You'll remember me

By pink_art

162K 7.1K 1K

Venice Theerapanyakul is the firstborn son of Vegas and Pete Theerapanyakul. He is the oldest of the children... More

Next Generation
1. New Journey
2. #VegasPete
3. My Chaotic Family
4. In The Past
5. The Beginning Of The Storm
6. Who are you?
7. Home Sweet Home
8. #KinnPorsche
9. It's Not My Place
10. The Necessary Evil
11. The Second Time
12. What A Mess I Got Myself Into?
12.5 Happy Birthday
13. Can I Kiss You?
14. The Punishment
15. In The Morning
16. Him And I
17. Security Guards
18. I Shouldn't Have Met You
19. I Miss You!
20. Catch Me If You Can
21. All I Want For Christmas Is You!
22. Again!
23. Gone!
24. The Past Will Haunt You Forever
25. Fear
26. Tell me your dark desires
It's not update!!!
27. In The End Of The Day
28. Its You!!!
29. His Last Hope
30. I Didn't Want To Do It.
31. But I Did It!
32. Sweet Melting
33. Chains Me Up
34. Advanced Games
35. The Fucking Valentine's Day
36. The Night Of Decisions!
37. I Want You!
38. Come Back Home!
39. First In Everything
40. I Care About You!
41. Temperature Of Love!
42. This Is The End!
You'll Remember Me Chapter 1
43. You Are The Pain In My Heart!
44. Breath Again
45. Let's Start Over
46. Old Wounds, New Scars!
47. New Me
48. Fake Reality
49. New Page Of Our Life!
50. Just A Coincidence
51. The Truth
53. Friends? I Don't Think So!
54. It's Our Destiny
55. You Belong With Me!
56. I Don't Know Why. I Just Love Him!
57. Don't Blame Me, Love Make Me Clazy!
58. Don't Do That To Me!
59. I Ruined You To Satisfy Myself
60. Are We A Boyfriends?

52. Back in Bangkok

1.4K 91 26
By pink_art


- Rain. Wake up.

I feel someone gently stroking my face, and I open my eyes. He's leaning over me. I look around sleepily. The car has stopped.

- What's going on?

- You fell asleep on the way and didn't tell me where to take you. So, I...

He extends his hand to help me out of the car. I straighten my clothes while he locks the door. It's dark outside.

- Where are we? - I ask, looking up at the enormous building in front of me.

We're in front of some massive hotel. An employee approaches us and respectfully bows to him before taking the key and leading me to the entrance.

- I live here. The hotel belongs to me. - he says and quickly adds, apparently noticing my shocked expression. - Or rather, it belongs to my father. It's outside Bangkok, so I thought it would be a good hideaway for you to rest. But if you want, we can always go somewhere else.

He looks at me anxiously as I gaze at the shiny building. I grab his hand to reassure him.

- No, this is fine. Thank you.

We enter together, hand in hand, and several people turn their heads curiously as we pass through the lobby. I look around with interest. The shiny floor, the French windows, the beautiful and modern furnishings all scream that this is a place for people with a lot of money. We stop at the elevators, and he presses the button. I can even see my reflection in the elevator doors. While I admire myself, the doors open, and a middle-aged man in uniform invites us to enter.

- Hello, Yan.

- Hello, sir.

Yan presses the top button, which has no number, and the elevator starts moving.

- How are you today? - he asks. Clearly, he enjoys knowing his employees.

- I'm well, sir. Thank you for your concern.

That's the last thing he says, and we continue to ascend in silence. The elevator stops, and the doors open. We step out, and we find ourselves in the living room. I'm left open-mouthed.

- Have a nice day, sir. - Yan says, and the doors close. We are alone in the apartment, which feels more like another world.

- I didn't know you were so wealthy. - I say and walk further inside. - Well, I had a hunch when I first saw you, but this is...

He lets me explore, and I'm in awe of everything. I feel his tense gaze on me.

- Be honest. Are you bringing me here to reenact the movie "Pretty Woman"? Because I've watched it a million times and I could perfectly play Julia Roberts. - I joke, and he smiles. The tension disappears from his shoulders, and he approaches.

