Bittersweet Memories (A Stray...

De heavenswheel777

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Memories are moments in time. They last from mere seconds, to decades, but their stories are eternal. Welcome... Mais

Story One
Scavenger Hunt I
Scavenger Hunt II
Scavenger Hunt III
Scavenger Hunt IIII
Scavenger Hunt V
Scavenger Hunt VI
Scavenger Hunt VII
Scavenger Hunt VIII
Scavenger Hunt VIIII
Scavenger Hunt X
Scavenger Hunt XI
Scavenger Hunt XII
Scavenger Hunt XIII
Story Two
The Night Rider I
The Night Rider II
The Night Rider III
The Night Rider IV
The Night Rider V
The Night Rider VI
The Night Rider VII
The Night Rider VIII
Story 3
Magic II
Magic III
Magic IV
Magic V
Magic VI
Magic VII
Magic VIII
Magic X
Magic XI
Magic Epilogue
Story 4

Magic I

137 5 14
De heavenswheel777

Disclaimer: This story includes MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH

     September 3, 2016.

     Lee Minho isn't a liar.

     He's the farthest from a liar that you will ever get. If he could describe himself in two words, it would be Brutal Honesty. It takes a while to figure it out; the stern expression he usually wears betrays none of his mind, his closed-off demeanour prevents people from figuring him out, but everything Minho shows is real.

     There's a reason he was unanimously voted to continue as his school newspaper's editor for the second year in a row (something Minho gave a heartfelt gratitude speech for, meaning every word.) There's a reason his critic pieces are notoriously feared to make or break a club's reputation. There's a reason his school's production of The Lion King was forced to shut down early after his scalding review prevented people from showing up (he'd remember. The drama club sent him death threats for weeks after the incident.)

     It all leads up to the fact that Minho wears his heart on his sleeve and his thoughts on his face. That makes him your best friend or worst enemy. Minho doesn't try to pretend to like people he knows he'll never tolerate. He doesn't try to hide when he does favour someone either, allowing him to pick up many acquaintances and even friends. People find him intimidating. Maybe he is. He simply doesn't like pretenders, doesn't ever want to become one. In his opinion, life is simpler without secrets, and his inner thoughts are as public as the school newspaper that gets released every month.

     In fact, it is right now at 10 pm at night that Minho's friend, Han Jisung, is reciting those very facts to him as Minho takes the biggest step of his life.

     "Remember, Minho, you're our school's editor because you don't mind tearing people to pieces!"

     "Calm down, Jisung, or I might just accidentally end up writing some of what you're telling me."

     "Fine, let me talk in newspaper lingo to make it easier for you. Honesty is your headline and your entire hook and information stems from it. Do it well and those college administrators will eat it up like a five-course meal!"

     "Ya think?"

     "Of course! English professors love honesty. They want to read free thought and expression and they don't like pretenders either. You are the very definition of a non-pretender and- are you done writing yet!?"

     Minho can't help but laugh over the stress. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem like Han Jisung is a distraction and these types of tasks are best done alone. But Minho knows he needs Jisung by his side. Without him there pushing Minho to hurry up and without his set deadline, Minho will never finish this and it will become an ongoing battle of nerves. Minho knows that Jisung probably has only about 5 minutes, give or take 15 seconds, before he loses his patience entirely, and that lasers Minho's focus to do his best work in that time span.

     "Minho, it's the best it can be. Just submit it."

     "You really think so?" Jisung, unlike Minho, has no problem telling lies. But he will never lie to Minho.

     In seconds, Minho feels a warm hand in his, squeezing it with all the confidence in the world (read: universe.) "I'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really-"

     "Okay, okay!" Minho says, giving up on his tense posture entirely and falling back on the bed. "I'm hitting submit!"

     "Go, Minho! Go, Minho!"

     One press of a button. Now, Minho's future is in the hands of some faceless people miles away. That fact will continue to weigh on his mind, chewing down on his fingernails and making his head spin until the acceptance, or rejection, letter comes in.

