and there it is, a mark of th...

By soulmatezs

27.8K 906 281

Jennie visits the coastal town of Suncliff Beach thinking whales will be the most magnificent sight to behold... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

2.9K 108 14
By soulmatezs

February (3)

It's generally not Jennie's intention to break something as soon as she enters a room. It's also unusual for her to burst through a door like she just did, letting it slam against the opposite wall so carelessly. She even wiggles the door in hopes she hadn't broken anything, but to no avail. The doorbell makes a distorted sound that causes her to wince.

"Shit. Is this a 'you break, you buy' kind of thing? Is it a hundred year old antique? 'Cause I only have, like, twenty bucks and a dream."

There's only one other person in the shop with her, and she moves towards Jennie from behind the front counter. As she attempts to catch her breath, she steadies herself and focuses on the woman. It's good manners, after all, but that's not the reason her eyes linger.

It's like laying eyes on a very delicate, very tanned doe eyes. This woman is all freckles, and her sun-bleached hair looks impossibly soft. She's taller than Jennie, too, which isn't exactly difficult, but it's always a plus in her book. And those eyes... almost golden, a honey-brown she could sink in. Top it all off with the glasses she's wearing, and Jennie is suddenly desperate to spend the rest of her afternoon staring at her the way she is now.

She meets hot strangers all the time. Perks of travelling the world and all of that. However, this woman is far more than hot. There's a dreamlike quality to her that is wholly unique. It's the kind of thing that has its own gravitational pull.

"It's a bell," the woman responds, like she's somewhat dazed herself. "It's from Amazon."

The accent is a surprise, and it really doesn't help matters. Now Jennie just wants to hear her talk and talk and talk.

What comes out of her is the result of a lot of nervous energy. "Oh! That's good. If it is important though, I can definitely scrounge up some change."

The woman just stares at her, and Bennje can't get a read no matter how hard she tries. "I— No, it's— It's really nothing."

Jennie is suddenly overcome with the urge to impress her, like that will somehow make her forget that she's broken the doorbell. "You know, for that I should win the No-Bell prize."

Jennie doesn't outwardly fist pump, but she can see the woman's brain rebooting right before her eyes. Besides an actual laugh, she's a big fan of that response. "Wow. That was..."

"Spectacular?" She asks with a teasing wiggle of her eyebrows.

The woman stutters, "I— Are you... looking for something in particular?"

"Yes!" Right. She came in here for a reason. She can multitask. Definitely. "I'm Jennie and I need every single book you have on whales."

Did this woman need her name? Not at all. Jennie knows she'll likely forget it by the end of the day, but if there's one thing she'll do, it's try to make an impression. She can aim to be unforgettable if she really tries.


"Yes!" She exclaims again, and begins to ramble a lot more than she normally would about whale watching and tours and picture books and yeah, okay, she's talking a lot. She wouldn't say she gets nervous around people she finds attractive, but her body tends to generate a lot of energy that would say otherwise.

It takes a moment for the woman to process the information. Jennie expects her to be dismissive — people often are when she begins to talk a lot. She's chosen to be the kind of person who just takes the brunt of people's annoyance, instead of toning down her own personality.

Instead, the woman surprises her yet again. "Well... I think we can manage that."

Jennie grins so wide that it hurts her face, and she notices a slight change on the woman's face. It's the tiniest microexpression, a blip, but she catches it anyhow. As if the smile physically affects her, which she tries not to let go to her head. The woman leads her over to the shelves just as Jennie remembers to take her hat off now that she's indoors.

"Is your 'women want me, fish fear me' hat in the wash?"

The question comes completely out of left field and Jennie stops, the grin returning in full force. Okay. So maybe she's in love, just a little. No big deal. Maybe she's completely forgotten that she's only here for three days and that Manuel is waiting for her and that she came in here looking for books.

"No, but it is in my suitcase."

Oh, yeah. She's definitely seeing this woman again, and she's definitely wearing that hat. The flirting comes naturally after that. Especially when she realises she probably isn't going to get what she came here for.

"What if I... proposition you?"

(That one is an honest accident.)

When the woman looks like she's about to choke, Jennie laughs. "Oh. Fuck, no— that's not— I don't even know your name. I mean, that hasn't stopped me before, but— I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. You're very attractive, though. I mean, fuck, the whole tanned-freckled-glasses thing is really working for you."

Somehow being awkward, flirtatious and effortlessly charming in the same sentence is a classic Jennie move, even when she's unaware of it. Still, this woman continues to surprise her, and little does she know, she will continue to surprise her for a very, very long time.



"My name. Lisa."


When she exits the store hours later with Manuel in tow, Lisa is the name on her mind, and it never truly leaves.


Lisa waits for Jennie in the car park outside of Blinkoo's, leaning against her car's passenger side door. She looks up at the sky, watching the dark clouds form in the distance. It's likely to rain before the day is done, but she's hoping to sneak her plans in before that occurs.

Once Jennie exits the building and spots her, she bounds towards Lisa with a smile so wide it threatens to break the universe wide open. Lisa is pretty sure even if Jennie learned how to drive, she'd pick her up at every available opportunity regardless. Just to see that look on her face a thousand times over.

When Jennie reaches her, she wraps her arms around Lisa's neck, pressing her entire body against hers. "Hi."

"Hi," Lisa responds, her own arms finding the familiar curve of Jennie's waist. "How hard did Yasmine work you?"

Jennie's reply comes in the form of a kiss, pushing up on her toes. "Not much. I just missed you." It's a soft mumble against her lips, and when Jennie pulls back, she tilts her head. "Why? What have you got up your sleeve this time?"

Lisa only shrugs, as best she can in her current position. "I thought you'd be hungry so I brought us some food to go down to Archer's. I didn't factor this weather into my plans, though." She looks up at the clouds again. "I'm not quite sure how it will hold up. But there's a good chance nobody will be there." Tourist season is dying down as they approach the end of February, and Lisa is more than ready for a little peace and quiet, especially after the events of yesterday.

"Oh, so you want to take me out on a date?" Jennie smirks at her. "Picnic on the beach... Smooth moves. I'm impressed."

"Well, I—" Lisa stumbles over the words in her brain. She hadn't thought about it that way. "I know you're probably exhausted."

A smile warms Jennie's face. "I think I can muster up the energy."

"And we don't have to go in the water," Lisa adds on quickly. They haven't had any sort of discussion about swimming again, and Lisa isn't going to force one upon her. "I just thought... we may have the beach to ourselves."

