Shadows We Trust (BTS Ot7 x R...

Bởi Remedy_X

7.8K 534 110

The Dark Circus is what we call it. The shows that take place after dark are not for the faint of heart. The... Xem Thêm

Reader Reviews
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
💦Chapter 5💦
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
💦Chapter 14💦
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

322 27 2
Bởi Remedy_X

The reference video used for this chapter is used as a reference for the reader's routine. This does not mean its the exact routine, its just so readers can visualize what the performance may look like. It makes it easier to watch than trying to explain in writing.

Thinking I could use that practice more than ever, I fished through my closet like I had intended to before coming back to find Yoongi in my room. Like I had thought, I had no clean bodysuits, so I opted for a pair of spandex shorts and a loose crop top. Not the best for practicing, but it'll have to do. My mind was still reeling from the day's surprises. Not just the unexpected visitor from early this morning, but also Yoongi. It was nice to know he wasn't some illusion I had fabricated to justify what happened the night I was attacked.
Even though I should be terrified of him, considering he did kill a man in front of me, he didn't seem threatening. At least not to me. Clearly, he was a force to be reckoned with. He was an enigma. The petrifying shadow in the night that murdered someone without a second thought to the quiet, almost shy man I had just spoke with. Who leaves me flowers when he knows I perform. Who saved me. Who said he'd always save me. I sighed. I shouldn't be so conflicted. My priorities were backwards.
I needed to talk to someone about it. Surely, Yunho could set me straight. Help me see reason. I pulled a jacket over my shoulders, making the quick trek down the hallway to see Aliya was up. If she were actually awake, probably not. Especially since she was hovering over the coffee machine.
"Good morning." I chirped as I passed.
All I got in return was a grumble as she pulled a mug from the cabinet. "Going somewhere?"
I tugged my shoes on and zipped up my jacket as she glanced at the clock.
"This early? Don't you at least want breakfast first?"
I snagged an apple from the bowl we kept on the bar, waving it to show her I'd snack on the way.
"This will do. I'll text you when I'm done."
She was more preoccupied with her coffee than me as I walked out the door. The sky was overcast now. A light drizzle had started at some point making me tug the hood of my jacket over my head before descending the porch steps. I bit a chunk out of my apple. Looking around at the mostly empty park. When the weather became icky like this, hardly anyone ever showed up for the amusement rides or shows. As much as I wished it was sunny, especially since it was one of my few days off, it was kind of fitting.
If we did have shows lined up we wouldn't have made much. Apart from the few stragglers here and there, no one was here. A third of the seating wouldn't have even been filled. Better to have a day off on a shitty day than one where we could have potentially made a lot more money. I munched on my apple as I increased my pace. Hoping I wouldn't be completely soaked through by the time I made it to the tent. The tent flap was already propped open when I approached, something that wasn't too unusual. I wasn't the only person who used it for practice after all. But it was surprising that the individual to emerge from within at the same time I arrived was the ringmaster for the day shows.
"Oh! Y/N. Excellent timing, I was just about to come get you."
"You needed me?" I asked quizzically.
Last time I spoke with him one-on-one was when he had made the decision to pair me with Yunho for performances. Other than that, I was always with Yunho. Discussing our next routine or being asked to do solo aerial shows. It was odd that he was looking for me.
"I was. There are some gentlemen who wanted to speak with you."
My steps slowed at that. Wondering who could possibly have business with me. I let him lead me into the tent, pulling the hood off my head as I trailed a little ways behind him. I didn't know who I was expecting. But the tall, broad-shouldered man standing all alone in the ring was not it. He was dressed smartly. In dark grey blazer with a black turtleneck underneath and slacks. His presence was commanding. Almost all consuming to the point that I nearly missed the other six figures in the room.
My steps slowed as I scanned them. Hesitating as I realized I recognized one of them. Eyes lingering on him while my steps slowed to a halt. Dark hair. Blue hair. Parted down the middle. His lithe form hugged in a tight-fitting shirt, a thicker coat pulled over it as he lounged back on the bleachers. He was one of the men at my performance. The chills down my spine were indication enough that whatever he was doing here. Whatever they were doing here and wanted from me wouldn't be good. Tearing my gaze from his, the next person my eyes landed on wasn't any better.
The tousled blonde hair and striking blue gaze was enough to give him away, but he held another lollipop between his lips. He was already watching me. Smirk curled around the sucker stick as he slowly trailed his gaze over me. I swallowed hard, at the way he looked at me. As if I were fit to devour instead of the candy he currently had. He was a lot less formally dressed. His satin shirt stretched out at the neckline. The loose material draping over his body and allowing more chest to peek through than what should be considered appropriate. It was sexy. Seductive.
