Aldor's Eye - Part I

By maddiehope1066

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Loss of faith and purpose have driven Mando and Grogu into the Unknown Regions in search of cover. Din is sen... More

Chapter I - The Eye
Chapter II - The Padawan
Chapter III - The Maze
Chapter IV - The Deal
Chapter V - The Dream
Chapter VI - The Trial
Chapter VII - The Power
Chapter VIII - The Force
Chapter X - The Way
Chapter XI - The Relic

Chapter IX - The Reason

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By maddiehope1066

When Aldor woke, she still felt him inside her. His power left its mark as if it were his very flesh. Now hers was feverish. Her dreams were filled with pulsing bands of energy that felt like him. The golden blanket he wrapped around her was still there, and she felt it everywhere. Everywhere. All night, it penetrated and ravaged her, held her in deep embraces, then pinned her to the ground while it eased between her legs.

It moved inside her again, and his eyes bored into her. The gentle push fell into a soft caress, and a wanton sigh escaped her lips. She was still swollen and soaked from last night. She couldn't fathom how it never occurred to her to put the Force and lovemaking together. It seemed obvious as she restlessly rolled her hips to greet the pulse inside her, and a golden sheet of him tightened its hold.

She opened her eyes to see a shatter of brown glass engulfed in flame, reflecting a thousand times over as another throb of golden power filled her womb with blissful static. He was lying on his side, still seething. Another shuddering sigh escaped her lips, and Din's chest shook through a low, ragged huff. She was sure he would cross the room and take her for real. She begged him to.

A coo from the pod between them forcefully routed desire and kept them where they were while they watched the little green child hop down to the floor to seek his father. Din sat up, prepared for the morning ritual as his son padded toward him. Aldor glimpsed it only once before, and felt honored to witness it now. Din bent his face to Grogu's, and the boy squealed and laughed before he pressed his tiny nose to the tip of his father's. The Mandalorian's smile curved deep into his dark mustache, and his eyes fell to pieces.

It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. But she looked away, and turned her face back into her pillow, afraid this was too sacred a moment between father and son to intrude upon.

"You're as much his mother as I am his father, my Lady," he said. Both her men watched her expectantly, and Aldor shied away from the two pair of beloved brown eyes. Overwhelmed by Din's statement, she smiled and buried her face entirely, fighting tears that were born in her chest when it became too much to keep her feelings inside. "Grogu," Din said softly to his son. "Go tell your mother she can intrude all she wants." In the next instant, a little green blur flew up to the bunk and landed hard enough on her belly to bring a grunt to her lips even as she laughed and caught him up in her arms, infusing the precious boy with everything that burst from her heart.

Grogu purred and wrapped his little arms around her neck as Aldor sat up and pressed a kiss to his sweet little head, holding him tight against her to make sure he knew how honored she was to be called his mother. Grogu kissed her cheek and cuddled closer. He knew.

She looked over Grogu's head to Din, where he sat watching, a tiny smile locked in place while his eyes fell apart. "You are, my Lady... his mother..." he said in a deep, soft tone. "He couldn't love you more if you'd given birth to him." Grogu pressed a kiss to her cheek to reinforce his fathers words, then cooed as he buried his face in her shoulder. Aldor cuddled him closer a moment more and continued to fight tears until another smooch on her cheek roused her. Too moved to do anything but care for her loved ones, she got up as she gave Grogu one last squeeze, then another kiss on his head before she set him down, headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

While they ate, Din told her he intended to go for a hunt before the weather turned. He would take Grogu with him. "Just a fresh buck," he said. "We won't go far, but... could take awhile... they're moving toward the Iris."

Aldor agreed, but insisted she be the one to go the next time they needed meat. "I've missed hunting. I might even let you both come with me. You could help me."

"Have you ever needed help on the hunt, my Lady?" he asked with an admiring smile.

"Well... maybe once or twice... when we first settled here..."

Din huffed a laugh and finished his breakfast, then instructed Grogu to gather what gear he needed as he retrieved the cycler and strapped his holster around his waist for the first time in weeks. On their way out the door, he leaned down to give Aldor a soft, lingering kiss. And taking a moment to brush his knuckles along her jaw, he whispered, "We'll be back before dark, my Lady."


Din and Grogu coordinated their joint hunts rather fantastically, so it didn't take long once they finally found tracks. Neither was in the mood for a challenge. After the Mythosaur, a cervid was nothing, so Grogu used the Force to coax their mark closer, and Din brought it down with a clean head shot. Once the doe was on the sledge, they sat down to eat some dried ray in a companionable silence, communicating only through little pulses. After they'd rested and Din taught him a little bit about how to read the patterns in the weather and why it was wise to keep track of it, they got up again and headed out as R5 followed with the sledge.

While they walked, Din tried to order the words he'd been toiling all day to find. He knew the intent behind all he wanted to say to his son, but it came from place so deep in his heart, it was nearly impossible to translate. Grogu knew all of it already, but Din wanted to say it for some reason. Speak it into Creed, maybe. An old habit, but one he liked to preserve.

Through most of the hike, Grogu hopped along the ground and rocks and tree limbs, keeping just ahead of his father as he laughed and squealed and dared Din to keep up. He was so fast now! Strong. And it was so much easier for him to move thanks to his mother's genius. He loved his breeches and tunic, and his little fur-lined coat that allowed him to move more freely than he ever had. He was full of energy and determined to move every way and everywhere he could between the forest and the settlement.

But it had been a tiresome hunt, and Grogu's leaps and jumps were eventually reduced to a steady hop that kept him just ahead of his father. Din recognized his moment, and scooped his boy up into the crook of his elbow. He'd managed to cobble together a few words and was pretty sure he could work with them, so he cleared his throat and looked down at his son. "So... you're happy here... right?" he asked. "You like... this planet. You care for Aldor..."

