The rise of the strongest wom...

By popo9074

17.2K 1K 75

Our beloved protagonist was a force of unparalleled might, a being whose power eclipsed all others that had e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

433 28 0
By popo9074

Chapter 10

After her bath, Evangeline made her way back to the room with Misaki to put on her clothes and mask. Frustration bubbled within her, and she couldn't help but express her anger.

"You lied! I hate you! I'll never trust you again!" she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out defiantly at Misaki.

Misaki wore a remorseful expression and scratched her head, searching for words to soothe the situation. "I'm sure it's not as bad as last time," she said, her voice filled with apology.

Evangeline shook her head vehemently, her anger still aflame. "No, it was worse! Now leave me alone. I need to get dressed," she asserted, forcefully pushing Misaki out of the room.

"I'll leave if that's what you want, but don't forget to apologize to Megumi before she sees the room," Misaki reminded her, her voice trailing off as she departed, leaving Evangeline alone once again.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," Evangeline sighed, relief washing over her.

Swiftly, she slipped into a pair of pants and a comfortable t-shirt, ensuring she covered herself appropriately. Donning her mask, she was ready to face the day. Just as she reached for the door handle to step out, someone else opened it from the outside. Megumi stood before her, prompting Evangeline to swiftly cover her eyes to shield her from the sight of the room's destruction.

"What are you doing here so early, Megumi?" Evangeline asked, her hands still securely covering Megumi's eyes.

"Evangeline, what's going on? I can't see a thing," Megumi protested, attempting to remove Evangeline's hands from her eyes.

"It's a surprise. I have a present for you," Evangeline explained, swiftly guiding Megumi out of the room.

Curiosity sparked within Megumi as they journeyed through the castle. "Where are you taking me?" she inquired, her voice filled with intrigue.

"You'll see when we get there," Evangeline replied mysteriously, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Soon enough, they arrived at the garden, and Evangeline removed her hands from Megumi's eyes. As Megumi opened her eyes, a flicker of disappointment crossed her face.

"If this is the surprise, Evangeline, I must say I'm a bit disappointed. I see this garden every day," Megumi confessed, her expectations not fully met.

Evangeline quickly interjected, her magic swirling in her hand as she concentrated. The magic took shape, gradually transforming into two exquisite bracelets—one adorned with the letter M and the other with the letter E.

"Wow, these are beautiful, Evangeline," Megumi exclaimed, a genuine smile brightening her face.

Evangeline handed her the bracelet with the initial E, delighting in Megumi's happiness. "I knew you would like it," she remarked, attaching the other bracelet to her own wrist.

Curiosity tugged at Megumi as she fastened the bracelet to her wrist. "Why did you give me this bracelet, anyway?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Evangeline hesitated for a moment, wrestling with her inner conflict. She couldn't bring herself to reveal the true reason—the accidental destruction of the room Megumi had prepared for her. Apologizing seemed impossible, yet she managed a reassuring smile. "I gave you this gift because you're my first friend, and it's for no other reason," she replied, her eyes filled with sincerity.

Unbeknownst to Megumi, Evangeline's heart carried a secret burden, but she hoped her friendship gift would suffice for now.

"Are you sure there's nothing else, Evangeline?" Megumi inquired, drawing closer to her.

"No, there isn't," Evangeline answered, a tinge of nervousness creeping into her voice as she took a step back.

"Well, I trust you then. Let's go and have our breakfast," Megumi suggested, taking Evangeline's hand in hers.

They arrived swiftly at the dining room, where their parents awaited them. Megumi released Evangeline's hand to join her own parents, and Evangeline did the same, settling next to Azumi.

Azumi couldn't help but express her curiosity. "So, did you manage to apologize, Evangeline?" she asked, her tone questioning.

"No, I couldn't apologize to her. I couldn't bring myself to tell her, and she remains unaware. So, it's not too bad," Evangeline replied confidently, a smile playing on her lips.

Unable to let her daughter's defiance go unchecked, Azumi reached out and firmly pulled Evangeline's ear, a reprimanding gesture.

"Mommy, it hurts! Please let go of my ear," Evangeline pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You have to go and apologize, Evangeline," Azumi insisted, finally releasing her hold on Evangeline's ear.

Evangeline's heart sank, a mixture of guilt and defiance swirling within her. She knew deep down that she had to apologize, but finding the courage to do so seemed like an insurmountable task.

Misaki's stern voice interjected into the conversation, asserting her opinion. "She is right, you have to apologize," she said firmly.

