it would happen you are always so responsible its ok your mom and I have today off don't worry" dan says with a smile

"thank you I was so scared you would be upset" louis says "I came home as soon as I woke up"

"son its ok you could of just called us" jay says laughing

"I feel like shit" louis says

"just stop" jay says

"mom what are you making for dinner" louis asks

"pot roast side of veggies" jay says

"if you need help I can help you" louis says

"no its ok you relax just help set the table and help dad bring out the extra table for the little kids" jays says

"ok mom mind if I go take a nap" louis says

"go take a nap we are going to start getting things ready by 3" jay says

"ok mom" louis says as harrys phone starts to ring as louis walks to his room "hazzie"

"are you grounded" harry says laughing

"no my mom and dad understood" louis says

"where are you at" harry asks

"my room I need to clean it" louis says "what are you doing"

"not much just in bed missing my princess in my arms" harry says

"I miss my hazzie" louis says in a sad tone

"can you come over to my house after I miss you in my arms" harry says

"I can ask my parents if I can go to yours after" louis says

"you don't work tomorrow' harry asks

"no not until Tuesday" louis says

"pack a bag and come stay at mine" harry says

"ok" louis says with a wide smile

"do your sisters know about me" harry asks

"I talked to them and told them the truth they didn't believe me but I showed them pictures of us so careful they are so over protective of me" louis says

"I will win them over with my charm" harry says as he laughs

"have you talked to your parents are they ok with us" louis says nervously "and are they ok with me I mean the way I dress"

"they don't care they love you and mom is excited to meet your family well actually my dad and sister" harry says "and they love the way you were dressed they don't care they just want me to be happy"

"ok just some people don't accept me for the way I dress" louis says "I was really nervous about wearing my skirt but I swear your family are amazing"

"I know its why I keep them around" harry says laughing

"so are we still on for our families to meet Saturday" louis asks

"yeah they cant wait and I am excited to meet your family" harry says

"me too hazzie I have to go and clean my room and help my parents" louis says

"ok I will see you tonight" harry says as louis hangs up the phone and louis starts to clean his room and soon louis goes downstairs as he starts to to help his parents to clean and set things up and a few more hours louis runs to his room and starts to get his things ready and gets in the shower and when gets our louis changes his clothes and soon hears the doorbell

"mom I will get it" louis says as he walks down the stairs and opens the door "hazzie"

"you look beautiful" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips

"are theyse for me" louis says as he tries to get the flowers from harry

"no these are for your mom im trying to kiss ass so they wont hate me" harry says laughing

"come in" louis says as they walk to the kitchen "momma"

"yeah" jay says as she walks out of the pantry "ohh"

"mom this is harry styles my boyfriend" louis says "harry this is my mom jay"

"ohh my let me wash my hands" jay says as she washes her hands and drys them

"nice to finally meet you jay" harry says

"nice to meet you as well louis has told me a lot about you" jay says

"he talks about you all all the time" harry says "im sorry these are for you"

"ohh thank you so much they are beautiful" jay says as she smells them

"umm jay can I ask you a questions" harry says as he smiles

"yes anything" jay says as she looks at harry

'do you have an instruction manual for louis I really need it" harry says laughing

"no sorry I burnt it soo good luck" jay says laughing

"you both are not right" louis says laughing

"I told you I was going to do it" harry says as he hugs louis

"I regret this already" louis says

"aww boobear mommy loves you" jay says

"boobear" harry questions

"ohh shit im sorry that is what I call louis ever since he was born when he would cry he sounded more like a bear" jay says laughing

"mom you promised never to tell anyone that" louis says whining

"harry brought me flowers" jay says laughing

"if I bring you flowers more often can you tell me more stories of louis" harry says

"yes" jay says laughing

"stop it both of you" louis says "where is dad"

"yard" jay says

"let me take harry to meet him" louis says

"no stay I want to keep embarrass you" jay says as louis step dad walks in the house

"dad" louis says

"yeah" dan says

"dad this is harry my boyfriend harry this is my step dad dan" louis says

"nice to meet you dan" harry says

"you as well' dan says as they shake hands

"where are the girls" louis asks

"in the yard playing" dan says

"let me go get them" louis says as he walks out of the house and soon walks back inside with his sister "behave like I told you"