"You care lot," Grogu said, moving the conversation forward many steps beyond where Din next planned to take it.

"Yes," he admitted through a smile he couldn't contain. "I care for her too. In fact, Grogu... I think you know... your mother and I... I think we might..."


"Yes," Din said, relieved he didn't have to come up with words that didn't exist. "A lot."

"We stay," Grogu said, smiling in satisfaction as he looked up into his father's eyes. "Home."

"Yes," Din said again. "This is our home now."

"Told you."

Din laughed softly, looking down at Grogu as the boy giggled in his satisfied little way. "Yeah, you little whomprat, I guess you did."

And that was all that needed to be said. As if to reassure him nothing more was necessary, Grogu crawled up Din's arm to sit on his shoulders and enjoy the scenery while they made their way back home in the gentle sunlight.

Because she knew he was thinking of her while his mind drifted forward, her beautiful ribbons found him the moment he wanted them to. Steam and silk spread through him in a caress across every cell in his body, and he sighed under its influence. Even at this distance, it was euphoric. He wondered if he could feel it across the galaxy. Somehow he didn't doubt it, but he hoped they'd never have to try it.

As the first flush of connection eased into a familiar hum, Din settled in her mind, and knew she was at work on the large sewing project that had occupied her for weeks. She knew he was there with her. What are you thinking, my Love?

You know, my Lady.

I don't know, my Mandalorian. Right now I feel you more than I sense you.

And I you, my Lady.

See you soon, my Love.

Din smiled to himself as they drew away from each other. A lingering ribbon flowed down his spine to ignite every nerve in his body with one seductive sweep, then pulled away. He shuddered with the pleasure of it. It felt like resurrection. Like he'd sprouted more nerve endings and they were all reaching for her. A rumble beneath his feet brought him back to his own mind, and he sighed as he looked down at the ground, ruminating over everything and nothing, picturing her bathed in the warm light over the table, stitching away with the nimble little fingers he loved. Waiting to welcome them home.

They crested the final slope just as the suns slid down the horizon, and a chill crept into the air. Din smelled rain and ozone, and thankfully had the doe dressed and stored in the shielded outbuilding before the first drop fell. When they stepped inside, Aldor was still at work on her sewing project, and dinner sat simmering on the hob. Exactly like he'd imagined it. "Any luck?" she asked as Grogu hopped up into the chair beside her and Din put away his weapons, never taking his eyes from her as he hung his holster and cycler over a hook by the hatch.

A spark licked from the crystal blue eyes. Ribbons ignited into rivers of steam. They settled into his chest and sank slowly lower, and brushed a soft caress between his thighs. Din bit back a moan and cleared his throat. "It's dressed and stored, my Lady," he rasped quietly. "We'll... be set for... a while."

"That's very good news, my Love," she said, and slowly leaned over the table, rolling to her elbows as she looked up at him, giving him a ready view of the pale valley between her breasts. "Because the last of your ray will be ready in just over an hour."


After he adjourned to the fresher to wash the hunt off him, and returned to the kitchen, Din bent down to Aldor where she sat and kissed her, just as he had this morning. Then he took up a board he'd been working on with Grogu and sat down beside his son to continue the lesson they started two nights before. Din had been preparing the circuitry for some covert programming he wanted to install into their array, and he took the opportunity to provide Grogu with a circuitry lesson. He explained how to reinforce the connections in a salvaged board, and let the boy take the lead on the work under his own expert supervision, expanding on why he should solder at certain points from certain angles, and how these alterations would make the board work more efficiently for the covert array. After some time, Din looked up at her and asked curiously, "Where did this board come from?"

"Some raiders threatened the YT. I think ten years ago now. I had to shoot them down from the turret." She glanced up at him and gave him a bemused shrug when she sensed a spark from his mind that was something like surprise. "I warned them, but they didn't believe me. I gave their bodies to the vultures, and salvaged what I could from their ship. I think it was an old gunship." She met his eyes when his thoughts pinged again. "Not a Razor Crest, I'm afraid."

Fierce. The word shot from his mind as he shook his head, laughing quietly.

"What is it, my Love?"

"You, my Lady," Din said through another short laugh. "Just you."

Aldor felt her face go hot as she smiled down at Din's coat. She paused in her embroidery to let his feelings wash over her. They wrapped around her in huge bands of golden warmth and hugged her a moment before they withdrew. He heaved a soft sigh, shook his head again, and looked back down at Grogu's board. They fell into the symphony of thought Aldor so loved to hear, and she continued with the last detail of Din's coat.

"You've been stitching that coat for nearly a cycle," Din commented, looking up from Grogu's board again. "Looks like fine work."

"It's a staple piece, so I want to make sure it's right," Aldor said. "And pleasing to look at if at all possible. I'm actually just about finished. You can try it on after dinner."

"I can?"

"Yes, my Love," Aldor answered. "I'm making this coat for you. I thought you knew that."

"For me?"

"Since you're going without your armor lately, I thought it wise to make you one. Winter is coming. It gets dangerously cold, as I'm sure you've guessed."

"Thank you, my Lady. It's... very thoughtful of you. But... the tunics were enough..."

"I wanted to make this for you, my Love. I can't have my Mandalorian freezing to death when he gets too restless to stay indoors this winter."

Din held her eyes when she looked up at him, and told her everything he couldn't say. He was honored. Honored and exhilarated. He liked to think of himself wearing it, knowing her hands laid every stitch. He wanted her hands on him now. His lips on hers. He wanted to know all of her. While these thoughts consumed his mind, his thick golden bands eased back over her body, seeped into her skin, and gathered. The beautiful cascade trickled down and pooled seductively between her legs as she bit back a restless sigh. "I look forward to wrapping myself in it," he whispered.

