In this Life

By sunshinexxv

18.2K 505 280

Morgan is on the outside, just a normal teenager, but maybe she has an untold part of her life that she would... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

2K 51 33
By sunshinexxv



Morgan's POV

Oh, how I was dreading opening the front door to this house.

My walk was filled with wondering if I could escape the outcome I knew I would receive as soon as this door opened.

I wanted to turn around and go back to Ava's hold her in my embrace to never let go.

I knew I had to go home. My father hates me and as much as he hates me being in the house if I was gone for too long he would report it to the police.

I never truly understood his reasoning for that. Either way, it became this big thing and I was seen as a bad-behaved teen girl going through 'the motions.'

Let's say the punishment after all that was way worse than all my previous ones combined.

So I know it was dumb for me to go back now but I knew if not tonight then I would have to suffer the consequences tomorrow.

So my hand rested on the door handle but before I opened the door I decided to pull out my phone and open mine and Ava's chat.

MORGAN: I'm going to be okay don't worry about me. I'll tell you all my feelings soon. Love M x

With that, my phone went back into my pocket and I tear rolled down my face.

That dreaded door swung open and I made my way inside hoping that maybe just maybe my father had fallen to sleep.

Glass sharted and angry stomps came my way.

He was not asleep

"Where have to been!?" he screamed in my face.

"Just out with some friends," I told him playing with the string of my hoodie.

"You! Friends? Haha, so you do have humour in you after all. But really where have you been?" This time he grabbed my arm and flung me against the wall.

"I'm telling the truth" I shout back at him. He grabs a glass shard from off the floor and holds it near to my stomach.

"Now you going tell me now or you going to tell me while you bleed" The tip of the glass rested on my skin. Any slight push would cause it to enter.

I gulped I knew he didn't care for my answer and that either way that glass would sure enough enter my torso.

"Bleed it is" With that, he pushed the glass right into my torso. While glass entered me a scream excited me. "Shut the fuck up" he covered my mouth with his hand. "Now what I want you to do is exit this house and if anyone asks what happened you tell them you got jumped by 3 men and they took all that they could find before stabbing you. You got it?"

I nodded my head in agreement before he let go of me and went to sit back on the couch and resume watching TV "Why did your mom die Morgan?"

He always did this I figured it was his way of feeling that what he had just done was justified. "Because of me"

"Good now get out of my sight" Blood poured from my stomach as tears kept rolling down my cheek.

I could barely walk but my willpower for not wanting to stay under this roof drove me to open the door and make my way onto my dimly lit street at god knows what time.

No one was around to bear witness to me. So slowly I took one step after another with my hands covering the open wound.

It was then that I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. He did believe I did not know because there would be no way he would have let me keep my phone if he knew I had friends.

One of my hands which was covered in blood pulled out my phone from my pocket.

All these different movements took so much out of me that I decided to sit against a wall as all my attention turned to my phone.

It was her.


I wasted no time opening her notification on my phone which was also now covered in blood.

AVA: Morgan what's wrong?
Please be okay.
Call me!

I couldn't find any energy to text her back so I decided to call her.

While I was waiting for her to pick up I could feel my eyes drifting off.

"Morgan, are you okay?" I heard her soft and gentle but concerned voice on the other end of the phone. "Morgan?"

"Ava" it was all I could bring myself to say.

"Morgan, where are you?" Her voice could instantly make me feel at ease.

"I.. don't know" Tears were rolling down my cheek.

"It's okay Morgan. Hey try and share your location with me and I'll come and find you. Can you stay on the line for me?" she says as I can hear movement from her side.

"Yeah," I take a deep breath and slowly send Ava my location.

My eyes began to shut and the cold night air had taken over me and left goosebumps on my skin.

I could hear Morgan speaking but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

Just like that I couldn't hear anything anymore and my eyes completely shut.


Ava's POV

Nothing came from the other side of the phone. This sent my head into a spiral.

I endlessly think the worst.

If she was okay.

If she was even there.

What had happened to her?

If she was hurt.

I would still call out to her on the phone hoping to get a response but nothing.

I looked at the location she had sent me and I ran downstairs to my mom to explain what happened leaving out a detail that wasn't my place to share.

I could see the worry that she now shared with me.

We wasted no time going to the car and driving as fast as we could to this location.

I was still on the line with Morgan but she still hadn't said a word.

"She's going to be okay honey" My mom glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road.

"What if she's not mom? What if she's -" My mom placed her hand on my arm.

"Don't think like that she's going to be okay" the map said we were only 2 minutes away. I had 2 minutes to prepare myself for so much.

Me and my mom got out of the car and looked around. The dark street didn't help much but I had the greatest idea to talk on the phone and if we were close by we would hear it come through her phone.

"Morgan" nothing yet.

I continued walking around "Morgan" I heard a slight sound come from my distant right.

I wasted no time as I sprinted to where I heard the sound.

There she was

I got onto my knees and held her in my arms. Tears rolled down my face as I scanned her body for injury and there it was.

A cut that had changed the colour of the white T-shirt I had seen just hours before.

