Partying with Stray Kids [SKZ...

By Anna_Hiwatari

6.3K 209 397

Results from a pause game found on Instagram turned into one-shot y/n stories. Fem!y/n stories, written in 2n... More

Author's note 📝
Chan's party 🐺 1
Changbin's party 🐷 1
Felix's party 🐥 1
Hyunjin's party 🥟 1
Jeongin's party 🦊 1
Seungmin's party 🐶 1
Jisung's party 🐹 1

Minho's party 🐰 1

1.3K 40 137
By Anna_Hiwatari

Lazing around the couch of your living room, you watched a boring movie, feeding yourself with popcorn from a glass bowl that lay on your stomach. The apartment was already cleaned, you went grocery shopping yesterday and had nothing better to do than be lazy.

Your best friend, Changbin, was out of town otherwise you'd hang out with him and this movie would've been 100 times more interesting with his "insightful" comments. For example, he'd say that the main character's breath stinks before he'd kiss the female MC, or that her clothes are boring, or that the pizza they ordered looks old and inedible.

You giggle at the thought of Changbin but then stop as your phone vibrates under your ass. Picking it up, your smile grows instantly.

"Speak of the devil," you scoff, seeing the profile picture of the message sender. Unlocking your phone, you tap the message bubble to get pulled into the chat with Changbin. The message he sent you reads:

"Hey, girl! Guess who's back~
Yeah, it's me!
Anywayz, I wanna throw a party
to celebrate a successfully finished job
(and my return home lol)
but my apartment is a mess.
So, Minho offered to do it
and it's tonight!
Everybody will be there!
And I'm expecting to
see you at his house too!
I don't take "no" or any
other excuse for an answer!"

You giggle while reading the text, "hearing" Changbin through the words. And what he offered was a perfect thing to break the boredom glass dome you were stuck in. So you reply with:

"Haha, welcome back, Bin!
And, don't worry,
I'm not on my period or anything.

I'll be there for sure.

I was getting bored out of my mind
so thank you for inviting me. :)"

You press "send" but then remember another thing, typing one quick message to go with the previous one:

"Oh, one more thing...
Will Jeongin be there?"

You send this message as well and notice that he read it. A small bubble appears on the other side of the screen, signaling to you that he is typing. And the longer it took, the more nervous you got, biting on your nail. Your heart is racing as you're waiting. Finally, the bubble pops up with his reply:

"Nice, I'll come and pick you up at 8.
And yes, of course, he will be there.
I told you that everyone will come.
And, seriously, you have to calm down
about this whole mess with him...
It's not even that big of a deal!!!
You JUST spilled his coffee, that's all!
Chill out!"

But you couldn't chill out because the situation with Jeongin wasn't chill. You huff out a sigh but it's not calming you down at all. Your fingers run all around the keyboard, typing a reply to Changbin. And send!

"Changbin, it IS a big deal!
He surely won't want to
see me at the party...
Because I didn't JUST
spill his coffee...

I spilled it on his new

You literally let out all of your worry in this text, in all caps, hoping that Changbin will see through it and understand your feelings. Dots danced on his side until you got an ALL CAPS reply in return:


His text was obviously saying that he doesn't want to discuss your matter with Jeongin any further.

You sigh and let the phone down on the couch cushion, letting your head fall back as well. There was less than half an hour left before Changbin comes to pick you up so, not to waste any more time, you hop off the couch and head to the bathroom to take a shower before heading out.

After the shower, you reach your bedroom and open the door of the big wardrobe, in search of a cute outfit to wear. And a black piece catches your eye so you pull the hanger to see a cute and simple black dress with a row of buttons in the front, pairing it up with a puffy-sleeved white collared shirt. You decide on that combination and, as there's barely any time left, you grab your small black purse, quickly tangling your hair in two braids.

Throwing yourself a quick glance in the tall mirror, you hear the car horn and rush down the stairs. You lock your apartment and see that Changbin is waiting for you, the music blasting from the expensive sports car. You hop into the passenger's seat and Changbin lowers the volume, looking you up and down.

"Well, well, look at you," he smirks, "Decided to be cute, eh?"