"ok" lottie says first

"girls this is harry styles my boyfriend harry this is charlotte or lottie, felicity or fizzy, daisy and phoebe they are twins" louis says as he points to each sister

"nice to meet you all louis has told me a lot about all of you" harry says with a big smile

"can we ummmm can we hug you" daisy says first

"yeah" harry says as harry hugs louis sisters

"your nice we like that" phoebe says

"if you break louis heart I am going to break your leg" fizzy says with a warning tone

"what if he breaks mine" harry questions

"then you come see me and I will break his leg" fizzy says

"deal" harry says as they shake hands

"what is going on here you all have to be on my side" louis says

"shut it I am making a deal with harry" fizzy says

"lots" louis says as louis had noticed she was quiet

"im thinking we are trusting you with louis I hope you know how much we love him and are over protective of him do you understand what you are getting into with all of us" lottie says in a stern tone

"I promise will never betray any of your trust" harry says "I care about louis a lot and wont hurt him or any of you he talks about all of you a lot and I love to listen to him talk about you all and how much he loves you all"

"ok then we wont have a problem" lottie says as she hugs harry "your taller than what you look like on television"

"thank you" harry says "your a lot shorter than louis"

"shut it" lottie says laughing

"alright lets sit down dinner is ready" jay says as everyone sits down as jay and louis start to serve everyone as they all sit down

"so harry louis told us your step dad still works does no one know he is your step dad" jay questions

"no I mean my parents and sister are never in the spotlight they knew this was my dream and they want nothing to do with it so no one knows who they are" harry says

"ohh that makes sense so what does your mom and sister do" jay asks

"my sister works in accounting and my mom doesn't work I gave her and my dad the option and my mom decided she was done working" harry says "but her friends keep her busy"

"ohh that us good" jay says

"louis says you are a nurse and dan a doctor" harry says

"yeah its how we met" jay says

"really that is good dan do you have any kids of your own" harry asks

"no these 5 brats are my kids been in their lives for over 10 years and I have loved it" dan says

"I only have one sister but I always wanted more siblings but my mom said no" harry says

"harry louis said you are going to start recording soon are you excited to start" dan asks

"yeah I get excited when I record just making music makes me so happy" harry says with a wide smile

"louis said he wanted to go see you when you travel but wasn't sure where" jay says

"yeah he told me but when I have my tour schedule that is when louis said he would tell me" harry says

"yeah he told me and you better make sure that nothing happens to my son" jay says in a stern tone

"you all are no joke sorry princess I don't know if I can handle all this" harry says laughing

"shut it" louis says laughing as they continue to talk and laugh as they to know each other and soon they were done eating and louis helps jay clean up

"I think we are done" jay says

"mom I am going to stay at harrys tonight will you need me tomorrow for anything we just want to spend as much time together before he gets busy" louis says hopeful

"its ok I have the day off tomorrow" jay says

"thanks mom" louis says

"so are we still on to meet your family Saturday" jay asks

"yeah they are excited to meet you all" harry says "mom is going to bake a cake"

"ohh she bakes" jay asks

"yeah before she met my step dad she was a baker at a local bakery" harry says

"she is making chocolate cake I told her it was your favorite" louis says laughing

"ohh now I cant wait for Saturday" jay says with a wide smile

"can we start with deseert I tasted the care anne made and let me tell you it was delicious" louis says laughing

"and you couldn't bring me a slice" jay says dramatically

"nope I just met them I didn't want to ask for a to go box" louis says laughing

"I will ask her to make 2 cakes since I don't want you and louis to start fighting" harry says

"thank you" jay says as they continue to talk and laugh and soon louis goes to his room and packs an overnight bag and soon louis and harry walk out of the house and get into harrys car

"soo what did you think" louis asks nervously

"I like them all your family is so much fun" harry says with a wide smile

"I am happy" louis says with a wide smile as they get to harrys house

"what do you want to do" harry asks

"you" louis says with a devilish smile as they start to kiss as louis jumps onto harry and wraps his legs around harrys waist and harry walks to his bedroom as he lays louis down gently

"wait hold on" harry says as harry stands up and goes to his night stand "shit we are out of condoms"

"lets go get some" louis says

"I cant go I will get killed" harry says

"I will get down and get them" louis says as they get up and go to the store and louis runs in and gets the condoms and go back to harrys house and walk in as they go to harrys room as they start to kiss again and they start to take their clothes off as louis starts to suck on harrys dick and soon harry starts to push himself into louis as louis moans out in pleasure

