The Clown's Kiss (Buggy Fanf...

De FlyingBananas1

52.4K 2.2K 509

Scarlet Moore, a teacher in Orange Town, finds herself rising from her seat among all the other people forced... Mais

The Invite (Prologue)
Embracing the Circus Magic
Rediscovering You
Fame's Price
Seeing You
Pick Up
Circus Romance
Eavesdropper's Dilemma
Pirate's Domain
Booze-Fueled Confidence
That's Okay
Pushing for Change
The Elephant in the Room
Bonding Through Care
The Choices We Make
Lost and Found
Bonding at Sea
The Rhythm of Movement
Two Hearts - One Journey
Thank You (Author's Commentary)

In the Spotlight

3.1K 109 9
De FlyingBananas1

As the circus acts gradually draws to a close, Buggy remains at the center of the stage, his arms outstretched in a triumphant pose. His once-angry countenance has transformed into an expression of unbridled happiness. The spotlight bathed him in a warm, flattering glow, emphasizing his commanding presence.

The crowd erupts into enthusiastic applause, showing their appreciation for the awe-inspiring performance, so Buggy believes. But just as the applause reaches its zenith, Buggy, in an unexpected twist, raises a single finger to his lips, a playful but commanding gesture that silences the audience.

The hush that falls over the crowd is immediate and complete, as they watch the enigmatic pirate captain with bated breath, wondering what he has in store next.

Scarlet, like the rest of the audience, obeys the unspoken command and falls into a respectful silence. She can't help but feel a mix of fascination and anticipation, her eyes locked onto Buggy as he stood there, the master of ceremonies in this surreal circus world, leaving everyone waiting in suspense for the next act in this captivating show.

"Now," Buggy's firm voice echoes through the tent, its resonance commanding the audience's attention. "For the last act of tonight's show, I need a volunteer from the audience to assist me on stage." His eyes gleam with a mischievous excitement, their gaze scanning the sea of faces before him.

An eerie silence falls over everybody, punctuated only by the soft rustling of clothing as people shift uncomfortably in their seats.

In the span of those suspended seconds, it becomes apparent that no one dares to step forward. The once-cheerful expression on the clown's face begins to dim, his features slowly shifting from elation to grim determination.

"No one?" Buggy's voice drips with annoyance as he paces restlessly around the stage, his eyes scanning the audience with a critical gaze. His frustration was palpable, as it was clear that he expected someone, anyone, to step forward and join him in the spotlight.

"Light!" he suddenly yells. Quickly a second spotlight, unwelcome and glaring, suddenly illuminates Buggy from a different angle, which only serves to further agitate the clown.

"Not me, you moron!" he exclaims, irritated by the technical mishap. "The crowd! Scan the damn crowd and pick someone, dumbass! Come on, use your brain for once!"

The second spotlight, now detached from Buggy, begins to sweep methodically across the audience. It moves and moves, a relentless searchlight seeking its unsuspecting victim until it comes to a sudden, abrupt halt.

The brightness of the spotlight falls upon Scarlet, but not with the same intensity it would have if it were directly on her. Her heartbeat begins to quicken as she slowly turns her head to the side, her gaze shifting toward her students, a sense of dread building within her.

Then, realization washes over her like a chilling wave. The spotlight isn't aimed at her; it is directed at Sarah, the timid little girl who has a fondness for reading. Sarah sits frozen in her seat, wide-eyed and terrified, unsure of how to respond to this sudden and unwelcome attention that had fallen upon her.

"Wonderful!" Buggy exclaims with forced enthusiasm, clapping his hands together. "Come on," he beckons Sarah over to him with an exaggeratedly happy smile that fails to reach his eyes. Despite his façade, Sarah remains frozen in her seat, her wide eyes locked onto the intimidating figure on the stage.

"Little girl, we don't have all night," Buggy urges, snapping his fingers and pointing insistently in her direction. His frustration was palpable, and the tension in the tent grew with each passing moment.

Behind Buggy, several performers emerge from the shadows, ready to make their way into the seating area to retrieve the hesitant volunteer.

However, before they could make their move, Scarlet rose from her seat, causing the performers to halt in their tracks. All eyes in the tent turn toward her as she stands there, trembling with fear and discomfort, acutely aware of the spotlight that had now shifted from Sarah to her, intensifying the pressure of the moment.

Buggy's expression shifts from irritation to curiosity. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other and raises an expectant eyebrow, his demeanor implying a willingness to entertain this unexpected twist. He usually doesn't appreciate anyone stealing his spotlight, but for now, he is intrigued just enough by the young teacher's behavior to allow it.

"I would like to assist you," Scarlet finally speaks, her voice clear and strong compared to how she actually feels. One of the perks of being a teacher and having to speak in front of people no matter how nerve-racking this sometimes can be.

The audience watches in silence, awaiting Buggy's response to this unexpected turn of events and so does Scarlet. "Please," she adds, hoping that this will appease the man in charge.

"Well," Buggy finally speaks, his tone dripping with theatrical flair. He leans forward, executing a small, dramatic bow, and places a hand over his chest as if he had just been granted a great honor. "If you insist and ask so politely, madam."

