It's always the silent ones (...

By fvfbchndjjjhbde

186 6 0

Gradient Joe and his friends were at the "Fun and Games carnival" to watch their friend the hollow clown. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

9 0 0
By fvfbchndjjjhbde

Warning this story has: Gradient Joe x Mime, Bugbo x Gerbo (may or may not be one-sided), multifandom, light swearing, AU

(this takes place before 'A Familiar Foe')

Gradient Joe's POV

I woke up laying on the ground in the fetal position. For some reason instead of having the warm comfort of my bed under me, there was nothing but dewy grass. I got on my knees and looked around, confused at what was going on. But I'm only met with more questions, as I realize that I'm in a field of flowers. Not just regular flowers though, but all identical white flowers. So white they looked like snow, nothing I've ever seen. I reach out and touch one of the flowers, but strangely it doesn't really feel like anything. All I got was a little tingle, like my brain knew I should be feeling something, but I didn't get anything. At this point these abnormal flowers were making me feel uncomfortable, so I fully got up and observed my surroundings. The flower field seem to stretch on forever or was just too big for me to see the end of. There were no buildings, not even some in the distance that were so tall that you could see them from far away. There were also zero animals, no birds or bees anywhere. This was really strange since I was supposedly in an open field, there should have been nature flourishing everywhere without any advance buildings and such, right? I look up at the sky, hoping that a flock of birds would pass or at least anything that showed I wasn't completely alone here. But rather than any life, all I saw was a foggy sky, grayed up by all the clouds. Somehow light was still coming through the fog, so the area was still illuminated at least.

Okay, this is getting really weird. Have I been kidnapped? If I did, why would any kidnapper just drop me off in some random field of flowers? If I haven't, how did I even end up here? I didn't know what this place was, but I didn't need to realize I had to get out of here and fast or else something bad could happen. I started rushing through the fields, shoving flowers out of the way. The flowers did not get crumpled by me however, only springing back up looking as perfect as before. I didn't care about those flowers though, just needed a way out of this crazy place. But as I continue to run, all the similar flowers start becoming hazy in my vision and I start to become tired. I think of slowing down, but before I could do anything I suddenly tripped over my feet and fell into the flowers gradient headfirst. I internally grumble, pissed off by tripping and my gradient turns a slight tint red. It didn't hurt, the flowers and grass were thankfully soft, but I didn't have time to be tripping over myself. I needed to get out and find help, maybe one of my friends of something. But then something caught me off guard, the sound of crunching grass. I listened to the noise carefully and determined what it most likely was. It definitely sounded like footsteps, which a few moments ago I would have been joyful to hear. But now I had another thought. 'I am in the middle of some random field surrounded by nature. There could be wild animals anywhere, and I don't intend on being eaten today!' So instead of jumping up and making myself known I stay laying down, attempting to not draw attention to myself. I instead focus on whatever was making those footsteps so I could identify what it was.

They sounded light, so it wasn't anything huge you'd find in the woods like a feral bear or something similar. Then the footsteps came to a standstill as I heard no more. I look up cautiously to see what was going on. What I saw was the last thing I expected, but it was certainly nothing bad. Mime was standing over me with a perplexed expression. I immediately feel much better knowing that I wasn't alone in this strange place and even more so that I was with a friend. Mime smiled and held out his hand for me to get up. I placed my hand on his and got up. His hand felt right, it was soft and radiated his life. I didn't want to let go of his hand for some reason, but as to not be weird I did. I gave Mime a thumbs up to show that I was okay. Mime breathes a sigh of relief mutely before signing 'What happened to you, and where are we?'. I shrug before signing myself, as I didn't have my pen or notepad with me to write a message like I usually did. 'I tripped over my feet because I was trying to find where town was, and I have no clue where we are.' For some reason there was something that separated Mime from this place, and it wasn't that he was the only other person here. I could actually feel him, while everything else had no real feeling. There was something off about this place that made me start doubting where I was. But somehow it seems like Mime is normal here and not a fake, so I decided to ask him something about the field of flowers we were in.

