Honey and Glass

By demonlover07

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The arts are not always for everyone. However, when you find something you love, people you love, you tend to... More

1. Pilot
Rewriting Warning
2. Showmance
3. Acafellas
4. Preggers
5. The Rhodes Not Taken
6. Vitamin D
7. Throwdown
8. Mash-Up
9. Wheels
10. Ballad
11. Hairography
12. Mattress
13. Sectionals
14. Hello
15. The Power of Madonna
16. Home
17. Bad Reputation
18. Laryngitis
19. Dream On
20. Theatricality
21. Funk
22. Journey to Regionals
The Bust
1. Audition
2. Britney/ Brittany
3. Grilled Cheesus
4. Duets
5. The Rocky Horror Glee Show
6. Never Been Kissed
7. The Substitute
8. Furt
9. Special Education
10. Christmas
11. The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
12. Silly Love Songs
13. Comeback
14. Blame it on the Alcohol
15. Sexy
16. Original Song
17. The Death of a Friend
18. Born This Way
19. Rumors
20. Prom Queen
22. New York
Summer Break
Scholarship Audition
Blow it Up
His New Life
1. The Purple Piano Project
2. I Am Unicorn
3. Asian F
4. Pot O' Gold
5. The First Time
6. Mash Off
7. I Kissed a Girl
8. Hold On to Sixteen
9. Extraordinary Merry Christmas
10. Yes/No
11. Micheal
12. The Spanish Teacher
13. Heart
14. On
15. My
16. Way

21. Funeral

19 0 0
By demonlover07

The whole Glee club was sitting in the choir room with Mr. Schue in front of them and Jesse St. James next to him, "New Directions... I would like to introduce you to our new show choir consultant... Jesse St. James."

"FUCK YOU!" Rio and Blaire yelled.

"Rafael, Blaire!" Mr. Schue yelled back.

"Just saying what everyone's thinking," Blaire shrugged and crossed her arms glaring at him. Sam was still severely confused on what happened and just sat back as everyone complained.

"I don't trust this guy," Puck added, sulking.

"How do we know he's gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins?" Finn asked Mr. Schue.

Jesse smirked and answered for him, "I don't need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Finn."

"And I don't need to do anything to make you look ugly," Blaire smiled at him sweetly and he smiled back.

"Guys, Jesse is just a consultant. I still make all the calls," Mr. Schue reminded them. "I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. I just think we could use all the help we can get because... this is it. We've been working so hard for two years for this moment, and that moment is finally here. I was talking with Jesse and he agreed we should continue with our successful trend... of doing original songs for the competition. I was thinking of doing one group number and one duet."

"Rachel and I should sing a duet. We killed it last year at regionals with "Faithfully.""

"Yeah. It killed us. We lost," Quinn reminded him with an eye roll, pissed that her boyfriend wanted to sing a duet with another girl.

"May I?" Jesse asked, gesturing to the group.

"No," Blaire told him.

"Uh, yeah," Mr. Schue nodded.

Jesse stepped forward, "I agree that Rachel should sing lead, but, Finn, I think it's best if you sit this one out. The fact is, most of the other guys in here are better singers...and Mike Chang, who can't even sing, can at least dance. You kind of sing and dance like a zombie who has to poop." Blaire tried her hardest not to chuckle, it was good.

"You see what I'm talking about? This guy's a jerk!" Finn exclaimed as everyone else laughed around him. I mean have you seen his dancing? It's true.

"Uh, Jesse? Maybe you could be a little gentler with your advice," Mr. Schue suggested.



Jesse laughed, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were training for the "Good Try" ribbon at nationals. I thought we were in it to win the whole thing, and there's only one way we can do that."

"Poison darts?" Brittany suggests.

He shook his head, "The Vocal Adrenaline strategy is simple. Identify your best performer and build the entire performance around them."

"So what does everyone else do?" Mercedes questioned and Blaire crossed her arms, that was Vocal Adrenaline's style, not theirs.

"And who's our star performer?" Puck asked from the back.

"We're gonna have auditions to find out. I'm gonna post a sign-up sheet later this afternoon," Mr. Schue explained and Blaire's jaw dropped.

"You've got to be kidding," she whispered annoyedly.

"Don't you think this is kinda not our style?" Finn asked softly. This just really wasn't them.

