Raised by Wolfstar

By DisasterChild20

9.1K 271 101

Using a prompt found on Tumblr/Pinterest What if Harry was raised by Remus and Sirius? More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Main Cast and Playlist
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Important A/N
A/N - Competiton for new fic
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Thirteen

129 9 1
By DisasterChild20

That evening, Harry sits with his friends in the common room as he writes a letter to Sirius and Remus.

Padfoot and Moony,
I got your Howler (Thanks for that Pads), sorry for not writing before I've been busy trying to get used to the school work. I was going to write to you today anyway. As you know, I got into Gryffindor with Ron, Hermione, Eliza and Matty. We've been sticking together, Nev is in Gryffindor too so we've been helping him out too. The first week has gone well so far, I may have set up a prank on Snape today but we need to wait til morning to see if it's worked. Gred and Forge showed us the map, I told them to keep hold of it til they've memorised it. If i need it I can get it from them and vice versa. Snape's a git, he targeted me in class by asking me questions he thought i wouldn't know. He also tried to blame me for Neville accidentally melting Seamus' cauldron, he then took five points because I explained I can't see behind me (where Nev and Seamus was working). 
    Classes are going well so far, Minnie has a picture I drew for her when I was little on her desk. The only subject that isn't interesting is History of Magic, although we were expecting that. Professor Binns is... different, a lot of people were surprised about a ghost being a Professor. I can't say he's the best either, he doesn't teach in a way that is easy to understand or very educationally fun (Hermione's words).
    How are you both doing? I hope this weekend goes/went well for you both. Could you send us some sweets and chocolate? We're all missing you both and your stories, especially the ones where you prank the teachers or Snape. I have a few ideas in my head on what I'm going to do at some point, show everyone that the next generation of Marauders (Me, Ron, Hermione, Matty, Eliza, Gred and Forge) are here.
    Love you both,
    Prongslette x

Smiling, Harry dries the letter and folds it up "You want to go send it tomorrow morning? Eliza and I are sending one to our mum tomorrow." Matty asks. "Yeah, I'll join you. Want to go before breakfast or after?" Harry asks. "After, that way we wont have Ron complaining." Matty jokes. "Hey!" Ron playfully complains, the others laughing. Hermione frowns as she puts the Daily Prophet down "'Mione? You alright?" Eliza asks. "Yeah, just read that Gringotts got broken into on Harry's birthday." Hermione explains. "What?!" everyone exclaims, gathering round the paper to read.

Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied the same day. "But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you," said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon.

"That could have happened while we were there!" Ron exclaims. "I thought Padfoot and Moony said that no one has ever broken into Gringotts." Hermione frowns. "Because they haven't. There are too many spells and enchantments for people to get through. Padfoot even said that some vaults lower down are protected by magical beasts and creatures, including trained dragons." Harry tells her. "Then how did they get in?" Eliza asks. "Maybe they used dark magic?" Hermione suggests. "Powerful dark magic." Matty nods.

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