Oshi no Ko: The Maestro

By Lighningtzzz

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Hiroshi Shirotaka, a brilliant young genius, finds himself trapped in a world that fails to challenge his int... More

Prologue: The Bored Genius
Chapter 1: Youtou High School
Chapter 2: Hoshino Sibling
Chapter 3: Hidden Motives
Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company
Chapter 5: Blossoms of Destiny
Chapter 6: Dreams and Determination
Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters and Sinister Intrigues
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Enigma
Chapter 10: Unscripted Chemistry
Chapter 11: A Little Adventure
Chapter 12: Whispers of Deception and Desire
Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 14: Confrontation and Allegiance
Chapter 15: The Fierce Rivalries
Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets
Chapter 17: Blossoms of Love: A Night of Enchantment
Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation
Chapter 19: Shadowed Pursuit
Chapter 20: Stellar Intrigues: Echoes of Enigma
Chapter 21: LoveNow !
Chapter 22: Unveiling the Unexpected Contestant
Chapter 23: Beneath the Charisma
Chapter 24: Akane's Heartfelt Resolve
Chapter 25: Unraveling the Enchanting Lie
Chapter 27: Algebra, Acting, and Almost a Getaway
Chapter 28: Romantic Rumble on the Love Bus
Chapter 29: An Date in Osaka?
Chapter 30: Jealousy's Hidden Embrace
Chapter 31: Entangled Hearts Beneath the Fireworks' Glow
Chapter 32: Dancing Shadows and Hidden Motives
Chapter 33: Aqua and Hiroshi's Malevolent Symphony
Chapter 34: Maze of Hearts: Navigating the Love Triangle
Chapter 35: Tangled Hearts and Trusted Confidants
Chapter 36: Clarity Amidst Complexity: Akane's Dilemma
Chapter 37: A Web of Ambitions and Intrigue
Chapter 38: Unexpected Twists and Midnight Conversations
Chapter 39: The Strategic Dance of Akane and Hiroshi
Chapter 40: Echoes of Akane's Heart
Chapter 41: The Grand Finale of LoveNow
Chapter 42: Revelations in the Shadows
Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma
Chapter 44: The Audacious Pursuit
Chapter 45: The Perils of Hiroshi's Mischief
Chapter 46: A Starlit Serenade of Friendship and Fans
Chapter 47: Dramatic Dynamics

Chapter 26: A Candid Connection

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By Lighningtzzz

Akane sat alone in her room, engrossed in the previous seasons of the dating show "LoveNow." With a notebook in hand, she observed each episode closely, jotting down notes about the contestants' interactions, their body language, and the dynamics between them.
As the episodes played out on her screen, she couldn't help but analyze the various strategies the contestants employed to capture each other's attention and navigate the complexities of relationships on national television. The soft glow of her laptop illuminated her intent expression as she delved into the world of romantic reality TV, determined to unravel the secrets behind the show's successes and failures.

"Isn't it fascinating? Different people have such diverse approaches when it comes to connecting with each other. Those seemingly contrasting personalities create the most intriguing dynamics in these relationships, making the show even more captivating."

Akane's fascination with the dating show "LoveNow" went beyond mere entertainment. She had a deeper purpose in mind - helping her friend Hiroshi achieve fame and success on the very show she had immersed herself in. As a participant in the show herself, Akane realized that her unique position could be leveraged to strategically showcase Hiroshi's qualities and ensure his visibility to both the other contestants and the audience.

With her notebook filled with meticulous observations, Akane meticulously analyzed the dynamics between the contestants. She recognized that each contestant's behaviour, strategy, and connection-building techniques played a pivotal role in their popularity and longevity on the show. And so, she began to carefully orchestrate interactions with Hiroshi, drawing upon their genuine friendship and chemistry to capture the attention of both the other contestants and the show's viewers.

Akane paced around her room, a slight frown on her face as she muttered to herself, "I can't just bump into Hiroshi and act like a lovesick maiden... that would be too obvious and awkward." She glanced at her notebook, her meticulous notes serving as a reminder of the intricate strategies she had been studying. While she was confident in her ability to create opportunities for Hiroshi, a wave of worry swept over her. She knew that pushing too hard or appearing contrived could jeopardize not only her friend's chances on the show but also their genuine connection.

