My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

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When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



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By Sarah__Leann

Two hands cupped my face and I slowly opened my eyes to see Kai looking down at me.

He seemed distressed. His hair was tousled, eyes wide with his jaw tense.

"Daisy, what's wrong?" He was hovering above me, scanning my face with his eyes.

"It's ok, I'm fine. It's just.. I wasn't aware that I'd be flying and the height gave me a little panic attack, that's all. Honestly, you don't need to worry about me." I looked down at my hands as Kai let out a breath, sitting down beside me.

Kiara was nowhere in sight and now that it was just Kai and I, I felt s little lost.

The last few hours thst I'd spent with her, she had become my friend, my shoulder to cry on and my advice council.

"I will always worry about you, whether you want me to or not. You're my soulmate, the feelings I have for you will never go away." 

I turned my head, arching my neck up to look at him. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" His confusion was evident as his eyes narrowed down at me.

"Yes, I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed and spoken to you instead of running away. I just got caught up in the moment and thought you wanted things to go further. I totally understand if you don't want to."

"Oh believe me, I want to." 

"You do?" My pulse quickened, flutters swirling in my stomach.

"If you're worried about hurting me." I took his hand in mine. "Don't. I'll be fine."

"Kiara told you then?"

I reached my hand up, placing it on the back of his neck, pulling him closer to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

Kai let out a groan.

"You really shouldn't do that." His voice was low and gravelly, causing my 'ladybug' to come alive.

I squeezed my legs together, standing up in the hope that it would subside. 

I caught a glimpse of a grin on Kai's face as he stood up infront of me.

He smoothed his hair over to one side with his hand, watching me squirm under his gaze. He knew what he was doing to me and I could tell he was enjoying it.

How the hell did he get me so flustered? His cool, calm persona made me think he wasn't actually turned on right now, but like Kiara said, if I'm feeling it, he's feeling it too. I needed to pull myself together.

"Oh, I do apologise it won't happen again." I grinned back at him. Two can play this game.

"Shall we go and get this over with then?" Kai held out his arm and I looped mine around his, sucking in a breath.

"Indeed, let's go."

We stepped out of the panic attack mobile and began walking down a short grassy footpath. The sun was beaming down on us and it felt amazing to breathe in fresh air.

I slowed my pace, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my pale skin.

"Are you alright, Daisy?" Kai stopped, looking down at me.

"I haven't been outside in such a long time. I just want to smell the outdoors and feel the warm breeze, just for a minute if you don't mind?"

"Take as long as you need." His sweet smile made my heart flutter.

"Thank you."

We walked slowly, arm in arm until we came to a building that resembled a palace. I gazed up at it, awestruck by the beauty of such a grand structure.

It wasn't made of bricks or stone like houses back home, it looked like it was carved from a pearl with a warm glowing shimmer.

A long wide staircase led to a balcony that overlooked acres of land, littered with flowers in a magnitude of colours.

Once we had made it to the top of the stairs, the heavy doors slowly opened and Kiara came into view, standing alone. She must have been waiting for us.

She nodded, slightly bowing in our direction. Her hands weren't waving all over the place and she wasn't bouncing around like she had been doing all afternoon. I had a feeling that tonight would be a prim and proper affair.

We stepped inside the palace and I was pleasantly surprised. All of the walls were white and the floor was as black as the night sky.

The large open space was empty but there were seven doors leading to other areas of the house.

Kai led the way, Kiara and I following behind as he made his way towards the furthest door away.

"Have you two kissed and made up then?" Kiara whispered, stifling a grin.

"Something like that." 

"I can hear you, Kiara." We looked at each other, then at Kai, giggling like a pair of school children.

Upon reaching the door, we came to a set of stairs. Marching on, we eventually got to the top and I could hear loud, cheerful voices but there was nowhere else to go, we had come to a dead end. 

Kai pressed something on the wall infront of us and it slowly began to dissolve into nothing. A room full of people came into view, conversations coming to a halt as they all turned around to face us.

Multiple sets of eyes were now focused on me but my mind was still focused on the dissolving wall. How did that even happen?

Kai turned to me, holding his hand out with a soft smile. Stepping forwards, I was grateful for the contact as my nerves were now kicking in.

"Ahh, Daisy, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to our planet, I hope you are settling in well?"

I looked up to see a beautiful woman walking towards me. Her hair was blonde, silky smooth like Kiara's but it was much longer, reaching the back of her knees.

Her skin had a slight tan and shimmer, like the other zaviours that I had met so far and her eyes were deep blue like the ocean.

She was shorter than Kai by a foot atleast, maybe six feet tall and her toned body looked incredible.

She wore a royal blue, knee high, tight fitted dress with a cream coloured shawl. Her make up was minimal but she didn't look like she needed it anyway, her natural beauty was flawless.

"Zandara is beautiful, thank you for allowing me to be here. It's a pleasure to meet you too."

I was about to hold out my hand for a handshake but she put her arms around me, pulling me into a squeeze.

"Daisy, this is Hilz, the reigning lady of Zandara." Kai informed me as she took a step back, inspecting me from head to toe with her eyes.

"And this is Danik, my soulmate and the reigning lord of Zandara." A man with black hair and purple eyes joined Hilz, snaking his arm around her waist.

He wore a black suit with a silver shirt but failed to do up his top button.

I gazed at it for a moment, tempted to button it up for him but I refrained from leaving Kai's side.

"Hi, it's lovely to meet you." I smiled.

"You too my child, although, I wish the circumstances of you being here were different. How are you feeling, Daisy?"

I could see the sympathy in his eyes and it warmed my heart.

"I'm.. I'm ok, thank you."