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of it," Jennie assures her, and Lisa can tell she's being honest. Once again, she is amazed by Jennie's resilience. "Besides, I didn't exactly wear a bikini to work."

"Now what kind of girlfriend would I be if I hadn't already thought of that?" It's a teasing question, but a sudden surge of nervous energy floods her body at 'girlfriend'. It's the first time she's even had the thought, and the word is a bullet out of her mouth, fired without consequence.

Jennie leans back a fair amount — if Lisa wasn't holding on to her, she'd likely fall. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Just once or three more times?"

Lisa's laugh is short and somewhat embarrassed. Her cheeks feel hot, but there's nowhere to hide from Jennie right now. "All I'm saying is I brought a change of clothes for my... girlfriend... if she needs them."

Jennie's grin can only be described as cheesy. "Your girlfriend really appreciates that."

Lisa drops her chin. "Does she now?"

Predictably, Jennie's hand is lifting it back up before Lisa realises what's happening. "She really does."

Feeling bashful under her gaze, Lisa can only smile in response. "Should we get going?"

"I don't know, I'm pretty comfortable here."

"In the car park?"

Jennie shakes her head, smiling. "Yes, babe, the car park. It's got nothing to do with the extremely hot girl in front of me." She tilts herself upwards again to place a kiss at Lisa's jaw. "Come on, let's try to beat the rain."

By the time they arrive at Archer's, there's a light smattering of drops hitting the windshield. The clouds Lisa spotted before appear to have quickened their pace, and it's now properly overcast. It doesn't seem to deter Jennie in the least as she hops out the car, racing off towards the familiar dirt path between the trees. Lisa doesn't even bother getting their picnic supplies out, knowing they're just going to get washed out in the next five minutes.

"Jennie, we should just go home!"

Jennie is already halfway down the path before she responds. "Come on!"

Lisa hurries, because when she looks again, Jennie's already gone. She jogs down the path, feeling the rain begin to soak through her clothes. When the trees part, she sees Jennie waiting for her on the sand. The rain has settled on a moderate pace, but it's still enough that Lisa doesn't particularly want to stand out in it for too long.

Still, Jennie looks so happy, Lisa's feet begin to carry her forward anyway.

Jennie's hair has begun sticking to her forehead, and she blinks the water in her eyes away. She's grinning in that impish way she often does, and Lisa knows well enough not to trust it. And she also knows that whatever comes out of Jennie's mouth next, she's going to follow her regardless of what it is.

"Come with me."

Lisa looks around, seeing nothing but sand and the grey haze of rainfall in the distance. "Where...?"

Jennie indicates towards the water, and Lisa frowns. "Just a little, I swear. I'm not even gonna take my clothes off, we'll stay right on the shore," Jennie promises with a nod of her head. "I want you to see me here, so you don't have to worry about me."

Lisa inhales deeply. Sure, she absolutely had a plan for this afternoon, and the rain had essentially ruined it. Now, Jennie has taken control of the outing herself, and there's a multitude of reasons Lisa doesn't want to deny her, but she knows this is important to her. Honestly, it's probably important for the both of them, as much as Lisa would rather avoid it.

Lisa nods, before reaching down and pulling off her shirt. It's pointless, given that the rain has already rendered her clothes unwearable, but that's not the reason she does it. It's all a part of the plan, of course. As she tucks the shirt into the top of her shorts, she looks up upon hearing Jennie's laugh.

"You wore it."

Jennie's staring directly at her bikini top; a familiar shade of blue. The day couldn't be any different than when she wore it last in Jennie's presence, but the look on her face is almost identical. Which makes her realise just how much Jennie's felt this — felt something for her — since those first few days together. She'd been too blind, or perhaps too afraid, to notice it then. Now, she wants to soak in it.

"I know last night was... intense," Lisa begins, almost warily, because it's certainly an understatement. She doesn't know how many people would stick around after something like that so early in a relationship, but luckily for her, Jennie had proven herself long before the relationship even began. "But I'm glad you made me aware of your extreme fondness for a bikini I wore one time."

Jennie blushes, and it's glorious. "Hey, now... no teasing. It's not my fault your tits look good. And those collarbones... Jeez, I'm only human."

"That's..." The confession isn't entirely shocking — why else does one appreciate how a bikini looks on another person? Still, it's the kind of thing Lisa doesn't hear every day, or at all, and it's like she's been defibrillated. It's raining and she's by the ocean. She shouldn't be feeling this hot right now.

Jennie passes over the reaction with nothing more than a shrug and the hint of a teasing smirk. She doesn't need to react in any other way, because they both know the words will rattle around in Lisa's mind for the rest of the day.

Instead, Jennie's response is to hold out her hand, and Lisa takes it, letting her lead them towards the water's edge. The rain hasn't made the surf any rougher, which is a relief, but her heart sweeps low as they approach. She can't help but flash back to Jennie in the waves — her head sinking under the water as she fights to stay above. And, as predicted, there's not a soul to be seen on the beach. If something happens to them, they're evidently screwed.

Jennie walks in, only stopping when the water reaches her thighs, before turning to face Lisa. As the water splashes against Lisa's skin, she realises it's the first time she's been afraid of it since she got over her own fear of swimming a couple of years ago. Now, she's afraid for an entirely different reason.

"It's warmer than I thought," Jennie notes, reaching down to let her hands slide through the water. Lisa almost forgets about the rain entirely, until she sees the evidence of it on the surface, the drops creating thousands of pinpricks around them. "Are you okay?"

Lisa looks at her. Each time a wave passes, lifting the water to Jennie's hips, that familiar swooping sensation returns. It's a perfect rhythm, like a heartbeat. Except... she is okay. They're not going in any deeper and she knows Jennie would never swim somewhere dangerous. There's no reason for her to be scared, especially considering Jennie appears to be as fearless as ever.

Lisa swings their hands a little. "Yes, I think I'm okay."

"I know it's not the same as seeing me swim, but the World's Best Swim Teacher once taught me that we should always take it one step at a time," Jennie says with a decisive nod, as if she's recalling some far-off, ancient wisdom.

If there's one thing Jennie is an expert at, it's making Lisa smile when she's busy fistfighting her own anxiety. "Well, if the World's Best Swim Teacher said so, then it must be true."

