Not His Enya (Geniuses and Ge...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

161K 9.2K 2.6K

After the death of her boyfriend, Enya Mostafa has been trying to get back to normal. Working along side with... More

Bonus chapter-Takeo's Truth


1.7K 126 47
By xxJulyLoveAllen


"I heard a gunshot-"

"Give me my baby" I cut Ryu off and he handed me Takeo

"Is he dead?" Ryu asked me cautiously

"Do I look like I would kill him?"

"Is that a serious question?"

"Go check on him if you're so worried about it"

"Are you seriously going to not tell your family"

"And get my husband killed?"

"You just threatened divorce Enya"

"And get my ex-husband killed?" I stopped and looked at him "Look Ryu, I have Takeo and I'm fucking pregnant-"

"You're pregnant?"

"I was coming to surprise Eziō but caught your conversation" I sighed "Listen, I'm going to go feed Takeo then put him down for a nap. Then I'm going to go see Arturo, get whatever update you need about his mom, and tell me."

"You got it" He nodded his head and walked off.

A guard walked passed and I stopped him "Ma'am?"

"My husband is in Brandi's room, he had an accident with his gun. Can you make sure he doesn't bleed out in my sister's room?"

"Yes ma'am"

"God I hate being such an understanding wife" I mumbled

I went back to Takeo's room and opened the door seeing my mom, Brandi, and auntie.

"How'd it-" My mom paused looking at me "Oh no, what happened?"

"Whatever happened it must be why Grandpa Marco left out the room running," Brandi said "You got that undertone of pissed on your face"

I shook my head "No, no he's happy. He just has to leave so I was a bit upset. He didn't tell me and I walked into the conversation"

"Leave? Leave for what?" My auntie asked

"He found a lead," I said vaguely

"A lead," My mom said "That's a good thing right"

"It's his mom"

Brandi rolled her eyes "Why am I not shocked?"

"She was using him to find out more information about you and Ryu. Thomas wanted you and Mom since you two were carrying on the Mostafa line and mixing the mafias. I think that's all he knows"

"You think?" My auntie said, "What does that mean?"

"I shot him" I mumbled "So he didn't really explain everything else"

"You shot him?"

"His" I took a deep breath "His mom is the one who gave the signal for the attack. She was there that night"

"Oh," My mom said

"Look I hate to be the one who says it but that isn't exactly Eziō's fault," Brandi said "At least he told you, I would've been more worried if he didn't"

"Right," My auntie said "We have another lead, that's always a good thing. Have you told Marco?"

"I'm sure his nephew is updating him"

"Enya," My auntie said "Focus, now go tell Marco what's going on."

I rolled my eyes going over to the counter and grabbing one of Takeo's premade bottles "Fine"

"She acts like you when she gets all emotional," My auntie said

"At least she doesn't act like Marco when she gets upset," Brandi said

"Did you miss the murdering spree she went on-"

"I'm leaving, I'm going to go find my husband"

"That you shot," Brandi said giggling

I left out and walked up to the nurse's station "Where's Eziō?" I asked the nurses

"Right over there" She pointed to the room Sakura was in.

I went over with Takeo and opened the door, Eziō was in the bed and my grandpa was sitting next to him.

"I told you she was up to no damn good Eziō, you listen to everything I say but that" He turned around punching the wall and Eziō just laid his head back.

I shut the door and Eziō groaned in frustration "I said I don't want any pain meds-" Eziō said looking up and stopped when he saw me "Hey"


"Takeo still doing okay off his IV?" He asked

"Yeah, I was just about to feed him"

He flinched sitting up "You mind if I do? I haven't really got the chance to" I nodded my head and went over handing Takeo to him and then the milk "You mind taking it easy on your dad until I figure this feeding shit out son?"

"It's easy," I said walking over to him "Just support his head while he eats, I already shaked it up. He needs a few breaks to burp"

Eziō nodded his head, he sat up some more and I put a pillow behind his back. He looked at me and I looked up seeing my grandpa Marco snatching the pillow I just put behind him out from him making him grunt in pain "Stop babying him, babying is for people who listen"

"Well he's feeding your grandchild" I snatched the pillow back from him and put it back behind Eziō's back "So relax"

"Relax? You just shot him" He pointed at him

"And I apologized!"

"When?" They both asked at the same time.

"When I came in here," I said crossing my arms

"Oh," Eziō said and chuckled then started feeding Takeo "Geez, you're hungry aren't you?" He looked at me "When was the last time he ate?"

"He always eats like that," My grandpa Marco said "The little fuckers always hungry"

"You've been spending time with Takeo?" I asked

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You just don't seem like the child type," Eziō said

"Well it doesn't matter now, he's getting 3 new grandkids"

"3?" My grandpa said like he didn't hear me correctly

I nodded my head smiling "Oh yeah, 3"

"You're fucking pregnant?"