Aldor shifted around the ache that settled at the apex of her thighs, knowing he was aware of what his magic did to her. "I... I hope so, my Love," she managed to whisper, then bent her eyes back to her embroidery and crossed her legs against the ache.

A spark and a surprised squeak drew Din's eyes back to his son, and he explained what went wrong as his golden bands drew away, and Aldor put Din's completed coat aside to check on dinner. More than anything, she needed to distract herself from a wild desire to drag him into the cockpit right here and now, so she took longer than necessary to ladle out each of their portions while she struggled to settle the rumble inside her.

While they ate, Din told her about his plans for the covert array. He'd wanted to undertake the project since the proximity alert more than two months ago. And he wanted to get a closer look at the cannon in the turret. "I didn't think it was still operational," he said, trying to hide a smile while an image shot through his mind. He relished an intense delight in whatever he'd seen, and his smile curled deep into his cheeks.

"Why do you smile so, my Love?"

"I just..." One of his huffed chuckles shook his chest. "You're fierce, my Lady. And it's... maybe my favorite thing... in the universe."

Throughout the flirtations that followed, Grogu sat more quietly than usual, studying his father in between glances at his mother. His thoughts were purposefully shrouded. When Din and Aldor's conversation came to a lull, both their eyes were drawn to him as the question he'd been pondering popped out of his mind. He wondered if his father was still a Mandalorian, or if he had become a Jedi. His power was emerging, and Grogu was pleased to witness it, but he remembered the man called "Mando," and the lengths he would go to in order to keep his face hidden. Grogu loved that he got to see his father's face all the time now, but worried Din may still feel uneasy to show it as freely as he had lately.

"Sometimes," Din answered him aloud. "Less and less, though. I'm comfortable here."

Grogu wondered if that was why he wanted to stay. Because he was comfortable enough to show his face.

Din hesitated, glancing up at Aldor. "It's... one of the reasons..." Din answered. "But you know that, Grogu."


"I'll always be Mandalorian. It will always be part of both of us. Our Clan is a Mandalorian Clan. But... our Way has turned." Din paused to faintly furrow his dark brow. "That's... okay with you... isn't it?"

Grogu tapped one little claw against his own chest. "Djarin Clan. Mudhorn."

"That's right."


"Not Jedi, but... something like it, I believe." Din looked to Aldor again, as if questioning the accuracy of his own statement. She gave her reassurances before he asked for them. "Yes. Something like it," he repeated more confidently when he looked down at his son again.

"Both?" Grogu asked.

"Yes," Din answered. "I guess we are both."

Grogu liked that idea. He pointed at Aldor. "Train." He pointed at Din. "Train."

"Yes, my Dear One," Aldor answered. "We'll both train you as we have done. I with the Force, and your father with strength. We will continue to do all we can to imbue you with both."

Grogu pointed with both hands now. One at Din, and one at Aldor. "Train."

"Yes," Din answered. "We'll train each other too." A humble smile gently tugged his lips. "But she'll probably train me more than I will her."
Holding the same gesture, Grogu asked, "Clan?"

"Yes. Aldor is part of our clan now." A charge of plasma shot straight into her when he spoke again. "I would do as much for her as I would for you."

"Anything," Grogu said.


"Told you," the boy said with a triumphant little grin. "Important."

Din released another one of his short huffs. "I already admitted you were right. You're making me say it again?"

"A-wee-pa," Grogu said, indicating Aldor.

"Well, yes, I guess you're right about that too," Din answered. "She should be aware. And she will be." Din looked up at her, turning momentarily bashful under her gaze. "She is," he amended.

Grogu gave him a short nod. "Is Way."

Din nodded back. "This is the Way."

Satisfied, Grogu gave Din one of his little nose rubs, then hopped over to kiss Aldor's cheek and said, "Night," before he jumped down from the table and took himself off to his pod and closed it. Din and Aldor looked back at each other and shrugged their shoulders, even though they both knew what their son was up to. He'd been ready for them to "know out loud" for months.

Din stood up and bent down to kiss her, then gathered the dishes before she could. He turned to the sink to wash them while Aldor admired the breadth of his shoulders and the grace of his movements, mulling over all Grogu said both with and without words. Even though the boy had all but given it away, she refused to acknowledge or believe it until she heard it from Din's own lips. She tried to be patient, but couldn't help testing his readiness to speak the moment he came back to the table to sit close beside her.

"Our son brings up some interesting questions," she said quietly.

"He does," Din agreed. "Your influence, I believe."

Aldor smiled, and traced his scruffy jawline with the back of her fingers. "Forgive me, my Love, for encouraging questions. But I will never stop."

"I hope you won't, my Lady," he murmured distractedly. A soft, gravelly hum rolled through his throat as he closed his eyes under her touch. He luxuriated a moment while she brushed her fingertips along his eyebrows and over his high cheekbones. He caught her hand in his and rolled his face into her palm to press a tender kiss to the sensitive flesh. When he opened his eyes again, they were in pieces. He knew what he wanted to say, but the words were all static. Aldor reminded him he no longer needed words with her, but he shook his head. "I want to say them, Aldor... want you to hear it..."

Aldor merely nodded and remained silent to admire the irresistible mechanism of his mind at work. When the gilded dark matter engine had produced enough torque to drive his voice forward, he looked up at her and soberly asked, "What do you make of me, my Lady? As I am. You haven't mentioned it since I showed my face to you. You've never mentioned it."