The pause is only brief before suddenly, the rain begins to pour down, seemingly out of nowhere. Jennie squeaks loudly, and Lisa watches her somehow get even more drenched than she already was in the span of three seconds. It's as if someone dumped a bucket of water straight over her head, and Lisa's immediate reaction is to laugh. So much so that it almost takes over her body, causing her to throw her head back. She's sure she looks equally ridiculous, but in this moment, the flashes of panic that plagued her are completely washed away.


When the rain doesn't let up, they retreat back to Lisa's car, laughing as they try not to completely ruin the seats. They spend the next few minutes using their towels not only on themselves, but every available surface inside.

Jennie tries her best to change into the clothes Lisa brought for her in the cramped space, and the later keeps laughing every time she knocks her elbow or leg on the door or the dashboard.

"This is not what I had planned for this afternoon," Lisa says as she tries to catch her breath, drying her hair as best she can with the already-damp towel. It's mostly a lost cause, but she goes through the motions regardless.

"Are you kidding? This was perfect." Jennie beams. Truly, she's never had a complaint about any of her outings with Lisa. Even if it involves impulsively standing in the ocean after almost drowning the day before. "Can't say I've ever willingly stayed on a beach in the pouring rain before."

"Considering the adventures you've had, I'll consider that a win." Lisa pauses. "But I am not labelling that as our first proper date."

Jennie shrugs. "Works for me. If it means more attempts at a first date, I'm in." She tries to look out the window, but it's raining so hard there's nothing to see. It's as if the rest of the world has fallen away, and left them a tiny pocket of their own. She turns her attention back towards Lisa. "I'm just glad you haven't changed your mind."

"There is no universe in which I would change my mind about this." Lisa tilts her head as she regards her. "I don't want you to be troubled by that."

They both read one another so well that it seems impossible they'd ever go down the slippery slope of hiding things from each other. Not that Jennie has plans to ever do that again, especially after what happened with Jules.

"I'm not, I promise. I just..." Jennie bites her lip, but tries not to overthink it as she pulls the folded card out from her shorts. It seems fateful — the pair of shorts Lisa had brought her to change into being the same ones she stuffed the card into the day before. Lisa appears to recognise the white rectangle immediately, eyes widening. "Don't freak out," Jennie jokes, "but I did find this yesterday."

"You— where?"

"On the beach, next to the flowers."

Lisa's eyebrows furrow. "You had it the whole time. Even before I..."

"I'm sorry," Jennie says quickly, attempting to gauge her reaction. "Don't be mad."

It would really suck if she were mad, Jennie thinks, because there's no real escape besides dashing out into the pouring rain or a quiet, tense drive home — neither of which are appealing to her. There have been so many conversations throughout her life where she's felt like her poor decisions have lit a fuse, and she's just waiting for the other person to explode.

"I'm not mad. Just... confused." Lisa shakes her head. "Why didn't you say anything? You asked me about the flowers like you didn't know what they were for."

Jennie releases a shaky breath. "After what happened... I didn't want you to feel trapped into saying anything. I didn't want you to feel like you had to stick to these words. You were so scared, I didn't know what to think."

She still thinks Lisa will somehow grow mad and lash out, despite that not being in Lisa's nature in the least. She continues to think that up until Lisa reaches across the console and places a hand on hers. "Jennie... you really thought I would change my mind? If anything, I wanted to say it even more after what happened."

She averts her gaze. She doesn't want Lisa to believe she thinks that little of her, because that couldn't be further from the truth. "I'm sorry. It's not that I don't trust you. I guess... my own insecurity was getting in the way."

"I do get spooked sometimes, it's true." Lisa's free hand reaches up to tuck some of the wet, tangled hair behind Jennie's hair. "One of the things I love about you is how perceptive you are. You knew me so well in such a short time, and I will always appreciate you looking out for me. But, Jennie, the reason I specifically left out 'I love you' in the card is because I wanted to say it to your face. The card was just..."

Jennie doesn't attempt to stop the smile that creeps onto her face. "You being a romantic?"

Lisa laughs. "If that's what you want to call it."

Jennie opens the card carefully, keeping a close eye on Lisa's expression. She doesn't necessarily mean to start reading it again, but each word carries her to the next, and the next, and the next.


I began falling for you the moment I saw you, which feels both outlandish and exhilarating to say. It's odd, because I don't normally find comfort in people who throw me off balance the way you did. You were so effortlessly charming, and it wasn't until later I realised how fortunate I felt just to have crossed paths with you.

As soon as you walked into the bookstore, it was you. It's been you ever since, even when I was unaware of it. It was you when you left, and it was you when you returned. It was you the times I cried in your arms, and it was you the times we danced. And I feel I've landed somewhere, somehow. I never imagined I would feel safe enough to do so.


Jennie lets every word wash over her as she reads. It's eloquent in a way that's so classically Lisa. Yet, it's also simple, which Jennie enjoys in equal measure. She never needed a big, fancy declaration. She doesn't need grand gestures, not when getting to be with Lisa is the grandest part.

Lisa watches her read in silence, and when Jennie finally looks up at her, she's wearing the softest expression she has ever seen on her. Which is saying something, because there's always a delicate coating to everything Lisa is. She has no hardened edges, despite all the emotional turmoil that has followed her up until this point.

"You said last night... you'll stay for as long as I want you. What if I never stop? What if all I want is you and nothing else?" Lisa asks, her eyes vulnerable.

"Good," Jennie exhales in a rush. "Good. Don't stop. Ever. I don't ever want to go anywhere if you're not there, too."

"That's a rather large declaration," Lisa responds, followed by a nervous, unwitting chuckle.

Jennie leans across the console, quickly kissing Lisa's cheek, but remaining close. "You started it."

"Hm, I suppose I did." Lisa turns her head, eyes landing on the greying landscape out the windshield. "You know, before I met you, I was fairly content with being alone. But now, I don't think I could do it again."

Jennie smiles, her hand still clasped in Lisa's. The rain continues to patter on the roof of the car, entirely forgotten. "If there's one thing I can offer in this relationship, it's not leaving you alone. I'm very annoying, you'll come to realise."

Lisa squeezes her hand. "You know, something tells me I'll be able to manage."


When they arrive back at home, Jennie has a quick shower before flopping unceremoniously onto the bed face down, wearing a sports bra and shorts. Bagel trots in and begins to sniff her ankle, which is still hanging off the bed. Lisa leans against the doorframe with an amused expression. "I had a feeling you'd be exhausted. It's been a long day."