Made even more alluring with the collar adorning his neck. The rest of them were strangers. Albeit, incredibly attractive ones. Which was a surprise. I don't typically find men attractive and here I am, ogling a room full of them. I could've laughed at myself. Most of them didn't look at me, choosing to either look around or were engaged in conversations of their own. Whispers so quiet, I couldn't even hear them from a short distance away. Dragging my eyes over the last of them, I hesitated on the last figure. He sat a short distance from the others, perched on the edge of the benches as he observed the others carefully.
As if he could feel my eyes on him, he looked over. His stormy gaze familiar even though this was the first time I was seeing him without a mask over his face. I was enthralled with how handsome he was. His wavy red hair offsetting his pale skin beautifully. Full lips and button nose. Softer features than I expected except for the feline-like eyes that could cut through you. Yoongi. If he was here, then did that mean I was looking at the rest of the Dark Circus performers? That thought was both terrifying and thrilling. I didn't know anyone who had seen one of them, let alone all seven in one room.
Except me and I guess the ringmaster now. A frisson of excitement lit in Yoongi's grey eyes. His figure straightening when he realized my attention was on him. Before I could greet him, a hand landed on my shoulder pulling me away.
"Y/N, this is Mr. Kim. He's the organizer and ringmaster of the night shows."
I didn't miss the way he purposefully omitted calling their show by the name we had given it. While it was a common name to throw around for us, I wasn't sure if the night performers were aware of what we called it. Or maybe they were. Yoongi seemed to know what I was talking about when I asked him about it. Mr. Kim had to have been one of the most attractive men I'd ever seen. His hair was long and dark, skin a light bronze and unblemished, dark eyebrows, straight nose, defined jaw, and enviable plush pink lips. I wasn't known to be flustered around good-looking men, but there was a first for everything.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you Mr. Kim."
The soft smile that lifted his lips was ethereal. He slipped one hand out of his pocket and held it out to me.
"Seokjin is fine. Or Jin. I've heard a lot about you Y/N. It's nice to finally be meeting face to face."
"The last thing I need is for Jin to kick my ass if he found out I was here."
My eyes widened. This was Jin. Then that meant that whoever was in my room last night was one of the members of the Dark Circus too. My heart pounded harder with the revelation. It took everything in me to not turn around and look all of them over again in hopes that if I took a closer look, something would give them away. I timidly took his hand, hoping he couldn't feel the way mine was shaking.
"O-oh? All good things I hope." I attempted to keep things lighthearted.
My stuttering didn't help though. Neither did the way my voice broke over the end of my sentence. Jin's smile grew, hand holding mine just a little too long to be considered normal for a handshake.
"Mr. Kim asked me to introduce you. He's contemplating adding another person for their night performances."
"That's right. We've been looking to add another member for a while but haven't found a good candidate yet. But I've heard great things about your aerial act and thought you would make an excellent partner for our Jiminie."
"Partner? But I already have a partner."
The scoff from behind me was reassuring. Not. I had half a mind to turn around except Jin's carefree smile turned tight lipped, eyes darting behind me in a glare before softening as he refocused on me.
"I am aware of your current arrangement with... Yunho, was it? However, I'm sure that if you choose to accept the position, should we offer it to you, you'll find you won't regret it. Jimin has a lot of experience in aerial performances, and I think the two of you could learn a lot from one another. Plus, we'll be able to offer you better compensation considering you'll be working with more than just him."
I had to admit that the offer of working alongside Jimin was appealing. Over my years of performing, I'd heard rumors of how stunning all of his routines are. It was a shame I had never been able to witness them for myself. Now, they were offering me that opportunity. Not only to watch him up close, but to work with him. Partner with him.
"Before you make any sort of decision, I have a favor to ask." Jin interrupted me, my eyes flicking back to his quickly.
"I would appreciate it if you would show us a routine of yours? Just so we can gauge whether or not you'd be a good fit for our show."
Being asked to show them a solo routine of mine gave me the same sense of anxiety I had that day Yunho and I performed our new routine. The same one I had seen two of the men currently sitting here now. If I had any doubt that my nerves were due to the first-time jitters of a new act, they were dispelled now. I didn't know what made them so different from any other crowd I performed for. But I hated the way they made me so nervous and unconfident. Maybe that's what pushed me to say yes. The only way to get past my fear was to meet it head on.
Besides, I wasn't committing to anything just by agreeing to show them something of mine. They could even see it and decide I wasn't fit after all. But I needed to prove myself. Not to them, but to myself that I could overcome my own fears.
I skirt past him. Kicking off my shoes, choosing to go barefoot as I unzipped my jacket. I could feel everyone's stare on me. But the whole point of this was to ignore them and execute my routine. So, that's what I did. I fished out my silks and made sure everything was in place. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the day ringmaster talking to Jin animatedly, but it didn't appear Jin was paying much attention. His eyes glued to me as I chose my song and readied myself for it to start.

