Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

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This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A beginning of something new
A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Date
A Job with the Nomads
Project 777
The Big One.
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

Perfect Murder

31 1 0
By Cheetahniel

Ronin wakes up the next morning and goes to prepare a breakfast before they go for hunting.

Some time later, Alt woke up slowly with a slight feeling of drowsiness still present in her mind. She stretched and yawned as she slowly sat up in her bed. She yawned again after a few seconds and then realized that she was a bit hungry.
She got up and walked over to the dresser that had the food supplies in it. She took out some cereal and poured it into a bowl. As she poured the milk into the bowl, the sound of the door opening caught her attention.Alt: ...Ronin? Are you up yet?

I've been up since half an hour - he replies. I am now doing a breakfast for everyone.

Alt: ...Oh, I see. And what exactly are you making? - She looks over at Ronin and waits to see what he'll say in return.

Something tasty. - he replies.

Alt: ...Okay? You're being kind of vague. You wouldn't happen to be making any of those fancy donuts, right? -She says jokingly.

What donuts? - he says with a smirk.

Alt: ...You know, those fried things, donuts? Sweet, sugar-covered, delicious donuts?She says in a dramatic, over-the-top sort of manner as she stares at Ronin.

you mean... Deep fried onion rings? - he says now being confused.

Alt: ...Wait, you've never had donuts before? How is that even possible?... Well, nevermind. Just tell me, what's for breakfast? - She's still trying to be dramatic, over the top with her responses.

I wish I knew. - he says

Alt: ...Wait, what do you mean 'you wish you knew'? You're saying that you don't even know what you're making?

Ronin looks at Alt letting out a smirk and then he gets back to cooking. 

Sarah, and Lucy all woke up and made it to the table at some point during the morning, ready to eat whatever it was that Ronin made for breakfast.

Alt: ..So what is it?She said this with a puzzled look on her face, clearly not exactly sure what to expect. Sarah and Lucy seemed a little confused as well.Lucy: ...What is it, Ronin?Sarah: ...We're waiting... What's for breakfast?

Ratatoullie for everyone and omeletes to it. If you're looking for snacks, I've also made some macaroons - he replies as he lays the food on their plates.

Alt: ...Huh, I've never had ratatouille before, nor omelettes... I mean, I've seen them on the internet but I've never actually eaten them.She takes a spoon and starts making her plate.Sarah: ...A new culinary experience it is! Gotta try it before you can judge it.Lucy: ...Ooh, macaroons? That sounds delicious!Lucy immediately goes and grabs a few macaroons.Alt: ...Can i get some too? 

Sure, why not - he says with a smirk 

Alt smiles and takes a couple macaroons for herself.Alt: ...Thanks, Ronin.Alt looks down as she starts to eat the ratatouille and omelette.Sarah: ...What do you think?Alt: ...It's not bad. In fact, it's pretty good.Alt takes a few more bites of her food with a satisfied expression on her face.Alt: ...I think I actually really like this.

Well, I tried my best. - he says.

Alt: ...You did just fine, Ronin.Sarah: ...Better than fine, I think. This is some of the best food I've ever had!Lucy: ...I gotta say, these macaroons are delicious.They all continue to eat and enjoy the food that Ronin made for them.

Ronin says suddenly: Eat up and get yourself dressed in somethign nice and elegant. I've arranged the meeting with the Gold Digger. We're going is as their business executives on a business meeting. From my Intel that I've gathered that he will be there. We can't kill him. At least not until he gets somewhere quiet. - he says as he continues eating his food.

Alt: ...Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that the Gold Digger will be at the meeting too?Sarah: If that's the case, it would definitely make this much more interesting. I'm kinda looking forward to it now.Lucy: What is this business meeting supposed to be about again? Like, what company do we have to pretend to work for?

Arasaka. His relations with arasaka are the best of them all, so he wouldn't suspect us if we get in there as arasaka executives. - he replies. 

Alt: Arasaka executives? That means we'll have to look fancy and high class! Maybe I can finally wear that dress I've been wanting to try...Sarah: I'm so excited! I've always wanted to try something like this!Lucy: Huh, this is going to be tricky... But I don't mind. It'll be a whole new experience.

Remember, It also has to be flexy, just in cas the things go south. - he says.

Alt: Flexy? Do you mean flexible? Like if we need to make a quick escape, right?

Yup. If we're lucky enough we can get his intel, that then we can sell to rogue for a decent price. - he says. 

