(Meariri) (Kirasaya) Crimson...

By Dreamborne_DB

2.1K 59 19

Short summary: A vampire story with our favourite Kakegurui characters Long summary: Mary is a vampire hunter... More

New recruit
Lunaris Stronghold
Trouble (Part One)
Trouble (Part Two)
Training (Part One)
Vampire love
Training (Part Two)
Himari Fujioka
Revelations (Part One)
Revelation (Part Two) Teaser
Revelations (Part Two)


149 4 0
By Dreamborne_DB

As Sachiko entered Lunaris Stronghold, the realm hidden amidst the human world, she found herself enveloped in a mesmerizing fusion of nature's wonders and crystalline architecture. Majestic trees adorned with iridescent leaves formed a canopy overhead, while luminescent crystals imbued the surroundings with an ethereal glow. The harmonious coexistence of nature and artistry created an enchanting atmosphere, a testament to the mystical kingdom hidden within the realm of humans.

Sachiko headed straight for the palace, though the journey there was far from simple.

The path to the palace, though at the edge of Lunaris Stronghold, is a journey of equal enchantment. It meanders through the heart of the kingdom, offering glimpses of the crystalline structures and the natural beauty that coexist in perfect harmony.

The winding path is lined with ancient trees whose branches reach out as if to welcome visitors. Their leaves shimmer with an otherworldly glow, casting a soft, iridescent light that bathes the way in a serene, ethereal ambiance. Small streams cross the path, their waters clear as crystal and home to delicate, colorful fish.

As one progresses, they come upon hidden gardens and serene alcoves, each a testament to the kingdom's connection to the natural world. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the gentle sounds of birds and rustling leaves provide a soothing backdrop to the journey.

The path occasionally opens up to reveal breathtaking views of the kingdom's outer landscapes, where rolling hills and lush forests extend to the horizon. These vistas offer a sense of vastness and wonder, underscoring the kingdom's unique place within the human world.

Finally, after a journey filled with admiration and respect for nature's splendor, the path reaches the entrance of the palace. This grand edifice, situated in the human world but serving as a bridge to another realm, stands as a striking symbol of Lunaris Stronghold's fusion of natural marvels and crystalline grace. It marks the threshold where the human world and the enchanting kingdom beyond converge, an embodiment of the kingdom's ability to seamlessly straddle the boundaries of two worlds while preserving its distinctive magic.

Upon reaching the palace, Sachiko was met with a sight of awe-inspiring grandeur. Moonshadow Citadel stood at the edge of the kingdom, overlooking a breathtaking vista of natural wonders and crystalline splendor. The palace itself was a masterpiece of architecture, its towering spires and elegant towers reaching towards the night sky.

Sachiko made her way through the palace's majestic halls, each one adorned with artistry and crystalline beauty. As she ventured deeper into the heart of the palace, she could feel the presence of the queen, Kirari, and her wife, Sayaka, who was also Sachiko's younger sister.

Finally, Sachiko reached the throne room, where Kirari and Sayaka held court. The room was a testament to the kingdom's unique blend of nature and crystal, with massive amethyst-like crystals adorning the walls and crystal chandeliers casting prismatic patterns on the marble floor.

Kirari was dressed in an elegant gown of deep sapphire blue, radiating an air of regal confidence. Her gown featured a contemporary design with a stylish asymmetrical hem and delicate crystal embellishments that caught the ambient light, accentuating her magnetic presence.

Beside her, Sayaka wore a soft lavender dress that seemed to flow with an ethereal grace, giving her an aura of tranquility. The gown was designed to be more flowy, allowing it to cascade gently with her every movement, creating an almost otherworldly softness around her. A touch of crystal detailing adorned the dress, adding a subtle and elegant touch to her appearance.

Upon seeing her older sister, Sayaka's eyes lit up with joy. "One-san!" she excalimed in surprise.

With a grace that defied gravity, she rose from her seat and rushed to Sachiko, her elegant lavender dress flowing around her like a cascade of moonlight. In an instant, she embraced Sachiko in a warm and loving hug, their bond as sisters transcending the formality of the throne room.

