Just Pretend // Coppernauts

By MultiFandomWriter775

233 16 13

After the defeat of Lord Business and the resolution of TAKOS Tuesday, Bad Cop was reinstated as the head of... More

Pull me into your orbit of love

One Year After TAKOS

137 8 10
By MultiFandomWriter775

There Bad Cop was, sitting silently at his desk with a mountain full of paperwork and stone-cold instant coffee. It had been exactly one year since the defeat of (lord) or president Business. Somehow despite everything that had happened, the years of hunting down master-builders and torturing them to their demise, Business still managed to get re-elected. Politics, amright? Of course he wasn't an evil overlord anymore, just a guy trying to help things run smoothly, while also going on a lot of mini golfing trips and leaving the rest of the universe to their own devices, and everyone was okay with that. I mean, if Emmet says it's okay, then of course everyone else would, he was The Special after all. The thing was... was BC/GC okay with this? After the attempted elimination of Good Cop, it was hard to tell where they both stood with the president. They hadn't seen him in about a year, shortly after the whole incident he allowed the cop his job back, that would've been the last time he spoke. His job consisted in keeping everything in check, like a normal police officer would, no more hunting down master-builders or serving for an evil overlord, yet the memories were painted to Bad Cop's mind.

The people he hurt, those he killed, the trauma of almost losing the other half of him? All these many things weighed heavily on the copper. He wanted to erase every negative thought he had, but he couldn't. The only thing he could do was overwork himself sick in an attempt to distract himself from the pain he felt inside. On work days he'd indulge himself in work, on any of the rare occasions he was free? He'd douse himself in alcohol. He had a problem, but refused to admit it to anybody. Nobody should pity him, he didn't deserve their pity or worry. He was a monster. Why can't they see that?

Ever since Good Cop's return... he hasn't been the same. People always get his sides mixed up, 'oh Bad Cop must be the negative thoughts and Good must be the positive!' That couldn't be furthest from the truth. Good Cop wasn't his positive thoughts, no, he was his sensitive side, the gentle side... right now? This poor guy was breaking. He hated himself, not because of what Bad Cop did in his absence but because he wasn't good enough to stay and protect him. He blames himself. This blame that they both hold has sent them through severe depression.

Today was going by slower than usual. His Ma had sent him a text earlier that she was going to call and check up on him. The both of them were not looking forward to this.

"You have to pick up, you do realise that?" Good Cop spoke from the back of Bad's mind.

"Yeah. I know." Bad answered bluntly.

Bad glanced at his phone then back at the paperwork in front of him. He was petrified of this call. He knows how much his parents worry about him, especially Ma. He wanted to assure them everything was fine but wasn't sure how! He wasn't fine, and as his parents, they will see right through him- It doesn't help that Good can't keep secrets, what if that dunce fronts in and pours out all their inner thoughts? He can't let them know.

"You got'a keep your mouth shut, they don't need to be burdened by our emotion." Bad warned Good.

"I know... I know, but maybe they could help?"

"They can't."


"They can't help us." Bad Cop snapped abruptly.

He realised he may have been a bit too harsh. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"They won't understand."

Suddenly his phone began to ring. Bad felt his chest burn. He felt like he was going to throw up. He adjusted his sunglasses and was about to pick up, when he noticed something out of the ordinary out the window... He turned his head to the side only to raise a brow.

Emmet was walking alongside his friends... the gothic chick, or better known as Emmet's girlfriend, WyldStyle, along with that awful pirate, Metal-Beard, that obnoxious cat-corn, UniKitty, Batman. and... that intolerable spaceman. Benny.

What the heck were they even doing here?!

Emmet had forgotten to inform BC/GC of this... but he was giving his crew a tour of the station! How everything was running! They were the team in charge of helping to rebuild the damage of the city, so of course they needed insight on how each city petrol was running! It seems Bad and Good had everything under control here! Emmet was proud! He wanted to show it off! Yet, today wasn't the day to do so! BC/GC were busy! Their parents are calling them literally now! Bad was starting to panic. He glanced back at his phone, then outside the window. He'd have to deal with them later, this phone call was important! Bad quickly grabbed his phone and swiped answer.

"Ooh! Son! You finally picked up! I was nervous ye were going to ignore ya own mother!" She laughed.

Bad chuckled nervously.

"No, Ma, would never do that to ye..." He mumbled, his eyes glued outside his window, keeping a close watch on Emmet and his dimwitted friends.