Alt: That sounds like a great plan! I can't wait to see how this all plays out.Sarah: And I can't wait to see what my Arasaka suit looks like!Lucy: This is going to be fun! I hope it goes well and we're able to get that intel! 

Yeah. Anyway. Go get dressed. I'll clean the table and I'll join ya in a jiffy - he says as he takes the dishes from the table Alt, Sarah, and Lucy all quickly get up and go off to get dressed in their Arasaka executive attire. After a few minutes, they walk back out looking all fancy and ready for their meeting. Alt, Sarah, and Lucy all quickly get up and go off to get dressed in their Arasaka executive attire. After a few minutes, they walk back out looking all fancy and ready for their meeting. Wow, You look sexy. You even got a matching dresses. You got any protection just in case, or are we going in there no guns, fist fights only? - he asks.

Sarah: Thanks, these suits really compliment each of us. And don't worry about any guns. All three of us have concealed weapons that won't be noticed by security. We should be ready for anything.Lucy: Yeah, we're ready.Alt: Totally. With our guns, our intelligence, and Ronin's experience, we'll be able to get through this with ease. Let's go then - he says.

Sure, we'll skip to the Gold Digger's HQ. The Arasaka group walk in, immediately getting attention from the guards. They walk through the lobby without incident and walk up to the receptionist that will greet them.Alt: Hello, we are the Arasaka executives that have been invited to this meeting.Receptionist: ...Ah, yes. Of course. The Gold Digger is waiting for you in the conference room. Go along that hall and take the elevator to the fifteenth floor. The meeting will be held there.

Sure thing. Thank you for the help - he says as they walk up to the elevator through the hall.

They walk towards the elevator, getting in and pressing the button for the fifteenth floor. The doors close as the elevator carries them up to their destination.After a few seconds, the elevator stops and the doors open to reveal a fancy conference room. The Gold Digger, the company's CEO, is waiting for them at the head of the table. He stands and walks over to shake each of their hands.Gold Digger: It's a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to attend this meeting. Alt shakes the Gold Digger's hand. Alt: ...Thank you for making this meeting possible. We are the executives of Arasaka and we are here for business. Gold Digger: Yes, yes. Thank you all for coming. I understand you all represent Arasaka and plan to make business? Alt: That's correct. We are hoping to strike up a business relationship with you all here at Gold Digger headquarters. Gold Digger: And what kind of relationship would this be?

Alt takes the lead in this conversation.Alt: We would like to form a partnership with Gold Digger. Arasaka could benefit immensely with access to Gold Digger's business connections in the NUSA. In addition, we could also assist Gold Digger with their security issues and any potential hacking problems. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties.Gold Digger: And why should Gold Digger accept your offer? What do we have to gain from this partnership?  Alt: Well, as I said earlier, Arasaka's security would greatly benefit Gold Digger in a variety of ways. We have access to state-of-the-art cyberware, as well as an army of highly skilled operatives to deploy against hackers. Not to mention, Arasaka's position as a global arms-manufacturer could prove beneficial to your business, providing a stable and reliable supply of weapons to defend against potential threats.Gold Digger:  ...Your offer is tempting. Tell me, what do you know about us?

Alt: ...Gold Digger is a powerful group that has connections to the New United States and a large portion of the global market. You deal in a variety of different products, including data, weaponry, armor, implants, and vehicles. You have powerful influence and a large security presence surrounding your operations, which makes your assets very valuable for us here at Arasaka.

Alt keeps a cool and calm demeanor all throughout their conversation, showing that she's very comfortable in this position as an Arasaka executive.Alt: ...Let's talk about potential threats, as well. Arasaka has long been plagued by hacker attacks that have attempted to steal sensitive Intel and important data. Our own internal security, while powerful, can only do so much. That's why we believe a partnership with Gold Digger could benefit us both. We would want to provide protection to your company's assets, while also learning new methods of defense that may benefit our own security.

Gold Digger looks at Alt carefully for a moment, assessing her and her team.Gold Digger: ...After hearing your statements, I am impressed. Arasaka's reputation and status certainly speak for themselves. Your offer is quite appealing.Alt : Glad to hear that. We at Arasaka always strive to make our partners satisfied.Gold Digger: ...We will accept your offer, on the condition that Arasaka agrees to help our company with any potential hacker attacks and threats to our operations. Then our deal is settled - Alt says as she shakes hands with Gold Digger. 

Gold Digger and Alt shake hands, formally solidifying their new deal.Alt: An excellent decision, sir. I am glad that we can come to an agreement that will benefit both of our companies.Gold Digger: Indeed. I am also quite satisfied with this deal. 