You roll your eyes, fastening the seatbelt, "Drop it, Changbin. Let's just go."

"No, no, no. I have to hear this," he raises his index finger to shush you but then points it at you, "Are you intending to hook up with someone tonight?"

You grimace and hit his hand away. Changbin laughs loudly and starts the car again, driving through the busy streets to Minho's house which already hosted a lot of people.

"Are we late?" you ask Changbin as you unbuckle the seatbelt, looking at the mass of people streaming inside the loud house.

Changbin scoffs, "There's no such thing as being late, dear," he smiles at you, opening his door to get out, you doing the same, "Seo Changbin is never late, everybody is just early," he smirks at his remark and you roll your eyes again, slamming the door shut.

You walk behind Changbin and everyone recognizes him, cheering, giving him a high five or a hug as the two of you make your way through the crowd. Of course the producer SpearB is recognized by the crowd and, what's more, he lives for it - spreading his arms to absorb the crowd's cheers as they're chanting his name.

You're watching the euphoric and proud producer getting showered in cheers and applause, leaning your body on the arch wall that separates the living room from the kitchen. You keep your arms crossed and sigh, really needing a drink at the moment.

"I see you made it," you hear a voice on your right and turn to see Hyunjin smiling down at you, looking at you through his fringe, "Care for a drink, lovely princess?" he asks, raising a glass with bubbly champagne.

You giggle and take the glass from him, "Thanks, Jinnie but... Champagne? I thought this was a relaxed house party," you laugh more and watch as Hyunjin sips on his champagne, not moving his eyes from your smiling face.

His soft lips are touching the glass, letting the champagne pass through them, to which his Adam apple responds, gulping down the alcoholic drink.

You subconsciously lick your lip but Hyunjin's chuckle brings you back to reality and you take a small sip of a cold bubbly drink too. He caught you staring and found it cute.

"You know I don't drink trashy and cheap beer from a barrel," he rolls his eyes as he starts talking, "Only the finest drinks are allowed," then he flicks his semi-long black hair and that makes you laugh.

"You know the good stuff, Hyunjin," you smile at him, watching as he's downing the drink while you barely took two small sips so far, "Just be careful with it - champagne is fancy but deadly," you warn and he just scoffs, flicking his hair again.

"Just like me, love," he clicks his tongue and you laugh again. 

After he complimented your outfit, Hyunjin makes his way to pour himself another glass but returns to you fifteen minutes after with a whole champagne bottle in hand, making you gasp.

"Hyunjin!" you raise your voice to scold him but he just puts a finger on his lips, shushing you.

"Don't tell Minho but... I actually found this bottle in the glass cupboard," he giggles and you can already see that he is tipsy, "Look here," he points to the label on the bottle, "It's made in the year 1990," then he bursts out laughing and many eyes shift to the two of you.

The situation is awkward and you try to stand Hyunjin up as he falls on you but his long body, relaxed and drunk, is heavy and no match for you.

He straightens up on his own, swaying left and right, "Bro's older than us!" he laughs more and you try to take the bottle away from him but he doesn't let go, pouting his lip at you.

"Hyunjin... how many glasses of that did you have?" you ask and he raises a hand at you again.

"Not glasses, love," a small hick comes out of his mouth, "I..." he frowns, looking at the bottle, "How much can this bottle hold?"

And then you notice - already half of the bottle is empty - he used those fifteen minutes while being away from you to chug down the bubbly wine and get himself drunk.

"Hyunjin..." you scold him but he suddenly regains stability and runs away, up the stairs, and shuts himself in a guest room, the champagne bottle still in hand.

You sigh and massage the bridge of your nose, hoping that Hyunjin will survive Minho if it so happens that he ruins the furniture in that guest room by puking all over it.

"There's my lovely girl! Heeey!" 

You hear a familiar voice shouting and look up ahead to see the party host himself, Minho, wobbling around and towards you, holding a bottle of beer. He was drunk too...

"I'm glad you could make it, sweetie," he smirks, stopping to lean his body on the arch wall you stood by. "What are you drinking?" his brows furrow and you quickly hide the tall champagne glass behind your back.

"Nothing," you smile wide and Minho shakes his head.