With a swift straightening of his spine, Buggy's demeanor shifts again. He flashes a wide, almost manic grin and waves for Scarlet to join him on the stage. The cheerful circus music plays on, a stark contrast to the mounting tension in the tent. Scarlet doesn't hesitate, her apprehension urging her to make her way to the stage promptly, not wanting to further test Buggy's patience.

Once on the stage, Buggy extends his gloved right hand, and Scarlet intuitively places her smaller hand in his. He guides her to the center of the stage and exaggerates flourish, introducing her to the audience, who responds with polite applause.

As she scans their faces, she realizes that the spectators are not just surprised; they are mortified by this unexpected turn of events. Which makes the teacher glad that this is her standing on stage and not one of her innocent students. Knowing that Buggy would have forced one of the children to play along for his own twisted idea of entertainment, makes her slowly loathe the man.

However, instead of letting her true emotions show, she focuses on maintaining a façade of a happy smile, determined to see this peculiar ordeal through to its conclusion and return to her young charges safely.

Buggy, maintaining his grandiose persona, gestures for one of his performers to roll a sturdy board onto the stage. The board was adorned with several leather straps, its purpose becoming increasingly clear. Scarlet watches with a mix of apprehension and fear as the stage is prepared for the next act.

With her hand still in his gloved one, Buggy unexpectedly gently guides his assistant toward the board, his voice carrying through the tent as he addresses the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Buggy declares, his voice resonating through the tent, "for our last act, I'm delighted to see that I've found a volunteer of utmost courage and trust." He moves closer to Scarlet, his hand resting on her shoulder. He's leaning down so that his face hovers right next to hers. His lips nearly grazed her ear as he posed a question, his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine.

"What's your name, sweet cheeks?" he whispers, his voice dripping with a sinister charm that sets Scarlet's nerves on edge.

"Scarlet Moore," she replies her voice barely above a murmur, struggling to mask her discomfort. The intense chemical smell of his caked makeup, so close to her, threatens to make her wrinkle her nose in disgust, but she holds her composure.

"Miss Scarlet Moore!" Buggy announces her name to the crows and steps away from her, allowing her to calm her nerves while the audience watches in rapt attention as Buggy continues to explain the upcoming spectacle.

"You see," he continues, his voice tinged with excitement, "I will be throwing daggers at this board right over there. But fear not, for Miss Moore and I share an unspoken bond of trust that transcends words." He pauses, allowing the anticipation to build.

"Bullshit," crosses Scarlet's mind as she observes Buggy standing right beside her, delivering his well-rehearsed speech to the crowd. From her vantage point up close, the young woman couldn't help but notice how Buggy's incessant smiling had etched permanent lines into his white makeup, creating the illusion of permanent smile lines.

Similarly, on his forehead and between his eyebrows, small wrinkles serve as a reminder of the anger that had flashed across his face earlier in the performance. "Don't anger the maniac," she silently cautions herself, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves.

Buggy then gestures towards the board with a flourish. "This board, my dear audience, represents the pinnacle of my skill and accuracy. Every dagger that finds its mark will be a testament to the harmony between us." His words are punctuated by a sense of showmanship that holds the audience captive.

As Buggy keeps speaking with theatrical flair, another performer steps forward to guide Scarlet away from the enigmatic clown and toward the prepared board. The young woman is acutely aware of the mounting tension in the tent, her heart racing as she realizes the gravity of her position.

With deliberate care, the performer secures her in place, strapping her to the board so she couldn't move. Scarlet's pulse quickens as she feels the leather straps tighten around her, making her acutely aware of her vulnerability. She casts a fleeting, uneasy glance at the audience, who watches in a mix of fascination and concern.

Meanwhile, Buggy stood poised with four sharp knives held delicately between his gloved fingers. His expression is a curious blend of mischief and confidence as he prepares to execute the daring act. Scarlet's breaths come quicker now, her eyes fixated on Buggy, who seems to be relishing the moment.

Then, with a swift, almost casual motion, the clown releases the first knife, sending it hurtling through the air.

It lands with a sharp thud, mere inches from Scarlet's temple. She finches instinctively, her wide eyes locked onto Buggy, who appears to be thoroughly enjoying the spectacle.

"Don't move too much, or this might end badly," Buggy warns, his tone surprisingly serious as he prepares to throw the next knife. Scarlet's heart races as she braces herself, knowing that any sudden movement could spell disaster.

He releases the next knife with precision, striking the board on the other side of her head. Scarlet can't help but feel tears welling up, but she fights to compose herself, determined not to show weakness in front of her students and the clown.

The third knife landed between her legs, causing her to hold her breath, and the fourth grazed past her right arm, so close that it left her trembling.

"Now, dear audience, there is only one knife left!" Buggy announces, the tension in the tent reaching its peak. "Where should I aim it at?" he asks the crowd, but the spectators remain silent, their fear rendering them mute.

Buggy, undeterred, makes the decision himself. "Well, let's find out together, shall we?"

With one hand covering his eyes and the other poised to throw the last knife, the audience watches in breathless anticipation. Scarlet can't bear to look anymore; she closes her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the inevitable, as the final, heart-stopping moment of the act approaches.

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