Gold Digger: My lawyers will work out the details of the partnership. We'll meet again once they have finalized the contract and have it ready to be signed.Alt: Of course. I am looking forward to a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship between our companies.Gold Digger: Now, I'm afraid I must excuse myself to continue managing my company. Please enjoy the food and drinks at our headquarters.Alt nods and she, Sarah, and Lucy walk out of the conference room and enjoy the free food and drinks that the Gold Digger offers.

Ok then. - Ronin says as Gold Digger is far away now. Alt, you go after Gold Digger and do whatever it takes to bring his attention to you. The rest of us will look for an intel. Got that? - he says, expecting an answer.  Alt: ...Oh, um... okay. I can try to bring his attention to me.

Sarah: Good luck Alt. We'll be back here keeping an eye out for any intel.Lucy: Yeah, we'll wait here for you. We'll be here.Alt nods and walks back into the conference room, quickly catching the eye of Gold Digger.

Alt walks back into the conference room and approaches Gold Digger as he's talking with his lawyers.Alt: ...Excuse me, sir. I... have another proposal for you to consider.Gold Digger: Hmm?Gold Digger turns his attention to Alt, who has caught his full attention.

Alt: ...I want you to know that Arasaka is not like other corporate giants. We know how to treat our close associates.Gold Digger: Go on.Alt: And that's why I'm here to propose a new addition to our partnership. You see, Arasaka knows how to take care of those who benefit us. And we know how to show our appreciation.(Alt takes a deep breath.)Alt: ...What I'm saying... is that Arasaka would be willing to take you in... as part of our company.

Alt tries to focus Gold Digger attention on him while the other crew arrived at the place they intended to go. They see a lot of cyborgs. Just like Smasher. One of them was standing out from the others...  Alt succeeds in capturing Gold Digger's attention. He listens to Alt carefully, though he is a bit suspicious of Arasaka's intentions.

Gold Digger: ...You're saying that Arasaka wants me to join your company. As in, completely become part of Arasaka and not stay as an independent organization?

Alt: ...Yes. I am saying that. Arasaka wants to take in your company as one of our own. It would be a mutually beneficial partnership. You would be granted access to some of the most advanced cyberware, weapons, and weaponry the world has ever seen. And we could provide you with protection and support with any cyberattacks and threats that you may come across, while also benefiting from your powerful business connections. 

Gold Digger: Very well then. I see no reason why I would decline your contract. The deal is sealed.  

Gold Digger quickly shakes Alt's hand to fully seal their deal.Alt: ...Wonderful. I am sure that our partnership will benefit both of us.Gold Digger: Indeed it shall. I am glad that we can have an alliance.

Well, There's one more thing we need to talk about. But we need to talk about it in private. Can we head to your office? - Alt says as now she just wants to outsmart him.

Gold Digger: ...Very well. Follow me to my office. Let's discuss this in private.Gold Digger stands up, heading towards his office with Alt following closely behind him.

As they arrive in his office. Alt pushes him on a bed and starts teasing him while also undressing. Gold Digger doesn't even try to resist. He just enjoys the moment.

Alt smiles, amused by Gold Digger's lack of resistance. She continues in her teasing and undressing, not wanting him to resist. Gold Digger enjoys the moment, a devious grin crossing his face.

Alt: Is this the private talk you're interested in? Does this mean our deal is finally sealed? She chuckles, her own tone becoming more teasing and seductive.

You bet it is. - He says as they start making love while Alt moans passionately.

Gold Digger and Alt continue to make love while Sarah, Lucy, and Ronin all wait outside for their return. Lucy is the first one to comment.Lucy: ...So, what are they doing in there?Sarah: I don't know but it's taking a while.Ronin: Well, we got time. Let's just wait until they come back.All three continue to wait patiently, curious what's going on inside with Gold Digger and Alt.

After a while the crew gets a message on their optics from Alt saying: You guys can leave now. I'll join you later. The crew is confused at first, but then they decide to leave Alt and head back home.

Alt's POV

Alt: ...Huh... well, I guess I got too excited and jumped the gun. This could work out in my favor, thoughAlt: ...Hey, Gold Digger. How are you feeling after that little... moment of ours?Gold Digger: I'm feeling fine. In fact, I feel... quite... energized. If you catch my drift. - He gives Alt a cocky grin and winks at her. Alt: I can certainly see what you mean. This is definitely one way to seal our deal. - Alt laughs as she continues with Gold Digger. 