"Because I have no words, my Love," she answered. "I couldn't have imagined such a face under Mandalorian armor. Such eyes." She studied him as she spoke, regarding all his features with pleasure as she considered them. The large, curved nose that gave him a regal air. The soft, pliant lips that betrayed his tenderness. The eyes that reflected an introspective boy. "But, my Love..." she continued, "my Mandalorian... I would have recognized you anywhere."

His breath hitched up as he leaned closer. The shards of his eyes trembled as if she'd said exactly what he hoped to hear. He cleared his throat to steady himself. "But... I need to hear it in your voice, my Lady. Tell me I understand your feelings. I need to know."

Aldor dropped her hand on top of his, and he turned his palm up, wrapping his thick fingers around her hers. She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. "You look exactly the way you feel, my Love," she said, bringing their hands back to the table to smooth her thumbs over the scarred fingers. "As much as your face surprised me, it was familiar. I saw the man I already knew. In your eyes, my Love. They betray everything. I understand why you kept them hidden."

A soft huff shot out of his lungs. "I don't know how you understand such things, my Lady. It amazes me that... anyone... might understand why these things matter. And I've never been able to explain it in words. But... you're right." He tightened his hold on her hand. "This is not the face of a warrior, my Lady. It's why I kept true to the Watch's Creed for so long. The old Way lost its meaning for me before I came here, but I still... relied on it. It kept me alive. Kept me sane. I'm... not a killer... not by nature. Not a warrior. People would have seen it. Would've noticed I brought all my marks in alive. Never liked to kill them. But... it was safer... to be feared than to be known." He released a mirthless laugh. "Just as well. I never wanted many to know me. Even those I consider friends... they only know part of me. Never knew... the part that doesn't have words." He paused to sigh and bend his head to her hands to kiss them. "Grogu knows that part. And you know it, my Lady..." He looked up at her again. "Loved me... before you knew my face. How, I still don't know, but I... I'm grateful... can tell you anything without words. Don't need them. Because the Force has bound us. Not just... chance. We're all here for a reason, and I think... Grogu had it right from the beginning. Whatever the reason is, he knew I needed you. For training, but... for my heart too. It's why he brought us here. Not just for himself, but for me."

Aldor nodded in confirmation. "He knew... for whatever I am and you are... the Force needs us to be together. You and I. And him. He wants to protect you. He wanted me to help you control it." She bowed her head shamefully. "But I failed you, my Love," she said quietly, staring down at their clasped hands. "I failed both of you. I underestimated you. And... I didn't expect to... to love you. Grogu never let me in on that part. So it frightened me... so powerful from the beginning... it took me off guard and I never regained it again. Didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry, my Love, that it took me so long..."

Din drove the apology from her throat with a deep, purposeful kiss, and licked slowly into her mouth as he held her head in his hands, his fingers tangled in her hair. Aldor forgot what she was saying as his spicy flavor flooded her mouth. She fell into him, aware of nothing but how he tasted and the ache that spread through her womb. She was ready to straddle him in his chair until he slowly withdrew, and settled his eyes piercingly on hers. "No." he said through deep breaths, his voice heavy and quiet. "Don't apologize to me for anything, Aldor. You didn't fail me. I was stubborn. I knew something... changed... knew before I left Mandalore. I was scared too. Didn't understand anything that was happening to me. Not the Force or... my feelings... so I ignored them until I couldn't. Your dreams, mine, the dogs, the ray. They... made me see. I like to find out for myself... like you said. I just..."

"... had to wake slowly," she whispered, leaning closer to brush her lips across his. "I understand, my Love."

"You do..." he huffed, his voice cracking as he pulled her closer and brought their foreheads intimately together. "You... soften things, my Lady. You make them... easier... but still true."

Aldor kissed him simply because she had to. "I'm grateful to have succeeded in some small way, my Love."

"In every way, my Lady," he whispered. "You... reminded me... who I am. Don't know how you do it, my Lady. You just... make me stronger."

"We make each other stronger, my Love," she whispered. "I could barely keep my mind and body together until you came here. I was practically a puff of vapor. No fire or bedrock. Only mist and air. Barely anything. But the moment I saw you, I came back together. Something solid and real, made up of all the elements instead of just two." To demonstrate, she called upon fire, rock, air, and water, rousing them from the depths of the planet and the far reaches of the galaxy, and infused them into her words as she continued. "You feel it, my Love, don't you? How we bring each other back together." She pressed her lips to his throat and he sighed, and curled his fingers deeper into her hair. "You are fire and rock, my Mandalorian," she whispered against his neck. "Metal and space. Wild and stubborn like the magma under our feet. Like the three suns creating energy." She kissed his lips tenderly, slowly, taking in his fire as the ground trembled through her and into him. When she spoke again, she gathered all her steam and wind, wove it into her heart, and surrounded him with it as he closed his eyes and sighed. "I am fire and water," she whispered. "Crystal and wind. Wild and fluid. Like the geysers at the Pupil of the Eye. Like the springs, cooling the heat, creating steam and inertia." She leaned in closer, pressed her kisses under his jaw, in that delicious spot that always made him tremble. "Together, we build landscapes, my Love," she whispered. "We drive the weather. Bring balance."

"Yes," he whispered, closing his eyes as he sighed through her caresses. "You calm me... don't command. Keep me... in the light. And when I look at you, my Lady, the only word I know is joy." He gripped her hair and his breath hitched while his eyes flashed and trembled. "So much joy when I look at you, Aldor. It scares me. Need it now. Can't be... without it. It's why my dreams took me to a dark place. The dogs and your blood. I panicked. I couldn't imagine it... if I lost you. Didn't expect it... to feel that way. I just don't know what I'd do... without you."

"You must know, my Love, you will never lose me. I am with you. No matter what happens to either of us, I will always be with you. Nothing can take me from you. Even blood and darkness. They will never have a hold on me that can match yours."