"Well? How are ye! How's work?" Ma asked.

Bad Cop was severely distracted now, what was Emmet even showing them!? This was so unprofessional! To just... take these idiots through his station without his permission? Who does Emmet think he is?! So what? Just because he is or was 'The Special' means he can do whatever he wants now?

"Son?" Ma asked concerned.

"Hm? Oh- uh, yeah fine." Bad answered with a tinge of stress.

Ma knew something was wrong, a mother can always sense when their child is stressed. She frowned and turned to Pa, who sat beside her on the couch. Pa whispered something but Bad couldn't make out what he said.

"Son... we think ye are overworking yourself, I mean, you barely visit anymore, I've heard you barely even leave the office! Don't ye have friends? People to hang about with?" She asked with serious concern.

Bad gulped. He felt guilty to hear his parents were worried about him. It made him feel slightly ill. They shouldn't have to feel bad for him for his own life choices.

"I'm seriously fine, Ma."

Just tell her... Good echoed in his mind.

Bad shook it off. He knew that Good wouldn't front right now, he was afraid. Bad could sense it. Their parents were used to the fact Good didn't front as much anymore, especially after the whole ordeal, it really traumatised them both. It was as if Good was fearful he'd say the wrong thing and end up hurting them both in the process... it was so much easier to conceal instead, let Bad run the show, he had the most strength, he had the most common sense, Good refused to take charge and their parents weren't going to pressure that.

"I'm not so sure, Son." Pa took over. "Look, ye mother and I think that maybe going out would do ye some good... y'know, find yourself a young lass, or lad! We're progressive!"

"Pa, no. S-Stop I don't need–"

"We could set ye up with a little date! We know a few nice young lassies and lads in the area, which do ye prefer- we could–"

Good was panicking. He and Bad were in no space to date right now! Bad was choking, he couldn't speak- and Good knew that neither of them could take on a relationship- he had to do something and fast!


"No! We've already got somebody!" Good blurts out. Oh no.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Bad Snapped in the back of their mind.

"I panicked! I'm sorry!" Good Squeaked back.

"Well ye better fix it! We ain't dating nobody! Why would ye lie to them?"

"What was I supposed to say?! Ye were choking up out there!'

"You're... in a relationship? With whom?!" Pa asked excitedly, Ma gasped with glee.

"What do I say?!"

"Let me front."


"Just... someone–" Bad answered as he stared out the window.

Who could he say he was dating to get them off his back?! He couldn't say Emmet or WyldStyle, they'd never pretend for him, especially since they are in a relationship... He would never go out with Metal-Beard or Unikitty... and his parents would know that.. Batman was way out of his league! Could he lie and make up some random person? No– because what if they ever ask to meet them! He needed someone willing to pretend if worst comes to worse... was anyone in the station up to the task? No... they were all absolutely terrified of him! Bad was starting to panic.


Outside BC/GC's office Emmet rumbled. Benny's short attention span couldn't hold for even a second! The space nerd was humming, floating barely off the ground as he looked around. Suddenly his eyes locked with Bad's and without any hesitation, Ben smiled bright and gave Bad a wave. He was a polite guy, friendly to everyone! He never seemed to show hatred, he also didn't appear to fear Bad Cop at all.

Bad slowly waved back.

"He's perfect."

"Son...?" Pa asked.

"Hm? Oh! Right, as of recently, I found myself fancying one of 'The Special's' dear friends... an astronaut to be exact... What was his name again?" He subconsciously asked Good mid sentence.

"Ben! Or Benny! I think!"

"Ben–! Or erm, Benny as a nickname, although it is not shortened at all..." He stared out the window, his eyes watching Benny's every move. The spaceman was floating upside down now... oh lordy... this was a mistake.

"A man!" Ma squeaked. "I mean- nothing wrong with that, dear!" She quickly added.

"Aye, lad, what I think your mother is trying to say is, we didn't take ye for one that'd fancy a man." Pa concluded.

Bad stiffened in his seat.

"Yeah, well, uh, surprise." What was he even supposed to say to that?!

His parents fell silent for a moment.

"Well, when can we meet him?" Ma asked.

"Don't say next week."


"Next Week!"


"Next week works perfectly for us! So... today, till then it'll be Monday! We'll pop that in the diary! Can't wait to see ye, dears!" Ma chimed excitedly. "Love you!"

"Love ye too Ma..." Good muttered before hanging up. Bad quickly switched back to front.