Alt: You're definitely a good man to make a deal with. And you definitely know how to treat a lady right.Gold Digger: Well, I'm glad you think so. But let's not forget why you came here.Alt: Of course. Let's talk business.Alt and Gold Digger get back to business, discussing the specifics of their deal while still having fun with each other.

You know what? I'll tell you later about our deal. You still haven't satisfied me yet. - she says while teasing him.

Gold Digger: I would never leave a woman unsatisfied. Especially one as beautiful as you.Alt: Why don't you take care of that? - She motions to a cozy couch in the office area.Gold Digger: Don't mind if I do. - Gold Digger heads over to the couch, eager to please Alt.

Both Gold Digger and Alt are having the best night of their lives as they make love in his office, their movements as passionate as their lustful moans and whispers. Each movement, each breath is an expression of their affection and connection together, the chemistry between them intense and unbreakable. Alt feels a primal satisfaction as she allows Gold Digger to have his way with her, feeling like the queen of the world. The lustful sounds both of them emit combine together to create sweet music, a melody for their minds and bodies.

Alt and Gold Digger continue to make love, their minds and bodies intertwined without a care in the world. They lose themselves in the heat of passion, their bodies moving rhythmically to the same beat. The passion between them both is intense and undeniable, as if it was destiny that brought them together. Alt moans in ecstasy as Gold Digger's lovemaking continues, satisfying her in every sense imaginable. Their sounds of pleasure and desire fill the room, creating a beautiful melody of pure satisfaction and passion.

Alt and Gold Digger's lovemaking continues with a passion and intensity that only grows as the night progresses, their love for each other reaching heights that neither of them had ever thought possible. Their bodies are one, hearts beating in time with each other as their love is expressed in a way that can only bring the most perfect of harmony. They can feel the heat of the night, the passion, love and devotion between them both like a fiery inferno that grows in intensity with every moan.

As Alt finishes their lovemaking she kisses the Gold Digger releasing a deadly toxin from her lipstick. She kisses Gold Digger until he finally lays on the couch, his body now being completely cold. Alt smiles to herself, satisfied with her work as Gold Digger lies motionless on the couch, poisoned by the deadly toxin she had applied to her lipstick via a deadly neurotoxin. She wipes a bit of lipstick residue from her lips, a slight pink color showing. She makes her way back towards the conference room, taking one last glance at Gold Digger. She then walks out, having successfully completed her mission and secured the deal for Arasaka.

She then swaps a locator device in his car with her own and drives back home.

Alt successfully swaps the locator device in Gold Digger's car with her own, driving back home. She arrives at the apartment building that she and her crew had been using as their hub of operations for the last few weeks, ready to relay her news to the crew. Sarah, Lucy, and Ronin are all eagerly waiting for her return, having heard about the meeting with Gold Digger via the live feed Alt had given them. 

Next Day As they all eat their breakfast suddenly a breaking news goes live on TV TV journalist: We are interrupting your program as we got the breaking new that The Crime Lord know as Gold Digger has been found in his office laying dead on a couch after signing a deal with the Arasaka. The NCPD is still investigating. But from our sources, It was probably a hit. Especially when he was at his vulnerable moment. Stay with us, as we give you the most information about Night City. And now, for the weather Ronin smirks as he eats his breakfast. Exactly as we planned. And... We have a new income source. - Ronin says as he chews on his breakfast. Lucy: He's dead? Wow. We just got a new source of income?

Sarah: Let's just focus on the fact that we pulled this one off. Alt, we're amazed by how well you were able to close the deal with Gold Digger.The three of them all nod in agreement. Ronin: Indeed, Alt. This was not an easy one. And now we have a new source of income to help fund our future jobs. Let's just hope that Arasaka can hold up their end of the deal. Now. They sure will keep up with the deal. We give them the robots, and they leave us his business. Of course they haven't taken them all as they already have enough of them. - Ronin adds. Sarah: So, what will happen to Gold Digger's businesses? Will they be absorbed by Arasaka?Ronin: Well, I'm not sure. But let's just hope that Arasaka plays nice and doesn't try to take everything away from us. It'd be a shame if our only source of income was now under Arasaka control.  Oh! We got a payment. 25mil. so now we have 65mil eddies to spend. - he says. The three of them look at the number in shock.Lucy: 65 mil? That's enough money to do anything! - She's in awe.Sarah: I guess we'll be able to buy all that cyberware we've been wanting to get. - She smiles.The three of them think of all the upgrades they could get if they had 65 million Eddies, the possibilities endless. 

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