Release Me

Da SapphariaMayer

5.7K 206 1

When you've finally achieved your heart's desire, an unexpected fall from grace can be swift and brutal. Atla... Altro

Author's Note
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32

Part 23

114 5 0
Da SapphariaMayer

My thoughts danced in disarray, mimicking the complex twists and turns of the labyrinthine tunnel system we navigated. The musty, earthy scent of the underground passage mingling with a trace of old polish filled my nostrils, heightening the surreal quality of the moment. When I finally emerged, eyes squinting and blinking in the stark contrast of light, from the broom closet, Tanner had vanished, as ephemeral as a wisp of smoke dissolving in the air.

Ensnared by the pulsating cadence of my thoughts, I wandered aimlessly back to the upper echelon of the club. The distant hum of the music from above grew louder, a siren's call beckoning me back to reality.

Most of the hulking framework of the construction had solidified into a tangible edifice, with the remaining small crews meticulously attending to the finest details. The resonating echo of hammers and the occasional hiss of a welding torch punctuated the background murmur of conversation. Electricians huddled around panels of switches and wires, their faces pinched in concentration, while carpenters artfully finished the trim, their chisels singing against the wood. Painters, their clothes speckled with a rainbow of past endeavors, transformed the roughened drywall into a canvas for the interior decorator to craft their world upon.

A curious sense of contentment unfurled within me as I watched the structure grow and evolve—a satisfaction steeped in the fact that it wasn't even my dream. But somehow, it resonated within me, giving me a newfound purpose. In the midst of these rising walls, I began to comprehend the complex dynamics of power—an intoxicating blend of burgeoning confidence and the dawning realization that I was a pawn in a larger scheme. Tanner had been right: I wasn't cut out to be a Regent, prompting me to relinquish my high seat in the Sovereign Society. Yet here, amidst the architectural chaos unfolding around me, I found a dominion where I could assert my influence, shape its trajectory as I saw fit. I had discovered my own path, and now, it was time for me to blaze its trail.

The soft luminescence of scattered lights splashed intriguing chiaroscuro patterns across the vast expanses, transforming them into secretive alcoves—perfect stages for clandestine rendezvous or fervently intimate exchanges. The whispering rustle of hidden movements, the secretive hum of whispered words - a symphony of mystery and intrigue.

I'd seen such a thing happen during my time at the Regent's compound when people were bound to the walls like gilded art, or stood with signs awaiting public punishments. It was a heady world full of pleasure, pain, politics and passionate seduction. If I could capture a fragment of those things within these walls, and on the pages of my books, then success was the only viable outcome.

Voices carried in giggles and hushed tones from my office. IA frown creased my brow at the interruption, a rude reminder of reality. It dawned on me that time had once again slipped through my fingers like sand, and the identity of the occupants inside the office was still a mystery. With a forced smile plastered on my face, I pushed open the door. Before me was a most unusual sight. Parker's hand pinned Samantha's wrists to the small of her back, and she was bent over the edge of my desk, though she struggled when she heard me enter.

"Did I catch you pre or post fucking?" I asked as I sauntered into the room until I rounded my desk and looked down at Samantha's shocked face.

"Ah, Alexandra, how good of you to join us." Parker smiled up at me like a kid who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and wanted me to give him a glass of milk for his naughtiness. "I was explaining to Samantha some of the possibilities we could explore with her exhibit during the art show. We were originally going to drop her paperwork off to you after our discussion, but when you weren't here, I thought it would be a waste not to start creating my beautiful centerpiece with such a lovely object."

Samantha struggled beneath his hold, a mortified expression masking her face, though it looked far too sexy to be real.

"Enjoying yourself?" I looked down at her, then took my seat and watched her gaze follow me down. "Is it the struggle or the exhibitionism that excites you?"

The words hit a cord in her, and I glanced up to see Parker wink at me when she stilled below him. Her struggle turned to the slightest squirm, and there was no doubt his other hand was moving down the lower crease of her ass. With a nod, I pushed back from the desk. Seconds later, his hand smacked against the same place. Something between a moan and a yelp echoed in the room when he made contact.

"See, she's perfect. Can I keep her?" Parker's eyes lit up in anticipation.

