Omega? What?

By N_art_studio

29.3K 1.2K 256

Why don't you read it to find out ???? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

1.3K 62 4
By N_art_studio

At 4:30 am Namjoon's alarm rang... he didn't want to wake up but he had to study for his upcoming exam...  he lazily got up from the bed with his eyes still closed and walked to the washroom only to get hit by the wall...  he whined opening his one eye but his eyes widen in shock but then the realisation hit him... he is not in his home anymore... he let out a sigh before looking at the older's sleeping figure ,The night went better than Namjoon expected by the time he went inside the room Yoongi was asleep.. so he put a pillow in between them before drafting into the dreamland... 'maybe living with him isn't that bad... ' he thought to himself before walking towards restroom

When Namjoon came out, Yoongi wasn't there... He confusedly looked around when he heard the faint sound of utensils bustling... Namjoon walked out of his room the see Yoongi in the kitchen... Cooking something... The older male must have felt his presence because he looked at Namjoon and smiled... "Good morning" his gummy smile was on display... Well, that's new and completely unexpected... "You must be up for studies... Have something first and then you can go study peacefully... Kids won't be up still at 6:30" there was no room for argument because the breakfast for Namjoon was already served

Namjoon was shocked. It will be an understatement... He literally had no words right now... Even his mother had never woken this early to make breakfast for him "T-thank you...Thank you so much but you really didn't need to do that for me... Thank you " he said awkwardly taking a seat next he was about to bite into the goodness but stopped looking at his mate with a raised eyebrow "You haven't added poison in it?have you?" Yoongi smiled "I am making this for my kids too... There is no way I would put anything into it... But if you want, I can take a bite for your reassurance"

Namjoon rolled his eyes before possessively hugging his food "No eat yours in front of me" He said pointing at the seat opposite to him... For someone who practically spends the entire day alone... He hates to eat alone... That's the main reason that after having so many mades he used to patiently wait for the breakfast time no matter how hungry he was just to be around with them while eating

Yoongi sighed... "Fine... But I won't eat much because Taehyung will never finish his breakfast until he feeds half of his portion to me" the older male said while taking a sip of his coffee... He doesn't eat at this hour knowing how fuzzy his babies get when he refuses to eat with them... Especially Taehyung and you can't really ignore those eyes he gives when he wants someone to obey him... They were middle way through the breakfast when Seokjin walked out and without a word he straight up went to his best friend and sat on his lap before hugging him and falling asleep again

Namjoon's grip tightens around his spoon not like another Omega being seated on his Alpha's lap and his blood started boiling when the second oldest kisses Seokjin's forehead while caressing it lovingly... he takes a few deep breaths to calm his nerves...He literally has no idea of why he is being possessive of someone who he practically hates and on top that the other Omega is none other than his brother and his mate's best friend they both practically stay the entire day must be normal between them...right?he shook his head before started eating his breakfast again wanting to finish it as soon as possible so that he could leave the place before his hormones or whatever this feeling took control over him

But Namjoon's movement halted when Seokjin said or more like whispered "I will go bring the book... It's an important chapter..." The older male, still 80% asleep walked back into the room... Yoongi looked at Namjoon who was looking back at him with a raised eyebrow... "Oh... Ummm we usually have one- 1 and 1/2 hours in between so Jinnie explains important questions to me... Earlier we used to do that call" Namjoon made an O face "That's why you never failed" he said without thinking but then realised it's a really insensitive comment on his side "Sorry... I was thinking that on my mind but mistakenly spelled it out" he honestly apologised "let me wash your plate as an apology " he said while standing up

"It's alright... That comment is nothing new to me... Also, you should probably go and start with your studies..." Yoongi took the plates and walked into the kitchen... He has to get done with everything before the kids wake up... God knows how morning time runs at a speed that no matter how early you wake up... You still get late for some reason...


When Namjoon walked back into the living room, Hoseok was putting the books in three bags, Yoongi was feeding the kids while SeokJin was ironing the uniforms... "Kookie... Stop putting your veggies in Minnie's plate" Yoongi warned while making Taehyung eat a spoonful of sweet porridge "Taetae no sick to eat porridge" Saying that he sealed his lips turning his face to the other side not wanting to eat that... Seeing him both jikook stopped eating and turned their faces to a side as well "we also no wanna eat this " they both said in union

"Fine then... Hoba... Don't get anything for them... Not even ice cream... I made sweet porridge with TaeTae's favourite strawberries in it and he doesn't want that..." Yoongi states why trying to get up… Taehyung immediately grabbed his hand "you mad at Taetae" his eyes turned glossy "Taetae is sorry... Please no be mad at him, " he said, tilting his head to the side while holding his ears ready to burst out crying any moment (or maybe not)... Seeing Taehyung's act, the other two toddlers did the same and apologised…

"Then finish your breakfast... Dadda also needs to get ready... After school... You come back home with your Jeonghan Hyung and you can stay with him until we get back... your choice, just Don't trouble him at all... Got it?" Yoongi asked and the kids immediately nodded... They love Jeonghan a lot... He is Taehyung and Jimin's teacher who started teaching at a very early age not wanting to be dependent on his parents... Jeonghan has been their neighbour for years now which makes it easy for Yoongi and Hoseok to stay out till late knowing the kids will be well fed by him

