Omega? What?

By N_art_studio

35.9K 1.4K 270

Why don't you read it to find out ???? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

1.4K 73 20
By N_art_studio

All of them were sitting in the dining room, waiting for Hoseok serve them "Dadda... Do you know crows are not actually black in color?" Taehyung asked, titling his head while Jimin also nodded... "Yeah... Hannie Teacher hyungie told us they have something that only birds can see and we can't"

"Really?" Yoongi acted shocked "what does it called baby?" He asked in the mean time Hoseok came and sat beside Jungkook after serving the food to all

Jimin and Taehyung shrugged... They forgot the name... "Actually... Our human eyes can only see RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colors so they appear to be black but birds can see ultraviolet colours which makes crow appear with different colors... Many people consider them as a bad omen but in bird world, crows are valued... Do you know that crows highly intellectual and have an IQ of 7 year old kid?" Namjoon shared his knowledge while eating the heavenly goodness... Damn, these alphas are good at cooking "Means they have more IQ then Chimmy and Taetae that's not fair" They both sulked while Jungkook giggled not understanding anything

Taehyung's eyes landed on the pendant that was peeping out of the Namjoon's oversized t-shirt... He leaned closer to Yoongi and tried to whisper "Dadda... He has same pendant like you but in blue" everyone stopped eating as Taehyung was very loud and clear with his words making Yoongi chuckle awkwardly "we surely need to practice on your whispering, Baby... And yes, he have the same pendant like me"

"Did you buy together?Can  Taetae also get same same as your?" Taehyung asked "Yess papa and Appa also have same same , we also want same like yours " Jimin continued...  With that the twins started  looking at their Dadda with pleading eyes "Baby... We didn't buy them... These were made for us my moon goddess... You will get yours when you will turn 20 and you both will get yours on the same day..." Taehyung pouted... "But what are these for?" Hoseok was the one to reply this time... "Well, these pendants decide with whom we are going to spend rest of our lives with" the twins made an understanding face... "Then I will make one for Hannie Teacher hyungie" the younger twin happily announced, clapping his hands along with it... "What? No, I will make one for him... He is mine" just like that, the twins started bickering... "Great... Our kids are crushing on someone who is 14 years older than them" Yoongi's sarcastic remark made all the elders laugh while Jungkook stared at Namjoon's pendant with his big, curious eyes... "Why itsh billu?"

Namjoon smiled a little and pecked Jungkook's cheek making him smile while showing his bunny smile "because the colour symbolises your status like their status red symbolises Alpha while blue is for Omegas" Namjoon said making him nod his head acting like he understood everything but in reality he didn't understood a single word… The youngest male grabbed his Papa's T-shirt "Tukkie want red" he demanded which made the alpha smile... "Moon goddess will decide that, love... I know only want it because of the color... But let the density play it's role..." He booped Jungkook's nose…

After dinner Yoongi stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes while 2Seok took the toddlers to their bedroom and Namjoon went to his and Yoongi's room to study...

But for the first time in his life he is unable to focus on his work... He wants to study knowing how important it is but his mind is just occupied with infinite thoughts about all the things that happened in the past 24 hours... To be really honest,he doesn't know what he is feeling at the moment but one thing is sure... That he doesn't hate Min Yoongi anymore

"Well, you changed your mind really quick?" The Omega got startled by the sudden appearance of his own self... "What the fuck... How?" Namjoon jaw dropped and his shadow self rolled his eyes... "Have you have ever watched those cliche TV dramas where your inner voice come out and have a chit chat? That same shit is going on"

"First,i don't have time to watch those nonsense and Second,How like is that even possible if yes can I exchange my place with you... I am really done with this world right now " Namjoon responded with a little hopeful eyes

But his shadow self was giving him bombastic side eyes "How is that even possible, asshole? I am you... But yes, you can replace with your current self with your true self that is me" he flapped his hair like a Diva

Namjoon rolled his eyes "Well that was a waste... Bye Mr. Fake self I am busy "saying that he took his book back to ignore him but instead of going out his shadow self just sat in front of him looking at him with judging eyes "What?" Namjoon asked being annoyed "Even if hurts to admit... you are a dumbass..." The shadow self admitted before continuing "I mean... You finally have the freedom to do everything you wanted as a kid... Nobody is there to judge you... Ask you unnecessary questions... You can resolve all the difference with your brother... He has already made advances by staying there with you making sure you feel better and also when he fed your last night... You can spend time with this family of yours and get to know them better... There is so many things you can FINALLY do but nope…"

Namjoon pouted "I know but it's not that easy I can't just suddenly become that bubbly clumsy old self after literally killing that part of me... I do need some time okay.... And honestly there is another reason why I am not stopping myself from being disciplined... I want my parents to regret their deeds by becoming a more successful businessman than him so that he regrets letting me go... No he regrets letting US go"

Namjoon's grew wide when he heard Yoongi's voice... "Namjoon-ah... Are you alright? Whom are you talking to?"