Din inhaled a deep breath, squinting his eyes closed before he brought them back up to hers. He took her jaw gently in his hand, steadying her as he set his gaze pointedly on her face. The shards focused into something almost solid, and as the resulting beam of Din Djarin's spirit shot into hers, she felt a pledge beyond words as he spoke them anyway. "And nothing will take me from you, Aldor. Or this planet. It's my home now. I know you've been worried... I might leave... but... I can't, Aldor. My son is here. The woman I love is here. I can't and I won't leave them."

Tears squeezed through Aldor's eyelids as she buried her face in Din's hand, too full of excitement and joy to contain the burst of steam from her soul that slammed into him, and reverberated between them like an endless echo. "That is... very good to hear..." she whispered brokenly. "... from the man I love."

"I can't be anywhere else, my Lady," he whispered. "Grogu was right." He released a short chuckle. "He was right. Our son is much wiser than we are."

Aldor laughed. "He always was."

"What should we do now, my Lady?" he asked in a whisper, brushing his lips across hers as he spoke. His fingers combed slowly through her hair, and he pressed a short kiss to the tip of her nose. "Now that we are wiser, what should we do?"

"You can try on your coat. I think it's a very opportune time for it."

"Is it?" Din asked deeply, leaning closer, bringing his hand up to her cheek as his eyes flitted over her face and rested on her lips.

"You'll see," she promised, resisting the plea in his voice and eyes to plant a short kiss on his mouth. "Come with me." She sprang to her feet, and taking the coat from where she'd placed it on a chair in the living area, she led Din to the engine room, where they could both see the result of her labor in the full-length mirror by the loom. She had been looking forward to seeing him in it since she started making it, and could no longer be denied the pleasure.

Because Din was in a generous mood, he allowed her to help him into the garment, but ignored the mirror. Aldor turned him around by his shoulders and surveyed the fit, a smile growing over her lips while she took him in, doing nothing to hide the depth of her admiration. The hooded, full-length coat hung off his broad, lean frame like a king's robes. She loved the way it fit through his shoulders, masking none of their strength. It fit to his body perfectly, without engulfing or clinging to it. "Yes, this is some of my best work, if I do say so myself," she murmured to herself. "I believe I got the lines just right." She turned him to face the mirror. "What do you say, my Love?"

Din froze when he finally looked in the mirror. Aldor knew he had to look at himself from time to time in the fresher mirror, but she doubted he'd ever seen Din Djarin as he was at 45 years of age, living life outside his beskar. After a moment of staring quizzically at his own reflection, he let the coat flow around him while he rolled his arms at his shoulders, assessing the fit before he took the panels in hand. He looked down at his fingers as he smoothed the leather between them, concentrating on the tinge of dark blood red within the grain. "This leather... is this..."

"The ray you killed," Aldor confirmed.

"I..." Understanding everything now, he opened the panels from his body to inspect the black fur lining. He ran his fingers along the greenish iridescent sheen of the thick, soft pelts, and murmured to himself, "The dogs." He looked up again in the mirror. His eyes fell on the Mudhorn signet embroidered on the right shoulder, and he stepped closer to inspect it. Running his fingers along the stitches, he asked, "And this thread, it's the same color..."

"The vulture you killed," Aldor answered. "I used its feathers and some malleable chrome to make the thread."

Din straightened up and stepped back again from the mirror. After taking another moment to consider the image in front of him, his eyes focused on her reflection. "My Lady..." he whispered deeply. "You honor me beyond words."

"You honor yourself, my Love," she whispered. "You honor us."

He turned from the mirror to face her, and flashed his smallest, most beautiful smile. She closed her eyes as she leaned into him, unable to resist it. She clutched the supple leather of his lapels as she buried her face in his neck, kissing him deeply there, inhaling the fragrance of his skin. He sighed, and whispered, "Aldor... my Lady... tell me..."

She knew what he would ask, and answered him to save him the trouble. She stood on her toes, and hauled herself closer to his height, clutching his hair as she coaxed his lips apart with hers to lick into the spicy flavor she'd craved all day. Delicious and sensual. She wanted to feel his spirit run rampant inside him. Into her. Feel it under her fingers and against her body. Inhale the fragrant skin and taste every inch of him. To feel the beautiful configuration of his muscle and bone on top of her. When his chest vibrated with a soft growl, she saw her chance, and took his throat into her hand to catch it, and let his murmurs rumble through her like thunder. She released him from her kiss to anchor her mouth under his jaw, purring into the soft stubble that tickled her lips.

Look at me, Aldor. She would never refuse him, and opened her eyes to his, broken and declaring himself her subject as he cradled her head in one big hand. His mind penetrated hers with beautiful wordless thoughts and flows of golden warmth that conjured images of her sewing at the table. Flashes of her running the gauntlet and chasing tundra dogs off with her mind. Long, meandering remembrances of every kiss and touch they'd shared. Every quiet moment filled with the echo of their symphonies of notions. A great plume of molten gold poured from his heart and surrounded her, hugged her tight and melted into her. She sighed as a sensation of completion and peace settled through her blood and she looked again into his wild eyes as he spoke his wordless Creed. Yours, my Lady. Yours until I die, my Love. You see my eyes. Always did. You will always know I love you, even if I never say it. Nothing will take me from you. "Tell me you want me, my Lady," he continued aloud in a breathless whisper as he pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her while his fingers curled into her hair and he bowed his forehead to hers. "Tell me I am yours and I will give you all of me. Tell me you are mine and I will take all of you. Only if you offer it, Aldor. Only if..."

"I am yours, my Love. Yours until I die. And you are mine." Nothing will take it from us.