- I've never brought anyone else here except... - he stumbles and squints slightly, as if he's made a huge mistake. Then he opens his eyes again, and the slight confusion is gone. - It doesn't matter. Tell me, did you like it? - he asks with a smile. Is he joking? I can't stop looking around. I grab his hand.

- Where's your room? - I ask and pull him inside.

We pass through the living room to a long corridor with two rooms. We bypass the first one and stop in front of the second.

- Is anyone in the first room? - I ask curiously.

He briefly looks worried, but he quickly composes himself.

- That's the guest room. - he says and opens the door to the room we're in now. - This is mine.

I walk inside and gasp. Then his phone rings. I watch as he takes it out, debating whether to answer.

- Excuse me for a moment.

He exits and closes the door behind him. I'm alone in the large room. The room is well-furnished and decorated. It's clear that a mature man lives here. Like in Venice' room, dark colors dominate here. Apparently, men find that normal, but I prefer warmer colors. They create a cozier atmosphere for me. The large, high bed is neatly made and well-arranged. Above it, there's a long shelf with pictures and decorative items. Next to the bed is a nightstand, and the large French windows from floor to ceiling reveal a beautiful view of the night sky with its millions of stars.

I sit down on the bed, and just then, the door opens. He enters and smiles, despite me noticing a slight unease in him.

- Is everything okay? - I ask as he approaches. He loosens his tie and takes it off, leaving it on the bed, then unbuttons a few buttons. I can't help but glance at his toned chest.

- Everything's fine. Did you explore around? - he sits down on the bed beside me.

- It's truly beautiful. Why do you live in a hotel?

- My father built this hotel when I was born. I grew up here. Everyone knows me, and I just couldn't move away. I do have a house in downtown Bangkok, but I rarely go there.

- Where does your father live?

- In the house. Even though he's built many hotels around the world, he doesn't like staying in them. He prefers his house and garden, where he spends all day growing vegetables.

- And you? Don't you get bored being alone?

My question catches him off guard. He blushes slightly, then smiles with concern.

- I've gotten used to it. - he says, and I nod in understanding. Enough questions for today.

He rolls up the sleeves of his shirt, and I notice how muscular his arms are.

- What about you?

I gaze at his hands, moving closer to him and casually tracing my fingers along a bulging vein on his arm.

- What about me? - I ask, smiling innocently.

- What happened at the villa? - he asks as he watches my hand instinctively change its course and touch his abdomen. Then, I slip my hand under his shirt and feel his heart beating over the tight muscles of his chest.

- I don't want to talk about that. Let's discuss us instead, - I whisper, leaning closer to him. I don't know why, but ever since we met, there's been an invisible attraction pulling me towards him, and now it's stronger than ever.

He comes closer. He's ready for me. His hand grips my neck as I'm about to kiss him. His heart beats fast, and he's breathing heavily. My hand slides down to his pants, and I can feel how hard he is.

- You are playing with fire, do you know that? - he asks, his lips brushing against mine. I smile innocently.

- I want to get burned. - I say breathlessly. - I want you to consume me entirely.

Yi holds my head tight and won't let me kiss him, but I manage to touch his chin with my lips, and then I try his neck with my tongue. It smells like expensive perfume and shampoo, and there's an incredible fire going on in my body.

- Wait. We hardly know each other... - he curses loudly when I leave a suck on his neck.

I climb on top of him and he grabs me by the waist. I whine when I feel his erection.

- What a great opportunity to get to know each other. - I say, and I begin to unbutton his shirt.

He won't let me kiss his mouth, so I attack his neck and I'm determined to get to the end. I snuggle into his body and whisper into his neck.:

- Please. Make me forget him.

I guess that was a big mistake. This sobers him up, and he rudely pushes me away from him, and I bang on the bed in total shock.

- Stop. I can't do this. I can't. - Yi gets up and goes to the big windows. He puts his hands on the glass, breathing hard, his back to me. It's like he's completely lost control and now he's trying to calm down.

The desire is gone. The passion is gone. There's a chill in me. I'm all ice. I'm cold. I press my legs to my chin and cover them with my hands.

- Would you wait in the living room? I need a few minutes. - he says without turning around. It takes me a few seconds before I realize he's talking to me. - Please.

