Omega? What?

By N_art_studio

29.3K 1.2K 256

Why don't you read it to find out ???? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

1.1K 62 11
By N_art_studio

Next morning Namjoon and Seokjin were sleeping together while cuddling when the 3 year old knocked on the door but they were in a very deep sleep to respond so he barged in and tiptoed to the bed.. he huffed seeing them sleeping together without him so got up on the bed and laid in between them... And kissed Namjoon's forehead " Tukkiee bill also take care of his Pretty" he giggled

"You only care about your Pretty, huh? Appa is nothing to you now" SeokJin's whimpered voice startled the kid...

Jungkook facepalmed himself before looking at his Appa with a done face "ofdose Appa is Tukkiee's everything but Tukkiee likes Pretty chu know he wants to make penben widh him" Jungkook shyly admited by hiding his face with his palms

Seokjin opened his eyes and made a cringe face... "For how many people are you going to make Pendants? Namjoon told me yesterday that you wanted to make a pendant for your new teacher, what's with that?" He asked pulled Jungkook closer

Jungkook repeatedly nodded his head "yeshhh yeshhh he will make with him Hanny Teader Hyungie and Pretty" he started clapping his hands in excitement

The older Kim blinked multiple times... Trying to process the information... "Well... That's good... But you don't have to make anyone a pendant... Moon goddess decides who will ended up with whom... Like your papa and I mates... Similarly, your Dadda and Pretty are mates... You will also find your mate... Maybe in some other story" Just then there was a knock on the door "Breakfast is ready" Hoseok said from the other side of the door

"Papa has bad timing" Jungkook said making SeokJin laugh and kiss his baby's face... "And we are glad about it... Come on, let you pretty sleep for a little more time... He needs rest" the toddler nodded and slowly kissed Namjoon's cheek before jumping in SeokJin's arm...

Once they walked to the kitchen , the twins came running and hugged their Appa "good morning" they said in union... Seokjin happily greeted the kids and looked around for Yoongi but there was no sign of alpha "Where is Yoongichi?" Hoseok was quick to reply "he is sleeping... He was having difficulty sleeping on different bed"

Jin made an O face before making the kids settle down... He went to his mate and back hugged "want some help?" He asked, kissing his mate's neck "Nope Love... Everything is done... You take a seat and I will serve breakfast" he slightly turned to kiss his darling's plumpy lips...

Once the breakfast was served the toddlers looked at each other... The twins signalled the youngest to distract them so that they can pick all the veggies up from the food "Appa can be play after breakdust?" He asked and in the mean time Taehyung was picking the veggies from their plates and was passing it to Jimin... But suddenly his wrist was held in the mid air by Hoseok who wasn't even looking at Taehyung... "Of course baby... Wonwoo will come by 8 am so we still got time" he turned the spoon towards his second son

Taehyung nervously smiled " Dadda will feel lonely Taetae will eat later with dadda " saying that he tried to escape but who was he kidding escaping from Yoongi is still possible but not from Hoseok "Your Dadda won't feel lonely... Finish your breakfast without trying your tricks and Kookie... You too... Only my Minnie is a good boy... Papa will buy you that toy car" he kissed Jimin's forehead... Well, who knew loving veggies would come with its own benefits

"That's not fair" both the kids pouted with their arms crossed to their chests "we also want toys" they whine

"then eat your breakfast without missing a single vegetable in that plate" that was it for kids to gulp down everything...