I took off my hoodie and then my shirt and wrapped it around her stomach to hopefully slow down the bleeding.

"Ava?" A faint whisper came from her lips.

"I'm here M and I'm not leaving Just hang on for me okay" I rested her in my lap as I laced my fingers with hers.

"Ava, did you find her?" I heard my mom call out.

"Over here, Mom!" I heard approaching footsteps.

"Oh my-"

"We need to take her to the doctor Mom please" I cried out stroking Morgans's hand with my thumb.

"Okay okay, we need to get her into the car. Are you alright picking you up, Morgan?"  Morgan nodded slowly.

With that my mom wrapped Morgan's left arm around her and I wrapped Morgan's right arm around my neck. We slowly made our way to the car making sure we gave Morgan a rest when she signaled to.

My mom helped Morgan get into the back of the car with me. As she laid on me in the back of the car.

"Am I going to be okay Av's?" she looked at me with a saddened expression on her face.

"You're going to be okay. You are the strongest person I know. I won't ever let something like this happen again I'm so sorry Morgan" I stroked her hair as I looked down at her.

"It's not your fault Av None of this is"

"But if I didn't pressure you to come to the party-" A tear rolled down my cheek from all the guilt and then seeing her in this state. It was all so much.

"I came because I wanted to be with you. Because I like you Ava and I wanted to tell you I wanted to scream it so everyone can know." She looked up at me with a smile on her face.

"How can you smile right now?" I asked her generally confused about how she could.

"Because I'm here with you I know the circumstances are not ideal but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than here with you" I was taken aback by her words.

"Live for me. Live for us" and with that, she fell asleep in my lap with a smile on her face.

I needed her to live

"You like her," my mom said in the front seat.

"I do she's unlike anyone I've ever met-"

"Save those words for her dear for when she wakes up" my mom looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"If she wakes up," I told her as I looked down at the girl who made my heart into her home.

"She will wake up" With that we arrived at the hospital. My mom got straight out of the car calling for doctors.

I made my way out of the car with Morgan in my arms. Her blood is now over both of us.

Doctors came running at us with a bed and all other medical equipment I didn't know.

It felt as if time was in slow motion and the doctors took Morgan from my arms and laid her onto the bed wiring her up will all these tubes.

Tears streamed down my face as Morgans's presence got further from me. It didn't take the doctors long to disappear through white double doors where I didn't see Morgan again.


Me and mom sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours. Those hours had been spent with me crying into my mom's arms asking all the 'what ifs' there were.

It pained me not to know what was happening and that I couldn't be there to comfort her. That I was so far away powerless in every situation.

I stay here hoping and praying.

She has to live for us

I was on my phone creating a watchlist for the both of us to watch while she recovered, hopefully in my arms after all this.

I couldn't think of the other possibilities right now.

Me thinking the worst doesn't help me and it most importantly doesn't help Morgan.

My mom spent her time going around doctors trying to get any piece of information she could.

To no ones surprise, no one said anything. Whether it was due to them not knowing what my mom was talking about or that they simply weren't allowed to say anything.

The watchlist was building up fast and I was now picturing her reaction to each film and show I  had picked for us.

I couldn't wait to have her at home in my arms watching all this as she recovers.

To me, that sounded perfect. Probably because everything we do together is perfect.

She's perfect

I wanted to make her father pay for all this.

She deserved so much good in her life and her dad every time would ruin it for her.

There was still a big mystery surrounding her mother.

She would speak about her sometimes telling me all these cute stories of the memories she has with her.

Then there was the nightmare she had. It was about her mom and it most definitely wasn't anything good about her mom.


More hours went by and I had slept a little beside my mom for a while. It was now the afternoon and I thought to myself.

If she had died they would have said a very long time ago.

So it taking this long is a good thing.


While in that thought I hadn't noticed a doctor had come up to my mom and was now speaking with her.

I saw the confrontation and made my way to them.

"So we just need to keep an eye on her for a while-" the doctor was telling my mom.

"Is she okay?" I asked him worried.

"She is stable as of now we had to take her into surgery and there were more complications than we would have liked due to shards of glass being in her system, but as I said she is stable as of now so you can go see her if you would like," he tells me I was just happy she was okay that she hadn't gone due to her farther.

'"Yes please!" I tell him.

"Right this way ma'am" I followed him through corridors until I ended up just outside her room.

"May I go inside by myself Mom?" I turned to look at my mom who had a smile on her face.

"Of course, darling go and I will go get us some clean clothes."

"Get her some for when she gets out," I tell her with a smile appearing on my face.

"Of course I love you"

"I love you too" and with that, I opened the door to Morgans's room.

There she was lying on the hospital bed looking at her surroundings in her gown.

"Hey you, you frightened me back there" I tell her as I laced my fingers with hers.

"I do apolo-"

I kissed her. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow or yesterday. Just us right now alone in this room no one else mattered. She hesitated for a second until she kissed me back.

No words could describe this feeling.

Her lips were so innocent and pure. Not touched by any other.

"Never leave me again," I tell her hoping she hears every word I tell her.


Editors note

One of my favourite chapters yet :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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