restaurant girl | t. muichiro...

By luvyduvies

135K 3.5K 35.3K

āš­šžš„š„ š¦šž š©š«šžš­š­š² š„š¢š­š­š„šž š„š¢šžš¬, š¢'š„š„ š›šž š²šØš®š«š¬ ššš§š š²šØš®'š„š„ š›šž š¦š¢š§šž... More

chapter 1: why are you like this?
chapter 2: in blood?
chapter 3: for a magazine?
chapter 4: slept well?
chapter 5: in my room?
chapter 6: is that enough proof?
chapter 7: worked up?
chapter 8: untangle it?
chapter 9: is it what it looks like?
chapter 10: are you looking?
chapter 11: hard work pays off?
chapter 12: stuffed animals?
chapter 13: winging it?
chapter 14: a pro gamer?
chapter 15: body warmth?
chapter 16: the little moments?
chapter 17: to tokyo?
chapter 18: murder?
chapter 19: empty-headed?
chapter 20: pocky?
chapter 21: mirrors?
chapter 22: justice?
chapter 23: an innocent prank?
chapter 24: an audience?
shameful plug (i am soso sorry)
chapter 26: your first day?
chapter 27: company dinner?
chapter 28: the final clue she needs?
chapter 29: left your phone?
chapter 30: a shoulder to cry on?
chapter 31: the ugly truth?
chapter 32: i love you.
to the group of people who requested it
chapter 33: what it takes to heal. (100k!)

chapter 25: forged?

2.8K 78 467
By luvyduvies

𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭. 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡.



SEARCH: y/n l/n


L/N Y/N explodes at insensitive DSNEWS interviewer

L/N Y/N's mysterious fame prompts curious fans to seek out her address, search fails

y/n and muichiro being made for each other

y/n l/n being hot asf for 5 minutes straight (shes for the girls)

Now playing:

"Y/N, what would you say to Imamura Masaru right now?"

You looked right at the camera, rolling your eyes and screwing the lip gloss tube back together. "I'd tell him to take that dick out of his ass. Fucking loser."

*cute intro music*

You hadn't even noticed a camera was pointed directly at you as you did your lashes innocently. Muichiro sat next to you, completely mesmerized. "Woah, Y/N. How the fuck does that not hurt?"

"How does being that much of an idiot not hurt?" You retorted nonchalantly, a mascara wand up to your lashes as a handheld mirror rested in your hands.

"Hey..." Muichiro pouted.



Touya stared at the brightly lit mirror in front of his, a hairband between his terth as he pulled his hair up. Humming the tune to LESSERAFIM's Eve, Psyche, & The Bluebeard's Wife, he smiled at his reflection.

"I~! Wish~! For what's~! Forbidden~!" He sang. He grabbed a hairbrush and hopped off his seat, dancing around and singing while using the hairbrush as a makeshift microphone.

Touya knew the entire dance to it too, somehow. Too bad his dancing session was cut short as the door opened, a high-pitched scream coming out of him as he jumped.

You stood in the doorway with your clothes in your hand, dumbfounded. "What the fuck? I thought a cat was dying in here."

"I'm offended, Y/N." The blonde frowned. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

Turning your head up and walking into the large room, you rolled your eyes. "I have a new manager, you asshole."

"Oh!" He laughed. "You have the same manager as me, right? That's so fun!"

"Quit it." You spat. "Honestly, I don't know how people like you."

"I told you. I'm silly." Whipping out his phone, Touya opened his KNYGram and scrolled through the cute cat videos on his feed. "You've gotta convince my dad to get me a cat. They're so cute! I want a ginger one."

Of course Touya wants a ginger one. You frowned. "Because they're stupid?"

You dumped your clothes onto your assigned vanity and stared into the mirror. "Why is this room nicer than Mitsuri's?"

"Because she..." She meaning Lady Hitogoroshi, "... has a bigger budget. Everyone invests so much into her, it's crazy. They practically throw money at her."


"Shush, child." Touya lightly tapped a makeup brush against the top of a palette. "I'm trying to look like Baek Dohwa from Operation True Love*. He's so fucking hot. Let me work my shit."

