By fanta_cywritrrrr

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⚠warning sometimes people get obsessed with things or with their loved ones that they forget that they have... More

Author's note..


694 22 0
By fanta_cywritrrrr

Tae and jungkook take their good bye because now they have to go on their work they say bye with lots of kisses and decided the day to meet their parents..

When tae enter in the house at late night he slowly park his car in garage and then open his front door with extra key he have and slowly put his shoes in shelve and start to walk to his room.. He reach to his room but froze in his steps when he saw his dear best friend.. Standing in front of him folding his hands and shooting glare at him..

Tae widen his eyes and gulp loudly that now he Is dead..

"C-chim.. Why are you awake till now? "
Tae ask..

(FYI.. Tae and jimin is living in same house on rent because their work place is near from this area.. Their hometown is in deagu.. They are currently living in seoul for work. Jimin is running cafe there.. Two friends can't stay away from each other so they decided to stay to gather..)

"What you expect then huh? You were out for.. 2 fucking days and didn't even inform me also not answering my call.. What we're you doing that you can't even message me that where were you? " Jimin asked approaching tae.. Who is still in his position he don't have coverage to ans his bestie.. Because that shorty is so dangerous when he is mad..


"C-chim I'm sorry.. I-I was I was"

"You know how much scared I was when you were not in your room and I find everywhere and I was going to police station but I got call from somewhere that you are safe... But you.. You don't even care right. "

"No no chim I'm so sorry my phone was dead that's why i-i didn't inform you.. "

"I don't need any excuses.. You know what happened when something happen to you. What will I tell to uncle aunty that I cant take care of you huh.. "

"S-sorry chim.. I'll not do that again I promise.. Now forgive me na.. Please.. "

"Forgive you huh.. No never" Jimin said and went to his room and close the door with loud thud that tae flinch bad..

Tae was also sad that his chim is mad at him.. But he knows how to make it up to him..

Tae went to his room and feel emotional when he saw his night cloths pair on the bed .. Jimin is so caring friend.. He took bath and went to kitchen he take out ice cream from. The freezer and serve scoops in bowl then sprinkle it with jelly and nuts..

"Perfect" Tae smile at his telent.. And make his way to jimin's room..

Jimin never lock his room because he knows that his friend needs him whenever he saw nightmares and come to cuddle him..

Tae's two hands are holding ice cream cups so he open the door with his leg and close it.. Jimin knows who it is so he pretend to sleep..

Tae put icecream on the night stand and climb on the bed.. Jimin was sleeping on the right side so tae went behind him and sleep beside him hugging him tight..

"Chiiiiiim... " Tae call him in his ears..

"What? " Jimin said making his voice annoying..

"I'm sorry.. Extremely sorry.. I'll not do that again please.. "

"That dont change what you do now leave me" Jimin said trying to get out of the grip but failed..

"If you will not forgive me then I'll eat all ice cream alone and you will not get one spoon of it.. Tell me you want me to eat your portion too" Tae said smirking because he knows that his mochi can't let his favorite icecream go to tae's mouth..

Jimin turn and tae widen his eyes when he saw tears in his eyes..

"C-chim please dont cry.. I'm so sorry.. Please. Don't cry.. I'll not dot that.. Please" Tae was wiping jimin's tears..

Jimin cup tae's cheeks and caresses little

"Tae... Bear... I cant be mad at you more than a minute. You know how I was worried that I cant sleep at night.. Please dont go anywhere without telling me.. "

"I I promise I'll tell you where ever i go.. " Tae said.. Jimin nodded and smile at tae and tae get relief that his mochi is not mad anymore..

"Hmm.. So let's eat ice cream Or it will melt.. " Tae said getting up.. Jimin also get up and suddenly hig tae..

"I love you bear.. Sorry to yell at you"

"I love you too my mochi.. And it's okay.. Now let's eat tasty tasty ice cream" Ta said chirping..

They eat ice cream and tae told him everything that happen in two days.. And he show him jungkook's pic and jimin get mad also that his bestie didn't tell him about his relationship till now.. So tae tell him that he was about to tell him tomorrow because he want to confirm first his relationship.. So jimin some how convinced..

Both of them sleep while hugging each other..

Other side.

Jungkook is talking with his parents about something... And they are laughing evil laugh..

"Mom dad.. Now we can do whatever we decide.. "

"Yes my boy.. You did great job.. "

"It's my pleasure dad.. "

"Now go and have a good sleep baby.. "

His mom said caressing his hair.. He nodded and kiss her forehead and went to his room..

He got freshen up.. And then he message good night to tae and luck to tae then sleep thinking about tae..

Next day..

Tae is happy plus nervous because he is going to meet jungkook's parents as he have to impress them..

He is checking himself for nth time and jimin is totally annoyed by him..

Jimin give him tae's mobile to him which is ringing from last 10 minutes..

"Taeeeeee... Pick up your call.. It's joon hyung... " Jimin said and tae's eyes widen that his hyung is calling him..

Kim namjoon The Kim corporation's CEO..yes tae is also billionaire but he don't want to live this much lavish life so he is living simple life doing work on his own because he get happiness by this but as Mr kim's older son Namjoon have to take care of the Kim is chair man of the company now also advice namjoon...tae's big brother who loves him like he is his everything.. He always over protactive for tae.. He was not convinced when tae said he have to leave seoul for his job but only namjoon is not convinced for this as he don't want his brother to live the life like that.. But he can't do anything when taecs happiness in that.. So he convinced..

Back to the story..