"You cannot be drinking nothing. I'll go fetch you a beer," he nods, trying to act serious and determined while drunk - it only made him look ridiculous.

He pushes through the dancing crowd and returns to you minutes later, carrying a bottle for you to take. You already discarded the champagne glass to cover up from Hyunjin taking and opening the expensive bottle. Minho skillfully opens the beer bottle with his own and giggles through it, handing it to you.

"Thanks," you smile and take a long sip.

Yeah, it was definitely better and more refreshing than expensive champagne... Although you know that it's dangerous to mix drinks, you barely took five sips of bubbly wine so it was okay.

You're enjoying your beer and you don't even notice that Minho's eyes are on you, watching as you chug right from the bottle. He observes your lips, your tilted head, and your exposed neck, his eyes getting darker.

You let the bottle down, letting out a huge sigh along with it. You smile and turn your head to Minho but, before you can even speak, he steps to you and crashes his lips onto yours, pushing your body backward until your back hits the wall.

His kiss catches you off guard, that's for sure. You're all friends and kissing Minho feels weird no matter how skillful his tongue is or how caring yet strong his arms are holding your waist. Yes, there's always flirting between you and this group of boys but you never hooked up with any of them - it just felt weird because you saw them as brothers.

"M...Minho..." you try to push him away but he presses his body against yours harder, "S...stop..." you mumble in the kiss, now getting terrified by his actions. You gather all your strength and push him away, your hand going straight to your lips. Suddenly, the taste of beer becomes disgusting.

You watch Minho as he's just standing in front of you, his head lowered, "I'm sorry..." he mutters and you sigh, wiping your lips with the back of your hand.

Minho looks up at you, his face looking heartbroken, "I must be really drunk to kiss a friend, hahaha," he laughs but his smile and laughter are sad, you notice.

He excuses himself and runs off, leaving you confused and "slightly" heartbroken - you hate seeing your friends in pain and distress but you also don't tolerate their shits. And this shit was made by Minho. So, you take a deep breath, knowing that he'll calm down after some time, maybe even tomorrow. Everything will be back to normal... Right?

Lost in thought, you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn your head to the right to see a taller boy looking at you. You smile and lean away from the wall.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, twisting his mouth as he observes your face.

"Yeah... Minho's just being stupid," you roll your eyes, followed by a chuckle. Then you tap his shoulder, smiling bigger at him, "It's all okay, Seungmin, don't worry."

"Good, because if you want me to beat him up, I'll gladly do it," he cracks his knuckles and you laugh, "Nah, I'm serious," he nods and you laugh more.

"You seem confident, Seungmin, but I don't think you'd win," you wink as he puffs his chest forward, making you laugh again. You tap his chest to push it down and he lets out a breath to step back, "I'm alright, really," you nod at him, wiping the laughing tears from your eyes.

"Well then, would you like to dance?" Seungmin asks, extending his hand to you.

You nod and bow down to him, taking the ends of your dress and lifting them up a bit. You both laugh and push through to the living room where people dance and sing.

Seungmin lets go of your hand and starts dancing silly, making you smile and laugh more... And that was exactly what he wanted - for you to forget your awkward encounter with Minho.

You are so into dancing with Seungmin, laughing at his silliness, that you don't even notice a pair of jealous eyes staring at you from the back of the room.

As said, you see these boys as brothers, and that's how they see each other too. But something in Bang Chan flicked that he was extremely jealous of Seungmin - the way he would take your hand and twirl you around, the way he was making you laugh, and especially the way he would lean close to you to say something in your ear because the music was too loud. Chan knows that this feeling is toxic and that he shouldn't feel like that toward his friends. So, he slams the beer bottle on the shelf by the wall and walks away to take something stronger and forget about his messed-up feelings.

However, Chan missed the moment when Changbin stepped on the coffee table and started taking off his clothes while still dancing to the hard beat of the song. He stops stripping at his tank top, though, but doesn't miss the chance to flex his arms, making everyone cheer at his big muscles.

At this point, everyone is drunk so more people join Changbin on the table to dance around, resulting in the table crashing down, cracking right in the middle. But everyone laughs and continues drinking and dancing.