'Hey Mime, when you touch the flowers are you able to feel their texture?' I inquire. Mime thinks back, clearly visually showing that he was thinking since he is a mime before signing his answer. 'Oh, I was just having such a good time walking around admiring the flowers that I hadn't even thought about how they would feel. But I'll go try it and tell you.' Mime bent down and reached out for one of the flowers. I watch as Mime's facial expression went from neutral to shocked as he touched the petal of a flower. He then got up and looked directly at me. 'Joe, that flower literally doesn't feel like anything.' Mime signed slightly scared. I snap my fingers in celebration for being right. 'Aha, so I'm not the issue! This place is!' I beam as Mime raised an eyebrow at me in confusion for my joy. 'What do you mean?' To answer Mime, I point at the flowers to draw attention to them. 'I felt the flowers, well, tried to. But weirdly I felt nothing from touching it! Now that you also experienced this, I now know for a fact that there really is something wrong about this place. Now the only question is what...' I answer. 'I can definitely agree something is wrong with wherever we are, but I also want to know how we got here. Like seriously, last night I was simply in my bed so I could sleep but now I'm here and who knows how far away this place is if we can't even see the empire state building from a distance?' Mime added. I nod, agreeing with Mime.

Then out of the blue, I start feeling something was wrong with me. My head starts getting woozy and my vision slowly fades away into not black, but white. Mime looks at me with fear at my sudden state and my legs fail to keep me up as my legs buckled up, feeling like nothing. The last thing I saw was Mime rushing towards me and reaching out, and I with my last ounce of strength held out my hand as well. Then nothing but blinding white.


I sprung up out of bed so fast my blanket fell off the bed and onto the floor. I look around frantically, that was all a dream. Well, I guess I should have expected that since it was completely illogical that a place so strange would even exist, no less me and Mime just randomly being there. But I never had a dream that unusual. Now that I knew the flower field place wasn't real, the fact that I couldn't feel anything there was now normal since dreams are usually all visual and sound, not reliant on touch but knowing I probably should be feeling something when I touch the flowers, so the brain sends a tingle to compensate for the lack of feeling. But then while thinking over my dream, something hit me. I could feel Mime's hand, like how it would feel in real life. That's strange, it's not like we hold hands everyday so why did I actually feel the warmth and softness of his hand? Now the dream couldn't be easily explained away as just a weird dream everyone has now and then in their lives, and I just got more confused. Okay, maybe I should just stop thinking about that dream, it's not like it's going to get me anywhere by just worrying about something that only happened in my head. I got up and before leaving the room picked up my blanket from the floor and set it back on my bed neatly. It was a bit dusty, but nothing a good cleaning can't solve. 

I exit my bedroom, closing the door behind me as I head to my kitchen. I'm sure some nice fluffy pancakes with syrup and a glass of orange juice will put me on the right mindset for the rest of the day. I go in the kitchen before realizing I may have forgot something. I reach down and check in my pockets and swish my hands around before giving up and relenting to the fact that I had forgotten to take my phone with me. Well, that's inconvenient, I try to think back to where I had left that phone, but before I could recall I got the answer right to me. The phone made a ding sound that sounded like it had come from my bedroom. I internally praise myself for turning on sound notifications for my phone and rush back towards my bedroom. I open the door and step in, but do not close the door behind me. I observe the room closely, deep in thought for where I could have put my phone. Sure, I could look around everywhere, but that wouldn't be very time efficient, and I didn't want to eat breakfast when it wasn't breakfast time, it just doesn't ever feel right to do that. Then my gaze lands on something that would lead me towards where my phone was here. My pen and notepad were on top of my bed shelf. Of course! I left my things on the shelf! That means the phone had a high likelihood of being in one of the drawers. It was probably the most likely place I would put my phone in this room anyway, so everything was checking out. I approached the shelf and first try the first drawer but no cigar. There was no phone, only neatly folded clothing I had done myself.

I close the first drawer. Well, if it's not in there, it's probably in the second drawer, right? I crouched down and opened the second drawer to see all of its contents. Lo and behold, there was my phone. 'Man, I need to remember to put that dang phone on the top of my bed shelf, so I don't forget it and have to do all of this all over again. I wonder what the notification was for though?' I pondered to myself. Curiosity gets the better of me, so instead of pocketing my phone and going to make breakfast, I turn on the phone and analyze what my notifications said. It wasn't any spam, thankfully. Infact, the message made me feel much more positive. 'Hey Joe, I know it's pretty early in the morning but is it okay if I came over to your house?' The text sent by Mime read. I had to check it over again to make sure I still wasn't feeling woozy from that dream. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to get a text from one of my friends any day. You know that day where Flippy got his PTSD triggered and killed a bunch of the residents here? Well after I had resolved the conflict by giving Flippy community service since everyone who he killed did come back to life. Everything was good, and me and my friends hung out in a park just to enjoy the good day. On that day me and Mime had exchanged contacts since we hadn't done it before. We'd occasionally text each other from time to time, but nothing too long. But now he was asking if he could come over to my house? For some reason the thought of Mime coming over didn't bug me very much, but this early. Something had to be going on, hopefully nothing bad. So, I quickly reply to the text.

