𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ➤ 𝐳𝐨�...

By FandomzPhantomz

383K 13.1K 769

𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 ┊ 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ▮ 𝚉𝙾𝚁𝙾 𝚁𝙾𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝙰 𝚇 𝙲𝙴𝙻𝙴... More

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10.2K 334 52
By FandomzPhantomz

Zoro was the first to be tied up before Celestia was next. Moving her head back as much as she could when Helmeppo touched her cheek.

Zoro noticed as he shifted in his spot. "Hey! Don't touch her like that!"

"Or else what? Going to come after me? Oh, wait.. you can't." He laughed before walking away. Leaving them alone for that night.

Celestia listened to him leave before glancing over at him. "Why do you keep helping me if you hate me so much?" She asked.

"Old habits die hard." Zoro simply spoke.


"It doesn't mean you are forgiven by me. You mean nothing to me." Zoro interrupted her with a lie.

"Zoro. Can't we talk normally about this instead of beating around the bush? We literally have nowhere to go if you haven't noticed."

"There's nothing to say to you. You left me when I needed you. Now you want to act like nothing happened? I see where you stand very clearly from here." Zoro scoffed as he turned his head away.

"I had no choice, Zoro!" Celestia spoke up.

Taking the male by surprise as he glanced her way. Intrigued by what else she had to say about that day. The look of despair on her features being something he knew she wouldn't fake. At least, he hoped so. Especially since it was similar to when he first met her.

"I had no choice in what happened that night."

"Then tell me what happened."

Celestia noticed that she had caught his attention as she glanced at him. Her eyes growing a bit teary. "I was forced to leave Shimotsuki Village after dinner that night." She spoke. "A part of me wanted me to stay or at least say goodbye to you but.. I couldn't. That would have meant you'd be at risk and in danger." She spoke as she sniffed a bit. "It's stupid, I know.."

Zoro listened as he calmed down a bit when he noticed her tears. He hated seeing her that way. Especially because of him asking her why.

Celestia took a deep breath as she glanced at her shoes. "I was left here two years ago by my guardian, Kinley Andino, the woman you saw when I first arrived. Left to make my own life and I had no way of contacting you or going back. I have let that memory torture me every waking moment. Wondering if we had fled for no reason. If you were even safe."

"Safe from what exactly?" Zoro asked.

"I can't-."

"Tell me what you're hiding."

"You'll hate me even more. I want you to hate me and leave but.. I don't want to lose you at the same time."

"You won't lose me."

"I will though." Celestia spoke as she glanced his way. "And things might never be the same again after." She sniffed a bit more.

"You have my word that nothing of that sort will happen. I swear." Zoro spoke.

Celestia listened before trusting him like she always had. "My family was murdered before I had arrived to Shimotsuki Village. That woman wasn't my mother. She was a loyal crewmate who sailed with my father. We ran from one of his enemies while my parents held him back. She was in charge of keeping me safe. I watched the whole thing that night and had to be silent about it. One sound would give us away so she covered my mouth as we sailed away. Just the two of us survived..." She spoke.

Zoro didn't say a word. Letting her get out what she wanted to say before anything else. He had never been aware of what had happened to her and the story she carried on her shoulders.

"That night.. I was on my way to give you something and you were in your room. With everything we had been through I was going to tell you something important but she came into my room in such a panicked state. Told me to pack because she had gotten word that someone who resembled the man who killed my family had been close by." She took a small breath before continuing. "I had to run before they found me if it was them that night."

"You were in danger?" Zoro asked quietly.

Celestia stayed quiet as she was hesitant to answer him.

"Answer me Celestia." Zoro spoke up a bit.

"Yes. My life was in danger. Maybe I still am. Which is why you should hate me and stay far away from me. I don't want to lose you too. I can't."

Zoro listened as he thought about it. "When we get out of here." He began to speak. Thinking carefully about what he wanted to tell her. "Stay close to me."

Celestia was confused. Turning back to glanced at him. "What are you talking about?"

"I want you-."

"I heard what you said. W-why are you..?"

"You did it to keep me safe, right? Leaving and all that? Well, I guess I will keep you safe this time. As long as you stay close to me. No pirate will kill you while I am still breathing." He declared.

"I don't know what to say."

"A thank you should be enough."

"Thank you Zoro."

"I was joking."

"I'm not joking. I really am thankful towards you. Seeing you again makes me very happy and relieved to see you are doing well." Celestia spoke. Calming down as she let her tears dry up.

"Next time come to me." Zoro replied.

"No. I don't want to burden you with my problems. I can handle it."

"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. You made me believe that you left because something wasn't good enough for you to stick around or that you were plotting something bad. I hated you for that. Hated you for so long. If I'm going to hate you then it will be for a good reason. Not some assumptions being made. Is that clear?"

Celestia gave a small nod as she listened to him. Feeling like she was back at the village and he was scolding her for something she had done wrong. Her heart skipping a beat as she knew that her feelings for him hadn't changed one bit. Wanting to confess to him while she could.

"Zoro?" She asked lightly. Seeing his eyes were already closed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Nevermind. Go to sleep." Celestia spoke lightly before glancing ahead.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. It's better to catch some sleep."

Zoro listened as he gave a nod before glancing her way a bit. His eyes admiring her as she had changed a bit. "I'm sorry." He spoke up.

"About what?" She asked.

"Your cheek and neck. I was mad at you and wanted to scare you off or something." Zoro explained.

"Oh. That." Celestia listened. "I deserved that."

"No. You've already explained to me what you were going through and that is something I never could've imagined."

"Well, you better keep that secret with you." She spoke.

"If you say so." Zoro gave a small smirk. Almost unnoticeable.

"I have to admit though.. I was wrong too." She spoke as she glanced at him.

"About what?" He asked.

"Well, for everything I did but also when I said you were the old Zoro. You've come a long way. Better swordsman than the Zoro I knew and love." Celestia softly spoke. Realizing what she said as she turned red.

"So you love me, huh?" His smirk growing.

"Don't let it get to your head. I meant as friends." Celestia spoke up.

"What? I always knew you liked me more than a friend."

"Oh really? And when exactly did I fall for you according to you?"

"Uh.. when I saved you just now?" He asked.

"No, you dork. I've liked you since we met back as kids." She replied.

"Really?" Zoro asked surprised.

"Mhm. I believe you were eight. I was seven and about to turn eight. I had just arrived at the village. I caught a glimpse of your hair and liked the unique color but you were also a bit intimidating."

"You're one to talk with your hair color."

"Hey. My hair color is very lovely. Yours is too." She spoke as she glanced at him. Her cheeks were still a bit red, especially up to the tip of her ears. A small smile on her lips as it felt nice to talk with him again.

"Why didn't you confess sooner?"

"I thought you liked Kuina. The way you both hung out without me and would always spare. The way you looked at one another. To me, it was like you and her were in your own little world. Like you were meant to be. That if I didn't have any feelings for you, you two would be happy together." Celestia confessed.

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