Wife Swap ✔️

Von ivyBrown179

645K 20.6K 853

This is inspired by true event that happen in 2O16 when a couple decided to swap their cheating spouses. Athe... Mehr



9K 305 7
Von ivyBrown179

Rome pov

I have been soaking myself with work. It brings me no peace just exhaustion, but that is what I crave. To be too fatigued such that when I collapse on the bed I fall asleep immediately leaving no room for intrusive thoughts.

"You've been making the rest of us look bad," Wendy, my coworker, accuses playfully as she stops at the desk beside mine.

I chuckle at her remark, realizing that we're the only ones left in the office. The workday ended hours ago.

"Are you afraid I might outdo you?" I retort, gazing at her intently. She always toils tirelessly for a company that rewards mediocrity and people-pleasers. And hard workers with more work.

"Nah," She shakes her head. "Why are you here this time as a single man now?" She asks.

I glance at my phone, searching for a suitable response. It's no secret in the office that I'm going through a divorce. Esme stormed in here a few days ago, causing a scene. I'm still amazed I managed to keep my job and retain a semblance of dignity, showing up every day with my dirty laundry aired for all to see.

"Why are you here yourself as a single girl?" I ask instead.

She smiles, "I hate being alone." She says honestly.

"You're beautiful, I'm sure guys are constantly vying for your attention. So it can't be by choice," I remark, causing her cheeks to flush with a blush.

"Only the ones I don't want," she replies.

"It can't be that terrible," I say.

"You haven't been single for a long time. The dating world is harsh and unforgiving. People are self-absorbed and..." She trails off, shaking her head in frustration.

Her words send a shiver down my spine. Single! It's been ages since I've been alone. Adjusting to my current situation is proving to be quite challenging. I hadn't given much thought to life after divorce or even the prospect of dating. All that has consumed my head is Athena, her thoughts are too addictive and i am helpless to them. Dating never crossed my mind.

"There are always good ones in all generations and i am sure you will find yours." I reply.

"I am sure i will," She smiles warmly.


As I step out I can feel her presence. I did her rumors of her return and I knew there was no possibility of us meeting. I did not want to come but Fiona insisted. She can be persuasive.

Her eyes find mine and I find my body standing still. Wendy turns to me and follows the direction of my eyes. She looks away.

"Those are your friends?" She asks.

I nod my eyes still on Athena.

"Let's go and say hello." She starts to walk and I follow her lead.

Noah walks to me with a huge grin on his face. "Look at you moving on." He says proud.

"Get your head off the gutter. She is my work mate."

"So you brought her to spite Athena?" He whispers.

"I did not know she would be here." I whisper back taking a step towards the girls. Wendy has already been acquainted with them.

"Thought you were going to bail on us." Fiona accuses.

I say my greetings, all I look forward is get to Athena. Hear her voice again and get to touch her hand as she greets me.

"Hi?" She half waves denying me the opportunity to touch her.

She seems so different...

"What is the plan?" She asks instead.

"We just go with the flow." Fiona leads the girls towards the swimming pool.

"I always knew you were a coveted playboy with your good boy act." Remy says.

"Both of you quit it!" I snap at them and they just break into a fit of laughter. I guess this is what one gets for having friends.

On my arms i have some drinks and snacks, Noah takes them and places where we shall be sitting.

"Has Esme agreed to the settlement?" Noah asks.

"What do you think?" I says annoyed.

"When my mother calls and asks why i am still single please talk to her. Maybe then she will understand." Remy mocks.

"Yeah, like it's your choice to be single," " I attack him.

"Girls always want a piece of me. I am just not ready." Remy responds and Noah and I laugh. "You can laugh all you want but it is true." He becomes defensive.

Just then at the corner of my eyes i spot the girls walk out in their bikini's. Unlike the first time Athena walks with confidence. She smiles at Wendy who is talking to her. I just can't keep my eyes from her.

"That woman is beautiful," Noah states and Remy and i turn to who he is speaking about, Fiona. He has never hidden how he felt while Fiona has always enjoyed the attention he gives her. They should just get together.

I see her walk towards the edge of the swimming pool and what she does is the complete opposite of what i expected. She leaps into the air, her body arcing gracefully before plunging into the deep end of the pool. Panic grips me as I rush to the edge, my heart now hammering against my ribs. I can see her struggling, her arms flailing, desperately searching for something to hold onto.

Panic floods my veins, and instinct takes over. Without a second thought, I dive into the water, my limbs slicing through the water as I propel myself towards her. As I reach her, I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close. Athena coughs and splutters, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and fear.

As I hold her, our bodies tangle together in the water, the world around us blurring into insignificance.

"Get off...." She starts to protest and i don't know what gets over me. I have yearned for this for days, driving me insane and now that she is in my arms. Everything ceases to exist and the drug i needed is here and like the addict i am i relapse and I lean in, closing the distance between us, and our lips meet in a gentle, hesitant kiss.

The world around us fades away, leaving only the sensation of her lips against mine.

I am brought back to reality when i hear the cheering sounds of people around us and we are forced to break apart. Athena glares at me embarrassed and she swims to the end and gets off the swimming pool. I am surprised that she is able to.

Later she emerges with her clothes on and Fiona agrees to take her home.


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