You lean close to Seungmin to speak to his ear, "I'll go take something to drink, it's really hot in here. Do you want anything?" you ask and look at him again but Seungmin shakes his head in a negative reply.

You shrug and push through now sweaty bodies, making your way to the kitchen where there are more people - some making out, some dancing, some drinking and dancing.

You greet some of them even though you don't know them and awkwardly come to the fruit punch bowl. Looking down at the red liquid where blocks of ice swam around, you know that this mixture is "poison", having many different alcoholic drinks mixed in one. Yet, you shrug and grab a big plastic cup, filling it up with the cold drink.

You happily hum as you managed to scoop some gummy bears along with ice, turning to walk out of the crowded kitchen. Walking slowly and carefully so as not to spill the drink, you smile at the people who make way for you to pass.

You turn the corner, ready to get back to the living room, when someone jumps from the stairs right at you. As you two collide, the alcohol mixture flies right on you and the red cup falls on the floor, giving you a final splash. And now you're just standing there, covered in sweet and sticky alcohol mixture, your mouth gaped open.

Looking up, you see Minho at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes following from the cup on the floor, up your legs where trails of red drink slid down, soaked dress and shirt, and finally to your shocked face.

"I... sorry..." he mumbles and runs back up the stairs, leaving you in the puddle of fruit punch.

"Whoa, what happened here?" you hear a voice behind you and you push the loose strands of your hair away, only to see Felix coming around and eyeing the mess, "Hey, can we get someone to clean this?!" he shouts and some random girl comes running with a full roll of paper towels, crouching down to clean the spilled drink. You thank her and she smiles at you but Felix takes your hand and you look at him confused, "Let's get you cleaned up, hm?" he smiles and you two climb the stairs to find a free bathroom.

Luckily, there is one so Felix and you come inside. He grabs the nearest hand towel and wets it under the stream of water. He hands the towel to you and you sit on the closed toilet to wipe your exposed legs from the sticky drink.

"Luckily, the dress is black," Felix comments, trying to ease the situation. You smile at him but he sees the worry in your eyes, "Did something happen?" he asks as he takes the towel you offered to wash it and gives it to you again.

You sigh, finishing the wiping of your other leg. You look up at the freckled boy and push a weak smile, "It's Minho..." you sigh again and Felix leans against the bathroom sink, crossing his arms to listen to you, "He kissed me," you confess and see Felix's eyes grow wide just like his mouth, "He was drunk," you clarify but he still looks at you surprised, "He mumbled an apology and disappeared but now crashed into me, mumbled another apology and disappeared again..."

Silence comes up. You're cleaning your dress, dabbing the towel on it, and hear Felix sigh. You look up to see him staring at the floor, his hands now placed on the ceramic sink he was leaning on. You wait and he finally looks at you after a few moments, sorrow painted on his face.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," he says with a sigh, looking into your eyes, "Do you want to go home?" he asks and you shake your head 'no'.

"It's barely been an hour since I got here," you say and then smile at Felix, "It would be rude if I leave right away because of a minor drunken inconvenience," you let out a small chuckle and Felix nods.

"Whenever you want to leave, just find me or any of us and we'll take you back home, okay?" he says and you nod, smiling wider.

"Thanks, Lix," you add and give him back the small towel, taking toilet paper to use for absorbing the red drink from your dress instead.

By the time you were finished, the trash can was full of toilet paper soaked in red punch, and, with giggles and smiles, joking around to ease your nerves, you head back down with Felix.

The party is still going on but you can't shake your thoughts away - Minho is nowhere to be found and you really want to have a one-on-one talk with him about everything. You try to reassure yourself, blaming it all on the alcohol, but something still feels strange. You can't stop your mind as it replays his kiss over and over again, each time adding more details that make you think it through, maybe even overanalyze the whole situation.

It was around 3 AM when people started scrambling around, returning home, and calling it a night. And, as the crowd scatters, with only several people remaining in the house, you can see Minho in the back of the living room, chatting with one of his friends while drinking... water. You bite your lip and decide - it's now or never.

Taking a big breath and letting it out, you move your legs and slowly approach him and the guy he's been talking to. He immediately notices you and smiles awkwardly.