He bowed his head, as did Hilz.

"Wonderful, enjoy your evening." Danik smiled before they walked away.

Music played in the background and my eyes scanned the room. Kai's family were all spread out, taking to one another and I was grateful that I didn't have to meet them all at once.

"Would you like a drink?" Kai took my hand, our fingers entwined as the familiar tingles emerged.

I looked up at him and my breath caught in my throat. He looked incredibly handsome in his black trousers and crisp white shirt.

"What kind of drink are we talking here? Please tell me that everyone is drinking alcohol." I muttered quietly.

Kai chuckled and led me towards a large fountain in the middle of the room.

"If Hilz is here, the alcohol will be flowing all night."


Pink liquid flowed from the centre of the fountain and pooled half way down. It overflowed the little chambers that held it causing a mini waterfall before settling at the bottom.

Metalic gauntlets hung around the edge of the fountain and Kai picked one up, scooping some of the pink liquid into it before passing it to me with a warning.

"Drink slowly. I don't want you falling over and hurting yourself. This stuff packs a punch so be careful."

I took it from him with a smirk. "Thanks Mum."

He filled another and faced me. "Daisy, I mean it. Too much at once and you won't be able to stand."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Dad."

Kai sighed, shaking his head. "Don't say I didn't warn you.

I took a small sip of my drink and swallowed it down.

"Are you sure this is alcohol? It tastes like strawberry water."

Kai narrowed his eyes. "I'm sure."

Two sips later, I could feel myself loosening up as we made our way over to Kai's parents.

This is what I was dreading the most. In my experience, if the parents didn't like you, then your relationship wouldn't last five minutes.

They were sitting on tall stools by a table filled with food. Nothing looked familiar but it did look delicious.

My eyes met with his mother's and her smile put me at ease as she stood to her feet with open arms.

"Daisy, welcome to the family, we're so happy to meet you. I'm Reela and this is Vin."

She pointed to the man who was sat beside her and when I took a proper look at him, I was amazed at how much he looked like Kai.

"It's an honour to meet you both."

Reela chuckled. "Oh how sweet of you but the honour is ours. We finally have our son back, the one that we knew before the soulmate pull kicked in and that's thanks to you. If there is anything and I mean anything you need, do let us know."

I shook my head, unworthy of her gratitude. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you rescuing me. I could never ask anything more of you, I owe my life to you all."

I felt a hand drape over my shoulder but it wasn't Kai, the tingles weren't there.

"Don't sweat it sister, you gave us the opportunity to kick ass and bring Mr Grumpy out of his misery, you owe us nothing."

I looked up at the guy stood beside me and he shot me a playful grin. Green eyes, like Kai's told me that he was one of his brothers but which one?

I remembered Kai telling me about the fun brother and I chuckled. "Klaus, I presume?"

"The one and only."

"Leave the poor girl alone Klaus. She's had enough on her plate without adding you to it too." Vin chimed.

"Oh, I'd never be on her plate father, only her soulmate gets to do that." He winked, playfully, causing me to blush.

Oh my god, did he really just say that infront of his parents? My cheeks burned and Vin shook his head.

I heard Kiara laugh loudly behind me.

"Klaus, you have three seconds to walk away." Kai stepped between us, his voice low but threatening.

"Catch you later, Daisy doo." I heard Klaus chuckle before disappearing to the other side of the room.

I took a sip of my drink as Kai turned to face me.

"I apologise for my brother."

"It's fine, I'm fine, don't worry."

"I think you're going to fit in here just perfectly, Daisy." Reela spoke quietly.

I shot her a wide smile, taking another sip of my drink.

"If you'll excuse us for a moment, I'd like to introduce Daisy to Kintel and Kordin before they have to leave." Kia nodded to his parents and I wondered why his brother's had to leave so soon.

"Of course, enjoy yourselves." Reela sat down beside Vin and they gazed at eachother lovingly. Aww, they're cute.

We made our way to Kintel and Kordin who were sat around a table with Kiara and Klaus. There were two other girls who I assumed to be their soulmates.

They looked deep in conversation and when Kiara looked up and saw us coming, they all stopped what they were doing and looked our way.

"Brothers, Yara, Florna, I'd like you to meet Daisy." Kai introduced me and they all smiled, welcoming us to join them at the table.

"The famous Daisy, it's wonderful to meet you. I'm Kordin and this is my soulmate Yara."

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you too." I sat down beside Kiara, and Kai slid in next to me.

Klaus was on the end of the table, Kordin opposite Kiara, and Yara opposite me. Kintel was opposite Kai and the other girl, Florna was on the other end of the table.

It was all a little overwhelming and tiredness was beginning to kick in.

"I'm Kintel and this is Florna, my soulmate." Kintel nodded, taking Florna's hand in his.

"Hey." Smiling at Kintel, he seemed a little off and I wondered why he wasn't as welcoming as everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really mind if he didn't like me but without giving me a chance, how could he dislike me already?

Florna was just the same, avoiding eye contact and ignoring me.

After a brief introduction, Kordin and Kintel excused themselves and I was left with Kiara, Yara and Florna while Kai and Klaus saw their brothers to the door.

I felt awkward, as if I was interrupting. "Is there a bathroom I can use?" I asked Kiara, desperate to leave the table.

"Yes, just through that door over there." She pointed to a door just past the fountain, standing to her feet. "Come on, I'll come with you."

She nodded to the girls left at the table and I stood up to follow her.

"It was nice meeting you both." I nodded, before catching up to Kiara.


Hey guys, how do you like the family?

Any favourites?

Thank you for the votes, they are much appreciated! ❤

Any comments welcome, please let me know what you think of the story so far 😊

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