"No. You can't keep her. She's not even supposed to be part of the exhibits in this art show because of the clientele." I shot him a warning look and scowled.


"Mr. Chase, if you continue down this line of discussion, I will find myself in need of contacting my employer about the situation."

His hands released his grip like she was on fire and stepped away so quickly he nearly tripped over the chair behind him. On my desk, Samantha didn't move a muscle and the daze look across her face told me everything I needed to know. This situation was about to get complicated, and I was going to be the bad guy.

In something akin to a drunken stupor, she pushed off the desk but shuffled on her feet. A misstep sent her tumbling backwards, and Parker caught her in his arms, going to the floor with her in his protective embrace.

"Shhh. It's okay. I've got you. Let the ethereal, floaty sensation sweep you away. You're safe," he crooned in a hushed, soothing murmur against her ear. He dared to glance up at me twice, searching for a response. But I offered nothing, my expression as unreadable as a stone carving, neither giving nor denying him the affirmation he silently sought.

"Where's the paperwork?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I crossed my arms and leaned on my desk.

"On top of the pile marked 'Art Show Waivers'. The exception paperwork is attached."

"And if it goes wrong or something happens to her?"

"Then we'll deal with an Eyes Wide Shut scenario, but I don't think we've got anything to worry about. She's high on the concept of the adventure. Imagine what she'll be like when she embraces it."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I stared at the ceiling as my mind raced through the various possibilities. "One show. If it goes wrong, I'm throwing you under the entire fleet of buses, and we'll see how your legacy ass handles an auction."

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Alexandra."

"You're incorrigible."

Parker laughed, then soothed Samantha when she stirred in his arms.

"Yeah. I know. Besides, think of the delicious mind games we can play knowing we bent the rules. Something I believe you are exceedingly good at doing."

"And something I can't do in this position. Hypocrisy and double standards have no place in a position of leadership."

"You think that's what this is?" His face contorted as he tilted his head and shook it. "We're pawns on a game board. Embrace the fact others move us for their pleasure, and periodically, we can muck up the strategy, but in the grand scheme, we're not the masters of the game."

"Then perhaps we need a new perspective."

"We nothing. I'm quite happy with my place in the world."

"Interesting. I thought you were a man who'd want to control his destiny."

Parker stifled a laugh.

"There's a reason I'm a contractee, Alexandra. I enjoy being around power, and often embrace moving things behind the scenes, mucking with plans without anyone knowing it was me, or watching things unfold around me. There's no reason to take on the burden of leadership to become the hand of fate. That's nonsense, and boring." He rolled his eyes and glanced down at Samantha with a smile.

"One day you might change your mind."

"Um... no. There's too much responsibility on the heads of those hands who play the games with the lives of others. Imagine the weight of knowing your are responsible for ensuring things run smoothing, people are generally safe and those who seek positions of power have a balance of free will within an absolute ruled system. They aren't joking when they said heavy is the head who wears the crown. Really dodged a bullet on that one."

I glared at him, then nodded, lost in my thoughts for a moment, then turned them back to Parker.

"You break her, and you'll find yourself on the wrong side of a starving pig farm."

He furrowed his brow and stared at me. I smiled when the reality of my words formed in his mind and a shocked expression lit up crossed his face.

"You wouldn't dare..."

I raised an eyebrow and took a deep breath as straightened my posture.

"Oh? Are you sure? Because a pawn who eventually gets queened is a powerful piece indeed, and you're in my kingdom, no matter what you may believe."

Parker swallowed hard and gave me a nod.

"Understood, Alexandra. I give you my words. She won't get harmed."

"I'm glad we understand each other. Now, take her over to the office studio and give her the aftercare she deserves. You'll need to know how to handle it after the art show because if she gets like this over a taste, an entire night of it is going to rock her world."

His usual mischievous grin appeared, and he worked to get Samantha on her feet. When she was stable enough to shuffle beside him, he led her out the door.

I stared at them as they left the office and wished I could drop into that space more often.