Akane sighed softly, her gaze fixed on the screen displaying the latest episode of "LoveNow." She whispered to herself, "I want to help Hiroshi, but he'd never agree. He's always been stubborn about not wanting me to worry about him, wanting me to focus on my own dreams." She paced around the room, her worry evident in her furrowed brows. "If I go ahead without his approval, it could backfire. What if things don't go as planned? What if he ends up hating me for meddling?"

As Akane continued to ponder her predicament, a faint blush crept onto her cheeks. Her thoughts became a jumble of emotions, causing her to stumble over her words. "B-but what if... what if he thinks... I mean, if he perceives my actions as genuine... he might... he might... Oh, why is my face so hot?" Her heart raced, and her face turned even redder as the possibility of Hiroshi developing feelings for her began to sink in. The line between her strategic efforts and her true emotions started to blur, leaving her both excited and anxious about the uncertain path she had embarked upon.

Akane's heart raced as she flopped onto her bed, her cheeks still flushed with a mix of emotions. She reached for the soft, white Teddy bear resting beside her and held it close. As she gazed at the bear's innocent eyes, her own eyes grew distant, lost in thought. "Hiroshi falling for me?" she murmured softly, her voice barely audible. She buried her face into the bear's fluffy fur, the warmth of her blush spreading even further.

Taking a deep breath, Akane sat up and placed the Teddy bear back on her bed. She closed her eyes, trying to calm the swirl of emotions within her. "I need to be more serious about this," she whispered to herself. "Tomorrow, I'll need to find a way to solve this situation."

Hiroshi walked with purpose towards the next set of "LoveNow", his confidence evident in his stride. With a determined glint in his eyes, he said, "Another set to conquer, another challenge to embrace." With a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself to face the unpredictable world of reality television once again.

Mem-Cho approached Hiroshi with a mischievous grin on her face. She lightly tapped his shoulder and exclaimed, "Hey there, Julius Caesar! Just a friendly reminder to leave a little attention for the rest of us mere mortals. You're stealing all the limelight!" Her teasing tone was accompanied by a playful wink, emphasizing her good-natured ribbing.

Hiroshi chuckled at Mem-Cho's playful remark and flashed a friendly smile. "Well, you know me, always striving for greatness," he quipped with a wink. "But hey, you're holding your own pretty well too! Keep up the good work, Mem-Cho." His tone was lighthearted, reflecting the camaraderie that had developed among the contestants over time.

Aqua joined the conversation with a calm demeanour. He leaned against a nearby wall and chimed in, "While reaching for the top is important, it's equally essential to stay grounded and focus on the journey. We're only three episodes into the show, after all. Building genuine connections and experiencing the process fully can lead to lasting success, both on and off the screen."

Mem-Cho grinned playfully and replied, "Well, Aqua, you've got a point there. But don't forget, Hiro-tan and I are in an unstoppable business partnership. We've got our own flight plan, and it looks like the sky's the limit!" She gave Hiroshi a knowing wink, emphasizing their strong connection and shared goals.

Mem-Cho leaned in closer to Aqua, her voice barely above a whisper, and said with a sly grin, "You know, Aqua, I've decided to let Hiro-tan have all the other girls. I mean, I'm just being magnanimous like that." She playfully winked at Hiroshi, who burst into laughter at the unexpected comment.

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow and chuckled, playing along with the banter. "Oh, absolutely, Mem-Cho! I'm giving you full custody of all the other boys. Consider it my noble sacrifice for the greater good of LoveNow's romantic realm." He exaggerated a dramatic bow, a playful smirk on his lips. "May you guide them to victory with your charm and wit!"

Akane and Yuki, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, exchanged amused glances. Yuki nudged Akane gently and whispered, "Looks like Mem-Cho and Hiroshi have their own special dynamic going on. Her playful nature seems to blend perfectly with his teasing and provocative side."

Akane grinned and nodded in agreement. "Definitely! It's interesting to see how different personalities can create such engaging dynamics. Mem-Cho's wit and Hiroshi's charm play off each other so well."

