Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

By KuuroS

11.4K 287 65

A way to grow stronger presents itself to Naruto but at what cost? More

Bloods Blessing
Crimson awakening
Sound 3
Preliminaries Begin
Naruto's strength
Preparations Begin
Red Chakra
New Self
Danger imminent


457 15 5
By KuuroS

Lee looked down at Sasuke as he listened to his fellow comrades talk about Naruto and Sasuke. A mixture of emotions caused a storm in his mind 'Sasuke is fighting against that sand ninja Gaara, whom I was powerless against and Naruto won against Neji whom I have always wanted to defeat... Why? Why? WHY Am I so jealous...?

Besides Lee stood Guy and, the late arriver, Kakashi. The two jounin both had the same thoughts. Eight Anbu members for this huge arena? Only two small teams. What is the Hokage thinking? No, they had to trust the Hokage, until we figure out the enemy's plans they are probably needed on the outside gathering information.

"Now... Finally..." Genma, the proctor of the exam, said with almost as much anticipation for this match as the crowd, "Begin!"

Beneath the interplay of leaves and branches within the stadium, the very air seemed to throb with expectancy. A nearly electric tension was present, so intense it was as if one could reach out and touch it. Birds that had been joyously chirping, providing a background score of nature's symphony, now took to the skies in frenzied haste, their melodies silenced by the overpowering aura of the two shinobi poised for combat.

Sasuke Uchiha, the lone beacon of the once grand Uchiha lineage, stood with an imposing stance. His posture was that of a battle-hardened warrior, defiant and resolute. The blood-red hue of his Sharingan eyes, punctuated by the distinctive two-tomoe swirl, sparkled with fierce determination. These eyes formed a sharp juxtaposition to Gaara's eerily beautiful, aqua orbs that seemed almost otherworldly. Gaara, the vessel for the fearsome One-Tailed Shukaku, bore on his back a sizable gourd. Its rough, grainy exterior hinted at the formidable power it contained.

"Finally," Gaara's voice, ethereal and reminiscent of shifting sands in a vast desert, murmured with a cold, deadly promise. "The time has come for your essence to be submerged under my treacherous sands."

In the face of such chilling words, Sasuke, always the pragmatic fighter, wasted no time. Launching forward, his movements were a blur, a testament to years of rigorous training. The gleaming kunai in his hand was a mirror to his intent. However, with the unpredictability of a desert storm, sand erupted from Gaara's gourd, morphing into a formidable barrier. Sasuke's kunai only managed a superficial scratch before being deflected.

With an air of cruel amusement, Gaara drawled, almost mockingly, "Did I not make it clear? You stand no chance against my defences."

Unperturbed, Sasuke's tactical mind was already plotting his next assault. Elegantly sidestepping the relentless onslaught of sand, he propelled himself to an overhead branch, seeking an aerial advantage. His fingers danced in a sequence of complex hand signs, culminating in the incantation, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" What followed was a ferocious inferno, roaring forth from his lips, aimed with lethal precision at Gaara.

Yet, the sand, displaying an almost eerie cognizance, responded in a heartbeat. Spiralling upwards, it enveloped Gaara in a protective cocoon, bearing the full brunt of Sasuke's fiery onslaught. The explosion that ensued was monumental, reducing nearby trees to cinders. Yet, when the thick, choking smoke began to clear, Gaara emerged, his demeanour as nonchalant as ever.

"Such predictable moves," he sneered condescendingly.

Deep within the intricate patterns of Sasuke's Sharingan, calculations were made at breakneck speed. Echoes of Rock Lee's face-off with Gaara played in his mind, underscoring the essence of unparalleled velocity. To breach Gaara's defences, he had to become a tempest, swifter than the very sands that sought to entrap him.

Gaara's head began to throb as voices of a demon echoed inside 'kill' 'show your worth' 'I want his blood.' Sand began to wrap around Gaara forming a sphere of hardened sand with spikes facing outwards. He groaned and fought for control over his body. The voices were winning as his bloodlust grew stronger.