"Hello hyung".

" What hello huh.. Kim taehyung. Who is the boy you are roaming with.. Huh.. And you promise me to tell me everything and you didn't tell me that you are dating a boy.. "

"Calm down hyung.. And why are you stalking me stop this please na.. I'm big boy nowwww.. " Tae said whining..

"Who's stalking you huh.. I'm just taking care of you and I'll not stop this.. "

"Then I'll not tell you anything then" Tae said sternly..

"Okok I'm just... Ahh I'll not stalk you now tell me who's the boy"

"Hyung his name is jungkook and we mate in dating app then we decided to meet each other in person so we met on Saturday and we want our relationship last long so today I'm going to meet his parents.. "

"Hmm.. Jungkook.. I think I heared this name somewhere.. " Namjoon said while trying to remember..

"Ohho hyung I'm going to be late now I'm going.. "

"Ok bear but take care ok'

" Yes hyung you too... And tell I love you to jin hyung from me "

"Yeah.. Ok good luck baby ".

" Thank you hyung"

Tae hang up tue call and look at jimin who is busy to clean a mess which tae did..

"Jimina.. I'm going.. And stop to clean I'll clean myself.. "

"No you lazy ass.. I know you will just do one thing and that is sleeping like a pig.. So let me do it " Jimin said making face..

Tae smile at his bestie he backhug him and kiss his cheek..

"You know you look more cute when you are angry. "

"Ok ok now go and good luck. '

"Thank you.. "

Tae smile and at that time he heared horn he smile more because he knows who it is..

He wave his hand to jimin and get out of the house..

"Hii baby.. " Jungkook come out of the car and hug his cute baby..

"Kookie now let's go or we will be late.. "

"Ok " Jungkook open car door for tae and then seat on the driver seat... He look at tae once and peck his lips...

They drove of to jungkook's house.. We can say it's mension..

Jungkook stop the car in front of beautiful mension..

Jungkook come out of the car and take tae out.. Tae gasp at the beautiful...

"It's so beautiful kookie"

"Hmm.. And you can shift here if you want" Jungkook said with smile.. Tae blush thinking that they are going to merry ..

Tae just lower his face and start to walk..

Jungkook follow.. Tae stop at the door and look at jungkook.. Jungkook open the door with password.. Now tae is following him like puppy..

"MOM.. DAD.. COME.. LOOK WHO COME TO MEET YOU" jungkook yell and his mother come out of the kitchen and dad come out of the office room.

"Kook don't shout in my hou-" Mrs jeon stop in her track when she saw tae..

She make quick steps towards tae and now standing infront of him with wide eyes.

"Oh my god.. Is this a boy you were talking about? "

"Yes mom.. Meet taehyung the only love of my life.. "

"Oh god he is so cute" She said and hug tae squishing him.. Jungkook hus shook his head and smile..

"Honey don't squish the poor boy.. " Mr jeon come and smiling at tae.. Tae bow at him..

"Taehyung right" Mr jeon said..

"Yes sir"

"Why are you calling him sir.. " Mrs jeon said

"Call us mom dad like jungkook okay baby" Mrs jeon said ruffling his hair.. Tae nodded..

"O-ok m-mom "

"Hmm that's like my boy"

"Now let's sit and have lunch" Mrs jeon said taking tae with her in the kitchen..

"Tae tell me what do you like I'll make that"

"No no mom I'll love to eat whatever you made"

"Hmm ok"

Tae and Mrs jeon served food on the table and they talk while eating..

Mr and Mrs jeon is so busy to talk to tae that they didn't notice jungkook is sulking at the side..

Tae notice and chuckle at his sulking bunny..

And Mr and Mrs jeon also look at that side where tae is looking they also laugh little at their son..

"Awww my bunny baby is sulking"

"So what should I do.. You are giving all attention to him even he just enter in the house.. "

"So what from now on he is my baby.. "

"Ok then I'm going" Jungkook said start to walk..

"Kookie stop" Tae said and held his hand..

"They are just kidding with you"

Jungkook pout and tae pinch his puffed cheeks...

All of them is very happy..

Now Mr jeon and jungkook is in the garden and Mrs jeon and tae is talking while sipping on the tea..

"Tae im really happy that jungkook got you as a life partner.. "

"Mom thank you for accepting me"

"Who will not huh?.. You are so adorable to reject baby"

Tae blush at the compliment..

"Btw tae.. I want to tell you something about kook. "

Tae got serious..

"Yes mom. "

Mrs jeon take tae's hand in her..

"Tae.. You know jungkook grow up before his age because he was so passionate about his career and he just want to help his dad and free him from company's stress so he worked hard and now he is doing his job very nicely... He never ask for anything from us.. He never complain that he didn't get the childhood he wanted because of we were so busy to make company.. So i just want you to make him happy.. "

Tae's eyes teary after listen Mrs jeon he just nodded because he don't have any words..

"Mom I'll take my leave now"

"Why stay here baby.. "

"No no mom jimin will be waiting for me so have to leave.. But I'll come again"

"Ok I'll not force you.. Kook drop him.. Take care baby. I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too mom.. "

They take their leave..

"Your parents are really sweet koo'

" Yes they always are"

"Hmm.. Now you have to meet my parents.. "

When jungkook heared that his expression goes nervous which tae didn't notice because he is busy in admiring the night sky..

"Umm.. Tae can i meet them some other time because I'm so busy for sometime"

"It's ok kook whenever you are free we can meet them"

Jungkook breath out and smile..

He drop tae and say good bye..

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