Crooked Hearts

By MMDCraftyMice

540 200 41

A team of enforcers. A gang of criminals. One common enemy. Against all expectations, a young woman enlisted... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Episode 15

10 4 0
By MMDCraftyMice


I stand behind the bar as Mathilda sits in front of it, and I take her soft hand into mine, applying an ice pack wrapped in thin cloth against her bruised knuckles. Kenny appears out of the kitchen carrying Arnica plants with a mortar and pestle before grinding it on the bar.

Arthur and Nana are standing over Junior, who has his hands tied behind his back, with the dead assassin right next to him and several unconscious thugs they brought huddled together in a pile. Some patrons disperse in clutters, helping Evander with the overturned tables and chairs, while one or two sweep broken glasses into dustpans.

"Why'd you do it, Junior?" Arthur's voice seems casual, though the air around him burns with anger.

"I had to."

"We're your friends; you turned on Nazeer. Why can't you turn on Big Mouse?" Junior turns his face away, refusing to look him in the eyes. "Have you nothing to say for yourself?" Arthur draws his knife, walking around to stand behind him. "No begging for your life?"

"Is resorting to murder the solution to everything?" My eyes flicker to Mathilda; for once, there is someone who feels the same as I do. That all this fighting and killing leads only to a never-ending cycle of violence. The Outer Districts are lawless, but it doesn't have to stay that way.

"You have no voice here, Mathilda." She is taken aback; Arthur's tone is as cold as his eyes. "Maybe the Enforcers care enough about Lumina, but they don't care about us out here. Here, it's survival of the fittest." He turns his attention back to Junior. "And Junior should've died for his betrayal."

A strum of tune grabs all of our attention; it is a troubadour in the corner playing his flute. "Sorry." He smiles awkwardly as he realizes and puts down his lute; his eyes swollen from the fighting. It is good to know that there are people willing to fight alongside us. Evander and Kenny are great fighters, but there is strength in numbers. Things could have gotten bad without the patrons' help.

"That's right, betraying Nazeer was one thing. But he tried to kill us, tried to kill Miche." Nana points to Miche, lying down on the floor, with a tinge of red on the bandage wrapping around his stomach. "We're safer with him buried six feet under."

"If I turn traitor again, who will trust me? You're better off killing me." Arthur slices down his knife; Junior's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at his hands. Arthur has freed him. "What are you doing, Arthur?"

"For old time's sake. Next time, you die."

"You're letting him go?" Nana protests, reaching for her own knife. "This isn't the same Junior Arthur; I would know. He's lost himself since he left."

"Nana has a point; releasing him is unwise. I suggest we hand him over to the Enforcers." Arthur pays them no mind, and Nana tenses as Junior stands up. The air would be tense with silence if not for Kenny's relentless grinding to turn the Arnica into paste.

"Put this on her knuckles." He offers me, and I apply them to her knuckles.

"Big Mouse will want his revenge; he'll hire more expensive mercenaries to take you out. I won't help you fight him, but I can get you within a knife's reach of him." Junior turns to Arthur. "If you can take him out, maybe I'll just live picking up scraps...but if you can't. Then you're all doomed."

"I'll take him out."

"Make sure you force Soraya's whereabouts out of him before you do." Arthur's hand snaps to his collar, dragging him close. "I lied because I thought it would be easier on you, but maybe you can save her when I couldn't."

"How do you plan on getting me close to him?"

"He is throwing a private party soon, and all his friends would be there. I always bring my people inside for both enjoyment and protection."

"You would trust him, Arthur? He's leading us into a trap." Nana approaches. "Let's kill him and be done with it; he's obviously lying."

"If I wanted to save my own skin, I'd lie earlier. Why would I lie when you've already decided to spare my life?" Arthur releases him, and Junior fixes his collar before turning to Nana. "I am doing this for old time's sake." He walks away but stops before the door. "Big aquiline nose, blonde slicked-back hair, and a tousled mustache."

"You allowed him to leave? Unbelievable." A frustrated chuckle escapes Mathilda. "I hope I won't become entangled if he's plotting revenge."

"Calm down, Mathilda." Arthur approaches the bar, taking a seat in front of her with a smirk. "Junior likes you; I doubt he would hurt you."

"That just sent shivers down my spine." She places both hands on her lap as she faces Arthur. "Who is Soraya? Are you truly willing to jeopardize everyone's lives for her?" Arthur's eyes narrow, even as a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

"I'll find Big Mouse myself; we're friends, aren't we, Mathilda?"