His eyes grew dark as every deep brown fragment of them reflected a thousand thoughts of her. Filled with purpose and love. Desire. He grazed his knuckles slowly along her jaw as she sighed and closed her eyes. It was all he needed, and his response was a kiss devouring her in flame.

He sought deep and desperately for the source of her breath, licking into her mouth in hard, unhurried caresses that flooded her tongue with his flavor, made her swell just to taste him. He wrapped both arms around her to bring her body tight to his. He felt incredible. Solid and so warm and tender. She loved the warmth of his chest against her breasts, loved how his arms possessed her. She wanted to savor it, and grasped his hair to keep him where he was, kissing her in deep, hard pulses that had her breath rushing into his lungs. He reached up to her shoulders, and hooking his fingers over the collar of her robe, pulled it down her arms to let it fall to the pelt at her feet. He wrapped himself around her, his mouth hot on her neck as one hand gripped her hair, and the other slipped over the curve of her backside to pull her hips into his.

Aldor's mind went blank as his thick erection nudged her belly, and she clamped her mouth to the point of his jaw, musk and salt delicious on her tongue while she ran her hands under his coat, longing to feel his bare skin against hers. Din released her only long enough to take off his coat and toss it over the loom before his arms were back around her, and his lips already seeking hers as she gathered his tunic in her hands, and eased it up his torso until he raised his arms and snatched it off himself. Before it was on the floor, Aldor pressed her mouth to the warm, delicious chest, loving how the expanse felt against her lips, drunk on the flavor of the golden skin and wanting to bathe herself in his heat and scent. Love your skin... love how it tastes... how you smell... She looked up at him, spreading her fingers out over his neck, letting them flow over his bare shoulders and under his arms, up the hard plane of his powerful chest while he watched, eyes half closed in ecstasy until he seized her hand and pressed it to his cheek.

"Feels so good," he breathed, drawing her hand to his lips to kiss her palm, then over the scruff on his cheek and down his jaw. "Aldor, I... I..." He didn't finish, his breath too heavy and words unnecessary. He dragged her hand seductively over his neck and throat, pressing her fingers to his skin as he went, letting her watch him fall headlong into it, his eyes closed and his chest heaving. He guided her touch slowly down his chest and torso, letting her feel every scar, asking her to bless each one with her fingers until he held her palm flat against his belly. Aldor felt his energy drawn there, surrounding the spot where her palm covered his skin until a spinning galaxy of golden fire formed under her touch, and he opened his eyes again. They were seething with magma, taking her in as he dropped his hand from hers, telling her with no words that it was up to her where her hands went from here.

She unfastened his trousers and let them drop around his ankles, making her response perfectly clear. For a moment, all she could do was take in the sight of him. She'd only seen him shirtless in the context of healing him, but now she could fully appreciate the body before her. Broad and composed of dense muscle wrapped around a lithe frame. Like an elegant predator from some exotic forest world. Wild and graceful. The golden skin was covered in scars. More than she could have imagined. Everything he'd survived seemed to be carved into his flesh. She ran her hands over it, where the weak points in his armor were. Din closed his eyes and sighed, his head bowed over her shoulder as he settled his arms around her hips, and trembled under her hands as she smoothed her palms over his sides and upper arms. She hooked her arms around his back and over his shoulders, and he sighed into her hair as he pulled her closer. She softly trailed her fingertips over the dip in his shoulders, finding each of the long gashes that had marred him here, and pressed a kiss to his neck as his breath burst from his lungs as if he'd been holding it. She trailed her fingers over the firm, toned skin of his back, down to the curve of his spine. A rumble ripped up his back as she ran her fingers softly over his hips and the backs of his thighs.

Din expelled a whimpering huff, and drew her closer with a firm hand at the back of her head. The other trailed down her back and around her hip, to yank her leggings down, insisting she be rid of them. She happily obliged, and finished the job for him. The moment she'd kicked them away from her ankles, she was pulled forcefully into his body with a hungry embrace. He ran his hands under her top, sliding them down her sides as he dragged his thumbs across her bare nipples. Aldor's breath caught at the wicked sensation it produced and barely noticed it when her arms and hands worked of their own volition to yank her top off and cast it aside. All she knew was she loved how warm his skin was against hers. She'd known no bliss like the feel of her body pressed against the firm planes of his muscle and bone. She wanted to feel more, and eased her palm between his legs to gently cup his tightened sac, squeezing slightly as she relished his reaction.

His breath heaved through his chest like a sandcrawler through the desert, sliding through gravel and glass as he closed his eyes and tilted his head up to the skylight above them. "So... good..." he sighed as she slowly wrapped her fingers around the base of his thick, pulsing erection. "My Lady," he breathed through the gravel collected in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut as every muscle tightened under her touch. Then he opened his eyes again and let them consume her as she slowly drew her hand down the shaft, imagining every engorged vein in the smooth, hard flesh throbbing deep inside her. She squeezed slowly up his length, then down again to tighten her grip at the base, squeezing her fingers around him as he sucked in a decimated breath. "You see... how I want you..." he heaved, his eyes black and swirling inward and outward at once, keeping her pinned to the ground. She stroked slowly back up his throbbing length as he gripped her hair, looking skyward again as his breath stuttered and groaned, shaking through his entire body. She kissed his chest softly as she ghosted her thumb across the tip, dipping into the bead of desire that had collected there to circle the head in slow, slick caresses.

He seized her face in his hands, and his mouth took possession of hers as he licked savagely into her breath, wild and needy while Aldor gasped through it, sliding her hand over his hip and to one firm cheek of his backside, pulling his hips into hers as she gripped his hair, answering his kisses with deep caresses into his flavor, firm pulses of her lips against his as she felt the insistent nudge of his beautiful erection so close. Then his hands were on her, greedy and restless, shaping themselves to the curves at the side of her breasts, dragging over her nipples and down her ribcage. He lifted his head to look at her again, shuddering as he trailed his hand over her belly to slyly dip his fingers between her legs. "Will you show me... how you want me?" he asked in a low whisper, his breath hard and fast.