"Mmmf," Jennie responds, muffled by the mattress.

"I have something. Unless you'd prefer to sleep."

Jennie doesn't move beyond turning her head to the side, her interest piqued. "I'm listening."

Lisa walks over to her line of sight, holding up the chilled bottle of champagne she'd just pulled from the fridge and two regular glasses. "I couldn't take it to the picnic because I had to drive, but the picnic didn't happen, so it worked out in the end."

Jennie rolls over onto her back. "Is that from...?"

"Jisoo's party, yes." Lisa looks down at the bottle, the memory washing over her. "We never drank it after... well, you know."

There's been a light buzzing in the air between them ever since Lisa had picked Jennie up from work. Their texts from earlier in the day leave a lot unspoken, and she's certain Jennie hasn't forgotten them either. The mention of Jisoo's party brings that thought to the forefront of Lisa's mind once again.

Lisa sits down on the edge of the bed, and Jennie narrows her eyes as she's handed a glass. "Dare I ask what the occasion is?"

Lisa laughs quietly as she begins to pull off the foil. "We're celebrating."

Jennie sits up completely, leaning in closer than she needs to. "And what are we celebrating?"

Lisa takes a moment to pop the cork, and she sees Jennie's eyebrow raise at the near-expert motion of it all. She gestures for Jennie to tilt her glass and begins to pour.

"You're showing me up as a bartender here, babe."

Lisa rolls her eyes before filling her own glass and lifting it towards Jennie. "We... are celebrating you."

"Oh?" Jennie asks, lifting her own glass. "What if I wanted to celebrate you?"

"Well, I certainly won't stop you."

They clink their glasses together and each take a sip. The champagne they'd ordered for Jisoo's party was decently expensive, and Lisa can taste it immediately. It's not the kind of thing she'd usually spend money on, so it's a nice touch of extravagance.

Once Jennie lowers her glass, she sighs, stretching her legs out in front of her like a cat. Lisa frowns as she places her glass down on the floor. "Are you sore?"

"Yeah," Jennie exhales, followed by a chuckle. "I guess it's true what they say, the day after is always worse."

"Yes, well, it doesn't help that you had to work," Lisa adds, her voice clipped.

Jennie frowns at her. "I didn't have to work. It's not Yasmine's fault, she was—" She stops herself mid-sentence.

Lisa raises an eyebrow at her, a hint of amusement on her features. "Drowning?"

"Yeah." Jennie scrunches up her nose. "Sorry."

Lisa gets up off the bed, and Jennie watches her with a quizzical expression as she disappears into the bathroom, emerging with a different kind of bottle in her hands. When she sits back down, she notices Jennie's furrowed brow.

"What are you doing?"

Lisa pops the cap off the bottle and shuffles closer to her on the bed. "At least let me help you. I don't want you to be in pain."

Jennie's mouth twitches, a smile that doesn't quite appear. She slowly lifts one of her legs, resting it across Lisa's lap. "Champagne and a masseuse... now how much is this going to cost me exactly?"

Lisa chuckles lowly, squeezing the lotion into her hands. "Let me actually help before you completely derail this, hm?"

"I don't know what you mean," Jennie says with an innocent shrug, taking another sip from her glass before placing it on the bedside table. She grabs a couple of pillows to prop herself up, and Lisa feels her eyes on her as she begins to smooth the lotion over Jennie's leg.

Jennie just watches her, surprisingly well-behaved. Although, she knows Jennie well enough to know the thoughts she's currently having are far from innocent. Lisa begins to press her fingers into the muscles of her thighs, in an attempt to grant her some relief.

"Oh, wow," Jennie's face contorts slightly. "Shit, I didn't realise how tender it was."

Lisa pauses her movements. "Too hard?"

"No," Jennie breathes out. "No, it feels good. Just gotta get used to it."

Lisa is methodical as she continues, and she knows she's found the right spot and pressure when a content hum escapes Jennie's lips. She focuses on that specific area, her fingers experimenting with different angles. "Better?"

"Mhm," Jennie says, as if she's unable to speak any actual words. In her periphery, Lisa can see her eyes are closed, but she keeps her own gaze firmly on the task at hand. She continues down to her calf, taking her time as her fingers glide across smooth skin. Lisa is sure it's relaxing for Jennie, judging by the soft sighs and words of encouragement she's receiving, but it also makes her feel at peace. To the point where she almost gets lost in it, her hands sliding back up towards her thigh mindlessly.

At a certain point, it becomes less of a targeted massage and more of a gentle overall rub. It reminds Lisa just how long they've spent existing in the same space without touching one another. She knows if she weren't so repressed, perhaps things could've been a little more physical between them in the earlier days. Still, none of that really matters anymore.

Lisa doesn't know how long she's been going for until Jennie speaks up.

"Um... Lis?" She asks tentatively. "Can you stop for a sec?"

Lisa lifts her head to look at her face, retracting her hands from Jennie's body. She'd been so focused on her legs, it's only now she notices the slight widening of Jennie's pupils and the flush of her cheeks. It causes something unexpected to writhe within her, the champagne adding to the warmth erupting under her skin.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asks, her voice much lower than she intends.

Jennie sits upright as her lower lip disappears between her teeth. "I... Yeah, I just..." Her face is suddenly closer to Lisa's, as if she's magnetised. Her eyes are impossibly dark. "You feel good. Really good. I just..."

Lisa gives her an understanding look. She's not entirely clueless, and getting carried away around Jennie appears to be her specialty. She lifts her hand again, hovering it over where it just was moments ago. "May I?"

Jennie nods, and Lisa sees the eagerness behind her eyes.

She reaches down towards Jennie's thigh, her fingers lightly brushing the velvety skin. It's a stark contrast to a moment ago, when her fingertips were pressing into the muscle, mindlessly focused on one specific goal. Now, she's taking her time to explore. Jennie's thigh jolts slightly at the touch, and Lisa raises an eyebrow, her suspicions confirmed.

When Lisa looks up again, Jennie's blushing furiously. "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Lisa bites her lip for a moment, but doesn't move her hand away. Instead, she continues to experiment, her deft fingers gliding, slowly edging closer to the apex of her thighs. "Is this okay?"

Jennie lets out a shaky breath, her leg trembling slightly. "Y—Yes. I didn't want to—" She hums as Lisa scrapes her nails gently along her skin, "I didn't wanna pressure you. I know we've joked around but we haven't talked about this, I just— Would've taken care of it myself."

