Trust Me (C.T.H)

By GamerEmblem

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"Lucy listen to me! Everything is going to be ok. Trust me" "Calum... I can't trust you. He's already ruined... More

Before you continue
Chapter 1 - Change
Chapter 2 - New friend
Chapter 3 - Crazy friends
Chapter 4 - Movie
Chapter 5 - Milkshakes
Chapter 6 - first day
Chapter 7 - School is hell
Chapter 8 crush
Chapter 9 - Him
Chapter 10 - Therapy and Drama
Chapter 11 - Justin and Lucy part 1
Chapter 12 Idiot
Chapter 13 Dramatic Dinner
Chapter 14 Try outs
Chapter 15 - The party part 1
* Chapter 16 - The party part 2
Chapter 17 - Hinted
Chapter 18 - The day after
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Small Update
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24 #
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 The Beach pt 1
Chapter 30 - The beach part 2

Chapter 23

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By GamerEmblem

Family annoyance

"Are you sure were building this right?"

"Why did we let one eyes over there read the manual?" Sasha asked as her, Lucy and Olivia turned to Michael. He was reading the instruction manual while holding a ice pack to his right eye.

"Why did we think they were going to build a desk without hurting themselves?" Lucy mumbled as Sasha and Olivia chuckled to themselves. A cough caught their attention as all three looked at Michael.

"Its Luke's fault. He got distracted by someone before swinging the hammer" Michael answered with a smirk. Sasha and Lucy smirked at him before all three turned to Olivia.

"I told you that in confidence Sasha" Olivia shouted before hiding her face in her hands. Sasha chuckled in response before throwing her arms over Olivia.

"Oh hush Olive. Lucy guessed on her own. We only told Michael cause hes a temporary member of our girl squad."

She continued to chuckle as Michael hit her with piece of card board. He shot Sasha a glare as she continued chuckling. Lucy sighed at the two before standing up.

"I guess I'm building the bookshelf on my own"

"I'm still here to help" Olivia shouted before standing up. She then grabbed one side of the bookshelf and held it up. Lucy sighed in response before grabbing another part of the bookshelf.

"The pieces should slide together so theres no chance of Michael getting hit by a hammer again" Lucy chuckled as Michael stopped hitting Sasha with cardboard and glared at her. But then Olivia snorted which turned everyones attention to her.

"I hope that wasn't the noise you make with Luke" Sasha asked as Olivia glared at her. Lucy stood to the side while holding a part of the bookshelf. Her friends giving up and started to chat about their lives.

After twenty minutes Lucy had built the white bookshelf. She pushed it up against the wall before turning to her friends. Michael hung off the bed with Olivia. They were both watching his phone. Sasha was under the covers while using Lucy's laptop.

"Why is there nothing good to watch?" Sasha groaned before sliding the laptop off her lap. Lucy just sighed in response before joining her friends on her bed.

"You know we could just talk about our problems instead of watching drama shows"

Sasha shot Lucy a glare. But Lucy just ignored her. She had two problems that she wanted to talk about to her friends. Calum and Ashton. Lucy didn't know if the others had problems but she did.

"We know Michael is sad over Theo and his new secret boyfriend"


"We also know Olivia has some kind of issue with Luke"

"I do not!"

"So what's wrong with you?" Lucy asked as Sasha looked at all three. Olivia and Michael looked like worried puppies to her. Lucy also looked like a worried puppy but at least she was smiling at Sasha.

"I slept with this guy a month ago"

The whole room fell silent. Lucy didn't know what to say. Olivia didn't know what to say either. They both watched their friend rest her head on her knees.

"Are you saying your pregnant?"

Lucy and Olivia both turned and stared blankly at Michael who looked back at them with a confused look. Sasha just glared hard at him.

"Has the dye finally sinked into your head and turned your brain into goo plum boy?" Sasha asked as Michael shot her a glare back. Lucy sighed loudly before shaking her head at her friends. Olivia just chuckled at the two.

They all knew why Michael changed his red hair to the now purple colour. Theo's favourite colour was purple. It was the first thing Lucy helped him do the day after the party.

"So your not pregnant?"

"No Michael. I only slept with him."

"So you only had sex with the mysterious guy?" Michael then asked as Lucy and Olivia turned their attention to Sasha. But she shook her head.

"I slept with him."

"Oh! You fell asleep next to him!" Olivia shouted in realisation. Sasha nodded her head before trying to sink deeper into the bed. She didn't care if the world exploded now but only if she didn't have to see him.

"Was it Luke? Did you sleep next to Luke?" Michael immediately asked as Olivia smacked the back of his head before shooting him a glare.

"Luke does not sleep with people without asking them out"

Sasha and Michael both gave each other a knowing look. They knew Luke better than Olivia and Lucy.

"Was it Calum?" Olivia quickly asked moving the attention back to Sasha. She knew Luke slept with others before she started dating him. But Olivia didn't want to hear it.

"No. I was sleeping next to him" Michael admitted as Olivia just sighed in response. Lucy then laid her head on Sasha's shoulder.

"Why don't you just tell us?"


The room fell silent again as they all stared at Sasha in shock. Lucy because it was her cousin. Olivia because she never expected it to be him. Michael because his next guess was Ashton. Jake was going to be his tenth guess.

"Is that why Jake and Jessica are arguing more lately?" Olivia then asked as Sasha sat back up. The look of fear grew on her face as she looked at her friends.