"I told you I was going to do it," Eziō said smiling then winked at me, I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but to smile.

"You two are insane. How are you guys going to raise two newborns?"

"I'm sure Uncle Kenji and Aunt Sakura won't mind helping," Eziō said

"Has Sakura met Takeo yet?" My grandpa asked "I'm surprised the crazy bitch didn't take him"

Eziō shook his head "She said she wanted to meet her biological grandkid first" he said and I chuckled.

"So when are you going to bring her here," My grandpa said. Eziō sighed and my grandpa ran his hand over his face "How many times does she have to tell you she doesn't give a fuck about you for you to listen? You have a fucking family! You don't need her!" He reached for his leg and I pushed his hand away "You can't shoot him then defend him"

"Yes I can, and he has Takeo in his damn arms. Listen, it happened and it would've happened whether he was talking to her or not."

"So why the hell did you shoot him?" He looked at Eziō who was burping Takeo now.

"Because he didn't tell me"

"I was going to-"

"It should've been the first thing out of your mouth when you came here. Not putting your dick in me"

"I couldn't focus, I was having withdrawals baby" he tried reaching his hand out to me and I pulled away.

"Shut up," I said looking away so he wouldn't see the smile I was holding back. "Feed your son"

"Hi!" My grandpa said sounding annoyed and we both looked at him "I'll go get Muki" he looked down at Eziō "You stay here and heal"

"I can-"

"Muki sees you're injured and she'll probably kill you" My grandpa rolled his eyes and Eziō just sighed and started feeding Takeo again.

"Won't my mom want you?" I said looking at him "She probably won't be too happy about you leaving"

"Brandon's here. I'll just let her know I'm leaving."

I nodded my head and Eziō looked up at him "Be careful Uncle Marco"

"I'm Marco fucking Wilson. I don't need to be careful" he said rolling his eyes.

"We love you," I said and Eziō grabbed Takeo's hand making him wave at my grandpa.

"Whatever. I love you guys too" he said under his breath then walked out the door.

"We can talk later," I said looking at my husband

"We're not getting a divorce, Enya"

"I didn't mean that Eziō" I shook my head "I was just pissed okay? I'm-Im sorry I said that" I choked out.

"Jesus you're worse than Uncle Marco with apologies" he chuckled then looked down at my stomach "Since Uncle Marco is going to Japan we can get those ultrasounds"

"I need to go see Arturo first." I leaned down kissing Takeo's head then kissed Eziō "I'll be back"

"Enya don't do anything cr-" he shook his head "Nevermind"

"Well, would you look at this?" I smiled walking into the cell with my brother. Arturo's family was just tied up but not gagged. I looked at Alonzo and then back at Arturo's family "A boy and a girl" I said looking at his kids.

"Your problem is with me not-"

"Shut up," Alonzo said

"Now I don't care what you know," I said, "Which sucks for you and your family." I walked over to Arturo's son "My brother died first so I think that's what I'm going to start with" His wife started screaming in Spanish and I turned around backhanding her "Shut the hell up" I looked at Arturo "You should have left us alone"

I walked over to the table with my usual toys on it "What are you thinking?" Alonzo asked

"Something simple. No use in keeping them around too long. We have more important things to do"

Alonzo walked over to me "You know instead of starting with the boy, why don't we shoot his wife like our dear mommy got shot?"

"Oo" I smiled and looked at Arturo who was shaking his head "What? You got a better idea?" I grabbed his head making him look up at me and he fucking spit in my face.

"Maldita perra" (You fucking bitch)

Alonzo pulled me away and grabbed a towel wiping my face off, while Arturo was laughing and his wife was smiling.

Once Alonzo was finished wiping my face off I went over grabbing a knife and started stabbing his son over and over and over again then stabbing him in his eye. Arturo, his wife, and his daughter were all screaming which made me laugh. I spit on his son's dead body then spit on Arturo before laughing again.

I shook my head smiling then wiped the bloody knife on my pants "Arturo, Arturo, Arturo. Are you having a good fucking time yet?" I looked at my brother "I am"

"I enjoyed it" he chuckled "but I do remember Maliyah dying shortly after August"

I tapped my head with the knife "How could I forget?" I started to walk over to their daughter and Arturo started screaming.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" I looked over at him "I know where Thomas is"

"Yeah? So do we" Alonzo said

"Did you really think we wouldn't find him after he tried killing our family?" I chuckled

"W-What about Muki? Did you know about Muki?"

"You mean the Muki that we have locked up? Yeah. We do" I said and grabbed his daughter's hair.

"Wait! G-Gabriel, your boyfriend. He's alive!" He rushed out and I rolled my eyes slicing his daughter's throat.