"No one... Some idiot just called me so I was just talking on call.. yeah " Namjoon nervously replied with his eyes glued to his book not wanting to show his embarrassed face to Yoongi

"But your phone is on bed" Yoongi pointed towards the place where the phone was laying unattended "Uhh... Yeah yeah that was a telepathy call... Anyways don't disturb me I am studying" saying that he again started staring at his book

Yoongi gave the weird look to younger male before shrugging it off... He took his night dress before slipping into bathroom to get ready for bed...

After few minutes, there was a knock on the door followed by the voice... "Can Tukkie humm in?"

"Yes little one...get in" Namjoon said and the door immediately burst open revealing the youngest of the house who immediately ran towards Namjoon and made grabby hands towards the elder who immediately picked him up "Is your wounds still hurting?" Jungkook shook his head... "Not now... Papa made Tukkie heat med... Med... Medball" he stated happily, showing his cute bunny teeth

Namjoon cooed at his cuteness " That's so sweet... So, tell me about yourself... What you like, What you dislike... I want to know you better" Jungkook thought for a moment while playing with the button of his night suit... "Tukkie likes everything, I no like veggies... dadda and papa say Tukkie is boobooball" he squealed happily

Namjoon chuckle "yesss you are a big cute boobooball... So, do you know about your Dadda? Like what he likes and what he doesn't?" Namjoon tried to know about Yoongi more.... Even though he doesn't hate him still he isn't comfortable having a conversation with him either

However, the luck wasn't on Namjoon's side and the older male walked out of the bathroom and Jungkook immediately said "Dadda... Pretty wanch to know about chu... Wanch Chu like and don't... Chu like Tukkie?" Yoongi looked at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow before picking his baby up "Dadda not only like but he loves his Kookieee so so soooooooooooooooooo much" he said while swinging his baby making him giggle

After few minutes, Yoongi stopped and properly picked Jungkook before kissing his cheeks... "It's time for sleep... Come on" the toddler nodded and jumped out of his Dadda's hold... The older was about to follow him but stopped and leaned down towards Namjoon... making his lips brush against the younger's ear... "If you want to know about me... All you have to do is ask... I might surprise you with my answer" he whispered and left before Namjoon could even reply… The moment they got out of the room Jungkook kept on looking at Yoongi until he got his Dadda's attention "Dadda Chu like Pretty?" He asked showing his big bambi eyes making Yoongi raise an eyebrow "Tukkiee welly like Pretty he is... PRETTY" Jungkook started giggling on his one word while clapping his hands

Yoongi smiled and pecked Jungkook's cheek... "I am glad to know that..." They walked into 2Seok's bedroom only to meet with the sight of the twins sleeping on their favourites... "You want to sleep with Dadda and pretty?" Yoongi whispered, not wanting to disturb their sleep

Jungkook repeatedly nodded his head "yes yes YEEEESSSSHHH" Jungkook excitedly screamed making the twins whimper in their sleep "are you going to eat ice-cream Taetae also want it or" Taehyung mumbled in his sleep"Chimmy will run after papa the entire day with our water gun" Jimin continued in his sleep

Yoongi put a finger on his lips to make Jungkook quiet down... He slowly walked out of the bedroom and sighed in relief... "Stop spending so much time with Jin... He is making you hit high notes at the age of 3" that only made Jungkook giggle and they finally got back into the room where Namjoon was still studying...

Jungkook cupped Yoongi's face with his small hands and asked "Pretty eyes wonch hurt?" Yoongi shook his head... He has never seen someone with this much discipline and dedication but at the same time isn't he going too hard on himself "Even if it hurts, your pretty is like that only he won't gonna change" Jungkook made an angry pout hearing Yoongi's words he motioned the elder to put him down and once he did, he ran towards Namjoon with his arms crossed to his chest "Pretty" he called in an angry tone making Namjoon to look at him confusingly "Up" he spread his arms and the tallest among them immediately picked him up "bed" Jungkook pointed towards the bed and he  obeyed "lay" The toddler said patting beside him and Namjoon immediately laid down making him smile... He snuggled closer to Namjoon's embrace "Now sleap with Tukkiee" Jungkook said closing his eyes

And just like that, Namjoon fell asleep... While Yoongi stood there with wide eyes and lips ajar... "Wow... It was that easy... But it's Kookie so understandable" he sighed and walked towards them before sleeping next to the toddler...


