"I'm Here"- A Sokeefe fanfict...

By Godarch94

10.4K 126 472

Can Sophie hold Keefe together when he begins to fall apart? Will he have the courage to do the same for her... More

Authors Note
The Ring


481 6 17
By Godarch94

All he could feel was pain. It blinded him and made his head spin.

But he was used to the pain. He had inflicted it on himself. For a good reason too. But that didn't stop it from hurting.

His head hurt from the lack of sleep, his throat hurt from where the restrictor dug into his skin, and the rest of his body just plain ached.

Keefe gradually became aware of someone holding onto his hand with a feather light touch. He lay contemplating who's hand it could be and his heart leapt for joy when he thought, it could be her.

Keefe groaned and decided to slowly opened his eyes. The light blinded him and he shut them tight again. A tiny gasp came from somewhere above his head. Ignoring the light, he twisted his head around trying to find the source of the noise.

His eyes made contact with beautiful brown ones. It was her! He felt elated to find her there until he noticed he appearance. Sophie had giant bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess and she looked like she had been sitting there for days.

She gave him a small smile and he felt the unmistakable need to speak to her, despite the pain it would cause him.

"F-Foster?" He said then winced at the pain in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut. Sophie tightened her hold on his hand though not so much that it hurt. It was more like a comforting squeeze.

" I'm here," Sophie said sweetly. Something in her emotions surprised him and it took him a moment to realize what it was. Adoration.

Sophie Foster, the most amazing person in the whole entire world, was feeling adoration for him. She stroked his cheek lovingly. Keefe melted into her hand, feeling at peace.

" How long have you been here?" He asked then regretted it as his throat screamed in pain.  Concern flashed across Sophie's features.

" Shh," Sophie said, gently putting her finger on his lips. Keefe's heart warmed at her touch.
" Don't  hurt yourself." She whispered. " I've been here for four days."

Keefe looked around the room as he tried to take in her words and block out her crushing emotions. His eyes eventually rested again on Sophie. He cleared his throat, needing to ask this question.

" I fostered it didn't I?" Sophie slowly and painfully, nodded. Her eyes filled with tears. One leaked down her face. Keefe reached up and brushed it away.

" Hey," he said, making sure that she met his gaze before continuing. " I'm here." Sophie smiled, her features relaxing at his words.

" I know" she said. Keefe could feel her relief and love wafting towards him through the air. Though it made him wonder, how bad was it that she felt that much relief?

Keefe swallowed, preparing himself for more strain on his windpipes. " Did Bullhorn?" He gestured to his side.

Sophie looked away and he saw a tear fall from her eyes. She nodded once more. " Oh, " he puffed out. He winced and rubbed his throat. Sophie caught his hand and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. His skin tingled where she touched him.

" Don't try to talk again please. I know it hurts you. If you need to talk, we can speak without our voices." He nodded once he saw as well as felt the sincerity in her gaze. She opened her mind to his. He felt the familiar warmth that came with her mind's presence.

It hurts less when you're here. He told her. Sophie smiled. Gosh he loved her smile.

"That's good." She said then she sighed, " I'll tell Elwin that you're awake." He instinctively tightened his fingers around hers. He didn't want her to leave.

Sophie smiled at him laughing slightly. "Don't worry," she said, " I'm not going anywhere." Keefe's face flamed. He decided silence was the best answer to that.

Elwin rushed into the room and immediately snapped his fingers conjuring different colors of light around Keefe's body.

Sophie silently slipped off his cot and settled on the one next to him. The moment her body heat left Keefe started shivering slightly. She grabbed his hand and rubbed the skin between his thumb and first finger, letting him know she was there.

Elwin told him to drink about a dozen exilirs. They each tasted worse than the last. Keefe struggled to get them all down and had to drink them slowly. He was half convinced that Elwin was punishing him.

Sophie held his hand and inflicted positive emotions every time he started struggling again. By the time he had finished with all the bottles he was exhausted. He collapsed back onto the bed and Sophie held him close. She asked him again and again if he could take off the restrictor. He could hear the concern and pain in her voice but he tried to ignore it.

Even though a tiny part of him wanted to take it off, the scared part of him won. He said no again and again. But each time his resolve faded a little more. He wanted the dang thing off so bad.

Every time he was close to saying yes, all he had to do was picture Sophie, unmoving on the floor and it gave him the courage to shake his head instead.

Finally Sophie sighed and gave up. " You should get some sleep," she said. " all this stubbornness seems pretty tiring." She glared at him pointedly but with very little fire behind it.

Keefe nodded not wanting to argue anymore but he did not think he possibly could sleep. Not when he had nightmares in the back of his mind waiting to pounce. Sophie moved back to the other cot and pushed it closer to his. He closed his eyes and tried to do as Sophie had asked.

Every time he closed them though, the nightmarish thoughts rose to the surface. He kept on trying anyways. He was just so tired. He tried to focus on the feel of Sophie's hand on his head, and the warmth of her breath on his face.

Finally, eventually, his mind succumbed to the darkness. As he drifted into sleep the nightmares began. By then he was in too deep. He couldn't escape. The darkness took over once more.

A/N: Soooo, some sad Sokeefe fluff in this chapter! I had to make a ton of revisions because this chapter was really cringy. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry again for the shorter chapter! These chapters were supposed to just be one big one shot for myself so when I split them up for this they became really small.

Question of the chapter: what is you least favorite animal? I got to say spiders even though I know they're not even an animal.

Anyways, happy reading!!

💕- your devoted author.

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