Yoongi was about to feed him another spoon full of goodness when the second youngest took the spoon from his and started feeding him the entire thing showing his doe eyes... Once the bowl was empty he immediately ran towards his papa so that his brothers couldn't escape like he did.... Once Taehyung was out of sight both jikook started staring at Yoongi with pleading eyes so that they also gets the permission to play before school "Only if you promise to finish your entire lunch with no cheating" Yoongi said which made Jikook nod vigorously... Now, who was Yoongi to refuse... So he motioned them to go... Namjoon was watching the entire scene with a bittersweet feeling... Is this how family is supposed to be? Why were their parents never like this?

After his study session Namjoon was getting ready for college and the moment he removed his shirt the door flew open revealing Yoongi whose face turned red seeing his Omega shirtless but the moment Namjoon realised the other male's present he immediately wrapped a shirt around his body "I am sorry... Just wanted to grab my phone" Yoongi fumbled with his words and turned around... Not wanting to weird out his mate…

Namjoon quickly wore his shirt when he noticed the older phone was on the bed... He picked it up and slowly passed it to his mate "Noo... Actually I have the habit of changing in my room and no one enters without knowing so it slipped my mind to lock it... You can turn btw I am all dressed" Namjoon replied fumbling on his words just like Yoongi feeling awkward as hell

The older male turned around and took the phone... He was about to leave when Jungkook peeped his head in from the ajar door... "Dadda Chu coming?" Yoongi chuckled and went on his knees, spreading his arms for his baby to come who immediately ran towards him and hugged him "let's go" Yoongi said while standing up but Jungkook was just staring at Namjoon with a great interest when Yoongi didn't get any response he looked at his son only to see him glancing at mate with his biggest bambi eyes "CHU PREEETTY" he screamed spreading his arms for Namjoon

Omega was taken back from the gesture... He has never been the one to get involved with kids... He was always told that it's an omega's job and alphas always focus on work... Well, that was the thought given by his parents... The minute he has stepped into this apartment, things are different... He always knew that Hoseok is a goofy so it wasn't a surprise when he came out as a bubbly alpha but Yoongi who always looks so cold will be like this is just too surprising... Now, he wonders if everything he was told in the past is a lie... Namjoon hesitantly took Jungkook from Yoongi and the toddler was quick to wrap his small hands around Namjoon's neck... "Hi" he happily stated before kissing omega's cheek

Namjoon couldn't help but smile at this gesture "Hello little one" saying that he kissed Jungkook's cheek as well making him giggle for a legit one minute but then he put on a serious face before letting a dramatic gasp out "WAE LATE..." Jungkook said patted his neck "GO FAST RUN... RUN" he screamed, making Namjoon obey once they reached the living room. Jungkook screamed "STOP" making Namjoon immediately stop... Jungkook motioned to put him down and the Omega immediately put him down "NOW PLAY WITH US'' Jungkook said and Namjoon immediately nodded but then looked at the younger with a confused face making the youngest nervously giggle "He got you hypocrites, right?" Seokjin asked while picking up the little devil to make sure he was ready for his first day... Hoseok on the other hand was explaining the twins... "No mischievous activities at school, eat your lunch on time and always ask the teacher to mention your homework in the diary... Last time she scolded my TaeTae for no reason... How are we supposed to know if they don't give a proper schedule... Only Jeonghan is the sensible there... Papa hates that Mrs. Choi... She is so rude"

Jimin protectively wrapped his arms around his younger twin "If she scold my Taetae again... Chimmy will scold her back"That made Taehyung giggle... He immediately wrapped his arms around his elder twin and jumped on him "Taetae loves chimmy the most" He whispered not wanting the youngest to hear and then sulk about it "Okay... That's cute but no, you won't scold her... Complaint to your class teacher or tell me... Papa will handle her on his own..." Yoongi walked closer to them and started passing the lunch boxes... "Yours, yours, yours, yours, your and mine..." He passed two boxes to SeokJin like usual and then stood in front of Namjoon... "And yours"

"You know you don't have to do all that for me, right?" He whispered to the elder not wanting others to hear... Even though he is loving this gesture he won't accept it like how can he... Even his mother never did those things for him which he is doing, that too when they both are enemies…

Yoongi sighed "I know but I love to do it... If I can look for six people... It won't burden me to make lunch for my Omega..." He said and walked back to the kids not waiting for any response when Namjoon stood there with flushed cheeks and a weird, crumbly feeling in his guts...

