The Genius [ geminifourth ff ]

By thaiblenthu

10.8K 519 30

Falling in love was never really what Fourth thought of too much. He was a busy body, trying to make a livin... More

THE GENIUS side track 1.1
THE GENIUS side track 2.2
THE GENIUS side track 1.2
Notice : age of characters
THE GENIUS side track 2.3

THE GENIUS side track 2.1

578 26 0
By thaiblenthu

" ok ok. For the last time who all are coming to my party?? " Lookjun asked as she looked around the class. Only few people whom she wanted to invite were there. Almost all of them agreed except First.

" Whyyy??? Come onn Firsttt. It's my 18th birthday dude. You have to come, aren't i your best friend? " she sulked. " I don't know Jun. Yk I'm not good with alcohol plus parties are not my thing. "

But Lookjun heard nothing. All she wanted was to have a fun party with her close friend. So in the end First did went to her party. Promising himself to not touch any of the alcohol but god had another ideas.

Around 5: 30 pm, a loud horn was heard outside First's house. He hurriedly went down just to go hit that so person on the back of his head for making so much noise.

* bonk * " why tf are you so much noise dumbass ?? " said First as he looked around his neighborhood. Seeing if anyone is disturbed by it or not. Khaotung on the other hand was rubbing his back head. " that was a good one. My head hurts now because of you jerkhead. "

First laughed as he hopped on the back of Khao's bike. They both were invited to the party at lookjun's farm house. As they live close, they decided to go there together as well.

The farm house was a merely 15 minutes ride on bike from their neighborhood. The ride was calming and silent. Only the sound of the wind was prominent as there not that many other vehicles around.

It was a little cold and felt it it was gonna rain soon. The only warmth they both were getting was due to the back hug as Khaotung was probably riding on 80 kph. With First's hands wrapped around Khao's waist and his chin resting on his shoulder.

Secretly enough both were enjoying the touch.

The small party was not small at all. The house was decorated very pretty with almost 25-30 people already inside, having fun. First was so ready to just turn back on his heels and go back home. But Khaotung held on to his hand and dragged him inside as he was pretty excited for this party.

They both know Jun since grade 3. So they do have a good bond with each other.

Putting the gifts on the table where every other gift was. They both head towards the place where Jun was. With their hands interlocked together, just being cautious to not get separated that's it.

" Heyy birthday girlll, long time no seee." Khaotung greeted her. He doesn't goes to the same school anymore as he got suspended from there for getting into a fight with another student.

Jun squeaked in happiness and hugged him, making his hand leave First's, but not that First mind. He too had a big smile on his face like those two. Just happy seeing both of his dear friends together in a one place after so long.

After she broke the hug with Khao, she did hugged First as well, even tho they met in the morning at school. Who cares, they are bestie, they can hug whenever they want.

An hour into the party everybody was some what drunk as they pulled out drinks like 30 minutes before. The music was blasting through out the whole farm house. Everybody was on the dance floor. Drunk. Dancing. Enjoying their life.

Khaotung was sitting as he was not a big dance fan. Watching his friends have fun on the dance floor. Jun dancing with First, swinging his arms around with a big smile on both of their faces.

Jun soon went away to throw up somewhere. The alcohol was kicking in as Khaotung stared at First, who was drunk and dancing alone. Noticing how a guy made his way to First. How he asked First for a dance and as he was drunk, he obviously agreed.

Khaotung watched how he pulled First closer, how he wrapped his arms around his waist, how his eyes were fixed on First's lips. Without knowing why, he clenched his fist around his glass.

The guy slid his hand inside First's shirt from behind and that's when Khaotung had enough. Abandoning his glass on the table, he went towards them. Snatching First from that guy and dragged him outside that mess.

" Khao! what the fuck! leave me! You are hurting my wrist Khao. LEAVE!! " yanking his hand out from Khaotung's grip. First massaged his wrist as he looked at Khao with a confused yet annoyed face. " What was that? Did you the one who was excited to go here? More excited than me?"

" Don't wanna anymore. Let's go home." That made First scoff. Scoff in a way that he couldn't believe Khaotung just now. He was already drunk, so he too didn't know what he was thinking. " You are always like this. You always want everybody to do just like how you like. You never care about anyone. You never see how others care about you. HOW I CARE ABOUT YOU. "

First never wanted to accept this but he knew he liked Khaotung. He liked him ever since Khaotung saved his life from drowning in grade 8. But was too afraid to confess. Same old reason, he didn't wanted their friendship to get destroyed just because of his stupid feelings.

But little did he knew how Khaotung felt about him. How just now how much he wanted to fuck him and make him his. How his blood boiled while watching that guy flirt with Him.

" oh please. He was clinging to your drunk ass. If not for me, he would have taken you to a room by now to fuck your ass. I practically saved you. " Khao replied in rage making First push him away.

" You are a jerk Khao. And what if he did wanted to fuck me? How is that a problem to you? It's me whom he wants not you. If you are jealous then just say it. No need to do all these stupid shit. " First barked back.

Khaotung was already pretty drunk and First spitting shit at him was not working either. He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth in annoyance. And before thinking twice he paced towards First, held his face with both of his hands.

Pressing his lips on his. He didn't cared if he forced himself on First right now. His mind was already not working properly. Khaotung slipped one of his hand around First's waist. Pulling his body and keeping him close to his own body.

First was surprised but he too didn't wasted a second to respond to that kiss.

After a nice heated make out session for 2 whole minutes. Both pulled away, breathing heavily as they looked away from each other. Probably Embarrassed. Few minutes passed by, they were still recovering from what happened just now.

" ahem. Um,... let's just head home. I- ... i will drop you off. " Khaotung broke the silence. First agreed and they both made their way back home with a thick layer of awkwardness between them.

[ How would they break this awkwardness between them now? Will any of them ever be able to tell the other that he likes him too?? ]


THE GENIUS side track 2.1

Hii everyone! Thank you sm for joining in! This is the end of side track episode 2.1 but don't forget to follow @thaiblenthu for updates of the next episodes and the side track episodes as well!

I really hope you liked the story so far. Feel free to leave your thoughts in comments!! Any place i lack in and you want me to improve in, don't hesitate to tell me!!

Until then, see you with the next episode in few days 💞

[ @/thnwtlvrr on insta ]

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