Lisa lets out a thoughtful noise, already addicted to the way Jennie's trying to keep herself together in order to speak. Her strokes become more deliberate, and she notes the way Jennie's hips gravitate towards her hand. "Have you done that before?"

"Done what?"

"Taken care of it yourself. Because of me."

"I— Jeez," she all but chokes out. "I mean..."

Lisa waits.

"After Jisoo's party, when you kissed me and your hand was, well." She looks down at where Lisa's hand currently is, and yeah, she can understand where Jennie's coming from. "That was more of a cold shower night, but God, you were so hot, I really wanted to. Wearing your shirt open like that was... fuck, Lis, you have no idea."

Lisa tries not to let her flaming cheeks affect her as her fingers swirl delicate patterns. She makes a mental note: more open shirts. "Is that so?"

"Then there was the incident on the couch, which was a little embarrassing 'cause it didn't even reach dirty talk, and well, maybe I... I mean, I had a shower and it was— uh, good."

That powerful feeling Lisa wields coalesces into something else, sinking low in her belly. The fact that Jennie can't even say it fuels her.

Jennie, who is often so brazen. Jennie, who sends her borderline dirty texts when she's at work. Jennie, who has made something Lisa has said into an innuendo on dozens of occasions.

"Would you prefer to take care of it yourself?"

"No." Jennie's response is immediate, before she shakes her head quickly. "I mean— Uh... Fuck, I can't concentrate."

"Don't concentrate," Lisa tells her. She knows the few swigs of champagne is definitely contributing to her confidence right now. "Say what you're thinking."

"No..." She breathes. "No, I would prefer you, always."

"Hm." Another thoughtful sound, her fingers moving now to slowly tease the waistband of her shorts. "You're sore. You need to rest."

"I—" Jennie nods dumbly, her lips slightly parted. "Definitely. Yeah. Rest."

"Lie down," Lisa instructs softly. Jennie obeys right away, which again, only makes her feel that much more powerful. Once she's lying completely flat, Lisa's touch becomes more intentional. She lays a hand flat on Jennie's bare stomach, causing her to suck in a breath. Her hand slides down, unzipping Jennie's shorts so she can slowly tug them down her legs and drop them on the floor behind her.

Her fingers slide up her thighs to dance across the front of Jennie's underwear, causing a needy whine to escape her. "You don't—" A shaky breath. "You don't have to do this."

"I want to," Lisa murmurs. She didn't realise just how much until this very moment, seeing how much she can affect Jennie with a simple touch. "Tell me what you need."

"You," Jennie gasps. "Fuck, I need you. Just— touch me."

It's no secret that Lisa isn't the most experienced person in the world. It's also been a long time, so she certainly has some catching up to do. Even then, her past encounters never felt like this. It's not just her body reacting to Jennie, but her heart. It reaches for her, desperate for connection. She wants to make her feel as much as she possibly can.

Lisa crawls over her, slowly, until they're face to face. Jennie's letting out short pants of anticipation, but the way she looks at her... Lisa will never get over it. Not as if she hung the moon and the stars, but as if she is them. And that expression doesn't change — whether they're just spending time at the beach or Lisa is on top of her, hand between her legs. Just as she's about to kiss her, Jennie presses a hand to her.

"Wait," Jennie murmurs, her fingers tangling in the fabric of Lisa's shirt. "Take this off. Let me see you."

Lisa pauses for a moment. She'd been so wrapped up in Jennie that she hadn't even considered undressing herself. She also hadn't considered how she'd feel in the moment — in the fraction of a second before she's bare in front of her for the first time.

Jennie notices her expression, before biting her lip. "You don't have to, at all, but... here," she says quietly, lifting herself up on her elbows. Lisa accommodates her, sitting back, her knees on either side of Jennie's thighs. Lisa watches, transfixed, as she pulls her sports bra off, tossing it somewhere off the side of the bed.

The air between them is tender, but there's a mischievous glint in Jennie's eyes that Lisa has come to know very well. Her eyes roam Jennie's body slowly, every detail drawing her in, including the parts of her she's already intimately familiar with.

"How are you so beautiful?" Lisa finds herself asking without thought. She's not even sure the question is entirely directed at anyone, it's left to float uselessly in the room around them. She reaches towards Jennie, fingers lightly gliding along her collarbone. Once she reaches the centre of Jennie's chest, her hand trails lower, between her breasts. Jennie shivers.

Lisa's hands are reaching for her own shirt before her mind catches up, and she pulls it over her head. She's not wearing a bra, and Jennie's eyes immediately land on her bare chest.

Jennie bites her lip again. There's a smile brewing, but her teeth hold it at bay as she looks back at her face. "Speak for yourself." Her words are breathy, as if any substance in her voice has been stolen away. "You're so gorgeous."

There's something about Jennie looking at her with those eyes — darker than usual, seeing her in a way she never has before. Something about it is like being injected with liquid courage. "If you lie back down, I'll let you touch." Even when giving instructions, Lisa can't be entirely commanding. Not in this moment. Not when she feels like a drifting cloud and Jennie is her only anchor.

Jennie goes rigid, for a brief moment, before her mouth falls open slightly. "Fuck..."

Lisa's hand finds Jennie's abdomen, and it flexes, the tips of her fingers brushing the underside of Jennie's breasts. A teasing touch as she waits for Jennie to comply, only moving over her once she's lying flat on her back again. Lisa leans down to kiss her, firmly and with purpose, her hand sliding back downwards.

Once her hand slips inside Jennie's underwear, she teases at the wetness she finds. It's both a surprise and it isn't, but it's welcome all the same. Jennie moans, the sound only muffled by Lisa's mouth on hers. One hand tangles in her hair, the other slides hungrily over every inch she can reach, desperate to feel every inch of bare skin.

"Shit, Lisa," Jennie groans helplessly, her hips already beginning to slowly rock against her hand, desperate for more friction. The look on her face is divine. "Fuck— please."

Lisa lets every sound guide her, pressing Jennie into the mattress as her lips burn brands into her heated skin. The world around her loses colour, and it condenses into the spaces between their bodies, stitching them together.

The universe is suddenly only Jennie, and Lisa experiences an intense moment of clarity. The second Jennie's words devolve into nothing but her name, her hand tightening in Lisa's hair, it becomes unmistakeable: her future is Jennie, and it truly is as simple as it seems.