After they were done Seokjin went to Namgi's room with his brother's breakfast and a loud gasp escaped from his mouth when he saw Namjoon studying while covering his entire body with Yoongi's clothes "Bub... Why are you wearing Yoongi's entire wardrobe? Also, why the fuck are you out of your bed?" Seokjin angrily ask while putting the tray on the bed "I can only make Appa reject his deeds by becoming more successful than him and for that I need to study hard... And I am used to studying while being sick so it's not that big of a deal " Namjoon said with his eyes glued to his book "Okay... You are not in that jail anymore... So-"

SeokJin walked closer to his brother and closed his book... "Also, you have enough knowledge to start your own firm... Tiring your body won't help you to achieve anything... If you want to do business because you want to do it then it's okay... But if it is about proving that man then I am sorry bub... You are doing it wrong"

Namjoon pouted "ofcourse I want to do it because I want to but I also want to make him regret... To show him how deserving I was... I want them to regret everything hyung" The older male sighed... "I understand... but for doing so, you will need to be 100% alright... Physically and mentally... At present, you are not well so go back to that freakin bed... Eat the breakfast and rest until your heart goes away"

Namjoon pouted "can I read it in bed?"but seeing his elder brother's glare he silently kept his book aside and went back to bed "feed me " he asked more like demanded and the older male was more than happy to fulfil his wish because that is what he always wanted to do... Be there for his baby brother whom he loves with his Everything... Everyone, even Hoseok and Yoongi comes after Namjoon... He was near to three years when a cute little child was introduced to him... Even if the memory is almost blurred he clearly remembers the promise he made... A promise of Loving Namjoon the most

"Hyungie you remember how Appa once promised us that he will take us to the amusement park but didn't " Seokjin nodded feeding a generous amount of goodness to his brother " Can we go there after my heat ends pretty please "

The older male smiled "Sure bub... You don't have to ask... Just tell us what you want... Also, you do whatever you want... Just inform us when you are going out so we will know your whereabouts... and one more thing, Hobi is staying with you today as Yoongi and I have some important work in college"

"He doesn't have to miss his class because of me... Two days of bunking is too much... I don't want him to affect his studies because of me " Namjoon said eating a spoon full of goodness "As if, you can convince him to do that... He is as stubborn as Yoongi... There is no way he will leave you and if it wasn't important for us to go... None of us would have left..." Seokjin stated while passing the glass of water to his bub

Namjoon pouted "He is such a brat... Call him once I will convince him to go.. he shouldn't take his studies lightly" Saying that he gulped the entire liquid in one go "REST" SeokJin warned and left the place...


Yoongi and the older Kim are in the car going towards college "how was he doing?" The alpha asked

Seokjin sighed "Don't ask... He is such a stubborn brat... You know he was literally studying while wearing your entire wardrobe and when I told him that Hobi will stay home to look after him that brat started arguing that he shouldn't miss his class and all" Yoongi sighed... "He really is stubborn... But damn he is so cute... Especially when he pouts or hide his face when he get shy or embarrassed... Aishhh... I love him"

Seokjin giggled " And good thing he doesn't hate you anymore... You know that day after you guys left the principal's office... Sehun's mother started talking crap about you saying those Alpha shit and was like 'wait till their mates come' I was about to snap on them but before I could Joonie literally roared at her and not only defended you but proudly accepted that he is YOUR Omega" A blush creeped on Yoongi's cheeks... He squealed happily "Aishhh finally... After all these years of unrequited love... I thought I will never something Namjoon deserves... I mean look at him and then there is me... But day before his birthday when his scent hit my nostrils... I was on cloud nine"

Seokjin rolled his eyes " On the one side you say you don't deserve him and on the other side he said the same... Wowww what a lovely dovey love story " he shook his head before looking out of the window "What do you mean?" Yoongi said while rolling down the window for his best friend before SeokJin could even press the button

That made Seokjin smile " Well, yesterday morning he was trying to make breakfast and that's why there were so many broken utensils in the trash... His entire face was covered in flour... Okay that's beside the point... When I told him that I will make the breakfast he started crying expressing his guilt of not knowing house chores, being ignorant towards his loved ones and how the person he hated the most turned out to be better than his own father and at the end he was like ' i shouldn't be the one rejecting him he should reject me for being an asshole ' " Seokjin mimicked how Namjoon was saying all that in a baby tone... Yoongi chuckled "He is so cute... But why he has to know the house chores? It's not necessary also, we are there to cook and clean... He doesn't have to worry about that..."

