My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

133K 5K 969

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



3.6K 130 40
By Sarah__Leann

I had just spilled my guts to Kiara. I told her about kissing Kai and the feelings I felt towards him, how I wanted him more that anything and then how I was rejected when I made an advance towards him.

"Was I getting the wrong impression from him? Or do you think he wants to take things slowly? I thought that we were on the same wavelength but he didn't seem to want me in the same way."

"I haven't been found by my soulmate yet but I've heard that the pull that the males feel towards the females intensifies tremendously once they meet. I know that Kai will be fighting himself to not hurt you right now. We're exceptionally strong and clearly bigger than humans so he will have to restrain himself when it comes to just kissing you, nevermind when it comes to mating."

"But why would he hurt me?" I didn't understand.

Kiara laughed.

"Oh, Daisy. Humans are fragile compared to us and we are forceful during the first mating process. It's hard to hold back once a soulmated pair feel a connection and from what you have told me, your feelings towards Kai have progressed immensely and the connection between you both is there."

Why didn't Kai tell me? Surely he won't hurt me.

"Should I be worried?" I asked, picking at my fingers anxiously.

"You will forever be protected by Kai. He won't ever hurt you intentionally but there is a slight chance you could get injured the first time you mate. Having said that, we have a portable healing pod that should fix you right up if you need it."

Oh jesus. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

Folding my arms, I looked up at Kiara with furrowed brows.

"So what are we talking about? Broken bones? A few bruises? Internal bleeding?"

What if he rips my downstairs apart? How big is a zaviours member? Now I'm panicking.

Kiara laughed and I wwondered if she could hear my thoughts like Kai could.

"We're talking bruising, usually soreness and a chance of bleeding from your ladybug."

My ladybug? I hadn't heard that one before.

"And how big are the caterpillars?"

I couldn't help but grin and Kiara laughed loudly.

"From what my friends have said, they vary from nine to fourteen inches long but don't worry, the males on our planet are educated on the best way to use them."

Ok, I can handle fourteen inches. I can. I hope I can.

I gulped, forcing myself to smile. "Anyway.. What will happen tonight?"

I was nervous about meeting all of Kai's family and the head people of the planet. I was worried they wouldn't like me and now that Kai and I were in a complicatrd zone, I was freaking out.

"I honestly don't know. We've never had another species join the family before but I think it's just a little get together to get to know eachother and get all of the formalities out of the way."

"Perfect." I murmured. Hopefully they would have alcohol so I could relax once I'm there. I hated meeting new people at the beat of times but a family so powerful had me on edge.

"Come on, we need to get you something to wear for tonight." Kiara climbed off the bed and pulled me into an almost empty room.

All of the walls were mirrored and the ceiling was just one big bright light.

In the corner of the room was a machine that looked like a photo booth with a cream coloured sofa next to it.

Kiara tapped a screen on the photobooth machine and in lit up.

She turned to me excitedly. "Come and choose an outfit then."

I hurried over to her, unsure of what she was doing.

"What do I do?" I was intrigued by this big machine that was obviously not a photo booth.

"See here? These are the categories to choose from. Females are required to wear dresses tonight so click on dresses."

I nodded, following her instructions, pressing the dresses category.

"What next?" I was rather excited to see the different styles they had here. Kiara and Kai both wore white t-shirts and white joggers and I wondered what else there could be.

"Press the formal option and then body type. I'd say super slim for yours."

I did as she said, eagerly awaiting for the screen to show me my options.


"Exactly." Kiara beamed and our faces both lit up like a child's would on christmas morning.

The dresses were beautiful, all different colours and styles and I was finding it difficult to choose.

"What's your dress like?" I turned to face Kiara.

"Floor length, blood red with matching shoes." The grin on her face made me smile.

"What about this one?" I pointed at a silky, pale yellow dress with spaghetti straps that touched the floor. It had an ever so slight trail with a knee length slit up the side. There were sparkly shoes as an added extra and a crystal necklace with teardrop earrings to match.

"Get in there and try it on!"

"How? What do I do."

Kiara pressed confirm on the dress i had chosen and told me to stand inside the machine and take off my clothes. When I was ready, I had to press an orange button but she never said what to do next.

I did what she said and then pressed the orange button and lasers began to spin around me. I began to feel a little claustrophobic but when the lasers stopped, the dress, shoes and accessories formed infront of me inside a small box.

"Now try them on!" Kiara yelled from outside.

This is incredible, I thought to myself as I picked up the dress. I wasted no time in putting it on, along with the shoes and they both git perfectly. I picked up the box that contained the earrings and necklace and stepped out of the machine.

Kiara looked at me and her face dropped. She didn't say anything and I scrunched up my face, disappointed by her reaction.

"Do you not like it?"