"Your hair is too long for that, and your eyes aren't like his. Dumbass." You rolled your eyes and took the brush from him. "Let me."

You dipped the brush into a pale pink color in the palette and brushed it carefully under his eyes. He looks kind of adorable...

Looking up at you with pale blue eyes and a smile on his face, he waited patiently as you did his makeup.

"Do you have a lip tint?" You asked. The blonde immediately handed you a light pink one, which you hastily unscrewed and dabbed onto his lips.

The proximity had you shuddering as he looked at you, a satisified look in his eyes.

"Woah, if only I had contacts!" Touya smiled at the mirror, staring at his face closely. "Thanks, Y/N!"

You nodded, wordlessly grabbing the clothes and setting them down into the nearest dressing room and shutting the curtain.

The blue-eyed male looked at you from the side and watched the dark purple curtains sway.

To forge a relationship is a big thing...

But, Y/N.

I can see it in your eyes.

You love Muichiro in a way that you can't fake.

I mean, how could you not? He's really great...

Blue eyes dimmed as he adjusted himself in his seat, touching his lips as if he was inspecting them.

This is a nice lip tint.

As you stepped out to the photoshoot room, your attention was immediately directed towards the bright lights and large cameras.

A way bigger budget.

"L/N, you're here."

The cold tone of voice had you jumping up in fear and yelping. "Oh, hello Miss—... uh..."

She clicked her tongue at your timidness, pointing her pen to the front. "Stand there. Tell me what you see."




Bitch, what the fuck? Is what you wish you could've said.

Walking up to the center of the scene, your eyes seemed to be caught onto a piece of art that lay in front of you.

The photo? Monochrome. A woman who seemed to have shackles on her feet, sorrowfully dragging herself across the street in business clothes and her phone out.

"That one." You pointed, your voice soft. "The working class in Japan. That woman is clearly young and surrounded by luxury and lusterous items."

"But, she herself is in poverty. From the rips on her clothes, to the old model of a phone in her hand." Looking at the picture, the illustrated woman's life seem to be getting just worse and worse.

"We're told that we can work our way out of the problems we're in, but that isn't the case. We don't get to choose our story, our path, our life."

That woman...

... she looked a little too much like you. "That's why there's shackles, isn't it? She can't escape the workforce for better."

"She's just stuck. Working until she dies."

Your arm moved back to your side as you looked back at Lady Hitogoroshi.

For a moment, you could've sworn that she smiled. "Y/N, I do this test on each of my employees. You were able to analyze this specific painting."

"Wait, what—"

You blinked a few times before realizing that there were several paintings depicting depressing situations lined next to each other.

"Oh." You hummed. "I didn't see that..."

"Exactly." She spoke. "Everyone is so wrapped up in their own thing, that they never notice what other people are going through. I did this test to see what kind of person you are, so I can choose your shoots accordingly."

"And it seems that I don't need to make you change for your first one."

Whatever colors you were wearing didn't matter, because this shoot was completely in black and white.

You wore a tighter dress that went to your knees, a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves adorning the fabric. Heavy diamond earrings weighed down your ears as your hair was curled and blowed out accordingly.

Sprawled out across a couch, you held a wrapped piece of chocolate up as if it were some trophy and stared into the camera.

Your manager did not say a single word throughout the entire thing.


Muichiro pointed to a fairly large painting, walking up to it and running his hand across the frame. "What about it?"

"What do you see?"

The painting was an illustration of...

"What a cruel joke." Muichiro frowned.

Shards of a mirror on the floor. Splatters of blood stained the corners of each. Two of them depicted different reflections of a man, it seemed.

One distorted, one real.

"Do you think this is funny?" The model asked. "Do you think my struggles are just some comical joke? Who'd you pay to make this?"

But Lady Hitogoroshi didn't flinch at his protests. "What do you see?"

"I see a fucking idiot." Muichiro spat. "Some loser that doesn't know how to tell fake from reality."


"And I don't feel any remorse for whatever this dumbass is going through. It's his damn fault anyway."

This time, it wasn't food he was vomiting.