When the morning light causes Jennie to stir, it takes her a few moments to realise Lisa is watching her. She's lying on her back, head turned to the side, with such a serene expression settling on her face. Every single one of her features is entirely relaxed, and Jennie knows just how precious a moment like this is. To see Lisa truly at peace like this is a marvel.

When Lisa notices she's awake, she smiles, and Jennie takes the opportunity to crawl on top of her. Her limbs are a little stiff, but she welcomes the fact that her legs aren't painfully protesting her every move anymore.

"Good morning," Lisa greets her, and the croak in her voice causes Jennie's stomach to dip.

"Hi," Jennie responds, dropping her head to kiss her once. Well, it's initially supposed to be once, but Lisa's arms slide around her, and a sense of comfort Jennie's never known in her life washes over her. So, she lets herself be greedy for several minutes, hyper-fixating on every hitch in Lisa's breath and the quiet noises in the back of her throat.

"Now, what's gotten into you?" Lisa murmurs against her, and Jennie feels the upturn of a smile.

"You, actually. Last night, if you wanna be specific."

"Jennie." It's an admonishment if Jennie's ever heard one, and when she pulls away, she's positively giddy at the sight of Lisa's bright red cheeks, framing her freckles. Jennie knows she's going to have a little too much fun now that she no longer needs to filter her thoughts.

"M'sorry I was so tired last night," Jennie mumbles. "But I have very creative ways to make it up to you, if it helps."

Jennie delights in the rumble she feels beneath her as Lisa laughs. "You're sorry? If that's the case, I hope you're sorry more often. I was a very big fan of last night."

Jennie lifts her head to get a proper look at Lisa's face. The brief embarrassment has been replaced with something smug, and it's hot in a way Jennie can't even begin to explain. Lisa's hand slides up the back of her shirt, beginning to trace nondescript patterns. It's so nonchalant, like it's something she's been doing every morning for years.

"Did I mention I thoroughly enjoy this?" Lisa asks quietly, tugging at the sleeve of what is indeed her own shirt. Jennie doesn't believe in putting her own clothes back on after someone else gets her naked — Lisa will soon learn. "How are you feeling?"

"Way better. Less sore." Jennie moves her legs a little to confirm. "The massage was nice. And, well, the rest of it was..." She raises both of her eyebrows. "Let's just say you're very talented."

Lisa's cheeks redden even further at the praise, and she shakes her head. "I don't quite know how to talk about... that."

The bashfulness causes Jennie to grin. "Just means you need more practice. I can live with that."

Jennie inserts her leg between both of Lisa's and tangles them together, effectively locking herself in place on top of her. Her hand slides under Lisa's shirt, her fingers lazily brushing the side of her breast.

"I love you," Lisa says gently, her gaze locked entirely on Jennie. The moment has them caught in a bubble. The rest of the world could be on fire, for all they know. "More than I ever could've imagined."

Jennie softens, starry-eyed as she can only stare adoringly at the woman she'd die for in a heartbeat. "I love you, too." She rests her chin on top of her free hand. "I wish you could see yourself right now, you're so..." She shakes her head slightly, the words somewhat lost on her. "You're stunning. Always, but especially now."

"Well... I hear happiness is a good look on a person."

Lisa's ability to take a compliment Jennie gives her and turn it back around is certainly a skill. "It's all I want," Jennie responds quietly, as if she's talking to both Lisa and herself. "You, happy. Seeing you so... free."

Lisa continues to smile. "You did something to me, I can tell you that much. I feel... different."

Jennie watches her, tracking every microexpression, as she so often does. "Do you know when it changed?"

"You were always changing me," Lisa tells her. The admission is so open and intimate that it feels too private even for Jennie's ears. Like it's something you write in a diary or whisper to a grave. "But... I still think about that first night at Blinkoo's all the time. We'd only just met and you... cracked yourself open right in front of me. I'll never forget the way you made me feel. Then you agreed to swim and I was so certain you wouldn't show up the next day, but you did."

Jennie's smile grows with each word. "I should thank Manuel for walking out on us that night. He's been waiting a long time, it's definitely overdue."

Lisa's arm around her tightens. "You can give him my thanks, too. I'm sure he'd like that." She pauses, and Jennie lets the silence sit before she speaks again. "But... thank you for changing me."

Jennie kisses her again, because she doesn't have words for this. This moment, this feeling. It's the kind of bliss you read about or witness, but you don't entirely think it's real until you experience it for yourself. She met Lisa with no desire to change her, because she knew she was lovely exactly as she was. But seeing her happier than she's ever been, Jennie gets to feel a little smug about it. And she does.

Jennie pushes her face into Lisa's chest with a heavy, content sigh. "Do we have to get up?" She asks, her voice muffled.

"Not at all," Lisa murmurs, smoothing Jennie's hair out. Her voice grows quieter, carrying a sense of finality. Like this is a place they truly could remain forever. If that's a possibility, Jennie certainly isn't going to fight it. "Go back to sleep, my love."


The next time Jennie wakes up, she's alone, but only in bed. She knows she's not alone in the house, because she's immediately hit with the most puzzling array of scents. Sweet, savoury, floral—? The longer she sniffs the air, the less it makes sense to her.

She checks her phone, and her eyes widen when she sees it's almost midday. After the events of the last couple of days, she could've easily slept through the entire day without issue. Normally, she'd happily go back to sleep, but her curiosity wins out as she rolls herself out of bed. Besides, now that she's had a taste of being in bed with Lisa, she has no reason to be there without her.

She's still only wearing her underwear and Lisa's shirt as she pokes her head out of the bedroom door. "Holy shit," she mutters under her breath, feeling as if her legs have been swiped out from under her. Which isn't an unusual sensation, given how her legs have been feeling recently.

There are at least half a dozen bouquets of flowers in the kitchen and dining area. Mostly reds and pinks and whites, but there are a few stray yellows and oranges scattered about. At one point, Lisa appears to have run out of vases, so all manner of jugs and pots are being used in their place. An empty wine bottle from a few nights ago is even serving as one, which feels very unlike Lisa.

There are candles placed throughout the room too, but since it's the middle of the day, they don't offer much beyond a distinct floral scent that's a lot stronger than the flowers on their own.

Lisa is standing at the stove with multiple pans in front of her, humming along to a tune that exists only in her head. Between the cooking and the candles, it certainly explains the confusing smell. Jennie wanders out slowly, attempting to remain undetected as she approaches the dining table, bracing herself on one of the chairs.