She shook her head. "Daisy, you look stunning. Kai won't be able to resist you when he see you in that!"

She clapped her hands together, satisfied with the dress.

"Is it not a little.. too much?"

"Wait until you see my mother. We'll all be under dressed compared to her."

"When do we have to go?" I had no clue what time it was but I knew it was still bright outside so I assumed it wouldn't be for a while.

"In about two hours. Our seasons are similar to what you have on Earth, only during the summer, it stays bright all the time and in the winter, it tends to be darker."

"Do you have similar times to Earth?"

"Almost. I believe that you have twenty-four hours in a whole day whereas we have thirty-six."

"Woah, that's a long ass day."

"Most of us start the day at ten hours and sleep at thirty-six hours."

"You stay awake for twenty-six hours straight?" My jaw dropped at the thought. How would I survive for so long without sleep?

"Ahh, that's right, your body can't handle as much as ours can it? Don't worry, sleep when you want to, wake when you want to. You'll figure out what works for you eventually."

I changed back into my other clothes and headed back to Kiara's room. After a while, thoughts of Kai entered my mind and I couldn't shake them.

"You're missing him aren't you?"

Kiara was stood behind me, looking at me in the mirror as I put on the necklace from the machine earlier.

"What? No." I spoke quickly, in denial.

She folded her arms, raising her brows.

"Ok, fine. I miss him a little bit. What am I supposed to say when I see him though? It's going to be super awkward."

"If you're missing him, he's missing you. Don't worry, Kai will put you at ease the minute you lay your eyes on him."

I blew out a breath. "I hope so."

"We need to be ready to leave in half an hour. I have informed Kai to meet us there and our transport has been arranged."

How would I be ready in half an hour? I still had to do my hair and get dressed. I noticed Kiara had what looked like mascara on so I asked her if Zandara had make-up.

Luckily it did. Apparently, the girls on this planet like to get fancy just as much as the ones back on Earth do.

Kiara led me to another one of her rooms, sitting me down on a chair with yet another machine infront of me. This time, I had to choose my make-up.

I opted for a dash of mascara, a flaw fix, whatever that was, an eyebrow tidy and a little bit of lip gloss.

Once I hit confirm, the machine moved towards me, covering my entire head. It took less than a minute but in those few seconds my lips tingled, my eyebrows burned, my eye lids felt like they were being flipped inside out and my face felt frozen.

Once everything had stopped, I emerged from the machine, a little shaken up but relieved.

"What the fuck was that?!" I slowly turned my head to face Kiara but she stood there, snorting at me trying not to laugh.

"No pain, no gain. That's what you humans say isn't it?"

My lips pulled into a tight line as I gave her my best death stare.

"You've definitely gained. Look in the mirror."

She threw me a grin before I stood up and walked over to the mirror.

"Wow! How did it do that to my face?"

My dark eyes were gone, my skin looked refreshed and healthy and there wasn't a single flaw in sight.

"Err. Um. I don't know, it just does it."

I chuckled at her words. "I love it."

A machine also did my hair after I changed into my dress. Soft, simple waves with a diamond hair slide to keep one side out of my eyes.

Once Kiara and I were ready to go, we stood in the middle of her room. She swiped her wrist and a screen appeared infront of us. After pressing a few things, a clear cylinder rose up from the floor, encasing us as we were slowly lifted into the air and through the ceiling.

We came to a stop and the cylinder opened up, letting us walk out onto what looked like the roof. There was a silver dome with windows on the side waiting for us so we stepped straight into it and sat down on a rather comfy sofa.

Once the door was closed, the dome lifted up off the ground and flew up, high into the sky.

"Oh jesus! How high up are we? Don't tell me! Can we fall out of this thing? Who's driving? I'm afraid of heights, didn't I tell you I was afraid of heights? How long until we get there? Ohh shit, I looked down, why did I look down? Kiara stop laughing! Why are you laughing? We're going to die! I hate this thing."

I was an absolute mess. Heights were my nemesis, nothing in the world terrified me like this and I was making a fool of myself.

Kiara on the other hand was having a wonderful experience. At least one of us could see the humour in my nightmare. My heart was racing and I felt dizzy. I couldn't wait to land.

Ten agonisingly slow minutes later, we came to a stop and I felt like I could breath again.

"Just a heads up." Kiara muttered before she stood up.

"What's that?" My eyes were still closed as I tried to calm myself down.

"Kai has just felt every emotion that you've just felt. He's waiting outside that door for you. He's panicking."

"Well, I'm not moving until my head stops spinning. Feel free to leave me here." I mumbled, eyes still closed.

A moment later, I felt a hand on my shoulder and everything instantly calmed.



I want a Kiara in my life. Do you like her?

I love her energy!

Quick note.. I will be updating a minimum of twice a week, is that enough? Let me know! 😁

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