Rather, it was his opinions on his utterly wrecked self-image. Self-loathing stung his eyes as he tightly balled his hands into fists.

"How is it possible for someone to even believe that shit anyway? It's so damn obvious." He rolled his eyes. "Like, how the fuck can someone be that stupid?"

"Enough." She boomed. "Now, look around."

Muichiro blinked a few times in confusion before realizing the other paintings on the wall. A soft oh passed his lips at this.

"I understand now." Lady Hitogoroshi spoke. "You think you're disgusting, don't you?"

Realization hit him like a slap on the face. "T-That's not..."

"But it is." She continued. "You're so repulsed by who you used to be."

"I think I know what to do."



NextUpCo ✔️
Tokito Muichiro and L/N Y/N's photoshoots under their new manager!
*6 attachments*



muichiro looks so airy and majestic 😭 i love the lighter shots for him

so what do i do if i want them both...

h.touyaaaaa ✔️
cutie patooties ❤️


Dropping his school bag on the floor of his room and stretching his arms to the sky, "Hayashi" Touya shut the door to his room with his leg.

Eyedrops. Blue eye drops. Where are they. The blank expression on his face seemed completely unfitting to the desperation of the situation, his hands rummaging through his drawer until he found the small bottle.

Staring at his reflection, he frowned at the rainbow-ish hue in his eyes. I really hate you for this, pa.

He slotted the eyedrops into his bag before flopping onto his bed and flipping through NextUp's newest shoots.

I'm not sure how nobody noticed it yet... Touya hummed. But it's pretty clear...

... that this relationship isn't like others. He ran a hand through his hair. No... it's...

... forged?

But a letter stood out to him on his desk. "Oh? What's this...?" He spoke in a hushed tone.

The tense air between you and Muichiro had yet to dissolve.

So, when you came to that beloved spot in the park where you both would stargaze, you heaved out a sigh and sat on the grass alone.

Why is he ignoring me? You frowned and restrained the urge to bury your head into the earth beneath you.

Your hands twitched with anticipation as each minute went by, Muichiro having yet to come.

The weather got slightly better in terms of temperature, thankfully, but the bitter cold still had fog coming out of you after each exhale.

Maybe I should just call it a night? I'm kind of sleepy.

No, I'll wait.

And you waited.

What the hell do I even say to her?! Muichiro paced around his room, tugging on his hair.

Clad in a sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, Tokito Muichiro sighed heavily.

I need to go there. I need to talk to her.

He willed himself to stand up and walk out the door as the cold air hit him harshly.

Muichiro trudged through the long walk, busying himself with his phone because he memorized the steps, and sucked in a deep breath once his feet touched the grass.

His heart dropped at the sight before him.

You'd completely fallen asleep. On the grass. In this weather. Why does this keep happening?!

He fell to his knees and crawled over to your shivering body, rushing to take his sweatshirt off and wrap you in it.

A black compression shirt and his sweatpants did little to fight the shivers racking his body as he swept you into his arms.

I have to get her home! Fuck, I shouldn't have taken so long!

The closest house being his, he rushed to carry you up to his room and blast the heater.

Muichiro hurriedly pulled the covers of his bed over your body, wrapping the corners sp none of the cool air could get in.

The shivering had thankfully stopped by now, and somehow you'd woken up only then.

But before you could stand up, Muichiro pushed you back down again and hushed you. "Stop. Just rest."

You crossed your eyes to stare at the finger pressed to your lips before looking back up at him. "Nuh uh. You've got a lot of explaining to do!"

"Like?" Muichiro tilted his head to the side innocently.

"Like that kiss, you dumbass!" You huffed, using your hand to pull his away from you. You sat up and folded your arms. "Or, maybe the fact that we're always kissing?!"

His eyes widened, and he looked away. It was clear that the tips of his ears were going pink. "I-I... Well..."

"Don't look too much into it." He mustered. "Let's just pretend like it didn't happen."

And your heart dropped.


"I think it would be the best for the both of us if we just didn't mention that happening at all, right?"