"Well, someone's been busy."

Lisa swiftly turns around, and Jennie is almost taken aback by how energised she looks. She's wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt with a tight crop top underneath. Jennie tries really hard not to focus on just that and nothing else. "Hi, did I wake you?"

"Not at all." Lisa's enthusiasm is so infectious, Jennie's smile only widens. "What's going on out here?"

"Well..." Lisa extends her arms a little, spatula in hand. "It's Valentine's Day."

There's a brief moment where a cold wave of panic washes over Jennie. Holy shit, she forgot about Valentine's Day. Luckily, the logical part of her brain is quick to pick up the slack, flicking back through the calendar in her mind.

Jennie looks at her with a frown. "Wait... no, it's not. Valentine's Day was last week. Remember? I went to get coffee from you that morning and Hugo was being a menace about it."

Lisa shrugs, either not noticing her momentary terror or choosing to ignore it. "I know, but we missed it, and I didn't want to wait an entire year. Besides, I really wanted to get you flowers that would remain free of sand."

Then, it hits her: Lisa has never celebrated Valentine's Day before. At least, not in the way one does when they're in love and in a proper relationship with someone. And she's right, making her wait a year for that is surely some form of cruelty.

Lisa turns back around to focus on her cooking. "And do you know how cheap Valentine's Day items become after the fact? I don't know why people don't celebrate late every year."

The implications of Lisa discovering Valentine's Day discounts for the first time in her life leaves Jennie feeling more than a little giddy. It's not often she feels proud of herself, but being the reason Lisa went to all this trouble has her wanting to skip everywhere for the rest of the day.

When Jennie takes too long to respond, Lisa pauses her movements, turning towards her again. "Is it too much? I wasn't sure..."

Every single part of Jennie's face softens. "Lisa... are you kidding?" She attempts to take in the scene before her, but she's overwhelmed by how much care and effort has clearly gone into it. "I'm only bummed I didn't know about this, I would've done something for you, too."

Lisa turns again, revealing a soft smile. "I'm sorry. It truly was a spur of the moment idea. I wanted to make you breakfast so I went out while you were asleep, then I passed by the florist and they were having a sale..." She looks around at her own creation, shrinking back slightly. "The more I focus on it, the more it feels like too much."

Jennie releases the chair, taking quick steps towards her. Once she reaches her, she takes hold of each side of Lisa's open shirt and pulls her in, kissing her hard. When she pulls away, she takes a moment to appreciate the newly-dishevelled look she's just created. "I think you're the best girlfriend ever, actually. But that's just my opinion."

Lisa visibly relaxes. Getting a physical reaction out of Lisa to help alleviate her anxiety is one of the many things competing to be Jennie's favorite.

"There's no world where you fill a room with flowers and make me what looks like a five-course breakfast and it's 'too much', okay? I promise." Honestly, Jennie can't wait to do those sorts of things for her for as many years as she possibly can. "Don't you start holding back on me now."

"I won't," Lisa responds, and Jennie watches as she stands a little taller, the confidence reentering her body. "I made coffee, and I'm almost done if you'd like to sit down."

"Okay," Jennie nods, giving her a swift kiss to her cheek before moving back towards the table. "Just so you know, I see a Kiss the Cook apron in your future. I'm picturing it right now."

"Oh?" Lisa has turned back towards the stove, but Jennie can hear the smile in her voice. "Let me guess, in this little fantasy of yours, it's the only thing I'm wearing."

It's a statement, not a question. Jennie's momentarily baffled, wondering if Lisa knows her extremely well or if she's just plain predictable. She chooses to sit in the chair directly facing Lisa, and makes a show of resting her chin in her hands. "Well, I am so glad we're on the same page. I'll make that order today."


Jennie doesn't leave the house for the rest of the day, so it surprises Lisa when she's presented with a white piece of cardstock several hours after their breakfast. Lisa has since extinguished the candles, but the heavy floral scents from many different sources still linger in the space. It's become the backdrop for a lazy afternoon, the two of them curled up on the couch watching movies together.

When Lisa stands up to stretch her legs, Jennie rushes to retrieve something before handing it directly to her.

"What's this?"

Jennie clasps her hands behind her back, swaying back and forth. "You'll see."

Lisa turns the card over to see a cute, hand drawn cartoon whale with hearts coming out of its blowhole, framed by the words WHALE YOU BE MINE? It's coloured in and shaded, and it's easily the most adorable thing she's ever seen.

Lisa's smile threatens to split her face wide open. "Jen..." There's something about her embracing the very-obviously-cheesy theme Lisa was going for that makes her heart seize up.

"It's my best work yet, I think," Jennie responds, looking very proud of herself.

Lisa frowns in confusion. "Wait, you made this?"

"Of course I did! Store bought is so boring and besides, I had very specific ideas about the whale that I'm afraid nobody else could do it justice."

Lisa stares at the whale a little harder. "It's actually... really good."

Jennie gapes at her. "And what, you expected it to be shit? Wow, I'm hurt. Insulted! And on Valentine's Day!"

"Well..." Lisa gives her a sympathetic smile. "It's not really Valentine's Day." Still, she approaches Jennie, who's wearing a very convincing pout that she desperately wants to kiss away.

"You didn't open it," she says quietly, her face softening once Lisa touches her waist.

Lisa lifts the card again and opens it, spying Jennie's undeniable, messy handwriting inside, surrounded by smaller, progressively sillier drawings of other sea creatures.

You put it perfectly: it's been you since the first moment I saw you. My only hope is that your safe space continues to be right here, with me. I plan to love you for as long as you'll have me. If that's forever, then it's forever. Happy Valentine's Day, babe.


Lisa stares at the card long after she's finished reading. Somehow it's the most 'Jennie' thing she's ever seen in her life: goofy on the outside, completely heartfelt on the inside. So much so that a light breeze could easily knock Lisa over right now. "This is..."

Jennie only watches her with a slight smile, and Lisa doesn't have to ask her if she means it. She doesn't need reassurance. She knows Jennie well enough to know it's real. Lisa takes a deep breath as she fully commits to wrapping her arms around her.

"I think you're right," Lisa says, lips against her hairline. "Your best work yet."

Jennie's arms tighten around her to an almost painful degree, but Lisa would take it tenfold if she could just stand here with her like this for the rest of her life.

"And yes, I whale be yours."