Yuki looked at Akane and asked, "So, what's the plan for today?" Akane seemed a bit puzzled and replied, "Plan? What do you mean?" Yuki chuckled and clarified, "I mean, what's your strategy for Hiroshi today?" Akane's eyes widened in realization, and she laughed softly. "Oh, you mean Hiroshi! Well, I've been thinking about how to approach things."

Yuki and Mem-Cho were certain that Akane had feelings for Hiroshi but she always denied them saying that she was just simply interested in him.

Yuki looked at Akane with a knowing smile. "Remember, Akane, you need to remain focused and strike in the right place. Balancing your genuine emotions and your strategic efforts is key." Akane chuckled and nodded. "That's one way to put it, Yuki. I'll do my best to navigate this delicate situation."

Taking a deep breath, Akane looked at Yuki and began to express her thoughts. "Yuki, you know, even though I've known Hiroshi for a long time, I've never really seen him in the light of romantic and love affairs. Watching him interact in this context is a whole new experience for me. I'm not sure where to truly begin."

As Akane and Yuki were engrossed in their conversation, suddenly, Mem-Cho appeared out of nowhere, standing right next to them. Akane and Yuki exchanged surprised glances before Akane blurted out, "Mem-Cho! How did you-?"

Mem-Cho cut her off with a mischievous grin. "Oh, didn't you know? I can pop up anywhere and everywhere, especially when juicy discussions are happening." She dramatically put a hand to her chin, striking a playful pose. "So, what's the latest gossip, my dear girls?"

Akane chuckled at Mem-Cho's theatrics and exchanged a glance with Yuki before responding, "Well, Mem-Cho, it's not exactly gossip, but I've been thinking about getting to know Hiroshi better in this unique environment."

Mem-Cho's eyes twinkled mischievously as she leaned in, her playful curiosity piqued. "Oh, I see what you're up to, Akane! Trying to understand what makes Hiroshi tick, hmm?" She winked and added with a grin, "So, what's your strategy? Are you going to quiz him on his favourite colours and his deepest fears? Or maybe analyze his star sign compatibility?"

Akane chuckled, shaking her head. "No, Mem-Cho, nothing that dramatic. I just want to learn more about his interests and his perspective on relationships. You know, connect on a deeper level."

Mem-Cho raised an eyebrow, her expression thoughtful. "Hmmm, interesting. But why not take a more direct approach? How about just asking him what he's looking for in a partner?"

Akane blinked, surprised by the simplicity of Mem-Cho's suggestion. "Ask him directly? That seems a bit... straightforward, don't you think?"

Yuki chimed in, a sly grin forming on her face. "Oh, I must agree with Akane here. Mem-Cho, as much as your 'direct and to the point' approach is intriguing, we might need to finesse it a bit. We don't want Hiroshi to feel like he's under interrogation, do we?" She playfully tilted her head and added, "Akane's aiming for heart-to-heart conversations, not an episode of 'LoveNow: The Interrogation Room Edition.'"

Mem-Cho burst into laughter, holding her hand to her heart in mock surprise. "Oh, my dear Yuki, you wound me!"

Mem-Cho dramatically clasped her hands together and gazed into the imaginary distance, her expression one of mock solemnity. "Ah, my dear friends, how naive I am to believe that the era of easily solved love problems still graces our presence! Alas, gone are the days when one could simply approach their crush and ask, 'Do you like me, yes or no?' and receive a swift reply!" She sighed dramatically and added with a flourish of her hand, "Now, we must navigate the treacherous terrain of emotional intricacies, decipher cryptic text messages, and interpret the hidden meanings behind a single heart emoji!"

Mem-Cho, with a mischievous glint in her eye, leaned in closer to Akane and Yuki. She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper and said, "Well, if being direct won't cut it, my dears, perhaps it's time for a bit of... espionage." Akane and Yuki exchanged surprised glances, their curiosity piqued.

"Espionage?" Akane asked in a hushed tone, not entirely sure what Mem-Cho meant.