Next morning, when Namjoon opened his eyes... He was face to face with sleeping Yoongi

His eyes widened but he didn't move more like he couldn't move seeing the beautiful pale beauty in front of his eyes who was literally looking like a sweet innocent little child "cute" he mumbled under his breath "yesh" a whispered voice made Namjoon flinch and that's when he realised that Jungkook was sitting in between them... More like his head was on Yoongi's stomach and legs on Namjoon... The toddler was wiggling his eyebrows

Namjoon made a face before picking the toddlers up and made him sit on his lap and kissing both of his cheeks "First, Good morning to you too sir, and second, What were you wiggling your eyebrows for? " Jungkook giggled "Good morning pretty... chu called Dadda cute... But dadda ish handmade too" he said while scrunching his nose

Namjoon chuckled and scrunched his nose the same way the toddler did " yes he is handsome but he looks cute when he sleeps with a big pout on his face like a baby" Namjoon whispered in Jungkook's ear not wanting Yoongi to hear in case he walkes up… Jungkook giggled but then his stomach grumbled... He immediately put his hands on his stomach and looked at Namjoon with flushed cheeks... "Tukkie is hangwy"Namjoon giggled "Common let's see what we can make for your little tummy" Saying that he picked the toddler up and made his way to the kitchen


"It was a bad idea" Namjoon said looking at the pancake batter which is more thinner than water with at least 5 broken utensils and the entire kitchen counter and his face filled with flour… Jungkook, who was trying to lick the wet flour from his cheek nodded... But their face turned towards left when a loud gasp was heard... There stood SeokJin with half-asleep Taehyung and Jimin in his arms... "What are you trying to do?"

Namjoon pouted "I was trying to make pancak-Aaahhhh" Namjoon screamed when the twins screamed making Seokjin scream as well "What?" He asked looking at the twins who were starting at Namjoon with wide eyes "GHOST" they both  screamed again before running out of the room but then Taehyung ran back picked Jungkook up and again screamed before running out of the room to hide under their bed

Seokjin shook his head before walking closer to the younger male... "Well... I guess you need to take bath before they continue screaming" he cleaned Namjoon's cheek... "I will make something for you all…"

"But I want to make breakfast please" Namjoon whined that he wants to be of some help to the family... from the time he entered this home they all are doing some or the other house work he also wants to be a part of that "Why bub? You don't know how to cook... And Hyung will manage... Don't worry" Jin tried to reason the younger male…

"And that's the problem... I know nothing... Neither about house work nor about my best friend who is having a kid from past two years but never thought of telling me and I am being an asshole never ask him about anything... i literally know nothing about my own best friend or the person I hated the most who turned out to be my mate whom I thought of an asshole but turned out he is far better than the most of the people including our father... And you...You suffered so much but instead of being by your side i kept on blaming Yoongi for snatching you away from my life...Instead of talking to you i distanced myself more from you thinking if you don't want to be around me then neither do I...I have been such a selfish ignorant person who only thought about himself his sorrow and his loss but then even bothered to know what's actually going on in your life...I am the worst hyung...i shouldn't reject him he should be the one rejecting me" Namjoon doesn't even know when he started tearing up

Seokjin blinked multiple times because this is the first time Namjoon has talked for this long in one go... He came forward and placed his hand on the younger's forehead... "Do you don't have fever... Why are you talking like that?"

That made Namjoon cry harder " Shut up hyung... You are mean... Why didn't you ever share your problems with me... Don't you think instead of drifting away from me if you had shared it with me i would have been there by your side the whole time? You are really bad... Really really bad... I hate you "

Seokjin smiled and hugged his flour covered baby... "No, you don't... You can never hate me and about drifting away... Well, I don't know if you will believe this or not... Mom and dad wanted me to stay away from you or else I would have been a distraction in your journey of successful alpha... They wanted me to keep my Omega-like personality away from you, since from our childhood... It's not like they never got me things... they did, they tried to fulfill the part of their responsibilities and love by giving me luxury and access to other stuff... Like they got me the best doc when I fell sick but wasn't there for me to check if I was doing okay... And funnily, you remained uninformed about everything... That's when I found my home in Yoongi... He stayed by my side when no one was there... At first, I thought maybe because he will also turned into an Omega due to his features and also because somewhere or the other we do share a same life... I wasn't distant... You were just too busy"

"I am sorry hyung... I am sorry for never noticing this... Whenever I used to ask about you they used to say you were out... Once I asked them and they said you are busy and when I took a break from studies I saw you were playing out with our maid's kids... I felt like you don't want to play with me that's why you made an excuse and when I asked Eomma she confirmed my words and from that time even I also stopped asking about you... I am sorry hyung for never being there for you " Namjoon said still sobbing like a little baby

Seokjin softly caressed Namjoon's hair... And kids also came out from their hiding spot... Thinking that maybe their words made Namjoon cry... Taehyung and Jimin held their ears... "We are sorry... We didn't meant to make you cry... Please forgive us"

They both chuckled before parting away Namjoon kneed down before wiping his tears and kissed the twins cheek "You didn't do anything babies" Namjoon said " Yes he is just being a cry baby" Jin continued making Namjoon pout

"Is he in competition with Kookie?" Taehyung asked my the said male also pout... But again his small tummy grumbled and he whined loudly stomping his foot... "TUKKIE IS HANGWY"

Seokjin chuckled " Twins take the small flour kid with you and the big flour kid go by yourself and wash up till I make something for us to eat" both the mentioned male pouted but obeyed anyway

*No Proofread*

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