The final vestiges of evening surrendered to the encroaching night as I finally set my pen aside. I rose from my chair, feeling the day's strain unraveling from my stiff shoulders. A hard knock on the door drew my attention, and a young man walked into the office. His hand extended, a familiar-looking envelope clenched within his grip. I accepted it with a curt nod, the paper cool and slightly textured in my grasp. With an abrupt turn, he left, his hurried footsteps echoing momentarily in the room.

"Ah, that one still has a new contractee smell," I mumbled as I picked up my letter opener and slid it along the crease. Without hesitation, I pulled out the note and immediately scowled at the cryptic words.

Follow the path lights.

Enter the door.

Press the book.

Follow the lights until you find your place.

The familiar embossed insignia sat where a signature was normally placed.

"Seriously? Why won't this day end?" My voice reverberated in the cavernous emptiness of the office as I slumped in my chair, resignation heavy in my bones.

"We obey in service and discipline when we are called upon by those with whom we've contracted. This is my vow and oath, for my body is your body, my spirit is your spirit, my mind is your mind - all that I have is yours until we be parted by the laws and edicts of the Sovereign Society."

The mantra settled across me and I straightened my desk, delaying my inevitable journey. It seemed my contract owner wanted a chat, and this time I was going to take myself without coercion, proving I'd accepted my place. Based on the note, they were on premise, and if I played my cards right, I'd learn their identity.

I stepped out of the relative sanctuary of my office, plunging into the club's oppressive, velvety darkness. A singular line of pathway lights, a meandering snake of soft illumination atop the baseboards, was the only relief in this ebony abyss. The lights guided me along a corridor and down a hushed set of stairs, then halted at a diminutive door that nearly disappeared into the wallpapered expanse. If it weren't for the fact the lights ended, the message on the note and a small ring sticking up, I would have walked past it without a thought.

Reaching up, I tugged on the ring. The door swung open with surprising ease, revealing the familiar space. With only a moment's hesitation, I stepped through, pulling the door shut behind me.

A soft light clicked on as soon as the door closed. To my left was a large chair with a small table. On the wall in front of me was a floor to ceiling bookcase. Each spine was beautifully gilded, gleaming faintly under the subdued light. It was like a small reading nook and library hidden behind the mundane wall of the corridor.

"Great. Which book am I supposed to press?" My gaze swept across the countless spines of the books before me, each title a promise of a world within, and tried to remember what Tanner did earlier to open the tunnel entrance, as I ran my fingers across the spines, wishing I had time to lose myself in the worlds contained within each one. On the third pass, I paused. The book in the center of the shelf seemed off somehow, and I stepped closer. At the very top of the spine, a white rabbit seemed to stare back at me, and I turned my head to read the title. "Alice in Wonderland."

I pressed the book and stepped back as I waited to hear the click of the hidden door. When nothing happened, I scowled at the bookshelf and stepped back over to it, feeling defeated.

"Mr. Rabbit, if you don't tell me the way, I'm going to be late," I mumbled and stared at the white rabbit I was sure was placed there on purpose. Seconds ticked by as I studied the spine to see what I missed. On the verge of giving up, I followed the rabbit's gaze and realized I wasn't the thing he was looking at, but rather it was the book beside him. I glanced over and rolled by eyes as I skimmed the title, Through the Looking-glass: And What Alice Found There.

"Sadistic assholes," I said as I pressed the center of the book and was rewarded with a satisfying click.

In front of me, the bookshelf pivoted outward, revealing a tunnel with lit pathway lights.

"Down the rabbit hole. Once again, we go." I stepped past the bookshelf, and as soon as I cleared it, glanced back to see it pivot back into place. Like a bad déjà vu trip, I walked through the tunnel system until I the lights stopped. The tunnel appeared to take a hard angle and continue, but when I looked up at the door, there was a note with perfect handwriting on a linen notecard.

Open me.

"I could learn a thing or two about how to set up a scene from whoever is behind this elaborate adventure," I mused into the echoless void, fingers curling around the notecard and the doorknob in turn.

The room in front of me was darkness, except for a singular spotlight. I swallowed, forcing down the lump that had taken residence in my throat, and took a hesitant step forward. The faintest light illuminated under my feet. With deliberate steps, I moved toward the circle of light, unsure what awaited me once I stepped inside. 

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