Mem-Cho nodded, her tone laced with theatrical intrigue. "Yes, my friends, we must become the undercover agents of love! We'll gather information discreetly, decode his subtle hints, and uncover the secrets of Hiroshi without him ever suspecting a thing."

Later on...
In a twist of events, Akane, Yuki, and Mem-Cho found themselves huddled together in a dense bush, their wide eyes peering out from the foliage. They could hear Hiroshi's voice in the distance, engaged in a conversation with another contestant, Kengo. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

Akane whispered anxiously, "What are we doing here, Mem-Cho? This seems a bit extreme."

Mem-Cho, wearing an oversized pair of sunglasses as her "disguise," grinned mischievously. "Akane, we're just following through with your espionage plan! Gathering information discreetly, remember?"

Yuki sighed in exasperation, her disappointment evident. She leaned in closer to Mem-Cho and whispered, "Mem-Cho, when we talked about espionage, we didn't mean actual spying or stalking! This is a bit... too much."

Mem-Cho shrugged, her sunglasses slipping down her nose. "Details, details! Besides, I thought a little dramatic flair would make it more fun." She turned her attention back to the conversation unfolding in front of them.

Yuki, still concealed in the bush, let out a weary sigh. "Honestly, Mem-Cho, the filming hasn't even started, and I'm already exhausted from this covert operation. Can we at least sit somewhere more comfortable next time?"

Mem-Cho, perched on top of the bush to get a better view, couldn't help but grin, her oversized sunglasses now perched on her forehead. "Yuki, my dear, comfort is a small price to pay for the thrill of the espionage game!" She leaned in closer to hear Hiroshi's conversation more clearly.

As Akane, Yuki, and Mem-Cho strained to eavesdrop on Hiroshi and Kengo's conversation, they couldn't help but exchange bewildered glances at the unexpected topic.

Kengo's voice, a bit louder than intended, carried over to the hidden trio. "You know, Hiroshi, when it comes to certain sizes, I've always been a fan of the big ones. There's just something so impressive about them."

Hiroshi paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. Then, with a thoughtful tone, he responded, "Well, Kengo, I've got to say, I appreciate the medium ones. Not too small and not too big either. It's all about balance, you know?"

Akane, Yuki, and Mem-Cho exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions mirroring a mix of confusion and intrigue. They couldn't help but wonder what on earth Hiroshi and Kengo were discussing with such enthusiasm. Akane leaned in slightly, her voice barely above a whisper, as she speculated, "Do you think they're talking about... fruit sizes or something?"

Yuki raised an eyebrow, equally perplexed. "Fruit sizes? That's a possibility, I guess. Maybe it's a metaphor for something else?"

Mem-Cho, still perched atop the bush, suddenly leaned down and theatrically shushed her companions with an exaggerated finger to her lips. Her oversized sunglasses slipped down her nose once more, and she hissed, "Shhh! Ladies, we mustn't let our presence be known! "

Akane and Yuki nodded in agreement, trying to stifle their giggles despite the absurdity of the situation.

Mem-Cho then leaned in even closer, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "And to answer your question, my dear friends," she continued with a wicked grin, "they're not talking about fruit sizes. No, no, no!" She paused for dramatic effect, then placed a hand on her own chest, giving a meaningful glance towards the conversation. "They're discussing the great debate of... chest size!"

Akane and Yuki's eyes widened in astonishment, their jaws dropping as they exchanged incredulous glances. They had never imagined that Hiroshi and Kengo would be engaged in such an unexpected conversation.

Akane's eyes widened further in shock, and her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as Mem-Cho's revelation hit her like a ton of bricks. She couldn't believe her ears - Hiroshi was discussing chest size?! At that moment, her own chest seemed to tighten with embarrassment.

She glanced down at her own chest as if it held the answers to life's most profound mysteries. Then, with a mortified expression, she shot a panicked look at Yuki and Mem-Cho, who were barely containing their laughter.

Akane's mind raced as her face flushed with embarrassment. "I can't believe I'm hearing this! Hiroshi, of all people, talking about... that!" She covered her face with her hands for a moment, wishing she could disappear.