She couldn't answer properly, but a nod and desperate whimper were enough.

Din pressed his hand firm against her belly, sliding it downward until his thick fingers brushed into the wet curls between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut and anchored herself to his shoulders as one rough fingertip slipped between her folds, and grazed over the inflamed nub that sought him out, stirring a delicious, near-painful shock of need that threatened to break her apart. Deeper, Din. Let me feel your touch inside me. Let me feel... Something near a sob broke through her lips as he answered, easing his fingertips over the slick, inflamed lips that trembled under his touch, begging to be fed. Her womb exploded with golden magma as she sighed and sank against him, swaying into his touch as she gripped his shoulders, pressing sloppy opened-mouthed kisses to his chest, trying to persuade him. "Din..." she whimpered against his skin, the ache peaking into something so painful it was euphoric. "Please..."

"My Lady." His voice was so deep, it shook his chest under her lips. She sighed as the beautiful rumble pulsed through her, trembling as she arched into his hand, half in tears, begging. Aldor seized against him as one thick digit slipped through the seam that burst open at his touch. Thunder shook through her womb, bringing her so near the brink, she could see it. Din's breath stuttered and broke when he felt her passion awakening. She pushed it into him, setting it free to swirl around and through him as he thrust the sly digit deeper, daring her to open her eyes. Daring her to cum. "You do want me," he sighed. "Feel... how you want me..."

She whimpered, unable to speak as he began to slowly drag his finger in and out of her, letting her feel every ridge of his knuckles, stirring electricity through her womb. "Din..." It was all she could manage as the ache took root deep in the center of her body, and expanded into her womb. Felt it branch off and burn through her as she climbed ever higher.

"Tell me what you want, my Lady," he whispered, producing another rumble that made her seize and convulse under his seeking touch until he found what he sought in a delicious pleasure point deep inside her that drew a gasp through her lips. She shook and bucked against him, straining to keep herself upright as she clung to his shoulders for support. He grunted and wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her body closer as he pumped his finger mercilessly into her, sending fire and plasma through her that collected around the hot, straining digit. Soaking wet and aching beyond comprehension. He sighed and slowly drew his finger out, then brought a second with it back into her drenched body, destroying her as he spread her wider and pressed his thumb into her clit. She sank her teeth into his shoulder to silence herself as she tripped at the edge of the cliff, desperately clutching at his hair as a whimpering moan shook through his chest. He pulled his fingers and thumb together through her body, massaging her internally and externally at the same time with his thumb on her clit and his fingers buried to the last knuckle. "Ah!" She couldn't stop the sound that escaped her lips, and she didn't care as she rocked into his hand, meeting every stroke, practically in tears with the ecstasy of it, wanting to find the pinnacle, knowing she was so close. He turned his head to settle his lips by her ear. "Tell me what you want," he whispered again, the sound soft and intimate and rumbling into her, meeting with the insane euphoria he produced in her womb. "I'll give you anything," he whispered. "Anything. Only want you... to fall apart.... let me break... inside you..."

She was falling through something infinite as her body finally collapsed under the ecstasy, shooting her spirit through a trillion years of spacetime as her body seized and he caught her in an iron embrace, holding her there with her face buried in his shoulder as her body disintegrated into raw molecules. Din gulped in desperate breaths while he watched her fall apart in his arms. The waves of plasma that beamed from her blood forced their way into his, and he became restless. He pressed hard kisses to her neck, his arm wrapped possessively around her as she sank against him, boneless and malleable. "I... want you... inside me..." Aldor breathed when she was able, but struggled to form complete thoughts as Din slowly withdrew his fingers, leaving her body empty and wanting, dripping and aching with need. "Don't leave me empty..." she sighed. "Need... feel you... Din Djarin... your... Force... want to tie myself... you..."

Galvanized with her plea, he bent to take her nipple in his mouth, suckling and nibbling until she shuddered under the softness of his tongue there, and pleasure arced from her nipple to her womb. A moan rolled over her lips as they sank to the floor as one naked body. He held himself over her with one elbow as he pressed his face into the swell of her breasts and trailed his tongue between them, and up her sternum and throat, then thrust it into her mouth to take her very breath into his lungs. She clutched his hair in her fingers to answer his demanding tongue and rocked up into him, dragging her fingers slowly down his back as he groaned and broke their kiss to look down at her body. He followed the shape of her waist and side with his hand and eyes before he cupped the other breast, squeezing gently, teasing the demanding nipple with the pad of his thumb as she sighed his name to the ceiling, trembling, rising at his touch and straining against the floor to lever her hips more insistently into his, begging him to make her complete. So ready for you... you made me... so ready... feel how wet you made me... don't you want... don't you want me... to consume you...

A deep expulsion of breath burst through his lips and over her skin, and his mouth became hot and greedy as he gorged himself on her flesh, burning a trail of kisses and licks from her breast to her throat, clamping his lips to her neck as she felt the rock solid prod of his erection pulsing at the crease of her thigh. He braced himself with both hands now, settling between her legs as his eyes pinned her there, seeking something he had no words for.

"Yours..." she sighed in answer, running her fingers through his hair, pushing her love into him. Letting him into her mind in the moment he called her Grogu's mother. The moment she saw him land when she was surrounded by dogs. The moment she first saw his face and knew him. The voice and the touch that brought her back from darkness. The liquid glow that still defended her from it. "Yours, my Love..." I'm yours. I belong to you... you belong to me...