Watching this spectacle Sasuke jumped on top of the arena's walls. Forming intricate hand signs in a specific order he released an enormous amount of chakra. His hand seemed to almost turn to lightning as the crackles of lighting screeched through the arena like the sound of one thousand birds.

A sinister grin formed on his face as more chakra flowed into his hand. Naruto watched from above knowing what this was. The chidori, Kakashi sensei's signature jutsu. It annoyed him that Sasuke was still being prioritised, however it was fascinating to him. Naruto couldn't use elemental techniques yet, he didn't even know his affinity. Yet Sasuke was now displaying a second chakra nature. He wasn't referred to as a genius for no reason.

The lightning continued to crackle, the sound silencing the entire arena and then he was moving. Sasuke bolted down the wall, ripping the pure concrete to shreds. His speed reached its maximum as he touched the found. Charging forwards he entered the range of Gaara's defence but the sand couldn't react to this speed. The only barrier that was left was the sphere of sand covering Gaara.

Thrusting his hand forward Sasuke's jutsu penetrated through the sand almost as if it wasn't there. Silence hung in the arena once again as Sasuke stood shoulder submerged into the sand.

A bloodcurdling scream suddenly echoed through the arena. "My blood!" a voice in pure agony erupted from Gaara's throat as the sand sphere began to crumble.

Sasuke's breaths were ragged as he stood, eyeing Gaara with a mixture of determination and wariness. His chest rose and fell with the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Every fibre of his being screamed that this fight was far from over. The earlier scream from Gaara had unleashed a beastly transformation, turning him into a grotesque hybrid of human and demon, half-shrouded in shifting sand.

The sun bathed them in an eerie glow, intensifying the contrast between Sasuke's raven hair and Gaara's monstrous form. The Uchiha's Sharingan blazed to life, casting an ominous, crimson aura that cut through the darkness. Even Gaara, in his feral state, couldn't ignore the potent fighting spirit emanating from Sasuke's eyes.

But amidst the tense showdown between the two competitors, a sudden, otherworldly phenomenon unfolded. Feathers, as radiant as stardust, began to descend from the heavens, their shimmering descent capturing the audience's attention. Gasps filled the stadium as spectators fell unconscious, ensnared by a mysterious genjutsu, a technique designed to lull victims into a deep slumber.

Among those affected, Naruto fought to maintain his consciousness. His determination flared like a beacon, and he realised he was trapped in the web of an illusion. Clenching his fists, he forced himself to focus, halting the chakra's flow within his body. With an explosive surge of chakra, he purged the intrusive genjutsu from his system. But as he scanned the arena, he saw the dire situation unfolding.

An army of hostile sand ninja loomed, and his genin comrades lay unconscious, vulnerable. Desperation gripped his heart. Naruto couldn't help but admire Kakashi, who seemed to move with graceful lethality, incapacitating his foes with precision. A single attacker dared to threaten Kakashi, only to meet a swift and brutal end, his face bearing the evidence of the jounin's merciless efficiency.

"Stay sharp, Naruto," Kakashi's voice cut through the chaos, a solemn reminder of the harsh realities they faced. "I know this is hard for you, but as a shinobi, we sometimes have to make these choices to protect the Leaf and its people."

Naruto's trembling hands betrayed his fear and hesitation. Could he truly take another human's life? He took slow, deep breaths, mentally preparing himself for the grim task at hand. He needed to suppress his emotions, even if only temporarily. It was a bleak path he had chosen, one that echoed the path of the Anbu, where emotions were sacrificed in the name of duty.

His cerulean eyes faded into a dark, emotionless abyss. When a sand shinobi lunged at him, kunai in hand, Naruto's movements were swift and precise. His head shifted gracefully to evade the incoming attack, and in one cold, calculated motion, he seized the enemy's forearm. With an ice-cold resolve, he drove his kunai through the sand ninja's neck, ending a life without remorse.

The moment was chilling. Naruto felt nothing, as though he had become an automaton, a cog in the Leaf's machinery. The path to becoming Hokage demanded unwavering dedication, even at the cost of one's humanity. Kakashi watched Naruto's actions, concern etched in his gaze. He recognized this dangerous path, one where emotions might never return if traversed for too long.