After making sure that everything was done, everyone walked out of the house... Yoongi took the driver's seat with Hoseok and Taehyung in the passenger position while others settled down in the back... Jungkook and Jimin were sitting in the middle of the two adults with the younger's head resting on his brother's shoulder... Namjoon looked at them with a sad smile... Remembering those days when Seokjin and Jim were also inseparable

He then looked at Jin who was looking at them with the same sad smile... Once their eyes met he quickly turned his head towards the window... Funny how his brother has not actually but in a way,abandoned him and now his parents are doing the same thing... he took his phone out 'Eomma can I come to meet you after college?' He texted his mother but as expected he didn't get any response…

After dropping kids at the school... Both the alphas got back into the car and in the mid-way to the college, Hoseok started crying, making the other three men worried "hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok shook his head "nothing... It's just... Our babies were so tiny and now they are already in school... Soon, they will grow up into fine men and get married... We will be grandparents, Hyung... Even before we realised it" Both Seokjin and Yoongi shook their heads and Yoongi smacked the back of Hoseok's head "idiot" Yoongi said making Hoseok pout and Seokjin chuckled... Namjoon was looking at the screen with  adoring eyes but at the same time he was feeling sad... He never cared for Hoseok like how they both do, still the older one by a few months chose to be his best friend... Once they reached the college Namjoon was the first to get out of the car making his way to the library…

"Yahhh wait for me..." Hoseok chased his best friend when YoonJin went straight to the music room... Yes, they don't attend morning class as they make their music which is approved by the Dean as long as they both maintain the grades... Plus, they are ghost writers and singers so nobody knows about them... It's just the money game where you work and nobody gives you the credit... Just money

Namjoon was walking when Hoseok jumped on his back... He sighed it's nothing new... Whenever Hoseok used to lag behind Namjoon's speed walking he simply jumped on the younger's back who carries him around silently knowing arguing is useless in this case, So, with a sigh he continued walking with a big baby on his back... Hoseok noticed how people are giving Namjoon a pitiful look which even though Namjoon is ignoring but he knows how much it is actually bothering the younger mentally... So with a deep sigh he snuggled closer to his best friend's neck "You okay?" He asked in a voice over whisper "Not really... But I will be fine..." They reached into the library and sat in their usual place... After a few minutes of complete silence someone thought it was a great idea to spoil Namjoon's mood... So, the same girl he kinda insulted yesterday walked towards the best friend duo and sat opposite "Hi oppa... Is it true that you're an Omega? I was so shocked to know this... I always thought you were going to be that big, bad alpha with leadership qualities, but too bad your father chose his bastard alpha son as the heir of Kim Enterprises... The empire you have been dreaming to rule" there was a slay smirk on her face

Namjoon was just too shocked to respond while Hoseok stood in front of her with his arms crossed to his chest "Done with your drama? Then GET LOST" he said, piercing her soul with his glares... He is sweet, bubbly and even a cry baby but only for his loved ones if you dare to mess with them, then he won't hesitate to show you what hell actually looks like by turning your life into one

The girl shivered from fear when Hoseok used his alpha voice and the aura around him turned dark... "I... I w-was just a-asking if h-he kn-ows about it... The ne-news is eve-rywh-ere" the girl ran out

Everyone was looking at them with mixed emotions... Some were feeling pity for Namjoon, some were having a mocking smirk on their faces and some just wanted to see the drama but with one glare from Hoseok everyone turned their head back to their books not daring to mess with this Alpha

Hoseok took a deep breath to calm himself and looked at his best friend who was blankly staring at his book... Seokjin's words came true... They have officially thrown Namjoon out of their lives and their  business.. He stood up and walked out of the library... The first thing Namjoon's was to call his mom again and again until the woman finally picked it up... "What is it, Namjoon-ah?"

"What is it? You are asking ME that?Where were you? I have been calling you since yesterday and you are asking what is it? " Namjoon asked not believing how his mother can talk so casually after ignoring all his calls and massages

"Not even a day with that disgraceful brother of yours and you started talking like this with your mother? Don't forget that I kept you 9 months in my womb, faced all the pain and challenges to raise you and this is how you treat your mom? Do you have any idea how it feels to see your dad's mistress' son getting the empire which was supposed to be yours? The time when I wasn't picking your calls, I was begging him to not do this but guess what Namjoon... You disappointed us... Wasn't being an omega was torturous enough that you have also forgotten how to respect your mother?" Every word that left her mouth stabbed Namjoon's heart

"B-but how's that my fault? Throughout my life I only obeyed you guys... Never questioned back... Eomma I started taking the training to manage this company at the age of 13 and now you are giving this company up to someone who not only has an unethical relationship with him but also is totally undeserving... He is not a good person, Eomma. He is a drug addict with  criminal records. He not only knows nothing about the business and is also a greedy person he will ruin our company in no time Eomma" He tried to make her understand but who was he even kidding…

A lady took a deep sigh from the other end... "It's done... Everything is ruined and I can't do anything now... Hope you will find your mate soon who will treat you like a human and not an object..." And just like that... The line went dead... Namjoon wanted to cry, yell, scream and do things that can put his mind at ease but he stayed quiet... His mom is right... Everything is done and they can't change it... Hoseok was rubbing Namjoon's upper arm from behind... Reminding the younger male that no matter what happens... He will always have Namjoon's back...

He was going to ask something when they saw Yoongi and SeokJin running in their direction... "Let's go" the younger two give them a confused look... "Huh?"

"There was a call from school... Taehyung and Jimin got into a fight with someone... They broke his nose"

*No Proofread*

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