I quickly get up and exit, closing the door behind me. I lean against it. Inside, I hear the sound of glass breaking. The familiar lump forms in his throat again. The bitterness blinds me, and I stifle my sobs, placing my hand over my mouth to avoid making noise. Another noise is heard, and I rush down the corridor to avoid being caught when he opens the door. I enter the living room and sit on the couch. I feel so disgusted with myself. Why am I so easy, throwing myself into the arms of anyone? And now I've made him feel uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn't even want me. Maybe he's just being kind to me. I lie down on the couch and curl up into a ball. It's cold, and it hurts. So much. I close my eyes and continue to cry quietly as the person on the other side of the house breaks everything in sight.

I hear a noise. Footsteps. I open my eyes. It's dark, with only the moonlight illuminating the room. Apparently, I fell asleep. I blink to adjust my vision. It's not as cold now. Someone has covered me with a blanket. I sit up slightly and look over the backrest of the couch.Yi leaning against the kitchen island with a glass in his hand, staring thoughtfully at the floor. I rub my eyes and sit on the couch, adjusting the blanket.

- Yi? - I whisper, and he looks at me.

- Did I wake you up? - he asks, stretching to turn on the kitchen light.

- Don't worry. - I yawn and toss the blanket aside, getting up. I approach him, noticing that one of his hands is bandaged. I sit on one of the high stools by the bar counter. - Are you okay? - I nod towards his injured hand.

He looks at his hand as if he's not sure why it's bandaged.

- I... - He looks at his hand. Then, he sighs and lifts his head to look at me. - Cleaned up the room. Everything is fine. It won't happen again. - he says and takes a sip from his glass. He seems so disoriented.

- Will you pour me one too? - I say, trying to lighten the mood. He glances at the bottle on the counter, then at me.

- Are you allowed to drink? How old are you? - he asks.

- I'm 19. - I reply with a smile. He looks at me and smiles back, now seeming calmer.

- Like him. - he says and turns to get a glass from the cabinet. I watch as he pours the liquid, adds a couple of ice cubes, and hands it to me. - I'm not usually a fan of forbidden things, but today we'll make an exception.

I take a sip and grimace. I'll never get used to alcohol. I leave the glass on the counter and start playing with it.

- Him? - I ask, tilting my head. - So, there's someone in your life?"

He nods, tilting his head too.

- Aren't you too curious?

I start to feel uncomfortable for prying so much.

- I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be nosy. - I say, fidgeting with my glass. But when he starts laughing, I realize he's just joking.

- You're quite sweet. - he says, taking another sip from his glass, then sighs heavily. - It's just... this is a very difficult topic for me. And I'm not ready to talk about it yet.

- Wouldn't it help if you shared? - I ask, taking another sip of whiskey.

- Just when you accept someone as a given, you think they'll always be there. And when you find an empty apartment one day, you realize how wrong you were. - he says, looking at his glass. I can sense how much it hurts him. Without saying anything more, I get up and walk around the counter, approaching him and hugging him. He's surprised but responds to the embrace.

- I'm sorry he leaved you. - I say and release him. I look at him, and he smiles faintly but avoids eye contact. - But doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

I return to my seat.

- Are you talking about me or yourself? - he asks, looking at me suspiciously.

I open my mouth and then close it, smiling shyly.

- Do I seem that obvious?

- From miles away. Clearly, something happened on the island?

- Yes, something happened. I found out why he wanted to break up - I say, and when he doesn't say anything but just looks at me with interest, I continue. - And he told me he loves me. And most likely, he sent you a text message.

- And now you're wondering if he's telling the truth?

- Yes. - I stare into the melting ice cubes in my glass. - I just waited so long for him to say it, and now I don't even know if it's true.

I remain silent about the things we did there. All of that is so shameful and irregular. But I'm sure that he saw the hickey on my neck.

- You can tell your heart wants to believe him, but your mind still hesitates. - he says, and I'm surprised by his insight.

- But you're the expert here! - I tease and raise my glass. He clinks it with mine.

- They call me the love doctor. - he jokes, and I chuckle.

- Thank you. - I say and stand up. - For everything. I should go. It's late.

- Can you stay? - he suggests, raising his hands. - I promise I won't touch you. And I work all day, so you won't see much of me.

I look around nervously. I can't just stay in a hotel apartment with a man I barely know, especially after his outburst. What if next time, it's not glass he breaks but something worse? "But that didn't stop you from throwing yourself at him, did it?" It reminds me of my subconscious. Maybe my mother will worry. What about Sky? No, it wouldn't be right.