"Naruto, leave this to us," Kakashi finally urged, his voice tinged with worry. "Go help Sasuke." Naruto met Kakashi's gaze, and with a resolute nod, he turned away. Sasuke had pursued Gaara, and Naruto's swift steps carried him toward his friend's location.

As they faced the horrors of war, Kakashi and his eternal rival Guy exchanged a glance, and Guy couldn't resist the challenge. "Well, Kakashi, how about we make this our next challenge? Whoever takes out more opponents wins." Kakashi's sigh was deep and weary, but he agreed. In times of crisis, they needed every advantage they could get, even if it meant indulging in Guy's eccentric competitiveness.

Within the exalted confines of the Hokage's box, an unexpected tempest brewed. The Kazekage moved with a startling burst of speed, unsheathing a gleaming kunai and pressing it menacingly against Hiruzen's venerable neck. In the blink of an eye, he whisked the Hokage away to the rooftop of a nearby building, far from prying eyes. Four shadowy figures, his loyal underlings, formed a barrier that effectively cut off any hope of the Hokage seeking assistance from his elite Anbu forces.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, was held captive, the glint of the blade an ominous reminder of the peril he now faced. Though his situation was dire, he managed to mutter with an air of disappointment, "To think the sand would betray the Leaf..."

The Kazekage's grip remained unyielding, his voice laced with cold determination. "An alliance is merely a guise, a facade that lulls the enemy into complacency. The charade of these senseless battles ends here, and from this point forward, history shall be rewritten."

Hiruzen couldn't help but ask, "You wish to plunge us into war?"

"Exactly," came the chillingly succinct response.

Summoning every ounce of diplomatic wisdom he possessed, the aged Hokage implored, "We must strive to resolve our differences through negotiation, not force. Kazekage, there is still time." His heart ached for the lives of his people, his shinobi, his extended family.

A sinister, snake-like voice slithered from beneath the Kazekage's mask, dripping with malice. "Heh... Do we grow foolish with age, Sarutobi Sensei? Your naivety has caused the Leaf to lag behind. I have emerged victorious."

Hiruzen's eyes tightened, and his entire body tensed with righteous fury. His fists clenched, jaw locked in defiance. To hear that name uttered by this man at such a dire juncture... It was almost unthinkable. "It's not over until it's over. I thought I taught you that, Orochimaru!"

In response, the Kazekage's hand swiftly rose to his mask, wrenching it away along with the skin beneath, revealing a visage of chilling malevolence. His eyes bore the unmistakable, serpentine slits, and his long, raven-black hair cascaded ominously. There was no doubt; it was Orochimaru himself.

"I had always thought this day might come, but you won't have my head so easily," Hiruzen declared, his aged eyes still ablaze with the unwavering will of fire that had defined him throughout his life.

Orochimaru, his voice dripping with cryptic foreboding, responded with a sinister grin as he brushed his tongue sensuously along the edge of a kunai. "I told you... you should have hastened to choose the Fifth Hokage, for you will meet your end here, Sensei." The air grew thick with tension, as the fate of the Hidden Leaf Village hung in the balance, poised on the precipice of a deadly confrontation.

At the edge of the village, where the boundaries of Konoha met the unknown, a crucial report reached the ears of Ibiki Morino, the commander of intelligence and interrogation. With the urgency of a crisis, a loyal chunin operative approached him, sinking to one knee before the leader.

"Report!" Ibiki's voice carried the weight of authority, his eyes narrowing in anticipation.

The chunin's words were delivered with a mixture of tension and diligence. "Giant serpents have manifested at the eastern leaf entrance, and approximately 100 sand ninja have breached the village's defences."

Ibiki's mind raced as he processed the dire situation unfolding before him. The village he had sworn to protect was under siege, and his experience-driven instincts kicked into high gear. Without hesitation, he barked out orders with unwavering resolve.

"Get in contact with the commander of the east gate immediately," Ibiki commanded, his voice unwavering and determined. "Have all shinobi mobilise and assume their designated positions. We will not allow our village to fall to these invaders."

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