"Of course."

"Good. You seem to be a fan of Enforcers; don't be selling us out." A huff escapes Mathilda as she turns her face away, but Arthur's gaze remains on her, sharp and intense. "Where did you learn to fight, Mathilda?"

"My brother always believed I needed to learn how to protect myself, and so, I learned from him." She smiles mischievously, staring back intently at Arthur, and my heart simmers with jealousy. "Do you fancy a friendly spar? I could certainly learn a thing or two from the best."

"You think you can handle my best?" Mathilda's smile withers, then a sly grin escapes her. "Let's see if your skills match your arrogance." She rises gracefully from her seat, eyeing him with a playful glint in her eyes. And a laugh escapes Arthur. "You may see a rose, but don't forget the thorns."

"I am a whole damn cactus." Arthur smirks.


I sit on my bed, admiring her figure as she takes off her clothes in the middle of the room, and a smile escapes me. I wonder if she would change her clothes in front of me if she finds out that I look at women the same way men do. I let out a chuckle. The thought of me being alone in the same room as her must be killing him right now.

She wears a long white dress with slit, a single sleeve and a black strap around her waist. I wear the same thing, but mine is black instead of white. Wearing matching sandals as well, though with respective colors. "How do I appear?"

"Lovely." I get off the bed, offering the masquerade mask in my hand. "You don't have to do this Mathilda, this has nothing to do with you." She grabs the mask but I hold it tightly, refusing to let go, staring intently into her eyes as she meets my gaze. "You look like you've got something to prove."

"Friends lend a helping hand, don't they? And we are friends, aren't we?"

"We are." I let go the mask with a smile, and she holds it up over her face before turning to look at the mirror. "t's just...we'll understand if you want no part of this." That pale look on her face, and the terror in her eyes when Junior caught her in his arms. And when Ben nearly strangled her, she mustered her courage but it would scare most people away. But she wants to go deeper into the fire.

"I've never attended a party before, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience." She smiles mischieviously, the more you know her, the less innocent she appears. "Perhaps I'll charm a noble and escape from my impoverished life."

"You have the charm, and you are educated." We both chuckle before turning to a knocking. "It's not locked." The door opens to reveal Emrys, and his dark brown eyes admires Mathilda's dress before they meet her gaze, starstruck. "Are we leaving already?"

"Yes." His eyes not leaving hers. "We should go down before Arthur leaves." He clears his throat, tearing his eyes away from Mathilda. "You look...wonderful."

A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I get off the bed, putting my arm around her neck before placing a kiss on her cheek as my gaze locks on him. Harmless kisses and touches, but they vex him all the same. "You didn't see her in all her glory." She elbows me on the side.

"We should go." He walks away, and we go down the stairs to meet up with Miche and Arthur. Unlike Emrys, who keeps his messy hair, Arthur actually look the part, his hair neat and slicked like proper gentlemen. He finishes his glass of wine before turning to look at us, surprised. "What's the plan?"

"What are you doing? I didn't ask for your help."

"True friends offer assistance without waiting to be asked." Mathilda smiles, a subtle but alluring smile.

Arthur chuckles as he rise to his feet. "It might be a trap."

"More the reason not to let you walk into it alone." I cross my arms, staring at him with a smile. The door swings open and Miche enters with a wide smile on his face, eyes full of excitement. "You actually showed up."

"I am only here for the food." He turns to look at Arthur. "And maybe score some girls, right Arthur?"

"We find this Big Mouse and lead him to a quiet place." Arthur's eyes harden, though his voice is as casual as ever. "I'll do the rest."


The Blooming Rose, the most opulent establishment, the only structure in the Lower City that could compete with the Upper City's architecture. That is what people say, at least. The interior is lavishly furnished with plush velvet chairs and sofas, each adorned with elaborate embroidery. A maid moves through the crowded room with a tray carrying goblets of red wine with one hand at shoulder level. "Drinks?"

Arthur picks up one, whereas Miche takes two. Nana and Mathilda refuse the drinks, but I pick one up; even if I don't drink, I should at least try to fit in. Act like I belong here. The air is heavy with the scent of exotic incense, coming from ornate censers perched on each corner of the room, its smoky tendrils curling upwards like waves.

I could hear women laughing, the muttering of crowds amidst the soft music playing from the piano at one corner of the vast space. And in the other corners, I can see people kissing; one man even has two women in his arms. It is not the kind of party I expected; I had something more like the ball in mind.