"Hey, kitten, wassup?" he asks, subconsciously gripping the bottle of water tighter, making it let out a cracking sound of the plastic.

"Hey, Minho... um, sorry to interrupt but... can you walk me home? Changbin ditched me..." you chuckle nervously and notice him gulp, his breath picking up. He tries to cover it with a chuckle but you can see his chest heaving under the black t-shirt he is wearing.

His friend excuses himself, saying that he'll leave too, so the two of you are left alone in the corner of the room. Some unknown sigh leaves your mouth, and you figure it's the breath you've been holding in for the whole night - a nervous feeling you got ever since Minho kissed you and billion and one thought about how you two should settle this "problem".

"Do you want to walk or should I drive you home?"

His voice comes behind you and you turn to look at Minho gently smiling down at you, waiting for your answer. You gulp because his eyes, having color of a liquid chocolate, give out a warm feeling. His whole presence is welcoming. He's not that intimidating Scorpio man at this moment, but a gentle and caring being.

You smile and take a tiny step towards him, "Can we take a walk? It's a pleasant night."

Minho playfully shrugs, "Fine by me."

He walks first and you follow behind him. Minho tells the remaining guests that he'll be right back after walking you home, getting approving nods and thumbs up in return. He grabs his jacket from the hook and you two exit the house, getting immediately hit by a chill mid-night air. A small shiver runs down your spine but you cover it up, not letting him notice it.

"So... how was the party?" he asks first in attempt to strike a conversation. Your eyes meet again as you're walking side by side and you smile, nodding at him.

"It was nice. All in Changbin's style - go big or go home!" you reply and both of you laugh.

But the cold breeze blows and now you can't hide the shiver that visibly shook your body. Minho notices that and takes off his jacket, putting it over your shoulders - it's wide and baggy on him but it completely swallows your being. His scent immediately hits your nose, evaporating from the threads of the black fabric.

You stop and he stops a few steps in front of you, turning to look at your surprised face while wearing a big smile.

"You looked cold," he says, answering the unspoken question.

"What about you? You're also wearing a t-shirt..." you comment and he shrugs, turning to walk away.

"I'll be fine," Minho says, continuing to walk down the sidewalk. You hurry to walk beside him again. "So, what do you want to talk about?" he asks and you turn your head swiftly to look at his face. But he doesn't turn to look back, so you bite your lip and lower your head, staring at the shiny black shoes you're wearing.

He saw right through you. How wouldn't he? You've been friends for ages! And one thing that you know for sure - you can't and mustn't lie to Lee Minho. So you decide to come clean and say what's really on your mind.

"I want to settle this matter. I want to know where we stand now and why did you kiss me like that tonight?" you're both still walking yet neither of you dares to look the other in the eye.

You are a few streets away from your apartment building. Both of you stop at the traffic light and you finally turn to him, grabbing his wrist of the hand he kept buried in the pocket of his pants.

And with that contact, Minho finally looks at you, "I don't want to lose you, Minho... so please don't distance yourself after what happened tonight. But I also want to know what was going on in your head back then. I want to know what's here," you pause, placing your other hand on the left side of his chest.

You notice his Adam apple bobbing as he gulped but your eyes go back to his and, for a moment, you're just silently staring at each other.

But then Minho laughs and pulls away, continuing to walk across the street as the light turns green. He laughs more and now you're literally running after him to catch up.

"Wh.. what's so funny?!" you burst at him, feeling embarrassed after your little speech.

Minho laughs some more but then he stops to lean on the lamppost, wiping the laughing tears from the corner of his eye.

"Ah..." he lets out one final chuckle before looking up at you, "From what movie did you pick up those lines, girl? Oh my god..." he laughs some more and you can feel tears building up as you're feeling both frustrated at his mocking laugh and embarrassed at your words.

"Just fucking tell me!" you unintentionally shout, making him flinch and stop laughing. More tears are welling up in your eyes, "If it was a joke to you - tell me. If you were serious - tell me that too! Just fucking explain what happened so that I would stop second-guessing and overanalyzing your moves, god damn it!"