Sayaka's hug was filled with genuine affection, and even in this moment of heartfelt reunion, her elegance and poise remained intact. She held Sachiko with a gentle yet secure embrace, demonstrating the unique blend of grace and warmth that defined her character.

As Sachiko and Sayaka shared this touching sisterly moment, Sachiko's gaze momentarily shifted to the queen, Kirari, who observed the reunion from her regal seat. In that brief exchange of glances, Kirari acknowledged Sachiko's presence with a small nod, a silent gesture of recognition.

"Why are you back so soon?" Sayaka asked as she pulled away from her sister. "Did something happen?"

"Something did happen, alright," Sachiko replied as she released Sayaka from their warm embrace, though their sisterly connection still lingered in the air.

Sayaka returned to Kirari's side, who greeted her with a loving and understanding smile. In a subtle yet affectionate gesture, Kirari leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the back of Sayaka's hand, reassuring her and silently communicating her support.

Sachiko, standing before them, continued to relay the important news that had brought her to Moonshadow Citadel.

Silence filled the air for a moment as Sachiko's words hung, their weight sinking in. The throne room seemed to hold its breath as the significance of the news settled upon the trio.

Then, Kirari broke the silence with an amused, melodious chuckle that echoed through the room. Her laughter was filled with a touch of her enigmatic and playful spirit, a trait that those familiar with her could recognise.

"Well, it seems we have quite the intriguing development," Kirari remarked with a mischievous glint in her eye, her lips curving into a knowing smile, her response holding a hint of her love for excitement and the unexpected.

Sachiko, sharing in Kirari's amusement, found herself drawn into the moment's playfulness. However, Sayaka's expression held a note of concern. Her deep violet eyes conveyed her worry for Ririka and Yumeko, who were still out there, navigating a world of risks and uncertainties.

Kirari, always perceptive and attuned to Sayaka's emotions, noticed the worry in her wife's eyes. Without missing a beat, she extended a hand and gently brushed a strand of Sayaka's dark violet hair behind her ear, a tender gesture filled with love and understanding.

In a voice that held both warmth and reassurance, Kirari spoke softly to Sayaka. "My dearest Sayaka, you worry for them, don't you? I understand your concern, but remember, they are resourceful and capable. They've faced challenges before and come through unscathed. Let's have faith in them."

Sayaka's eyes met Kirari's brilliant blue gaze, and the unspoken connection between them deepened. Kirari's words provided a comforting anchor in the midst of uncertainty, reminding Sayaka of their trust in Ririka and Yumeko's abilities.

"We should advise our kin not to go out until the mission is completed," she said after a while. "That would ensure that the mission runs more smoothly."

"Excellent idea as always, darling dearest," Kirari chuckled as she caressed her wife's cheek softly with the back of her fingers.

Sayaka's face turned beet red, still shy after all these years.

"Sachiko, tell Midari to spread the word, won't you? I'll be sending guards to the human world as well to gather any vampires still dwelling there, other than my dear sister and Yumeko, of course."

"Hm, no problem."


High above the enchanting world of Moonshadow Citadel, nestled among the towering trees, lay a secret garden known only to a select few. Kirari had conceived this hidden sanctuary with the utmost love and care, crafting it as a precious gift for her beloved Sayaka.

The garden was a testament to Kirari's devotion, a place where the delicate petals of lilies danced in the gentle breeze. Each blossom had been meticulously tended to, radiant in shades of violet and white, a reflection of Sayaka's beauty and elegance.

After the talk with Sachiko, Kirari led Sayaka to this secluded haven, a knowing smile on her lips. She knew Sayaka was worried about the increasing number of vampire hunters and took this opportunity to bring her out for some fresh air.

They walked hand in hand along the winding path, the scent of lilies wafting through the air, as if nature itself celebrated their love.

Sayaka's dark violet eyes sparkled with delight as she beheld the breathtaking beauty of the garden. Kirari had orchestrated every detail to perfection. The lilies formed a stunning canopy overhead, casting dappled shadows on the cobblestone path. Bees buzzed contentedly among the blossoms, and the soft chirping of birds provided a sweet serenade.