Good went quiet. He knew he had truly screwed up this time. How the heck were they supposed to convince Benny to go along with their shenanigans! He'll never take! To pretend to date a guy just to please his parents? It was ridiculous. Who would ever do that? Especially for Bad Cop? He had tortured and killed innocent people and now he was going to ask, a MASTER-BUILDER of all people, for help. What was wrong with him? Does he feel no shame...? Of course he does! But what was he supposed to do! His parents would force him into something he didn't want to pursue, at least this way they'd get them off his back! He still wished Good had just shut his mouth and let Bad handle it... (If he even could) he seemed to be struggling to even formulate a sentence!

"Now how do ye suppose we do this, hm?" Bad grunts.

"I dunno! Just go up and ask politely!"

"Ask– ask politely?! Ye want me to go up to that space ranger and say 'I lied to my parents, pretty please pretend to be my boyfriend?!'"


Good could sense the judgement emanating from Bad's expression. This situation appeared to be a hopeless one. They were in serious trouble, and it was all because Good had allowed panic to take over. Bad had things somewhat under control, at least to some extent. The pair continued their heated argument, volleying ideas and concerns as they struggled to figure out their next course of action. Amid their panicked discussion, Emmet had concluded his mini tour, leaving just one task on the agenda: visiting BC/GC.

Emmet enthusiastically knocked on the door and shifted his weight from foot to foot as he eagerly awaited a response. Bad, on the other hand, tensed up at the unexpected knock and let out a small groan as he rolled his head back. He knew he had to answer the door, not just because he had involved one of Emmet's friends in his mistake, but also because he needed to maintain a favourable reputation with 'The Special' and their associates. Some of them were still cautious around him due to his terrible past.

Bad cop tiredly pulled himself off his wheely chair and headed to the office door. He swung it open and gave the crew a fierce stare under his sunglasses. His lips tugged down as he let out a low growl.

Emmet's friends entered with eager curiosity, and WyldStyle remained by her boyfriend's side, displaying a protective stance. Meanwhile, Metal Beard, UniKitty, and Benny enthusiastically explored their surroundings. Batman, however, positioned himself in the doorway, fixing a stern glare on Bad Cop. He didn't trust Bad Cop– not just because of the years of torture he caused the master builders OR the long eight and a half years of hunting them down– but because he simply hated Police. He was a vigilante! Of course he hated the police system! They always try to do his job, (and like totally fail.)

"Ye didn't tell me, ye was visiting." Bad Cop grumbled whilst pointing a finger at Emmet, trying to ignore 'The Special's' curious friends.

Emmet gave off an awkward smile, he felt kinda bad now, he really should've informed BC/GC of his little tour... but what was done, was done.

"Sorry B! It's nice to see you though! Seems like you got pretty much everything running smoothly!" Emmet beamed happily.

Bad crossed his arms and gave a firm nod. He decided that there was no use getting mad at him, he was here now... and well, he needed a favour from one of his friends, he should probably keep things light. He found his eyes falling onto the familiar blue spaceman. The idiot was fiddling with BC/GC's stationary... trying to balance pens on top of his helmet, bragging his skills to UniKitty and Metal Beard. Bad wasn't sure what would be good timing to bring up his situation, he felt overwhelmed, but tried to remain serious and calm. He stood awkwardly, swinging a bit on his heels, whilst Emmet nervously looked around.

"Er... Emmet–" Bad Cop choked anxiously.

"Yeah?" Emmet asked with a smile.

"I er– may have uh heh..." Bad tapped the side of his leg anxiously.

Good was dying here! He just wanted to front and explain everything! Bad clearly couldn't do it! And someone had to say something or Emmet and his friends would leave and they'd be stuck in a pickle!

After another moment of silence, Good gave into his temptations and switched in.


"Emmet, we need your help! Our Ma and Pa called earlier and they were saying how they were worried and how they wanted to set us up with someone–? I panicked! I told them we are already seeing somebody!" Good squeaked all in one breath.

Bad panicked and switched back immediately.

Benny, Metal Beard and Unikitty froze and turned around to the commotion, their looks concerned, it was rare to hear Good speak... and the poor guy sounded distressed! WyldStyle tilted her head confused and Batman stood still with curiosity.

"Who uh- who did you say you were seeing...?" Emmet asked cautiously.