     But for now, a boy with bright cheeks and an even brighter smile is looking at him like he's climbed Mount Everest; like he's done the best in the world, so maybe Minho can hold off on the nail-biting until tomorrow. "Okay, I've submitted my application. You know what that means!"

     Jisung's eyes light up even wider than his cheeks and in hoots of celebration, he throws a handful of popcorn into the air. "We can officially enjoy the last day of summer vacation! Let's go baby!"

     "Jerk, we need to eat that popcorn!"

     And that's how the new school year begins. Minho knows the university of his choice is releasing early applications. He knows that he wants to be the first person in the senior year who has already submitted their applications. He knows he wants that burden off his back to truly enjoy his final year of school. And when Minho knows what he wants, that's exactly what he'll get, with Jisung by his side.

     "So you know Yale has a good literature program?"

     "One of the best," Minho says, already daydreaming about it. "Their newspapers are also highly reputed, and they even hold press conferences for editors. If I succeed there, journalism school will be at my fingerprints."

     Jisung sighs. "You really do have everything all planned out, don't you?"

     "Yes, I do. But it's not like it's a bad thing not to be prepared. You're only going into the 10th grade, Sungie. You have lots of time to decide."

     "I've already decided. I'm going to Yale."

     Minho chokes on a popcorn kernel. Luckily, Jisung is well versed in the art of first aid and hits Minho on the back several times before Minho can get lung damage.

     "I'm not that dumb. Was that reaction warranted?"

     "No, it's not that. Sorry..." On the contrary, Minho has no doubt Jisung can probably get into Yale if he tried. Sure, he doesn't have Minho's grades or his fiery passion for a certain field, but he has a huge list of extracurriculars and volunteer hours that the boundaries of time run away from in fear. Ivy Leagues eat that stuff up even more heartily than honesty. "It's just that... I wasn't aware you figured out what you want to study."

     "I haven't," Jisung says simply. "But Yale is where you are and wherever you go, I'll follow."

     Good thing Minho has made sure not to put another piece of popcorn in his mouth for this conversation, because he's not sure even Jisung's Heimlich Maneuver can save him this time. "B- but!"

     "Did I stutter?"

     "But you don't even know if I'll even get in-"

     "You're a shoe-in."

     "But even so - don't you want to find your own path? Why go down mine just because I'm on it?"

     "Lee Minho, your path will always be mine."

     The way Jisung says those words makes Minho shut up. Minho can write the most controversial of pieces, can set fire to the best of stories. He will debate stone-cold facts and evidence with his own statistics and opinions until he's blue in the face, his hand is shrivelled up from writing and his mind can argue no more. But when Jisung says a statement with the type of certainty that will shatter a debate podium, Minho has no arguments to give.

     "... really?"

     "Yeah!" Jisung grins. "You know me. I'm an explorer. I know that even after I get to university, I'll still be exploring. So I might as well do it with you on my side."


     Minho shuts his laptop, looking Jisung right in the eye. "So you promise? You'll always be by my side?"

     Jisung gives a sly smile. "If you don't get sick of me."

     "I never will!" This time, it's Minho who takes Jisung's hands in his own. The statement may be a joke but Minho isn't very good at jokes. They're never honest yet can hold all the honesty in the world. Minho prefers things black and white.

     "Han Jisung, you're my Soulmate, and I'll never get tired of you. The stars have bound our lives together and as much as I think the whole thing with the stars and universe is a load of crap, it's also true. And as long as it's true, I'll always be by your side and you'll be by mine."

     So about Minho's honesty? This is the side of him people love, if they're lucky enough to see it. One where Minho looks you in the eyes, tells you you matter, makes you feel like the best person in the world, and you know he means every word. Tears sprout from Jisung's eyes because even though he's probably seen this side the most, Minho knows he's emotional.

     "And I'll always be by yours-"

     If Jisung was going to say anything more, it's cut off by a scream. One followed by Jisung clutching his hand like a lifeline, grunts of pain accompanying more tears.

