My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

133K 5K 969

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



5.3K 177 15
By Sarah__Leann

The rest of the day went agonisingly slow. Not knowing what was happening was driving me crazy and when Kai left to go back into the blood drainers, I wished I had asked him more questions.

Knowing that everyone in the treatment room was fully conscious made me feel safe but now that I was alone, back in my room, loneliness kicked in, big time.

The urge to run to Kai was overwhelming. I found myself counting the beans in my bowl to keep my mind off of him but it wasn't working very well.

I was eager to see him again, a million questions bursting for answers but for now, I had no choice but to wait.

Lights out came and time slowly ticked on. No matter how tired I was, my mind wouldn't settle. I knew I was in for a long night and by the time morning came, my eyes stung as the bright lights filled my room along with the headache inducing alarm.

Despite my lack of sleep, I was full of energy and almost ran to the treatment room.

To my dismay, Kai wasn't there. Felix, on the other hand, greeted me with a wide smile.

"Good morning, Daisy. How are you today?" How very odd. He had never greeted me like this before but then I remembered he was a Gladar alien in disguise and was secretly ecstatic with his new 'blood donors'.

"Erm, I'm fine." I muttered.

Keeping up my moody facade was harder than I thought it would be.

What I really wanted to say was, 'Good morning Felix, I am very well, thank you. Knowing that you and your disgraceful Gladarians will soon be out of my life and your blood draining days are almost over makes me want to sing from the rooftops.'

But a simple 'I'm fine' would have to suffice.

It wasn't long before a change over of patients happened and when my eyes found Kai, a rush of relief washed over me.

It irritated me when Felix took charge of Kai's side of the room but when a soft voice entered my mind, a calm enveloped me.

Hey, beautiful. We're out of here tonight.

Pausing for a moment to keep my composure, I turned my back to Felix, a grin forming as my lips curled up.

I felt a mixture of excitement, adrenaline, fear, anxiety and god knows what else.

Hey, Kai. Is there anything I can do to help?

Stay in your room and don't come out. Things could get ugly, quickly and I can't have you getting caught in the crossfire. I'll find you, don't look for me. Can you do that for me Daisy?

Yes, absolutely. Are you sure you guys will be ok?

We've got this. We're stronger, hard to kill and have built in force fields. The Gladarians know nothing about us but we've known about them for months. Our attack will take them by surprise, they're not prepared for what's to come.

I couldn't believe that today was the day I got to leave this hell hole. I was tired of being beaten, forced to make people better just so they could die, tired of being alone, hungry, a slave to evil.

Today was going to be the best day of my entire life.

Waiting for the day to come to an end felt like a lifetime. Whenever Felix left the room, I whispered good luck and thank you to everyone.

A glimpse of a smirk on one of the girls faces made me chuckle for the first time in months.

Tiredness was creeping up on me, yawn after yawn more frequently than the last but with every second that passed, I knew it wouldn't be long before I could rest.

"Another batch have just arrived." Felix chimed, walking into the room.

"Do they even need this many? We're at full capacity." I scrunched up my face, glaring at him.

"There's a bunch of holding cells for them to go in for now. When these ones start dying, we can replace them quicker."

I wanted to wipe that smug look off of his face, kick him where it hurts and then hook him up to the blood machines.

Although I was glad that the Gladarian's had captured more of Kai's species, Felix's attitude towards the lives of everyone that died here was sickening.

As usual, I tried to avoid Felix for the rest of the day. One word answers and sarcastic comments rolled off my tongue until it was finally over.

Before leaving the treatment room, I gave Felix one last look, praying to the heavens that I'd never have to see him again.

My stomach grumbled when I got to my room but I sat on my bed, ignoring my stomach and it's noisy cries for food.

With my back against the wall, I hugged my knees in silence, waiting and listening for any signs of commotion.

I sat a little while longer, my mind beginning to wonder if everything was still going to go ahead. Before long, the lights went out, forcing me into complete darkness.

Sighing loudly, I lay down, eyes wide trying to see in the pitch black but I couldn't even see my hand infront of my face.

As time passed, I worried that something had gone wrong. Why wasn't anything happening? Was this all real or was I hallucinating the whole thing? Was it all just a dream? Had the Gladarians discovered Kia's plan and put a stop to it? Did his body give out in the blood drainers?

Panic set in at the thought of having to stay here any longer. Kai, where are you?

I'm coming to get you.

My heart leaped out of my chest. He heard me?

You're coming now? Are you ok? What's happening?

My door flung open, the light outside the room caused me to squint as my eyelashes fluttered.