Seokjin gave him a cheesy smile "Yeah Yeah... But tell me one thing... Why do you love my brother so much? Even after being insulted by him non-stop?" The alpha smiled "because I have seen him at his lowest... I have seen the strong Namjoon hiding behind the school tree and cry when his classmate mocked him... I have seen the nerdy Namjoon look out of the library window, craving to play with other kids... I have seen the resting bitch face Namjoon smile when someone left ice cream on his desk... I have seen him longing for your embrace... And with all his flaws, I grew loving him"

Seokjin looked at him with a sad smile " My baby did suffer a lot... I feel bad for not being there for him but at the same time it wasn't in my hands... But I am glad that things are changing for the better and the best part is... You are there for my baby" Yoongi blushed at his best friend's words and soon they reached the college...


"Shush baby... Stop crying... It's okay, you will be okay" Hoseok said while caressing his bestie's hair... Ironically, he was crying too

Namjoon hit his bestie's forehead " I am crying because of the pain why the hell are you crying you idiot" Hoseok held the Omega tightly "because you are crying and I can't see you in pain" Namjoon took a deep breath before wiping his tears and then started caressing his bestie's hair "There there... It will be fine... I will be alright please don't cry"

The alpha tried to control his tears... "I am sorry... I should have been the one taking care of you... Not the other way around... But it's hard to see you or anyone I love in pain" Namjoon smiled and kissed his bestie's forehead " I know big boy... You shouldn't be sorry for being this kind i should be the one to be sorry for never really valuing you because... But I am really glad to have a friend like you Hobi... Thanks for being my friend... I love you Hoba" Saying that Namjoon again started tearing up

Hoseok moved away and placed his hand over Namjoon's forehead... "You don't have fever... Why are you babbling nonsense... And I love you too... My life is incomplete without your nerdy ass" "And mine too... My overjoyed goofball " saying that he hugged his best friend like his life depends on it which is true


"Why they gech cool woolsheek (worksheet) but chu gave A, B, C to Tukkie.... Tukkie wanch that too" the three year old whined seeing his older brothers getting worksheets like

The twins chuckled... Taehyung took a piece of paper and passed it to Jimin who made a few drawings " here fill the right colour in it" Jungkook looked at the figures and read "P... I... N... K... Watch color is it?" He confusingly asked to his teacher...

Wonwoo ruffled Jungkook's hair "Try to say the first two words together and then the next two and try again" Jungkook nodded and after few minutes of trying he was finally able to pronounce "Pink... Ish Pink" he clapped happily and picked the color before he started filling the shape

Wonwoo took out one candy and gave it to Jungkook as a reward making the twins whine "we also want it" they said in union "Wish your work and I will give it to you both as well" Wonwoo said while kissing Jungkook's cheek... Gosh, this kid is so cute and squishy

With that they both immediately started completing their work... But Jungkook started getting bored seeing his brothers busy so he went to Wonwoo and sat beside him "handdome sir, chu know my Hanny Hyungie sir? Tukieee wants to make pengent bith both of chu but appa say no to Tukkiee " he pouted... Wonwoo chuckled before bopping Jungkook's nose... "He is not wrong baby... But if you want... I can get you a pendant"

"But Tukkiee band same same with chu and Hanny Teacher Hyungie " Jungkook whined but before Wonwoo could reply the twins screamed "FINISH NOW CANDY "

The teacher smiled and pulled out candies for the kids... They are so adorable... He wonders if in future he and his mate... (Wishfully Jeonghan) will have kids like these three... Ishh, that would be so good... With that thought in mind, Wonwoo continued teaching the kids

Suddenly his phone vibrated with a notification

Jeon Jeonghan 🫶: Are you busy in evening?

Wonnie💖: Absolutely not

Jeon Jeonghan 🫶: Then wanna hangout?

Wonnie💖: Sure...

*No Proofread*

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