"Oh brilliant. I'm ruining relationships. What's next? I get a crush on Luke?" Sasha dramatically shouted before grabbing a pillow. She then flung her head into it before screaming loudly.

"A crush on Luke isn't that bad" Olivia tried to assure Sasha. It didn't work due to Sasha whacking Olivia with the pillow.

Lucy watched her friends try to help each other from the sidelines. She knew better than to get involved. A knock on the bedroom door then caught her attention.

"Come in"

Her Dad then poked his head from behind the door. The smile on his face didn't stay long due to witnessing the argument in front of him. Lucy just chuckled at him before standing up and walking over to the door.

"Can I help you with something?" Lucy asked while ignoring Michael and Olivia's high pitch squeal. Her Dad looked at her friends worryingly before looking back at his daughter.

"I came to ask if it's ok if one of your friends take you to therapy today? It's ok if not but I can't exactly leave your and Ellies friends on their own it seems."

Lucy's therapy sessions were usually on a wednesday. But once she found out her Mum was arriving earlier that day. She changed it for that day. It seems mean but she didn't know how her Mum was going to act. She didn't know if her parents were going to argue. She didn't know if her Aunt was going to argue with her Mum.

Lucy understood why her friends couldn't be trusted on their own. Luke hurting Michael. Then Ellie and her friends were too young.

Her Dad was too focused on getting the barbecue sorted. Two adults had to go food shopping for said barbecue. That left one free adult to keep a eye on the others.

"I know the perfect person"


"So do I drop you off there and pick you up later or can I go and wait inside?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at Ashton before opening the car door. She could tell he wasn't used to this. He had no idea what to say or do. The only thing he knew was that he had to be quiet about it.

"You can wait inside-"


"-And if it's ok with my therapist you can be in my session"

Ashton looked at her with confusion as they stood outside the car. She expected him to be confused. It took Ashton a few minutes to understand what she was saying.

"I... get to know your past?"

"Only if she says it's ok."

"Can I ask why your deciding to tell me?" Ashton asked once they got into his car. Lucy sighed before laying back on the seat. She loved Ashton car. She loved how comfy the seats were and how she could drift off to sleep.

"Well I promised you that a month ago" Lucy pointed out as Ashton nodded his head before focusing on the road. He then pulled out and started the drive.

"I... also am thankful my mum isn't taking me. I don't think I would be able to explain it with her listening"

Ashton hummed in response before making a turn. Lucy sighed loudly before deciding to entertain herself. She then started to rummage through the side pocket. It causing a loud distracting caused Ashton to glance at her with a confused look.

"What are you doing noisy?"

"I'm bored and your driving so I'm entertaining myself to not distract you" Lucy answered as Ashton chuckled at her. He could easily disprove her logic and she knew that as well. Ashton also knew how to entertain her thanks to long car rides with his friends.

"Check the glove compartment"

Lucy gave him a confused look before doing what he asked. She popped the glove compartment open and stared at the contents. She saw sunglasses, pieces of paper, CDs and-

"Ashton... while I'm honoured that you wanna do that. I'm going to have to say no because I don't want to be late to therapy" Lucy answered with a smirk as she held them up. Ashton quickly glanced at her before looking back at the road. He then glanced at her again as he recognised what wae in her hands. Condoms.

Ashtons face immediately going a dark crimson as Lucy chuckled at him. His grip on the wheel tightened as he tried to come up with a excuse.

"That wasn't... the CDs are what I meant... I would never think about... not that your not pretty and that i wouldn't have sex with you... can you stop laughing!"

Lucy nodded her head while wiping under her eyes. The chuckling had turned into laughter and had started to hurt her sides. Lucy was struggling to breath as she tried to calm herself down.

She was enjoying toying with Ashton. Lucy thought his flustered face was the best thing ever.

"Why do you even have condoms in your car?" Lucy asked as Ashton glanced at her before raising his eye brow at her.

"Why do you think?"

"Sex? Blowing them up like balloons? There is a list of possibilities thanks to knowing our friends"

Ashton chuckled at her answer. He knew she was right. His friends were weird. Michael used to blow them up like balloons. Calum and Luke used theirs for sex. But Ashton had them to be safe. His mom made him promise no little Ashtons would be running around yet. That conversation to this day still embarrasses him.

"Why do you have a blank CD?" Lucy immediately asked as Ashton chuckled. He loved how easily distracted Lucy was at new things.

"Pop it in and find out"

Lucy had a look of curiosity as she opened the CD case and popped the disc out. She then popped it in and sorted the radio.

"Theo are you sure its recording?"

"Yes Luke. I'm sure"

Lucy glanced back at Ashton who was smirking back at her. He could see the confused look on her face.

"You made a CD... with Theo?" She asked as Ashton chuckled before shaking his head.

"No. Theo was supposed to be our audience until he had this idea to record a CD" Ashton answered before focusing back on the road. Lucy nodded in response before tapping her leg along to the song.

"I love it so far. Does it have a name?"

"Out of my limit"

Author note

My new excuse for this delayed part is the world exploded. It's actually due to my short attention span. I was too busy applying to jobs, preparing for interviews and doing said interviews. Then add the meetings which was one a day last week.

So two things. One. Next part is therapy and about Justin and Lucy's past relationship. Were entering the dark parts.

Two. I have planned so far head for this book so updates should be quick and fast. When I mean so far ahead I mean up to Lucy and Calum dating. I'll be popping parts out like... a tennis ball machine that shoots them out on the highest setting.

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