Evangeline, determined to defend herself, responded with a hint of defensiveness, "Don't worry, I gave her a bracelet. It counts as an apology, right?"

Misaki nodded in agreement, a touch of pride evident in her expression. "You're right. It can work. You're not our girl for nothing," she said proudly.

Feeling a surge of self-assurance, Evangeline couldn't help but revel in her own greatness. "I know I'm great after all," she declared proudly.

Azumi, however, had a different perspective on the matter. With a serious tone and a dark look, she admonished both Evangeline and Misaki, "That's not the way to apologize, Evangeline. And you, Misaki, stop teaching her the wrong things. Besides, you should apologize as soon as possible since we're going back home in a few hours."

Evangeline pouted, her resolve wavering. "I'll apologize later," she grumbled in response.

Azumi, attempting to lighten the mood, pinched Evangeline's cheeks playfully. "That's fine," she said, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"Mommy, don't pinch my cheeks. I don't like it," Evangeline protested, scrunching her face in discomfort.

After finishing their meal, Evangeline and Megumi found themselves alone once again. They decided to retreat to the garden, seeking solace in each other's company.

"I wanted to tell you something, Megumi," Evangeline began, her tone calm and collected.

Megumi, slightly concerned, looked at her curiously. "What is it, Evangeline?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Yuriko's sudden arrival, casting a shadow over their moment.

"Last time, you were lucky to win. This time, it's me who will win. Fight me now!" Yuriko declared, pointing a finger accusingly at Evangeline.

Annoyance flickered in Evangeline's eyes as she brushed off Yuriko's provocation. "I don't want to fight you. Besides, the result will always be the same. Can't you see that you're just being disruptive?" she retorted, her voice tinged with irritation.

Megumi chimed in, coming to Evangeline's defense. "She's right, Yuriko. Come back later," she urged, her tone firm.

Yuriko, however, remained persistent in his misguided mission. "No, I'll never give up. How can I let you be friends with someone whose face you can't even see? And who is extremely ugly under her mask?" he taunted, a sneer playing on his lips.

Anger surged through Evangeline, her eyes blazing with defiance. "I am not ugly!" she retorted, her voice laced with anger.

Megumi intervened once again, shutting down Yuriko's hurtful remarks. "Yuriko, stop talking nonsense. She's not ugly. In fact, she's much prettier than you," Megumi asserted, her voice filled with conviction.

Their argument stretched on, consuming the remainder of the day. Frustratingly, they didn't have the opportunity to address the apology that needed to be made. As the time to depart drew near, they found themselves standing before a carriage, bidding their farewells. Megumi embraced Evangeline, a warm hug symbolizing their bond, before Evangeline climbed into the carriage.

Azumi, addressing Evangeline, sought confirmation. "So, you were able to apologize to her, Evangeline?"

"Of course, I apologized to her, Mom," Evangeline replied proudly, her words holding a kernel of truth.

(Well, at least that's half true. I did leave a letter of apology in the room.)

Azumi, her belief unwavering, smiled knowingly. "I knew you could do it. And how did she react?"

"I guess she took it pretty well," Evangeline responded, her uncertainty coloring her words.

Misaki chimed in, patting Evangeline's head affectionately. "I see. You can't wait to get back home," she observed.

"Yes, of course. I'm excited to get home and see Julie again," Evangeline exclaimed, anticipation lighting up her face.

After a few hours, they returned to the castle under the cover of darkness. They hurriedly finished their meal and retired to their respective rooms. Evangeline, with a smile adorning her face, settled into her bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

POV: Megumi

Entering the room she had prepared for Evangeline, Megumi was taken aback by the sight of its partial destruction. Curiosity piqued, she noticed a note resting on the desk. She picked it up and began to read.

Dear Megumi, I'm really sorry for destroying half of your room. Please don't think I didn't like the room. It was an accident. That's what I wanted to tell you before that stupid Yuriko interrupted us. So, please don't hate me.

Sincerely, Evangeline

As she finished reading the heartfelt letter, laughter bubbled up within Megumi. "So, that's why she seemed so stressed. It must be why she gave me the bracelet," she mused to herself.

Walking toward the window, Megumi gazed at the stars, a smile playing on her lips. She glanced down at the bracelet Evangeline had given her, feeling a sense of warmth and appreciation. "You're such a fool, Evangeline, but I will cherish the bracelet and your friendship," she murmured, her fingers gently tracing the intricate design.

Back to Evangeline's perspective, a sudden sneeze interrupted her slumber, jolting her awake.

"I'm sure it's Megumi," she mused, smiling, before closing her eyes once again and drifting back to sleep.

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