The girls tried to stifle their laughter, but a few giggles escaped. Akane decided she couldn't take it anymore. She turned on her heel, her face as red as a tomato, and with an awkward shuffle, she muttered, "I-I need to go... somewhere... anywhere!" Without waiting for a response, she dashed away, leaving a trail of embarrassment in her wake.

Yuki, still trying to suppress her laughter, leaned in closer to Mem-Cho and whispered, "Mem-Cho, I don't think this is exactly what Akane had in mind when she wanted to learn about Hiroshi's type." She couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief at the unexpected turn of events.

Amidst the bushes where Akane, Yuki, and Mem-Cho had been hiding, Hiroshi and Kengo were completely unaware of the confusion they had caused. As they continued their animated conversation, it became evident that they were not discussing chest sizes at all.

Hiroshi gestured towards a pair of guitars leaning against a nearby tree, a fond smile on his face. "You know, Kengo, when it comes to music, I've always been a fan of the classics. There's just something timeless about those vintage guitars."

Kengo nodded enthusiastically, his eyes gleaming with passion. "I couldn't agree more, Hiroshi! I appreciate the modern ones too, but there's a certain charm in the vintage ones. The way they resonate, the warmth of their sound-it's incomparable."

As the filming began and each participant took their turn to shine with delightful conversations, teasing remarks, and flirting, Akane couldn't help but feel a growing sense of frustration. Despite all her plans and attempts to approach Hiroshi strategically, nothing seemed to work out as intended.

She watched as other contestants effortlessly engaged Hiroshi in charming conversations, making him laugh and smile. Mem-Cho's playful banter, Aqua's thoughtful insights, and even Kengo's guitar discussions all seemed to capture Hiroshi's attention effortlessly.

Akane's heart sank with each passing interaction. She had expected challenges, but the reality of watching Hiroshi connect with others on the show was far more difficult than she had imagined. Doubts gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but question her own strategy.

Akane found a secluded spot away from the bustling activity of the "LoveNow" set. She leaned against a tree, taking a deep breath to clear her mind. The events of the day had left her feeling flustered and unsure of her approach.

She couldn't help but question herself, "Am I doing this right? Is this strategy to help Hiroshi actually working, or am I just making things more complicated?" Her mind was a whirlwind of doubts and insecurities.

Akane gazed at her notebook filled with meticulous observations and sighed. She knew that she intended to help Hiroshi, but she wondered if her efforts were becoming too convoluted. She had wanted to connect with him on a deeper level, but perhaps she had unintentionally added unnecessary complexity to their interactions.

As Akane was lost in her thoughts, contemplating the intricacies of her strategy, a soft voice pulled her out of her reverie. Startled, she turned her head and was met with the sight of Hiroshi standing there, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Hey there, Akane," he said, his eyes reflecting genuine kindness. "I've been looking for you. Mind if I join you for a moment?"

Akane's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected encounter. She managed a nervous smile and replied, "Oh, Hiroshi, of course! I was just... taking a breather."

Hiroshi took a sip from a bottle of water he had with him, letting out a sigh of relief as the cool liquid quenched his thirst. He turned to Akane, his expression a mix of exhaustion and determination.

"Akane," he said with a hint of weariness in his voice, "these busy schedules are really taking a toll on all of us, aren't they? But it's the price we have to pay to chase our dreams and make the most of this opportunity."

Akane nodded in agreement and smiled reassuringly at Hiroshi. "You're right, Hiroshi. It can be troublesome, but remember, we've faced worse challenges together. We'll get through this, and I believe it will all be worth it in the end."

Hiroshi's fatigue seemed to lift slightly as he appreciated Akane's support. He leaned against the same tree and chuckled softly.

Hiroshi looked directly into Akane's eyes, his gaze unwavering. "Akane," he said, his voice sincere, "I'm really glad you're here with me on this journey. It can get quite overwhelming, but having you around brings a sense of ease and familiarity that I cherish."

Akane felt her cheeks flush as Hiroshi's words washed over her. His closeness made her heart race, and she found herself momentarily lost in his warm and appreciative gaze.