Bad swallowed hard, his chest constricting, and a profound sense of weakness threatened to overcome him. He felt as though he might crumble at any instant. Perhaps he should have allowed Good to carry on rather than taking control himself. Now, he found himself frozen and unable to act.

"Bad...?" Emmet stepped closer.

Bad nervously raised his hand and pointed in the direction to where Ben stood.

"Wait– Me?!" Benny titled his head with confusion, the stationery falling to the floor.

"Benny!?" Emmet yelped.

"Er- yes, it was a mistake– I saw him out the window... I didn't know who else to say..." Bad muttered shamefully.

UniKitty and Metal Beard had their eyes locked on Benny, waiting for some kind of reaction from him, this was almost unbelievable! Someone like Bad Cop dating Benny? It was practically laughable!

"Am sorry Ben, I– just need a favour." Bad murmured.

Benny floated to the ground and walked over to Bad.

"You– you want me... to pretend... to be– your boyfriend?" Benny asked, almost unsure.

"Yes." Bad spoke in almost a whisper.

Benny took a deep breath in, he shrugged and smiled.

"Alright! Why not! Could be fun! I mean– it'd only be until your parents are off your back!" Benny said enthusiastically.

"Aye... ye sure Ben? It do be Bad Cop..." Metal Beard whispered to the spaceman.

Benny shrugged with a small grin. "I mean, why not?"

Bad Cop was shocked that Benny would even agree to this! He was lost for words at how easy this was! The Spaced obsessive freak was so willing to just put his life on pause to play pretend boyfriends with a cop that killed master builders for years! Why?! If the roles were reversed Bad Cop would never agree! Yet here this beaming Space guy was, eager to help, despite knowing little to nothing about BC/GC besides the basics.

"You'd... uh, do that for me... why?" Bad croaked.

Benny shrugged a bit with a content smile.

"Why not? Sometimes... it's nice to do a favour for someone, plus it wouldn't be a downside pretending to be your boyfriend! You're a handsome guy! It must be my lucky day!" Benny laughed with his wide goofy grin.

Bad Cop's cheeks darkened at the compliment. It had been years since he had been called handsome by anyone, even if Benny was being genuinely serious, it still played on both Bad and Good's mind. He lowered his visor to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, whatever... thanks." He grumbled while his eyes stuck to the floor.

Emmet had just been idly standing, watching this unfold before him.

"Welp– guess it's settled! You two are official fake boyfriends!" Emmet laughed a little. "You should go on double dates with Lucy and I!" Emmet jokes.

"Y'know Emmet, you are onto something there– I can't just be someone's fake boyfriend without getting to know the guy I'm pretending with! Bad Cop! Maybe after your shift we could hang out a bit... maybe I could come over to your apartment–"

"Yeah, whatever. Fine." Bad cut in. "You lot should leave. I've got work to do... Ben, meet back here at seven thirty." Bad snapped before turning back toward his desk.

The crew exchanged looks and shrugged, this all was extremely weird and out of the ordinary! Most of them couldn't believe Benny even accepted! It genuinely shocked them! WyldStyle and Metal Beard. appeared spectacle about it, wary of what could happen. Whilst UniKitty and Emmet seemed semi-neutral about it. As for Batman? The hero in black found this whole ordeal hilarious! The once all so powerful Bad Cop needing to ask for help from a master builder! Not just that, but the most annoying master builder Batman has met! Good luck to him! He'll need it with this obsessive, impulsive astronaut roaming around him.

"Why did you say yes anyways?" WyldStyle asked. She wasn't sure if she believed Benny's excuse back in the office.

Benny nonchalantly shrugged, a faint blush colouring his cheeks, and a subtle smile tugging at his lips. "Dunno... he seems kinda cute, maybe he isn't as bad as he seems..." Benny hummed, as he moon-walked behind his friends, bouncing down on one foot and pushing off into the air. his mind drifting in space, wondering how they were going to make this convincing.

WyldStyle cast a worried glance at Emmet, who responded with a reassuring smile. Despite her reservations, Emmet had faith in Benny's safety. After all, it appeared that Benny was already developing a fondness for the cop.Maybe their 'pretendship' could turn into a relationship! Both men were single and faced challenges in the realm of romance. Benny's relentless obsession with spaceships tended to put off his potential dates, while Bad Cop's intimidating appearance and troubled history, compounded by his dual identity, discouraged most people from pursuing a relationship with him.

Emmet had faith that this may develop into something more... It was just a matter of time.

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