Sam came back with a counter, "Normally I'd agree with you, but this is the big time. I think we should listen to Jesse." Blaire looked at him with a head tilt and he refused to look her in the eye. This made Jesse smile which Blaire really didn't like.


Blaire might not have liked it, but after her 3rd period she stopped by the bulletin board and signed her name under the glee club audition form just like she had done almost two years ago.

It was right under Rachel Berry and she signed her name in pretty letters before walking to her locker that was next to Sam. He was also grabbing his books and she felt the need to say something.

"Why did you side with Jesse?" She asked him and he closed his locker.

"What's your background with Jesse?" He countered.

She was shocked, but answered, "we were friends, we slept together, I broke his heart, he betrayed me, we went our separate ways, why?"

"Do you love him?" Sam asked seriously and Blaire broke out laughing and shook her head.

"Platonically, maybe, he's my friend and no matter how much I hate him, there's still a little part of me that cares for him, but not in the way you're thinking," Blaire promised, trying to take his hand, but he snatched it away.

"Then why don't you love me?" He questioned.

"What?" Blaire asked, her face falling.

"We've been together almost a year and you haven't said it, I thought by having sex you would finally say it, but you won't!" Sam said, not looking at her in the face.

"Sam– I'm sorry," she said, tears welling in her eyes.

He looked down at the ground, tears swarming in his eyes as well, "My family is moving to Kentucky so even if you don't love me, I want this time together."

She nodded and stopped herself from crying, "Okay."

When her day ended she headed to glee and Finn had something urgent to talk to everyone about. It was about Coach Sylvester, her sister had died. "We need to help her. She's overwhelmed, and she needs us to help her."

Santana scoffed, "Seriously? I'd like to put the "fun" back in "funeral" just as much as the next girl. But why would the Glee Club help Coach Sylvester plan a service?" Blaire crossed her arms and glared at her. Someone died, couldn't he have a little compassion?

"We're not doing it for Sue. We're doing it for her sister," Kurt explained.

"Jean is just like us, guys. She's been an outsider and an underdog all of her life. We, of all people, should celebrate that," Finn told them. Plus, everyone should have the chance to be remembered and have a service.

"Can I say something?" Jesse asked.

"No," Rio snapped at him.

Jesse went and spoke anyway, "When someone dies, yes, it's a tragedy. But it's also a part of life, and you can't let death put your life on hold. Now, I don't mean to be blunt, but I don't think you should be planning a funeral... the same week you should be focusing on the set list for nationals." Blaire scoffed and started to laugh as everyone else looked dumbfounded.

"Seriously? Y-You're serious?" Finn asked him.

He nodded, "Actually, yes, I am. Do you know what Vocal Adrenaline is doing right now? They're in their third week of 24-hour-a-day rehearsals. They're on an I.V. drip. That's how hard they're working. Do you know what happens in Vocal Adrenaline if someone dies during a number? They use them as a prop, like Weekend at Bernie's."

Finn, for the first time, took charge. "No. Thanks for your input, Jesse, but we're helping Sue with the service for her sister. Rachel, you said I needed to be more of a leader of this club. Well, here goes. I'm making the call. We're doing this."


The next day was the day of auditions for the solo and Kurt stomped into the choir room pissed after his , "Jesse St. James totally Jesse St. Sucks. He said I shouldn't be singing girl songs. I make my living singing girl songs." He plopped down in the chair next to Blaire and dramatically laid his head on her shoulder.

"I think the winner of four show choir championships... might be able to give us all some valuable insight," Rachel smiled, assuring them. Blaire rolled her eyes.

"We know you're in love with him, Rachel, but do you have to be so obvious?" Mercedes complained.

"Don't use the fact that Jesse and I once had feelings for each other... as an excuse for my inevitable win," Rachel boasted.

"Correction. You had feelings for him. He made breakfast on your head," Kurt pointed out.

Rachel turned around dramatically, "Look, Jesse and I both appreciate the integrity of show choir too much... to soil the competition. He's just gonna vote for whoever is best."

"And that would be me. You can fight over who's second all you want, because I kicked that song square in the balls," Santana bragged from the back row. "I'm so gonna win this thing."

Mercedes stood up confidently, "No bother warming up, Rachel.I'm about to go out there and wrap this thing up like a Christmas present."

"Break a leg!" Blaire called as she left their view.

Rachel sighed, "at least I'm going last so I'll be the freshest in their minds."

Blaire and Kurt laughed, "Rachel, if you've forgotten, Miss Anderson here, is actually going last."