I keep my eyes on her as I walk around, refusing to lose her in the crowd. Arthur is charming his way through the many women in the party, trying to get information from them, as Miche spends his time seemingly eating and drinking. He's really here for the party.

I scan every man in my immediate surroundings, but they all look the same to me. It doesn't help that the air is hazy from the smoky incense. I turn to look at Mathilda again; Nana has left her to look for Big Mouse too. And now an old man is standing close to her, too close. I can feel my pulse quickening as a frown escapes me; I slither through the crowd to close in on them.

My head is hurting from the flickering light of tall candelabras casting shadows all over the place. I inhale deeply, but the mix of smoke and perfume disorients me further, the world drowning out behind me as I focus on her. She lets out a chuckle, glancing away from the man oftenly showing her discomfort. She hugs at herself, smiling uncomfortably as he brushes his hand across her arm, shrinking further and further away from him.

I clench my hand into a fist, drawing closer and closer, but a man pulls her away, standing between her and the old creep. My breathing relaxes, as do my muscles. I look at her, and she is signaling me with her eyes; my brows furrow in confusion, and she motions her head. I look at the man, and recognition finally sets in.

Even with the mask on, his big aquiline nose is a dead giveaway, blonde slicked-back hair and a tousled mustache. There is no mistaking it, he is Big Mouse. "Under whose invitation are you here?" His tone is excited. "Drinks for the young lady!" He waves in one of the maids.

"Junior." A wide smile on him, he takes one of the glasses off the tray and offers it to her, to which she accepts. Taking a sip before swallowing it forcibly with a smile.

"You're from the Outer Districts then?" He sneaks his arm around her waist, his hand lowering slightly. "He always seems to find a diamond in the rough." My brows furowing, wondering if he is talking about Soraya. But why would Junior invite her here?

I turn to look at Arthur, trying to get his attention, but he could not see me among the crowd. "And you are?" She holds his gaze, and he pulls her close to him as he runs his hand up to her shoulder to caress it.

"Call me Frederick, I hate being addressed as Lord Harrington." I roll my eyes before slithering away to reach Arthur; I hate men like him most, the only thing they have is the wealth they are born into. They take pride in something they didn't even earn.

"Arthur." I grab him by the arm, motioning with my head as he turns to look. And I lead him through the crowd to where I left her but she is already gone. My eyes dart from one place to another, searching for her in a sea of masks and similar-looking dresses.

My heart is beating furiously against my chest, mind racing with thoughts of what he might do to her. And it would be my fault; I lost her. A man bumps into me. "Watch it." He glares, and my muscles tense, hand forming a fist as I take a step towards him. But I don't have time to waste on him; Mathilda needs me.

"Emrys." I turn to Arthur, his eyes staring, and I look in its direction. He is taking her up to the first floor, and she is glancing to look behind, hoping that we are around to protect her. Arthur pushes through the crowd, but two men stop us as we reach the stairs.

"VIPs only." It was the prick from earlier.

"I saw my friend going up there." I protest.

"Sure you did." He smiles crookedly. And I turn to look at Arthur, who shrugs his shoulders. I turn back towards him, slinging a fist that clocks him on the nose, breaking it, and blood flows out of it, dripping on his fancy white suit.

The other grabs me by the shoulder, but Arthur smashes the glass in his hand against the back of his head, shattering it. The crowd behind us is screaming and yelling in panic. I throw a straight that clocks him square on the jaw; his head tilts sharply before he falls to the ground. "Guards!" The prick shouted, pressing his hand to his nose to stem the bleeding.

I lunge at him with a sidekick; he lurches forward as it lands on his stomach. And I raise my knee, slamming it against his face, and he drops sideways, groaning in pain. I bolt up the stairs; the guards are hot on our trails, but Miche dives into the fray, keeping them at bay as he guards the stair. There are a lot of rooms across the hallways. "Mathilda!"

I take the left side, pushing open the door to see a man on the bed with a woman. I move on to the next to find two men on the bed together, and in the next, there are two women and two men. The last room is locked, and I ram my shoulder against it, taking a step back to slam a heel against the part close to the knob but it didn't swing open.

"Enforcers!" Miche comes running. "We have to get out of here." He bolts back down the stairs; once again, the Enforcers got in the way of our plans. I turn to look at the door; Mathilda is probably behind it and is waiting for them to save her. Would it be wise to leave it up to the Enforcers?

"Emrys." I turn to Arthur as he calls for me from the end of the hallway, signaling a retreat. There is no way I am leaving her in there, I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happened. I raise my leg up, kicking at the door with all my might.

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