And the tears are now freely falling from your eyes. You lower your head to hide your crying face, trying your best to wipe the tears as soon as they fall. But you're sniffling and crying, all these confused feelings and thoughts suffocating you.

Suddenly, you feel a pair of hands grab your wrists over the long sleeves of a warm jacket and you look up to see Minho standing in front of you.

He's smiling - and it's that sweet and gentle smile again - he's no longer mocking you. He lowers your arms along with his and entwines your fingers together, coming to lean his forehead on yours.

"Tell me what do you want..." Minho whispers, staring into your teary eyes.

"I told you," you reply with another sniffle, "I don't want to lose you but... I need to know what you want and how do you feel..."

A pause. A long pause comes between you and you're just staring at each other. You're feeling the warmth of his hands and forehead transferring to your body, as well as his calm breathing coming in and out of his nose.

He's waiting. You can see that he's waiting for you to stop crying, waiting for that last tear to fall out of your eye. And when it does, Minho tilts his head and kisses it away from your cheek.

"Is this an answer?" he asks and you shake your head. Minho chuckles and steps closer to you, leaning his forehead on yours again, "I don't want to lose you either. I know what you're waiting to hear... Yes, I do have feelings for you. But I also don't want to make our friendship awkward if you're not feeling the same. That kiss was a drunken one, yes. But you know that a drunk person does what a sober one thinks of doing - alcohol gave me courage to do the thing I was thinking about doing for so long now," he pauses to take a breath, "And I apologize for it - it was sudden and without warning, without your consent... But the way you looked while drinking that beer... I was mad jealous of the glass bottle touching those lips," he pauses again, putting his index finger over your lips.

Your eye contact is solid but the more he talks, the more you can feel your body and face heating up.

"Minho..." you whisper, talking over his finger.

"What?" he asks quietly, even though the street is empty and there's no one to see or hear you.

"I care about you too but..." you take a small step back to see his face fully, making his hand fall from your lips. Your other hand is still in his grasp, "I want this to go slow, to give it time to develop. I still like you... as a friend... but I also want to spend more time with you and..." you lower your head again, not wanting to drown him in your cheesy "romance" talk.

Minho chuckles and you look up at him again. His grip on your hand is still tight and secure.

"I get it," he nods, "Not my style but I can try," he shrugs and laughs again. And you can notice a streak of blush on his cheeks...

"I'm sorry but... it's just so sudden," you add and he nods in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," he adds, pulling up your hand and kissing it, "Though I really want to kiss your lips... How's this for now?"

You giggle. And it's the first relaxed laugh you've let out since your awkward encounter. You grip Minho's hand tighter and you start walking again, talking and laughing casually as you make it to your apartment building.

You stop in front of your apartment door, you fish out the keys from your black purse, and want to take off Minho's jacket from your shoulders but he stops you, pulling it closer to your body. You look up at him in confusion.

"Leave it," he says, "You'll return it to me tomorrow."

You chuckle and tilt your head, "Is this your way of asking me on a date?" 

Minho rolls his eyes and nervously laughs, avoiding your stare, "Kinda..." he says and you snort at his bashfulness. He looks at you again, the blush on his cheeks now apparent, "So, do you want to go on a date with me?"

You giggle again and step to him, turning your right cheek and poking it, "Only if I get a goodnight kiss," you grin and he doesn't hesitate to put his lips on your cheek the very next second, smirking in the kiss.

He pulls away and you look at each other again, blush dancing on both of your cheeks. And blushing Minho becomes your new favorite cutest thing in the world.

"Good night, Minho. See you tomorrow... or today," you greet him with a shy giggle, stepping back to grab the door handle behind you.

"Good night, kitten," he replies, putting his hands in his pockets and standing there until you went inside and locked the door.

You take a single step but then sit on the floor, hugging your legs and biting your lip as not to squeal. All of a sudden, you can't wait for sun to rise for your date to come.


Yaay~ This first story is for Lee Know. 

How did you like it? I hope it was good.

These are the pause game results:

Yup, all stories will have this pattern so I hope it won't turn out to be boring, I'll try to make it as much interesting as I can...

Again, if you play this game and want a story based on your results, feel free to send me your screenshots on my insta.


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