'Hello there Mime. I wouldn't mind some company since I had something really weird happen to me that I hadn't fully gotten over yet ;-; besides I haven't made breakfast yet so I can make you some pancakes as well.' I read over what I typed before sending the message.

'Oh, that's so sweet of you! :D You really don't have too though; I'll be there soon.' The reply sent by Mime a couple of seconds later stated. I click the power off button for my phone, so it didn't lose battery as I headed back to the kitchen to get some of that breakfast done. I knew I didn't have to make extra pancakes for Mime, but I thought it would be a nice thing to do so I went through with it. I would need double of all of the ingredients I would have to use if I was just making breakfast for myself, but that was fine. I was planning on going shopping in the next couple of days and I had enough that I didn't need to buy anything else. First, I go to the sink and grab two plates nearest to me. I leave all of the plates near the sink lined up so I didn't have to look around for them. I place both plates in the sink and grab a sponge. I didn't want to eat on dirty plates, would you? Especially if you were also going to make food for your friend. right? No, you have to clean them up. Next, I took hold of the bottle of dish soap not far away from me with ease. I squeeze the bottle in order to squirt out some of the dish soap onto the green part of the sponge. Then I turn on the sink, putting it on cold water since everybody knows that cold water is better than hot water. Then with one hand holding a sponge and the other one of the plates I had taken out, I began cleaning the dish. I held the sponge and dish under the running water and rubbed the sponge in circles on the dish. The water became soapy as it touched the dish and more and more bubbles appeared as I continued to rub the sponge against the dish. 

I kept at cleaning the dish until it was squeaky clean, which I had heard for myself. Huh, this plate seems good to eat off of, seeing how clean it is, Mime can use it. I momentarily turn off the water, so I didn't waste any water and placed the dish on the kitchen counter. Then I turn my attention back to the other plate that would be for me to use. There was still a decent amount of dish soap on the sponge, including a bunch of bubbles now so I didn't have a need to put any more dish soap. I turn back on the cold water and start cleaning the second dish. I did the same cleaning method I used for Mime's plate, circling the sponge on the dish. After successfully finishing with cleaning my plate, I turn off the water and put the sponge away. I then go over to the kitchen table and put my dish on top of the first dish I had cleaned. Next, I grab two sets of a knife and fork and give then a 15 second rinse. Once that was done, I place the forks and knifes on the dishes. Then I grab a clean cloth and wipe the dishes and utensils, so they wouldn't be wet anymore. I do this for a decent amount of time for everything to be nice and dry before placing the dishes and utensils in their correct places on the dining room table. Before continuing with making breakfast, I stop and admire all I had accomplished. It looked presentable for a friend coming over, the dining room table looked absolutely fantastic and there wasn't even any food! Wait, oh yeah, the food. Well I actually have to admit something. I'm not a good chef, not by a long shot. Sure, I knew how to do cleaning and wash the dishes like any decent person, but cooking had never been something I could do with ease.

But it also wasn't like I just went hungry every breakfast. No, I just had to pull out my phone and go on YouTube to search up a tutorial for whatever I had decided to be making for myself to eat and follow it until I get the end result. You'd think the amount of cooking tutorials I watched and listened to would have made me build up a natural talent to at least not be dependent on YouTube to make my own breakfast, but that would be wrong. I do try, I really do, cooking is just not my thing, I guess. Well, I don't need to know how to cook in order to survive in the modern world, when all the knowledge you could ever need is in a few taps of a screen. It's actually quite incredible how far we have come. Speaking of one of intelligent life's greatest inventions, I whip out my phone and turn it on, ready to search up pancake recipes. But before I could even open YouTube, the doorbell ring took my attention away. Oh no, I have an idea who that could be. But in spite of my gut, I hope that it was just a mailman or even a door-to-door salesman. Waiting wouldn't have done any good, so I forced my legs to move towards the front door and see who was there. Sadly, against all my wishes, it was exactly who I had hoped wouldn't be there. 'Hi Joe! How are you?' Mime asked, giving me a smile as I opened the door. A small bead of sweat drips down my gradient head as I gave Mime a small wave. 'Oh uh...Mime. Hey there, nothing really. Do you want to come inside?' I had invited. Mime mimicked laughing and he responded with sign language. 'Of course, Joe! Thanks for letting me come to your house even though it's so early.' The answer made me feel a bit better since it remined me of how nice Mime was. 