"fuck princess" harry growls out in lust as harry slaps louis ass as harry pulls out as he starts to suck and lick at louis hole as louis moaning a mess as he moves his waist as harry grabs louis waist as he moves back

"im going to suffocate you" louis says as he realizes harry his moving to lay down so louis will sit on his face

"i will tap out if i need to breath but if i die i die" harry says as he continues to suck on louis hole as louis goes lower as he starts to suck at harrys dick as louis move his waist

"daddy" louis moans out as he moves his body and aligns himself as he lowers himself and starts to bounce up and down as he moves his head back as harry grabs louis hair and moves his head back as louis lays down on harrys chest as they start to kiss and harry plants his feel as he thrust into louis

"come" harry growls out

"harry" louis yells out as he starts to come and a few more thrust and harry comes into louis

"you up for one more" harry says as he sits up as he continues to thrust into louis

"i cant" louis says as he tries to catch his breath

"i think you can" harry says as he moves louis and continues to lick and suck at louis abused hole as harry starts to get hard as he pushes himself into louis again as he gets louis arms and moves him back as he thrust into louis

"huhhuuhuuhsfhausfgjasdghaisel;rg" louis moans out as he moves his waist

"ohh baby boy" harry moans out as he slaps louis ass ashe continues to thrust into louis hitting louis prostate over and over again as louis starts to come again and a few more thrust and harry comes into louis as louis falls ont he couch as harry falls on top of louis

"i cant anymore" louis says trying to catch his breath

"dont move let me get a towel" harry says he goes into the bathroom and gets a towel as he cleans himself and takes the towel to louis

"you came inside of me" louis says

"Im sorry i didnt mean to" harry says

"we have to be more careful i dont want to think about having kids" louis says

"i know im sorry we will be more careful" harry says "besides we done it before and nothing has happened"

"i know but i dont want to talk about that right now" Louis says

"i know" Harry says "we have more time to talk about that but for now i want to enjoy our time together"

"exactly" louis says as he cuddles into harry as they fall asleep and wake up 3 more times and have sex the following days were busy for louis and harry but its now saturday and louis and harry are helping louis family get things ready for everyone to meet "Hazzie what time are your parents getting here"

"mom said at 2" harry says

"ohh shit i need to shower" louis says

"i will be back i need to shower and change" harry says as they kiss and harry walks out of the house and louis goes to his room and takes a shower and when he was done louis goes back to help jay and soon the doorbell rings and louis answers the door "hazzie"

"princess" harry says as he sees his parents and sister park the car "my parents just got here"

"ok let me say hello" louis says as he walks to harrys parents and  givrd them a hug "let me help you"

"no its ok its just 2 cakes" anne says

"i know i wanted an excuse to stick my finger in one" louis says laughing

"stop" gemma says laughing

"come in follow me" louis says as they walk back into the house "mom" louis yells out

"kitchen" jay says

"mom" louis says as he walks into the ktichen

"ohh my let me wash my hands" jay says as she washes her hands and dries them

"mom this is anne twist harrys mom, robin twist harrys stepdad and gemma styles harrys sister" louis says as they all shake hands

"nice to meet you all i been looking forward to this day" jay says

"i baked you 2 cakes" anne say "louis said you love chocolate cake"

"ohh my thank you these look delicious" jay says "do they need to be refrigerated"

"no they will be fine at room temperature" anne says

"have a seat" anne says "my husband is just firing the grill"

"ohh let me get dad" louis says as he goes to the yard and soon comes back with dan as louis introduces dan to harrys family

"nice to meet you all" dan says "robin want to join me at the grill"

"sure" robin says as he walks to the yard with dan

"where are the girls" louis questions

"in there room i had them cleaning their room" jay says

"let me get them" louis says as he goes to get his sisters and soon walks down with them as he introduces them to gemma and anne as they all continue to talk and laugh as they get to know each other


hello my beautiful readers

i promise to get to the best part i just dont know how to break them up but i promise i will do it i hope

Y'all I watched Louis movie All Those Voices and let me tell you I love it was done beautifully but made me cry knowing that he never felt like he deserve his success until now it was so good if you haven't watched I recommend you do

all the love

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