"You suck at this" I laughed "I know that to dummy" I tapped his head with the knife the time. I looked over at his wife who looked like she had went into shock. She was staring at her kid's lifeless bodies and I smiled at her. I walked around her and then stood behind her putting my hands on her shoulders "That shit sucks huh?" I laughed at her "Picture it." I looked at Arturo "Your kids are still alive, you are still in Mexico, and you and your husband are not being tortured. If your pussy of a husband just minded his fucking business. Tell me Arturo, did you really think you would get away with it?" I smiled at him

"You-You can have me, just let my wife go" he choked out "Please" he begged "Please, I'll do anything"

"Tsk, Tsk, tsk," my brother said shaking his head and then walking over to Arturo "You know, usually I love begging, but it looks horrible on you" he laughed making me laugh "Don't you get it? We don't want anything from you, and if you're man enough to try and kill our family. Stand on it, don't beg. It's not a good look" Alonzo pulled his gun out pointing it at his wife who had snapped out of her shock and started crying.

"Please! She's pregnant!" Arturo yelled out "Thomas forced us okay! He forced my hand, he threatened war on my family"

"And look where that got you," I said walking around and standing next to my brother.

"Surly we can't kill a pregnant woman," Alonzo said looking at me and I nodded my head.

"That would be taking it too far" I looked at Arturo who took a deep breath relaxing a bit.

Alonzo was putting his gun up before he looked at Arturo smiling and went over kicking his wife out of the chair and onto the floor before he started shooting her, he kept shooting until the clip was empty and then reached in his pocket pulling another out and started shooting at her again.

He stopped then went over to Arturo grabbing him by the neck and making him look up at him. He used his other hand pushing his hair out of his face and smiled at him "Whew! That shit felt good!" He said nearly screaming in his face. Alonzo started choking him and his face was turning red before he let him go, then he punched him so hard he fell back onto the floor. Alonzo got on top of him and started punching him in the face.

The door opened and we turned around seeing my mom with 4 guards with her. She was still in her wheelchair and she had medical supplies in her lap and some of the guards were carrying some.


Alonzo turned around looking at her "What are-"

My mom looked around the room with not a bit of emotion in her eyes "Is his throat injured?"

"No?" Alonzo said

She looked at one of the guards "I want his throat injured" The guard next to her nodded his head and then walked over to Arturo. Alonzo moved out of the way and the guard went over and stomped on Arturo's throat. He looked at my mom and she shook her head "Again"

He did it again and one of the other guards moved my mom out of the way and they wheeled a medical bed in here. The guards picked Arturo up and put him in the bed then they wheeled my mom over. She grabbed the rails of the bed and me and Alonzo rushed over helping her stand up.

"Turn him over and hand me that scalpel," my mom said.

The guards came over and turned Arturo on his side then handed my mom the scalpel. She grabbed something wiping the back of his neck then made an incision before grabbing a needle and thread stitching him up.

More guards came in bringing in medical machines and hooking them up. My mom grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut Arturo's clothes off. Me and Alonzo looked at each other and just turned our attention back to my mom.

"Put him on his back," she said and they rolled him back. She was starting to take his clothes fully off before one of the guards just did it for her. Another guard came up and put a hospital gown on him. She looked at Arturo who's eyes were blinking like he was trying to focus. "I've only done this one other time when I was in clinicals so you'll have to be patient with me," She said in a sweet voice like she was talking to a patient. "I never cared much for hospitals, nursing homes were my thing" she smiled "I liked the long-term term one one-on-one care I did. Like we're going to have"

Me and Alonzo looked at each other realizing what my mom had planned and it even made me shiver.

She took my scalpel and made an incision in his throat, Alonzo turned his head away still holding my mom up. Even a few of the guards looked nauseated, and it only made it worse when my mom stuck her gloved finger in his throat "That feels good" she said to herself. She grabbed something and put it in his throat before connecting another piece to it. A guard turned a machine on and she took her gloves off feeling around his chest.

"What are you doing?" Alonzo asked.

"If a trach isn't placed properly then it creates air bubbles around the chest cavity. Really painful, but everything feels good." She looked at Arturo "Hey honey, I'm going to insert a g tube okay? Now this I've never done" she chuckled "But hey, if I mess up we can just give make you a stoma and give you an ostomy bag" she smiled at him "All these medical terms are probably confusing you but it's okay. I have my doctorate in nursing, so you'll be okay with me." She moved up and we helped her, she put her hand on his head like she was comforting him "I would like to think my family is fond of long-term torture, we've done it for years. I'm going to keep you healthy enough for you to live a long life, Arturo. For you to think about your actions that brought you here. I want to regret every decision that led you to be in this state. I want you to lay paralyzed on these machines with your dead and soon to be decaying family. You are never leaving here, never." She smiled sweetly "My babies were innocent, they deserved to live. They deserved to live a long happy life! We never bothered anyone" she shook her head "We did our business and stayed to ourselves, but you just had to ruin that. So I'm going to start with you and finish with Thomas okay? He'll be here soon too, don't you worry"

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