I open the door wider and Mime walks in as I held the door open with my body to write with my hands. 'Ah, it's okay, Mime. There's always a first time anyways, right?' I wrote before switching to holding the door with my hands. This being the first time Mime visited my house, for context. Once Mime was inside, I casually shut the door, locking it as well. Well, this was really not going to plan as I had hoped it will. I guess I should have expected Mime could have come here earlier then I thought he would since our town isn't that busy, very much more of a casual hang out place where you can get around just about anywhere very easily. It's actually one of the reasons why I really love this town, despite all the crazy people and things that happen that also reside here. It's so much cozier then the buzzling urban cities everyone else seems to be living in, where you can't even see any grass. But now that very element of convenience would come back and bite me, as I haven't even cooked anything, all I did was set up the table. So, before Mime could take another step in my home, I had to inform him of how I didn't cook anything. It's the right thing to do, of course. So, I wrote on my notepad 'Hey um, Mime? I need to tell you something.' and tapped Mime's shoulder. He stops walking and looks over at me with a curious look. Then he noticed I had written something on my notepad and quickly took to read what it had to say. After a few moments, he looks back up at me and signs 'Sure, what is it?'. I put a hand over my gradient head and move it up and down, conflicted to what I had to admit. Then when I was done building up my courage, I began to sign. 'I didn't make anything; all I did was set up a table but there's no food and I actually have no idea how to cook.' I confess.

I lead Mime to the kitchen and showed him what I had done. It was beautifully set up, but it's not like we can eat dishes and utensils. It was completely useless. I look down, ashamed that I had embarrassed myself the first time my friend came over. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, which felt as real as in my dream. I look at Mime's reassuring face smiling at me. 'Joe, I told you; I don't need you to make me any food! You don't need to feel bad about anything, in fact, the set-up table just shows how much you care.' Mime signed. He mutely giggles a little at me before signing. 'I'm really glad how much you care about your friends, Joe! How you get so sad that you might have disappointed me is actually very sweet and even cute!' Mime added. I get a bit flustered, but it's not noticeable. Cute?! Sure, it was most likely used in a friendly manner, but it still made a weird feeling go through my body. For some reason however, it didn't feel bad. Well weird feelings aside, this was great news. I straighten up and give Mime a thumbs up. 'Thanks Mime, I needed that.' I then rushed over to my fridge and took out my most favorite thing I loved to eat when I was too lazy to bother with cooking anything. The pizza bagel. Yes, it is very unhealthy, but I only have it time to time. If it's not a habit, it can't affect me too badly. 'Well, not using the table at all would be a waste, am I right? Let me at least make both of us this while we talk. Please?' I request signing. Mime dramatically rolls his eyes in fake annoyance. 'Fine, but I want to help you! I'll put them on the plates and set them back in place.' Mime agreed. 'Mime, anyone could make pizza bagels by themselves, even someone with my cooking skills.' I signed. 'Yeah well, you care too much about your friends Joe, and I want to help you this time because I know you would always look out for me!' Mime retorted. Well, no arguing to that.

I nod, accepting Mime's help. Mime smiled and then reached for the pizza bagel box. He grabs two out of the eight pizza bagels from the box and placed one on each of our plates. I took Mime's plate first and put in inside of the microwave. Unfortunately, my microwave was way too small to fit two plates at the same time. Therefore, I would have to just microwave both pizza bagels one at a time. I shut the lid and put the timer to 2 minutes before pressing start. Now would be a good time to get a conversation rolling with Mime. Probably about why he came here in the first place would be nice. 'So, Mime, what's been on your mind that you wanted to talk to me about?' I signed curiously. Mime looks at me in the eyes for a bit, before looking away. He took out a notepad and the very same purple pen I had given him. Huh, that was nice knowing that he still wrote with it. He began writing carefully and precisely, or at least that was what I could make of what Mime was doing. Then Mime put the purple pen away and tore the note he wrote on away from the notepad. Then he held out the note for me to take. Huh, well that's out of the ordinary. Usually, Mime would just hold up the note for people to read, but apparently, he wanted me to take this note in my hands for some reason. There was no reason not to, so I gently took the note and began reading it. 'Hey Joe! Gerbo wanted me to remind you that wrecking ball day will be happening today. I was going to tell you later in the day, but I woke up early from some really weird dream, so I decided to just tell you now.' The microwave beep interrupted my concentration from the note, and I hastily took out the dish to put in mine. Strange dream? Isn't that what I had that made me wake up so early? Before I could ask anything about Mime's strange dream, my mind instantly focuses on wrecking ball day. Oh yeah, it's wrecking ball day! Wrecking ball day is basically a celebration of the first day of bugsummer, where everyone in town gathers around from a safe distance to watch a wrecking ball destroy any old or unused building.