Each word had your heart shattering into small pieces. You strained a small laugh and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Do you need me to get you food, or anything?" Muichiro asked, the flustered expression reverting back to his concerned one.

You nodded.

And he left.

I'm so fuckjng stupid. I'm such an idiot. Literally why?

Muichiro fought the urge to slap himself right then and there. Why did I kiss her?! I made it weird, didn't it? She's never gonna like me back and...

Yuichiro stalked downstairs to the kitchen, a confused yet sleepy expression on his face. "You don't look too hot."

"I think I just made the worst decision of my life." Muichiro sighed, grabbing a pan and heating up the stove. "I kissed Y/N."

"You kiss her all the time?"

"In a romantic way, you fucking dumbass." He spat.

Yuichiro now wore a look of surprised understanding as he sat himself onto the counter. "So, are you guys like official now?"

"No!" The younger twin huffed, grabbing an egg and cracking it over the pot. He angrily stirred it into a yellow mixture. "I told her, let's pretend like it didn't happen so that I wouldn't make it weird! And she said yeah I guess so."

"I'm so fucking done with your ass..." The older boy groaned. "Dude, it's pretty clear she likes you back. What if you just broke her heart just now? Why the fuck would you say that?! Have you learned nothing from all the romance shows and movies I've been showing you?!"

"I know! It's just..." He averted his gaze. "What if she doesn't like me back?! That's totally gonna ruin everything!"



tokitoyuichiro ✔️
what to do when my brother is a fucking idiot

1.01 million likes

h.touyaaaaa ✔️


tokitomuichiro ✔️
well fuck you too. 🙄


Lady Hitogoroshi sat in a dimmed room, pushing her glasses up higher onto her nose as she stared at each testiment she received.

"Miss Kanroji wasn't the one who made the photoshoot?!"

"I don't know shit. Sorry."

"Just let it go."

Slamming her fist down onto the table, she inhaled deeply before readjusting her shirt.

Touya hummed, playfully kicking his feet as he fixed the positioning of the brightening eye patches he'd placed onto his face. "It seriously isn't that big of a deal~! Everyone forgot about it already. Maybe you should just calm down and forget too!"

With a grunt, she collected each throwing knife on her desk and tossed it into the blonde's direction.

He narrowly dodged her attempt at murder, each knife either landing on the wall or bouncing off it and clattering to the floor. "Hey, easy now! I promise you that this isn't a big deal!" A carefree expression rested on Touya's face as he grabbed his waterbottle and drank out of the straw.

No response. "I'm gonna start singing if you don't say something."

Again, no response. Touya playfully pulled out his phone and opened a music app, sipping out of his waterbottle as he scrolled through his playlist. "I think I'd be a pretty good rapper. Jennie** and Soyeon*** type rapping. Maybe even Milli****! I would be a total ace."

"Stop with the K-Pop songs." Lady Hitogoroshi curtly spoke.

"Watch this." Touya cleared his throat. "Oh God, eojjieeeee joke iron siheomile jotnaoyo is it a call from hell? Can't stop—"

"That isn't even the lyrics." She rolled her eyes. "How is it possible for you to butcher Korean that badly? Half of what you just said aren't even words."

He smirked. "Oh, so you know the words?"

"Shut the fuck up."


Kimetsu Academy Admissions

To Hayashi Touya,

Congratulations! Your application has been carefully considered, and you are one of the few students selected to attend Kimetsu Academy!

Your uniform will be shipped soon, and your homeroom has been decided. Please attend classes starting this date:


We hope to see you soon!

Ubuyashiki Amane
Head of the Academy


a/n: this chapter is so short omg 😭 i meant for this chapter to be more of a filler for what i plan to happen next (beginning of the end-ish stuff?)

song of the chapter is teeth by 5 seconds of summer! i used to LOVE this song omg

* operation true love is a webtoon comic by kkokkalee/dledumb

** jennie is a kpop idol from blackpink, famous for being extremely good at rapping

*** soyeon is the rapper/leader of the kpop group (G)I-DLE, knowing for writing most of their songs

**** milli is a thai rapper, one of her famous songs you may know called "Mirror Mirror"


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