- I don't think it's a good idea. - I say hesitantly. - And my mother will worry...

He grabs my hand.

- Your mother knows you're in Phuket. You can call Sky to warn him not to say anything. - he says, looking at me with gentle eyes. - Please? Don't leave me alone in this huge apartment. I beg you.

I gaze into his eyes. He must have had some communication with Venice. Where does he get so much trust? Have they met before? Maybe if I stay, I can find out more.

I sigh, resigning myself.

- Okay, I'll stay.

A week later.


Finally home. I couldn't wait to get off the plane and reunite with the people in the city. Phuket Island was a beautiful and exotic place, but it was only suitable for a vacation. I missed the fast-paced daily life in Bangkok.

The car stops in the estate's driveway, and Natt turns to me.

- Wait here. - he says and kisses me on the cheek. He gets out of the car, goes around it, and opens the door for me.

- How sweet. Thank you, babe. - I take his hand and step out of the car.

Flo, Paris, and Venice also get out with their parents. I reach for Natt's hand and nod to Venice. Since Rain left, he hasn't been himself. We hardly saw him until the end of the vacation. He would leave early in the morning and return late at night. And he constantly avoided his sister. I know he's guilty of what happened, but I feel sorry for him. I know he loves Rain. A person who makes such a sacrifice definitely loves the other. And Rain is not a saint either. Why did he have to leave with that man? And that strange text message he sent me. Which reminds me, I need to call my mom.

- Welcome back.

When we enter the living room, Mr. Porsche and Ace are sitting on the couch, talking. Mr. Porsche sees us and stands up, opening his arms for a hug. We respond, as always, to prevent a World War III.

- How was your trip?

- Don't ask. - Vegas grumbles, and Mr. Pete looks at him angrily.

- I'm going to my room. - Flo says and quickly exits.

- Me too. - her twin brother follows.

Venice sighs and flops onto the couch, looking exhausted. We all watch them with our eyes.

- Vegas, can't you be quiet for once, at least once? - Mr. Pete scolds, then sits down next to his son.

- Do we have to talk about this? - Mr. Vegas says. - Besides, once you're alone with Porsche, you'll catch up on the latest world news anyway.

- That's right. - Porsche says and looks at Pete. - What's going on?

Pete looks at his son, who signals that he will remain silent, then stands up and takes his best friend by the arm.

- Come, I'll tell you how the vacation went.

The two of them go out into the garden, and Vegas rolls his eyes.

- Sometimes Kinn and I wonder who's married to whom because they're like glued to each other. When you're with one of them, it's as if the other is present. His spirit is everywhere.

- You better be quiet if you don't want him to hear you. - Venice says and points outside.

Vegas just shakes his head and pats Venice on the shoulder.

- I'm tired. - he says and leaves, waving us off. - Bye, kids.

- Bye.


We say in unison.

- Bye, Ace, bye. – Natt waves at Ace and his brother stands up and leaving the hall.

The three of us are left alone, and I can finally call my mom. I sit down on the couch, and Natt nudges Venice.

- Are you okay?

I dial my mom's number. She picks up after the second ring.

- Sky. Sweetie, have you returned? - her cheerful voice rings through the speaker. I put her on speakerphone.

- Hi, Mom. We just got back. How are you? How's Dad?

- We're fine, sweetie. You tell me. How did you and Rain enjoy your vacation? I assume our plan was successful. - she says, and I feel Venice's gaze on me. - I knew, you know, that we would succeed. When you didn't come back, I felt that everything was okay. So, how is Rain?

My expression is undoubtedly very shocked because Natt shakes his head. Rain didn't come back. He lied to Mom. I look at the two of them. Venice quietly approaches me. He makes some signs that I don't understand.

- Hang up. - he says quietly, and I look at the phone.

- Sky, are you there?

- Yes, Mom. Everything is fine. Now, I have to hang up. I'll call you back. - I say and wait for her to hang up.

- Damn it. - Venice swears and leans back.

- I told you. - Natt says and points at him. - You threw him into his hands.

- What's going on? - I ask, crossing my arms. These two definitely know something I don't.

The two of them look at each other for a while, and Venice sighs. It's a sign for Natt to speak.