Unbeknownst to Akane and Hiroshi, the producer of "LoveNow" had been observing their candid moment from a distance. Recognizing the potential for compelling content, the producer discreetly approached a cameraman with a subtle gesture.

"Hey," the producer whispered, "zoom in on Akane and Hiroshi over there. Something genuine seems to be happening, and I want to capture it."

The cameraman nodded in understanding and skillfully adjusted the camera's focus, ensuring that Akane and Hiroshi were now the centers of attention in the frame. He zoomed in, careful not to disrupt the intimate atmosphere of their conversation.

Hiroshi, his voice filled with a touch of melancholy, began to speak to Akane. "You know, Akane, you are someone who..."

But before he could finish his sentence, he noticed Akane's hands trembling slightly, her fingers fidgeting nervously. Concern washed over him, and he immediately reached out to gently place a hand on her shoulder. "Akane, are you okay?" he asked, worry etching his features. "You seem a bit shaken."

Akane blinked in surprise, her heart racing not only from Hiroshi's unexpected touch but also from the realization that her emotions had betrayed her. She tried to muster a reassuring smile. "Oh, Hiroshi, it's nothing, really. Just some nerves from being on the show, I guess."

Hiroshi maintained his concern, his eyes locked onto Akane's. "Akane, you and I know each other well, " he began, his voice gentle but firm. "I can tell when something's bothering you. Please, if something's on your mind, don't hesitate to share it with me. We're a team in this, and your well-being matters to me."

Akane's eyes met Hiroshi's, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his words. With a sigh, she decided to be honest. "Hiroshi, it's just... everything that's been happening, all the strategies and complications on the show, it's been a bit overwhelming. I want to give my best, but I'm worried that I'm making things more complicated than they need to be."

Hiroshi smiled warmly, relieved that Akane was opening up to him. He understood the pressures and complexities of their situation all too well. With a gentle and reassuring tone, he said, "Akane, I'm really glad you shared that with me. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed at times, especially in an environment like this."

Before Akane could respond, Hiroshi took a step closer and wrapped his arms around her in a warm and comforting embrace. Akane was initially taken aback by the sudden gesture, her cheeks flushing with surprise. But as she felt Hiroshi's reassuring presence and care, she couldn't help but return the hug, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace.

Hiroshi held Akane in his embrace for a moment, the world around them seeming to fade away. When he finally pulled back, he looked into her eyes and spoke sincerely, "Akane, I appreciate the time we've spent together on this journey. Your presence has been a source of strength and comfort."

Akane, touched by his words, couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Hiroshi. That means a lot to me."

Hiroshi then continued, "You know what I really like about you, Akane?" He paused for a moment, his gaze softening as he met her eyes.

Curiosity sparked in Akane's eyes as she asked, "What is it?"

Hiroshi smiled warmly and replied, "Your honesty. In a world filled with strategies and hidden agendas, your sincerity and openness stand out. It's a rare and beautiful quality, Akane."

Akane blushed deeply at Hiroshi's heartfelt compliment. His words touched her heart, and she felt a warm, comforting sensation spread through her. She couldn't help but lower her gaze momentarily, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.

But as Hiroshi continued to speak, emphasizing the value of her honesty, something within Akane clicked. She realized that she had been overthinking things, making simple decisions more complicated than they needed to be. Hiroshi was her best friend, someone she could talk to openly and honestly.
It was this simple moment between them that stood out in the end.

She looked up at Hiroshi with a mixture of gratitude and realization in her eyes.
"Thank you,Hiroshi !"

Hiroshi, ever attentive, noticed the change in Akane's complexion. Concern etched his features, and he gently reached out to touch her forehead, his fingers brushing against her skin as he asked with worry, "Akane, are you feeling okay? You seem a bit warm. Are you coming down with something?"

Akane's heart skipped a beat as Hiroshi's fingers made contact with her forehead. She was completely taken aback by his gesture, and her face turned an even deeper shade of crimson. She stammered in embarrassment, trying to stop him, "H-Hiroshi, I'm not a... I'm not a little girl. I'm fine, really."

Hiroshi chuckled warmly at Akane's reaction, his thumb gently brushing her forehead.

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