Aldor's entire being collected between her legs as hard, thick heat suddenly broke her open, sliding slowly into the core of her body as Din braced himself above her. "Augh... Aldor..." he whispered, his voice strained and pitched higher. For a moment all she felt was him. So deep inside her, hot and hard and throbbing through the ache already taking her over. He trembled as broken breaths raked through his lips and his eyes remained squinted closed. "Fuck, Aldor... how... how we fit... how you... how you..."

"Din..." she whispered, sighing and panting, clenching herself around his thick, beautiful cock. Another sharp moan burst through his lips as he slowly began to move, thrusting slowly into her, rolling his hips into hers as the soft slide of him loosened her shoulders and brought her flat to the floor as she opened her legs wider, and met his hips with hers, letting the gentle ecstasy settle into her body. She let her head drop to the pelt as she sucked in a long breath, threading her fingers through his hair as she opened her eyes. "Feel so good inside me, my Love... you feel... so good..."

"My Lady..." His eyes were dark and fluid, half hungry and half adoring. "I... never... I..." His voice broke, and he dipped his head down to her neck, and pressed hard, sloppy kisses to the spot behind her ear as she trembled under it, and he decimated her with two rough strokes deep into the flood.

She moaned and tightened her body and soul around the man buried inside her, barely hanging on to consciousness as he assaulted her with a deep kiss, pounding into the ache before he settled into a slow, savage rhythm, breaking her apart every time before he put her right back together, only to do it over and again. She wanted it to last forever as his voice filled her ear with velvet. "Fuck, you feel good... like nothing... ever... like..." He didn't finish his thought because he wasn't able. Neither of them was as he dropped his head and devoured her with his kiss, and buried himself deep enough to trigger the pleasure point he'd awakened earlier. Aldor blinked out of existence for half an instant before golden static filled her womb with plasma and pleasure. She clawed into his scalp and broke their kiss, clamping her mouth to the thick bands of muscle in his neck to keep herself steady as he growled and tore her in half with long, powerful strokes that sent her ever skyward. She clutched his hair, heaving and close to tears as she jerked her hips into his at the same time he impaled her with a hard, deep thrust that flung her out over the universe, and everything inside her imploded like a dying star. Color and light burst across her eyes as her body seized and her soul flew through everything and nothing, then came back hard into her body, panting and useless. Boneless and trembling.

But he was still there, dark eyes breaking apart as he stared down at her in veneration and pride, huffing and cursing, taking her into his arms to wrap himself around her as he anchored himself deep between her legs. She was still tripping through the remnants of her destruction while he rocked his hips against her, building her up again for another fall as the ache rumbled through her womb. "Beautiful, my Lady... so fucking beautiful... when you beautiful..."

Aldor was only half-conscious as the hard curve and thick veins buried between her legs filled her with fire. It was all she could comprehend. All she wanted to know right now. That Din Djarin loved her, and that his was the body overwhelming her with pleasure while she whispered his name in his ear, listening to the slick sounds of her drenched pussy and feeling every inch of him as he hammered into her, close to release, huffing and clutching her hips as she floated skyward all over again.

He opened his eyes, hungry and wild, and another hard pulse of pure, raw energy lit her up like a bolt of lightening. She bit her lip and pushed her scream down from her throat, let it burn through her as she bucked up against him, sending him impossibly deeper as another climax ripped through her like wildfire, taking her by surprise as it ripped her in half with ecstasy. A golden band of him reached through the tear, bound itself to her feelings. Its power surged through their unbreakable bond and poured into her heart as he continued to move inside her, licking her wherever his tongue would reach, kissing her in graceful lines across her lips and neck, levering into her in long, slow strokes that filled her womb to bursting with bliss.

Tell me... my Lady... I want to know... want to know you feel... what I do... whole... peace... the Force... you ... perfect... fucking perfect... pleasure... fuck... feels so good... so fucking good... know... how you feel... but... tell me... you feel... what I do...

Your Force... beautiful... singular... so singular... Din... my Love... my Mandalorian... gonna cum... feel it building... so thick... breaking me open... throbbing... so deep... feel how wet... you make me... Din... only for you... only for you... gonna cum... never felt... never felt like this... feel it building... about to fall... through galaxies... nothing... take it... nothing... will take it...

He growled low and long as he hammered into her. She went blind under the thrill of it, her hips rolling up to meet his with every powerful stroke, panting and trembling as she seized his hair in her fingers, staring up into his eyes when they fell apart, wild as he grasped her thigh and spread her wider, his chest rumbling as hard grunts huffed through his lips. At last he groaned desperately, and his body seized as her womb burst open, and he practically sobbed as a thick stream of heat poured into her, filled her to overflowing with him as they blew straight through each other's nervous systems. For a split second, there was nothing between them. Nothing at all. Not even their own bodies. For half a blessed instant they'd combined in some molecular way that drew out Din's orgasm, drawing hers out as golden floods of warmth shot through her and curved back into him, drawing ragged breaths from both of them as she took her hands to the tight flesh of his ass, and held him there as he jerked and convulsed, groaning and gasping as another pulse filled her with heat and pleasure. She clamped her muscles tight around him, hugging and stroking as the last of him emptied into her flooded pussy, and he crumbled over her, trembling and heaving.

She hung on to him for dear life while aftershocks rolled between them, and she savored his weight on top of her. She sighed and closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she shuddered through the sweet pour of release that slowly slid out of her. The ripple of his essence undulated through her entire body as he turned his head and pressed his lips to her neck. He dropped to his side and pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her to encase her in fragrant flesh and golden warmth. His whisper was barely audible. Deep as the heart of the Eye. "Nothing... will take it..."

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