     "Jisung! What's happening-"

     Before Minho can even begin to panic, he too understands a moment later. His left hand feels like it's on fire and he can't stop a scream from escaping his mouth either. The room swims in his vision because the only thing in his mind is his desperate wish for the pain to stop; an iron-hot blade on the back of his hand.

     Then, as soon as it's started, it's over. Both boys are breathing heavily, the back of their hands still covered by the other. But neither of them makes an attempt to remove their hand. Because they know what this means.

     In fact, Jisung starts laughing, this one warm of sunshine and as high as bells. "Did we... get it?"

     Minho lets a smile trickle in before it explodes into a full-toothed grin. "I think so!"

     "Oh my gosh, Minho! We have our lifemarks!"

     Lifemarks. The final stage of a Soulmate journey. One where one's Soulemate's lifespan becomes forever etched on the back of their hand. The final rope tying two people together because now, they know something about each other that nobody else will know. A secret between friends, between lovers, between family, between soulmates.

     All Soulmate pairs get their lifemarks at different times. Nobody knows what triggers them. It's entirely up to the stars, complete crap to Minho but as usual, it's true. Some people get it upon first glance of their special person, others wait decades without a sign.

     Today was the day both boys swore to always be there for each other, no matter what life throws at them. Now, today's the day they will get to see how long that life will be. They have reached their final stage and now, it's time to see how long after that they will have.

     "I'm too nervous," Jisung says, teeth chattering. "You first!"

     "Youngest first," Minho says with a strained smile, horrible at masking his own fear. This is the time. It's a lot more nerve-wracking than what the media portrays. Two teenagers waiting to see what the stars have spelled out for each other.

     Jisung sucks in a large breath and uncovers his hand. Either way, Minho can't see what's on the flesh. A lifemark is only visible to the one holding it.

     "Come on, how long do I have?" Minho asks, trying so hard to crack a joke, but like he's said before, he's terrible at jokes.

     Jisung's eyes pop out of his socket. "That's a huge number of years! Minho, are you immortal or something!?"

     Minho can't help but laugh. "Idiot, a lifemark shows in days. You'll have to divide by 365."

     "Oh... right," Jisung says with a nervous chuckle. Minho would think he's lost his head if Jisung ever had one in the first place. "Where's my calculator..." He shuffles around absently until he finds one. "Okay..."

     Minho feels like he's just gotten a university letter. Will he be accepted or rejected? His heart is beating so loud, he's sure the entire street can hear it. Oh, that thundering sound? Young Minho must have gotten a lifemark!

     "... 80 years."

     Acceptance. Minho falls flat on the floor. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! That's great!"

     "Told you fruits help you live longer," Jisung says, his nerves apparently all gone.

     Minho frowns, looking at his still-covered hand. "It's your turn."

     "Do it, I'm ready. Here's a calculator. Though I doubt you need it."

     Minho smiles. One more and they're free. They can brag to the entire town tomorrow now that they're truly one.

     "Okay. Here goes nothing..."

     Minho takes the calculator.

     He uncovers his hand.

     He stares at it for a moment. Dark bold numbers take up the entire surface.

     Jisung's right. Minho doesn't need the calculator.

     "Well..." Jisung is almost giddy in anticipation.

     Minho looks up at Jisung and smiles. "85 years." His voice cracks and Jisung cheers.

     "Hah! I knew I'd outlive you!"

     Jisung can usually read Minho like a book. Minho wants Jisung to read him now, to look between the lines and crack the secret on the final page. He wants Jisung to figure out the entire story now because Minho can't bear to read it to him.

     "Let's stay up later to celebrate! Screw school, we're growing old, baby!"

     Nope. Jisung is too elated to do any reading. His world has been made.

     But Minho's has been shattered. But even so, he smiles. "Of course..."

     "And we have so much more time in the future! Minho, we have a full life ahead of us!"

     And Minho wants to cry.

     That was the first time in his entire life that Minho told a lie. To his Soulmate, no less.

     He realized he was good at lying.

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