Rachel turned around in a panic, "What?"

She nodded, "I signed up last, I get to perform last." Rachel huffed and got up from her seat.

"I should go warm up backstage." She marched off down the hall.

"We should go watch her," Santana said, getting up from her seat and walking after her. Kurt shrugged and got up and Blaire followed him. They waited on the stairs until Mercedes walked off stage. The four sat down in the row behind Mr. Schue and Jesse and watched as Rachel sang.


Oh my man, I love him so

He'll never know

All my life is just despair

But I don't care

When he takes me in his arms

The world is bright

All righ

What's the difference if I say

I'll go away

When I know I'll come back

On my knees someday

Blaire got up from her seat and walked backstage to get ready for her performance.

For whatever my man is

I am his, forevermore

Oh my man I love him so

He'll never know

All my life is just despair

But I don't care

When he takes me in his arms

The world is bright

All right!

What's the difference if I stay

I'll go away

When I know I'll come back

On my knees someday

For whatever my man is

I am his forevermore!

"NEXT!" Mr. Schue called and Rachel bowed. Blaire took a deep breath before walking on stage.

"You already know me, but for that formality that Jesse oh so loves, I'm Blaire Anderson and I'll be singing "Scars to Your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara," Blaire introduced


She just wants to be beautiful

She goes unnoticed, she knows no limits

She craves attention, she praises an image

She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor

Oh, she don't see the light that's shinin'

Deeper than the eyes can find it

Maybe we have made her blind

So she tries to cover up her pain

And cut her woes away

'Cause covergirls don't cry

After their face is made

And there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

Oh, oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

And you don't have to change a thing

The world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

She has dreams to be an envy, so she's

Starving, you know, covergirls eat nothing

She says, "Beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything, what's a little bit of hunger?"

"I can go a little while longer," she fades away

She don't see her perfect, she don't understand she's worth it

Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface, oh, oh

So to all the girls that's hurting, let me be your mirror

Help you see a little bit clearer the light that shines within

And there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

Oh, oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

And you don't have to change a thing

The world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

No better you than the you that you are

No better you than the you that you are

No better life than the life we're livin'

No better life than the life we're livin'

No better time for your shine, you're a star

No better time for your shine, you're a star

Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

Oh, oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

And you don't have to change a thing

The world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we

Blaire looked up and saw everyone clapping, even Jesse. They all turned to him for his judgment and Blaire crossed her arms waiting, "Beautiful, just beautiful, you captured my heart with that song," he smiled.

"Garbage. This whole thing is rigged!" Santana yelled.

"Hold on, Santana. Like I said before, I make the final call here," Mr. Schue told her.

"Well, then make it," Mercedes demanded.

"Out of respect to you all... I'm going to take a couple days and consider all the results. Now, I will let you all know by Friday. Great job, everyone!"


Blaire had arrived early to the funeral to help set up. Kurt had everything already figured out; he just had her and Finn do the heavy lifting. Soon, they were seated and they were just waiting on Coach Slyvester to start.

Blaire sat down and finally got to think, this was her and Rio's second funeral in a short time. Kind of sad.

Everyone finished getting seated and the pastor stood at the front, "Welcome to the most unusual funeral... that I have ever attended. Which makes sense, because Jean was the most unusual person... that I ever had the pleasure to spend every Sunday for the last 30 years with. I think that Jean's sister Sue... would like to say a few words."

She nodded and stood up, taking the podium. She put her glasses on and tried to get the words out "'I miss my sister. Every night, at 10:00 or so... she used to call me on the phone... and when I asked her why...she'd tell me that her body told her...she wanted to hear my voice."

She couldn't do it. It was awful to see. Mr. Schue stood up and helped her out, reading the words she put down, "'I miss my sister...the smell of her shampoo...the way she could always convince me to read her another book. When you love someone like I loved her... they're a part of you. It's like you're attached by this invisible tether, and no matter how far away you are... you can always feel them. And now, every time I reach for that tether... I know there's no one on the other end, and I feel like I'm falling into nothingness. Then I remember Jean. I remember a life led with no enemies, no resentments, no regrets... and I'm inspired... to get up out of bed and go on. I miss my sister so much. It feels like a piece of me has been ripped off." Blaire grabbed Kurt's hand. Then, she turned and grabbed her brother's. It was them, it was them, Paris, Syd, Brooke, Kat, Mother, Clementine, Monty, Mother's kids, Blaine, her birth mom, hell even Cooper, she could imagine if they died what she would do, who she would end up hurting.