Why do we celebrate the first day of bugsummer with a wrecking ball? Some people say the wrecking ball smashing into an old building was meant to signify how the new generation replaces the old, I think people just like seeing things get destroyed. Besides, nobody's going to want to destroy a new building people still use, right? It's kind of like eating a turkey on Thanksgiving Day. It's just been done for so any years it's just tradition at this point. I take out my notepad and write 'Oh yeah, wrecking ball day! It almost slipped my mind Gerbo is such a big fan of wrecking ball day, he always wants to spend the whole day together whenever it happens.' I show what I wrote to Mime. After reading over what I wrote, Mime nods and wrote. 'Yeah, but who can blame him? Everyone here loves wrecking ball day, it's just so entertaining and a great way to start off bugsummer.' Then the microwave dinged again, and I took out my pizza role. Mime seeing that my pizza role was done went to hold his pizza role with me. 'Well, we should eat something before we start the day, am I right?' I signed. Mime nodded before we both started eating the pizza roles. They tasted average, good at the moment but I knew they were just made like that artificially because it's cheap and it gets more people to buy them. I couldn't complain though since at least they were easy to make. When we finished with the pizza roles, we simply looked at each other in the eyes. Kind of just staring at each other, I don't know why, but for some reason it felt like he could have been looking at my soul. Then suddenly, Mime signed 'Say Joe, we are up pretty early so it's not very likely our friends would be awake as well. Do you just want to hang out?'. That was fine, I'd also think my friends were all asleep, minus Bugbo because he probably doesn't need to sleep being a god but I don't mind hanging out with Mime while we waited for our friends to wake up so we can all spend time on wrecking ball day. Besides, I've already been alone with Mime before so it's not new. I give Mime a thumbs up, giving my approval of the idea.

Mime beamed when he saw my reaction. 'Come on then, let's go!' Mime signed excitedly. I nod and we both left the dining table and went towards the door. I take out the keys to the front door from my pocket so I could unlock the front door. I unlocked the front door. Now me and Mime were free for a few hours to spend wrecking ball day hanging out. I look at Mime and sign. 'So, what do you want to do?' I inquired. 'Well, I just thought we could walk around town instead of going somewhere specifically, if that's okay with you.' Mime suggested. I nod in agreement of his idea. 'Sure, that sounds fun. I could even learn more about the people who live here personally. That would be good for the mayor of the town to know who lives in said town.' I agreed. Mime grinned at me before we both walked out of my house and into the main town. I look around my surroundings, and just realize how little I actually knew these people. Gosh, everyone just looked so new to me, I could probably get acquainted with each of them forever. Sure, I did live alongside them for the whole time I lived here, but I was never particularly close to them. All I knew was just their appearance for mayoral reasons. The only people who I really got to know on a close scale was Bugbo(?), Gerbo, Hoppo, Flippy, and Mime. Especially with Hoppo returning to the military meaning one less friend lived here, and it wasn't surprising that I felt just a wee bit nervous. But then looking at Mime, I get my confidence back. This is just a chance to get to know some people in town better, nothing can go wrong. So, I continue along following Mime, until he suddenly stopped in front of four people. The four people were a group of anthropomorphic animals, specifically a yellow rabbit, a red hedgehog, whom both which I remembered seeing before, a pink bear, and a purple beaver.