- The idiot wrote to Rain's new friend on his own initiative, asking him to come to the villa to pick him up. Instead of trying to fix things, he's making them worse. - Natt looks so angry. They are very close, and Natt always helped Venice, no matter what. And now, his best friend and cousin are suffering, and Natt feels powerless to help him.

- I think it's a good idea. - I say, and my fiancé looks at me as if I'm crazy. - At least for Rain. He deserves to be happy.

Venice sighs desperately.

- Can you find out where he is right now? - he asks, and for the first time, I see such a pleading look from him.

- Of course, but the question is whether I want to.

- You do. - Natt nods and approaches. - Come on, Little One. Don't you want your brother to be happy, just like you and I? Let them have a happy ending too.

I finally give in.

- Fine. Give me the phone.

I sit down and dial Rain's number. The two of them sit on either side of me, listening like gossipmongers.

- Put it on speaker. - Venice says and reaches for the phone.

Just then, Rain answers.

- Hello? - his voice is low. Apparently, I woke him up.

- Rain. What's going on?

- Sky? What time is it?

- Where are you?

- I... - there's some noise, and we all look at each other. - I'm with a friend. Have you returned?

- Of course. - I say sarcastically. - And imagine my surprise when Mom asked about you. She said you stayed with us.

- I know. I'm sorry. But she shouldn't know. Please, Sky, it's really important. - he sounds so sad, and Venice turns his head, then stands up and leaves the living room.

- Are you okay? - I ask, and Natt takes my trembling hand.

- Yes, everything is perfect. I just need a little more time.

- You don't have much time. Tomorrow is the traditional Thai engagement ceremony. - I say, and Natt looks at me in disbelief. How did I even blurt that out? Natt is going to kill me.

- You already had an engagement, didn't you?

- This one is traditional. You must come. - I insist, hoping he'll agree.

There's silence, and a distant voice.

- Alright.

- Bring your friend too. - I say and hang up.

I look at Natt.

- What did you do? - he panics and starts pacing the room.

- I know, but I had to come up with something. - I say and guiltily look at my hands. - You yourself told me that the two of you should got back together right?

- Yea but... It's going to be a mess. They're coming. Venice will be furious...

- What's going on? - Pete and Porsche enter.

Natt runs his fingers through his hair and tugs at it angrily. Then he sighs and looks at them with a forced smile.

- Well, we need to organize a traditional Thai engagement ceremony tomorrow. - he says and smiles falsely.

I watch as the blood drains from his father's face, and I pray that everything will go well.


I knock on the door and press the handle. The door is open. Flo looks up from the book she's reading. She's lying on her bed, taking a break.

- May I?

She nods and gets up slightly. She sets the book aside. I approach slowly and sit on the edge of the bed. I'm silent and don't know what to say.

- I'm sorry. - it finally comes out of my mouth, and I look at her. Of course, it's the right word.

- You hurt me a lot, Venice. I would never do that to you. - she says, and it makes me feel even worse.

- I know.

- Do you know how much I love you and that I would do anything to make you happy? I don't know where all this came from. - she approaches.

- I'm sorry, Flo. I'm just a big fool who allowed himself to be manipulated by his own feelings. But I promise you, it won't happen again. - I look at her and hope she understands how serious I am.

- I forgive you. - she hugs me, and my heart warms up. I smile and kiss her on the cheek. - I love you, big brother. Don't forget that.

- I love you too.

- So, what's going on?

I sight hardly.

- Don't ask.


Yi's car stops in front of the gates of the Theerapanyakul estate. The whole house is decorated with millions of lights. I get a déjà vu feeling. Crowds of people are lining up to enter the house. Sky told me it's a family ceremony, but all these people came for the publicity. I stand in front of the entrance and adjust my suit. Yi personally chose it for me, and I think he did a good job.

Yi stands next to me and takes my hand. I'm a little nervous.

- Are you ready?

I take a deep breath and smile.

- I'm ready.

- It's time for the game to begin.

Hello my Angels. I have a little free time and writhe this chapter. I hope you like it. Thank you so much about the votes and comments ot the previous chapter. It means a lot to me, you know. Keep me happy and give me the strength to keep writing. Thank you so much. Thank you. I love you. See you next time. Bye.

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