It was easy for me to slip into the music. Pretending as if I were alone, practicing and not auditioning for the others in the room. My movements felt more relaxed and fluid. They always did when I was practicing on my own. I loved working with Yunho. But I also felt a sort of pressure to prove myself when I was with him. He was a lot more talented than me in the act and when it came to choreographing routines. That was partially why I spent so much time practicing. In the hopes I wouldn't fall behind and wouldn't disappoint him. By the end of my performance, I lowered myself back down to the ground.
The soft mat under my feet bringing me back to the present and reminding me of where I was and what I was doing. A sharp clap caught me off guard. I flinched, turning my head to see Jin beaming as he applauded.
"That was beautiful. I'm impressed." He gushed, turning to the other men behind him. "Jimin, Jungkook? What do you think? You two will be the ones primarily working with her."
While I didn't know for certain who was who, I had a fifty-fifty shot at guessing correctly when two of them leaned forward. The one with blue hair and another that I didn't recognize at all. He was thick in the arms, tattoos lining his left arm before snaking under the sleeve of his black t-shirt. He was muscular, but still lean. His two-toned hair styled into an undercut where the underneath was black or maybe a dark brown, but the top was long and dyed a pretty pale yellow. He toyed with a lip ring in his bottom lip, looking me up and down.
"Are you familiar with adagio?"
Cut from my ogling, I met his gaze. His eyes were a honey shade. Despite his intimidating appearance, the wide set of his doe eyes and the warmth of his irises softened him considerably. Not quite innocent looking, but close.
"I know what it is, but I've never done it." I answered.
He nodded as if he already expected my answer. Leaning back into the bleachers like he had been before. Legs spreading wide and I couldn't help but stare at the way the material of his dark wash jeans stretched over his thighs.
"You'll learn."
Before I could ask him exactly what he meant, another, much softer voice, stopped me.
"She'll suffice."
The blue-haired male said his piece and looked away. Acting as if he was no longer interested in me or the conversation. Consistent with the way he portrayed himself the first time I had seen him with his blonde companion. Who I could tell was still staring at me. Purposely avoiding his eyes didn't seem to perturb him. He was more than happy with roaming his gaze over my figure and delighting in the way it made me uncomfortable. That damn lollipop still between his lips as he rolled it around his tongue.
"That settles it then. You've earned our approval." Jin seemed happy.
I thought it was strange that he didn't ask for the other's opinions. Just Jimin and Jungkook. But I didn't get time to dwell on that for too long as he approached me again. His hand reaching down to sweep mine in between both of his palms and squeezed gently.
"How about you? Do you accept our offer?"

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