But enough of what the people were, what they were doing was much more interesting. They were all holding ice-cream, but the rabbit and beaver were yelling at each other while the hedgehog and bear looked on at the fighting, one with an annoyed expression and the other with fear. Mime and I went up to the bear and hedgehog, who both turned their attention to us. "Oh...hey Mime and other, now's not a really good time right now..." The hedgehog muttered, referring to the two others squabble. "Yeah, those two idiots are fighting again over absolutely nothing! We all know they'll just make up in the end so I'm not worried about anything happening." The bear complained. "I don't know, Giggles... whenever I see any of my friends argue I always get scared..." The hedgehog responded to the bear named Giggles, still shaking as their friends argued. Giggles then turned to look into the hedgehogs eyes and said "Flaky, your scared of everything." Giggles stated. Flaky looked down, sighing at what Giggles said. Giggles looks at me and Mime. "Don't worry about them, they're just in a dumb arguement over whether chocolate or vanilla icecream is the best flavor. They basically get into fights over small things like that and argue like hell, but they always make up in the end. I prefer to just watch the chaos unfold rather then stress about it." Giggles explained. Mime glances at me with a look that said 'Well this is a weird friendship dynamic' and I nod in agreeance. We then turn our attention to the fight. The purple beaver and the yellow rabbit were still arguing, unsurprisingly. "Man, what the heck! Vanilla is so gross, do you even know what it's made out of?" The rabbit shouted out. "No, but it probably has better ingredients than stupid chocolate ice-cream!" The beaver retorted. "If you hate chocolate ice-cream, you need some serious help..." The rabbit grimaced. "Oh, I'll give you some help!" The beaver yelled before running towards the rabbit but tripping over a crack in the sidewalk and falling face first into the ground.

"Oh my god, Toothy!" The rabbit cried out, seeing his friend fall on cement. He rushed over to Toothy and helped him up to be sitting on the ground rather than face first into it. "Are you okay?!" The rabbit asked caringly. Then he noticed his friend was crying, tears dripping down from his eyes onto his cheeks before a small puddle was left where his face used to be. It was only when the rabbit's eyes looked over to where Toothy was cradling his hands around did the rabbit realize where Toothy's distress was coming from. "Damn, your knee..." The rabbit muttered. Toothy had scraped his knee on the hard cement, and a little stream of blood was dripping off of it. "I h-have a medical kit!" Flaky exclaimed, rushing over to sit next to the rabbit and pulled out a medical kit. "J-just in case if I got hurt. Even I sometimes get pricked by my pokey hair, eheheh...." Flaky elaborated as she carefully dotted a tissue on Toothy's wound, stopping the bleeding from dripping any further. Then after that she applied a band aid onto the wound. "There, a-all done." Flaky said before getting up and backing away. "Toothy, are you okay now?" The rabbit questioned. "Y-yeah, I am Cuddles. Thanks to Flaky. But I'm still a bit shaken up from what happened..." Toothy answered. Cuddles smiled. "Well, is there anything I could do to make you feel better?" Cuddles asked, helping Toothy stand up with an arm over his shoulder. "Well, if you could, can you get me an ice-cream?" Toothy asked. "Sure, what flavor?" Cuddles responded. "How about some pistachio ice-cream?" Toothy inquired. Cuddles beamed at what Toothy suggested. "If that's what you want, I'm getting myself that too! I love pistachio!" Cuddles cheered as they both laughed with each other. "See, Flaky? Nothing to worry about." Giggles said to Flaky, who still looked nervous but happy, nonetheless. 

"I guess your right, heh..." Flaky muttered shyly, but smiled at her friend. "Come on guys, lets get that ice-cream!" Toothy exclaimed. "Yeah! I can't wait!" Cuddles cheered alongside his purple friend. Giggles smiles at her friends antics and nods. "Okay guys, just stop being so damn inpatient!" Giggles said before they all walked away. I look at Mime and he looks back before shrugging. I guess that interaction was weird for the both of us. 'Hey Joe, do you have a watch to tell the time?' Mime signed. I nod and look to my wrist to see the time. The watch reads the time as 7:03 AM which I show to Mime. He looks a bit shocked at the time before looking back at me. 'We have to get going, Gerbo's going to expect us to meet him and Bugbo at 8:00!' Mime signed. I didn't realize how much time passed by watching that friend group. But now we were going to have to pay the consequences of wasting time since we'll have to rush over to where Gerbo was. 'Gerbo's in the yellow green fields, right?' I ask signing. Mime nods, confirming my assertion. I assumed Gerbo would be there since it's a popular area for people who want to celebrate wrecking ball day. 'Come on, let's go!' Mime signs quickly before we both run off to the yellow green fields.

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