At the heart of the Lily Garden, beneath a canopy of blossoming lilies, the couple took their places at their usual spot, sitting on the soft grass below the majestic lily tree. This cherished spot provided them a sense of intimacy, where the fragrant blossoms above and the delicate grass below combined to create a perfect haven for their moments of tenderness and tranquility, a testament to their unwavering love.

The tree's blossoms cascaded like a curtain, creating a natural canopy for their private spot. Kirari, with her customary grace, seated Sayaka and then joined her.

They sat in tranquil silence, savoring the serene ambiance. Kirari's fingers brushed against Sayaka's, a gentle caress that spoke volumes of her affection. The two of them were dressed in more casual attire, free from the constraints of courtly duties, and their love shone even brighter in this intimate setting.

As the gentle breeze rustled the lily blossoms above, Sayaka decided to lie down with her head on Kirari's lap. Kirari, ever the attentive and loving Consort, welcomed her with a soft smile. She delicately brushed a few loose strands of Sayaka's dark violet hair away from her face, her fingers tracing a gentle path along Sayaka's cheek.

With the utmost tenderness, Kirari caressed her Consort's face, her touch as soft as the petals of the lilies that surrounded them. Sayaka closed her eyes, savoring the affectionate gesture.

"Something's on your mind," Kirari murmured as she admired her wife's delicate features.

"I'm fine," Sayaka replied. "Just slightly worried. The Sanctuary is recruiting more and more people to be vampire hunters, under Fumihito's orders. At this rate, we might not even be able to leave Lunaris anymore."

Kirari's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the mention of the Sanctuary and their leader, Fumihito. She had crossed paths with him before, and her view of him was far from favorable.

"Fumihito," she muttered, her voice tinged with protectiveness over Sayaka. "He's always been a thorn in our side, Sayaka. But I won't let anything happen to you. We'll find a way to ensure your safety."

"How about yours?" Sayaka said, eyebrows furrowing. "I can protect you too."

Kirari's reaction was immediate and rather unexpected. She burst out laughing, her melodious laughter filling the tranquil Lily Garden. Just the sheer thought of her wife protecting her was extremely amusing.

She wiped a tear of laughter away from her eye before teasing, "You? Protecting me? No offense, sweetheart, but how can a small little kitten like you protect a let's say, Kitsune, such as myself? "

Sayaka turned a deep shade of crimson as she tried to regain her composure, stammering, "I-I'm not a cat!" Her voice was a mix of embarrassment and determination as she continued to protest, "And you always protect me, so why can't I protect you too?"

"Not a cat, hm," Kirari chuckled as she lifted Sayaka up to sit on her lap before leaning in close until their noses touched. "And pray tell, who is the vampire that always searches for me to cuddle? If I do recall correctly, cats always search for warmth, hm? And you're quite small, in my opinion so a 'kitten' is more fitting, no?"

Sayaka turned a darker shade of red as she opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"Moving on, I'd rather you not protect me by sacrificing yourself," Kirari continued as she kissed Sayaka gently on the lips. "You're far too precious to me to let die, and without you, I would be very lost. I would rather get hurt than see you perish right before my very, eyes, just like you nearly did last time...not to bring it up, of course."

She pulled Sayaka in, stroking her hair lest her wife is met with the traumatic flashbacks of her past.

"I'm okay," Sayaka reassured her wife. Looking up with a look of resolve, she stated, "If I can't protect you, you can't protect me either."

"Oh? My little kitten is now giving ultimatums?"

"J-Just listen!" Sayaka took a deep breath before continuing, "I do know, you love me very much."

She caressed Kirari's face, kissing her cheek softly.

"And I know you fear for my safety after..." she paused, not wanting to bring it up. "But I am your wife, and I love you too. So isn't it fair that I fear for your safety and feel the need to protect you too?"

Kirari hummed as she considered this, patting her wife gently on the head.

"I suppose you do have a point. I'll just have to be more vigilant to ensure you won't need to protect me, hm?"

Sayaka nodded and lay her head on Kirari's shoulder, closing her eyes as her wife gently traced circles on her back to lull her to sleep.

As she felt the last of her consciousness slipping away, she heard Kirari whisper, "Sleep well, darling. I'll be here when you wake up, as always."

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