Omega? What?

By N_art_studio

35.9K 1.4K 270

Why don't you read it to find out ???? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

1.9K 79 19
By N_art_studio

"See Taetae you are my brother and all... And I do love you a lot but it's a war where we aren't brothers... You wanna win  and so do I " The older twin stated with full honesty... He really doesn't want their bond to get affected by this race which made Taehyung tilts his head to a side before smiling "All the best my Chimmy may the best man win" saying that he kissed his brother's cheek

Jungkook tugged Yoongi's pant... "Why does it matter who wins or who loses?" He innocently asked while looking at the alpha with big, curious eyes… Yoongi smiled before picking his baby up "it doesn't matter as long as you have fun... It's just that when you win something you get a reward which we also call a prize "

Jungkook's lips formed an understanding 'o' before the toddler smirked "Tukkie will win..." That's what he said before running towards the students of his class… Yoongi shook his head while looking at his youngest son's disappearing figure 'i really hope he doesn't get disheartened if he loses' he mumbled to himself

One of the teacher cleared his throat before he began "Ladies and gentlemen, parents, and students, welcome to our School Sports Day! Today, we celebrate sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy competition. Let the games begin!"

The crowd erupted in applause, and the first event, a sprint race for KG students, kicks off. All the participants dashed down the track, their determination evident in every stride...The long jump pit was a hub of excitement as young athletes leap through the air, trying to outdo each other's distances... Parents cheered on their children, waving colorful banners in support... "If my baby gets hurt, I am suing this fucking school" Hoseok mumbled while biting his nails… Seokjin rolled his eyes before flicking his mate's forehead "Stop overreacting... They are kids and even if they get hurt while playing they will learn something from it"  saying that he started cheering for his youngest toddler while someone else was cheering harder then every parent present there it was none other than Jungkook's Pretty Appa who promised his baby that he will support him as much as he can

Soon, Jungkook and Mingyu were neck to neck in the race and the finishing line was seconds away... 'Winning and losing are part of the game... But I am born to win'... Jungkook thought and with one last boost he finished the line just a few moments before his new friend… "YAYYYYY KOOKIEEEEE YOU ARE THE BEST" both the namseok doe screamed in union feeling like the proudest fathers which they are while Yoonjin were admiring their mates

Now, Taehyung and Jimin stood side by side at the starting line along with the other participants... Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they glanced at the finish line in the distance, marked by a bright red banner...

"Alright, little racers! On your marks..."

The boys crouched down, their little fingers gripping the grass beneath them...

"Get set..."

The anticipation was palpable as the parents and spectators held their breath...


With the sound of the starter pistol, all the participants shot forward like little rockets... Their laughter filled the air as they raced neck and neck, their tiny legs pumping furiously… The twins glanced at each other... They both were ahead of other and were running with the exact same speed... Jimin took a deep breath to be ahead of his brother not wanting to come second at any cost... Once they were near the finish line Taehyung bit his lower lip and slowed down a little making Jimin touch the finish line first "YESS... I WON TAETAE I WON" Jimin started jumping like a monkey feeling overjoyed by his victory... Taehyung chuckled before hugging his older twin " You surely did... But next I am gonna be the winner" he showed his tongue to his elder brother before screaming "LADIES AND GENTELMAN ITS MY BROTHER"

Everyone started cheering for Jimin making him smile widely and hugged his brother... after awhile, it was time for price distribution when Namjoon walked closer to the younger twin and kneeled "I saw what you did there... But why?" Taehyung smiled which made his lips curve into the shape of a box "because appa once told me it's okay to lose if you want to win in life... Jimin hyung wanted to win and I wanted to have fun... Watching him getting a prize is more fun then watch a glimpse of pain in my brother's eyes... I can do anything for Jimin Hyung and Kookie... I love them a lot" Namjoon softly caressed Taehyung's hair "You are really the best brother anyone could ask for" he kissed Taehyung's cheeks "My Chimmy and Kookiee are so lucky to have you my Taetae"

The toddler blushed from the compliment... "I am also lucky to have them" he said shyly while playing with the hem of his shirt… Namjoon chuckled "We are the actual lucky ones to have you guys in our lives" Taehyung smiled and kissed his pretty Appa's cheeks "Taetae loves you" saying that he ran towards his brothers to join them

Jimin and Jungkook gave their prizes to Taehyung once he got closer to them and kissed his cheeks... Hoseok cooed at them and started clicking pictures "I am so proud of them" he stated which made other three men also nod in agreement "Common Kids it's time for a celebration" Yoongi happily stated making the toddlers start jumping in excitement 


Once they were at the ice-cream parlour both Jimin and Jungkook took the first scoop of their icecream and placed it in front of Taehyung's mouth who happily opened his mouth to enjoy the frozen goodness…

 Hoseok leaned closer to Yoongi ear "We are raising them so well" he whispered, watching the love their kids share for one another… Yoongi dramatically scoffed " You ever doubted it?" He acted offended then took a big scoop of ice-cream and shoved into his bestfriend's mouth who was  talking nonstop complaining about a coworker to his brother… Jin choked on it before glaring at Yoongi who wasn't even looking at him... 

On the other hand, Namjoon bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing loudly... "I never doubted it, hyung... Except for the time when I got presented as alpha" Namjoon tilted his head "What do you mean Hobi?You didn't wanted to be an Alpha?" He asked feeding one spoon ice cream to the youngest making the twins to whine but he was quick to feed them as well... "Actually, when we adopted the kids... I wasn't presented... I mean I had two years to be out and with my personality, everyone said that I will be an Omega... and I was happy that our kids will get the love of an alpha and Omega... I know Jin hyung was there but still the thought of him finding his mate not being around was scary but the day I got my pendant, I cried for 3 hours straight thinking that the kids won't get the love they deserve until Yoongi hyung explained me that the status has nothing to do with what we want... Two alphas can raise children way better than many Alpha-omega couple"

"And I agree with Yoongi... You two raised them way better than our parents raised us... We are so proud of you guys" Seokjin said, feeding his younger brother as he didn't get the chance to have his in order to feed the kids… Hoseok smiled "Thank you... I am happy that our status didn't stop us from following our dreams or doing something we love" Yes, even if they are alphas... Hoseok and Yoongi took the responsibility of house work while running their own dance and music classes while the Omegas are running a successful business... breaking the stereotype and all societal norms... Showing that equality does not mean to belittle other status and act superior…

----the end—-

*No Proofread*

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