"Just one more time I want to hold her. Ten more seconds. Is that too much to ask? For 10 more seconds to hold her? But I can't... and I won't... and the only thing keeping me from being swallowed whole by sadness... is that Jean would kill me if I did. So for now... I'm just gonna miss her. I love you, Jeanie. Rest in peace.'"

Blaire stood up with the rest of the glee club and surrounded her coffin, "This was Jean's favorite song," Finn introduced.

"Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three," Tina said.


Come with me, and you'll be

In a world of pure imagination


Take a look, and you'll see

Into your imagination


We'll begin with a spin

Traveling in the world of my creation


What we'll see will defy explanation


If you want to view paradise

Simply look around and view it

Anything you want to, do it

Want to change the world?

There's nothing to it


There is no life I know

To compare with pure imagination


Living there, you'll be free

(If you truly wish to be)


If you want to view paradise

Simply look around and view it

Anything you want to, do it

Want to change the world?

There's nothing to it


There is no life I know

To compare with pure imagination


Living there, you'll be free

If you truly wish to be


With the funeral, Blaire had completely forgotten about the list. So, when Kurt grabbed her by the hand and they rushed to the bulletin board she was a little surprised. They all crowded around to see Mr. Schue posted a paper that said to meet in the choir room.

"This doesn't make any sense," Santana complained as Mercedes tilted her head, looking at the board.

"Guys, it was a tough decision, but it's for the good of the club," Jesse gave them a fake-sympathetic smile.

"Although this is deeply personal, try not to take it personally," Rachel smiled with the biggest non-apologetic smile she could. Blaire just chuckled.

"Um, you guys might want to read what the list says," Kurt told them with a blank stare.

"What? Wh-Why?" Rachel panicked, turning around to look at the board that had a note from Mr. Schue. It said that there was an urgent meeting in the choir room.

Everyone else ran to the choir room and Kurt grabbed Blaire's hand. "What– the choir room will still be there if we walk!" She reminded them.

Everyone charged in dramatically and sat down in their normal seats. They waited until Mr. Schue casually walked in, "Oh, Mr. Schue, thank God you're here to put these trolls out of their misery," Santana said, releasing a breath of air. "Can you just announce my win so that I can get on with teasing the losers?"

"I heard your performance, Santana. This is mine, and you know it," Kurt said with sass and Blaire applauded him.

Mr. Schue turned around dramatically to Jesse, "See, Jesse? This is the kind of infighting and "me first" attitudes I wanted to avoid."

Jesse shrugged with a smile, "What you call infighting, I call motivation. And this is just the beginning. Once we get to nationals, I'll have them willing to kill each other for that solo." He looked at each of them with an evil look in his eye.

"No," Mr. Schue snapped. "I've changed my mind. We're going back to what got us here- original songs sung by the entire club. We're a team, and we're best when we work as one."

Jesse scoffed, "You're going to lose."

"Whatever we do, we're gonna do it together," Schue said angrily.

"Actually, Santana, you sounded pretty good," Kurt complimented.

"Yeah, you guys were pretty amazing," Blaire smiled and wrapped her arm around Kurt.

Santana smiled, "Thanks. You guys were all pretty dope too. Even Rachel."

"I wish I could sound like you do, Santana. How do you get that raspiness?"

"So nice. I smoke cigars."

Mr. Schue clapped, "Time to get to work. I want two hit songs by the time the wheels touch down at JFK."

"Wait!" Rio called and everyone turned to him. He got up and took the paper from Mr. Schue. "I want to know who won!" He looked down at the paper and read over it before handing it back to him.

He calmly went and sat back down. Everyone turned to him expectantly. "I'm not telling you anything," he said and everyone burst out laughing.


Blaire was in her room packing for Nationals when Rio walked in. "Hello," she greeted as she put her steamed dress into a bag.

"Do you wanna know who won?" He asked with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

She laughed, "Rachel?"

"Yes and no," he answered and she raised an eyebrow.

"Stop messing with me or I will take you down to the floor during training," she threatened him as she folded the clothes she wanted to take with.

"You and Rachel tied, you were gonna get a duet," he said excitedly and she stopped folding.

"You're kidding?" She asked and he shook his head. "AHHH!" They both jumped up and down together.

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