A large body stepped into my room. Neon green eyes met with mine taking my breath away as I scrambling to my feet.

"Kai?" I said in an almost whisper.

My vision blurred as tears formed in my eyes.

In a flash, Kai engulfed me in a gentle embrace.

My arms looped around his neck, pulling him closer. His scent was intoxicating, nothing I'd ever smelt in my life and it instantly became my new favourite smell.

I didn't want to let go of him. I felt safe in his arms, more than ever before but I knew I had to let go, we still had to escape.

"I've dremt of this moment for so long. I never thought it would happen. I thought I was destined for a lifetime of misery, one of loneliness and heartache."

Kai's words confused me. I wanted to sit with him for a while, find out how he even knew I was here, how he knew my name and why he came to rescue me in the first place but now wasn't the time.

We needed to get out of here fast. If the Gladarian's knew he was here, we would both be dead.

"We need to go. Please tell me you have a plan."

I looked up into his eyes, his hand coming up to my cheek as he held my gaze.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here."

I nodded as he took my hand in his.

"Whatever you do, don't let go of me."

We walked out of my room and down the hallway. We passed the treatment room which now had no door and I caught a glimpse of the inside. The beds were all over the place, most of them upside down with the rest of the room trashed.

We kept going until we reached another door. I had never been on this part of the ship and I gasped when we entered the room.

Bodies of dead Gladar aliens littered the floor. Black blood oozed out of them with puddles of it everywhere.

Kai held his arm up, a holograpic map came out of his wrist and we stopped as he studied it.

"This way." He said, pulling me along.

His strides were impressive but it meant I had to run just to keep up and I was beginning to tire.

We navigated our way around the ship, down multiple corridors, through all kids of rooms until the sound of chaos met my ears.

I gasped, coming to a stop. I was afraid of what we were about to walk in on and the fact that I had absolutely no protection terrified me.

"We're almost there." Kai turned to face me, squeezing my hand.

He wasn't fazed by the noises we could hear, not an ounce of fear on his stern face.

"Please don't let me die." I blurted out loudly.

"I won't let anyone touch you, you're safe with me but we need to keep moving Daisy."

I blew out a breath, nodding. For some unknown reason I trusted him with my life. "Okay, let's go."

We entered another room. It looked like some sort of ballroom. Fancy lights glowed on the ceiling, huge red drapes decorated the walls, golden statues were situated all around the perimeter of the room and a small stage was at the far end.

It was almost pretty, minus the blood, random limbs scattered around and chunks of matted poodle hair.

We crossed the room, dodging the Gladarian's that were fighing Kai's people. We were almost at the other side when a familiar face came into view. Felix.

He was holding a weapon in his hands. He looked ridiculous, struggling to lift it but it started glowing red halting Kai and I in out tracks.

"Oh, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy." He tutted. "Going somewhere?"

His smirk irritated the hell out of me and if it wasn't for Kai gripping my hand, I'd have marched over and punched him in his stupid little face.

"Move, Felix."

"Oh, I don't think so. Did you really think that you could escape this ship? Filthy human."

"Yes, actually, I did. I do. Now, if you'd excuse me, I'd really like to be getting on my way." I smiled innocently and it seemed to enrage him.

"The only place you're going is to the drainers." He raged, firing his weapon at Kai and I.

I screamed, watching in slow motion as a red ball of energy sped towards me.

Kai gripped my hand harder, pulling me into his chest. When the red energy hit us, it somehow bounced off of us and back towards Felix.

Felix flew backwards with his leg flying in another direction. He was screaming in agony, lay on the floor with blood spilling out of him.

I walked over to him. I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy and when his screams stopped, I smiled down at him.

"If you're quick. You can make it to the drainers. Such a waste of blood, don't you think?"

Kai took my hand and we walked away.

"Daisy. Don't you walk away from me. Daisy! Daisy!"

Kai killed seven Gladar aliens before we made it to his docking ship.

Three people that were already there stood to their feet, beaming smiles with pearly whites on show.

They all towered over me, extending their arms to shake my hand.

"Daisy. It's an absolute pleasure to have you on board. My name is Granteon, second in command." One of them stated as I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you." I blushed.

"Im Chaitaley, but you you can call me Charlie." The other guy smiled.

"Charlie." I nodded, smiling back.

"And I'm Kiara, we've kind of already met."

I took her hand in mine and shook it.

"Kai's sister, yes I remember. I'm so happy to meet you again."

With the formalities over, Kai strapped me into a seat next to his and we departed from the Gladarian's hell hole of a ship.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, relief washing over me. I'm free.


I'm so relieved that Daisy is free of the Gladar monsters!

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