Jennie giggles, breaking free of the embrace to bounce up and down on her feet. "I hope so! I've been working on it every time either one of us goes to the bathroom. I was stressed."

(That explains the many glasses of water Jennie's been bringing her to 'keep her hydrated'.)

"But... there is something else..." Jennie begins, and Lisa takes the raised eyebrow as a classic sign of mischief. Jennie leans in, and Lisa knows it's not an ordinary kiss by the way Jennie's lips take their time brushing hers. Her voice lowers as she speaks, "The card was mandatory, but this is strictly optional."

"Is that right?" Lisa asks, letting Jennie press her against the wall behind her. "Well, I can't imagine what it would be."

Jennie hums into her mouth. "You're really smart, I think you'll figure it out."

Lisa doesn't say anything in response, only takes Jennie's face in her hands as she kisses her. Jennie doesn't let it last, pulling away far too quickly for Lisa's liking. However, it appears she has other plans.

"Now... tell me if you want to stop, okay?"

Lisa opens her mouth to ask what she means, but before she can say anything, Jennie disappears from view, lowering herself to her knees. Her eyes widen slightly as Jennie very deliberately presses a kiss to the exposed skin between her shirt and sweatpants.

Lisa no longer needs to ask.

She reaches blindly beside her, mindlessly grabbing for one of the cushions sitting on the couch. Once she has one in her grasp, she pulls it over and presents it to Jennie wordlessly. Lisa can't even begin to think of something to say, because as soon as she looks at Jennie before her, her mind goes completely blank.

Jennie grins as she takes it, and it quickly turns into a laugh. "Thank you." She punctuates it with another kiss. It's lower this time, just above the waistband of her pants. "Always so good to me."

One of Lisa's hands remains on the wall behind her as she braces herself, the other shamelessly slides through Jennie's hair. She's so soft in every possible way — even kneeling before her, hunger in her eyes, each action she takes is delicate.

It's hot, if Lisa is being completely frank.

Touching Jennie's hair causes her to look up, and Lisa feels like she's suddenly in a daze. She can't navigate anything through the brain fog, but God, she doesn't want to in the slightest. She'll let Jennie carry her away to wherever she wants to go using any method of her choice. Jennie maintains eye contact as her fingers slip into the waistband of both Lisa's pants and underwear at once and she slowly pulls them off.

Jennie stops to look at her, and Lisa can't even feel bashful under her heavy gaze. "You are..." Jennie pauses, leaning in to kiss her thigh. Once, twice, each further up than the last. Lisa feels her legs quiver as Jennie lightly scrapes her teeth against her skin. "So fucking beautiful." She kisses her again, and again. "I'm so lucky."

"Jennie..." Lisa doesn't mean to say it, and she certainly doesn't mean for it to come out sounding like a moan. She can't take her eyes off of her, who appears to be worshipping every inch of her skin as if it's the one thing keeping her alive.

"Still okay up there?" Jennie murmurs against her.

"Just... admiring the view." Lisa's voice is breathy and broken already. She'll be lucky if she's still upright in five minutes. "Please don't stop."

Jennie chuckles, deep and low. "Only because you asked so nicely."

And by the first swipe of Jennie's tongue, Lisa knows she's well and truly doomed, in a whole myriad of ways.


Several weeks later, Hugo celebrates his birthday with lunch at Blinkoo's, which soon becomes an all-afternoon affair. They all drink a lot more than they initially planned, but Jennie has learned that tends to occur whenever Hugo is in charge of anything.

Jennie looks around at their friends: Jisoo, Hugo and Yasmine playing three-way pool, Paco having added the tables to the old function room a couple of weeks ago. Lilith and Minnie cuddling so close to one another in a corner that they're practically one entity. Lisa standing with Rosé, having some sort of deep discussion as they stare out at the sea together.

This is the family she's gained by knowing Lisa. One of the many things she's gained just by knowing her. She can't even begin to count the many things she's gained by loving her.

Jennie sits with Suzanne, who sips from a very large wine glass that Jennie knows for a fact is not used to serve regular customers. She's a VIP in the lives of multiple people, it seems. Jennie's eyes linger on Lisa, because it's her favourite activity these days. That, and her gaze seems to wander towards her regardless of whether Jennie's aware of it or not.

"You know, I've never seen Lisa so happy," Suzanne tells her. When Jennie turns, she looks at her with a knowing smile. "Nobody deserves it more than she does."

She smiles. "I agree. I want... everything good for her. As much as I can give her."

There's a glimmer in Suzanne's eyes that makes Jennie feel like she's being warmed by the sun. "I think she's in good hands, if that helps."

"It does," Jennie says immediately, with a quick nod. God, it does, far more than Suzanne will ever understand. "You mean a lot to her, so it means a lot to me that you think that."

Suzanne pauses for a long moment, tapping her finger against her glass. "I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I had a daughter. Her name was Anna. I lost her when she was quite young."

The information stuns Jennie a little. She would never have guessed that Suzanne had gone through something like that. Suddenly, all the pieces of information, the threads of Lisa's relationship with her, begin to stitch together before her. "I didn't know that... I'm so sorry."

"It's part of the reason Rosé and I are so close," she explains, looking out towards Lisa and Rosé standing together. "Nobody could ever replace my daughter, of course, but... Lisa reminds me so much of her. When she arrived in town and needed a job, I felt compelled to give her a chance. And now... I can't imagine my life without her. I don't think any of her friends can imagine a life without her either, but I think you understand that sentiment better than anyone."

Jennie smiles, her chest filling to the brim with each word. "I definitely understand." As someone who lost her own mother, it hits closer to home than she's initially expecting.

"She filled a space that I didn't even know could be filled," Suzanne continues. "Something tells me she did the same for you."

Jennie looks towards Lisa again, unable to contain the amount of adoration she feels bubbling up within her. She's consistently overwhelmed by how much she loves Lisa, but there's something about other people noticing it. There's something about it existing outside of just the two of them.

"Yeah..." Jennie begins, not looking away from Lisa. "That sounds about right."

"I don't want to give you a whole speech. This isn't some sort of threat or warning," Suzanne tells her, and Jennie knows she means it, even with her natural presence being fairly intimidating. "I know you're right for her. That much is clear."

"Oh," Jennie starts, an uncharacteristic flush blooming on her cheeks. "Well... I hope so." She considers Suzanne for a moment, studying her features possibly for the first time. "If Anna was anything like Lisa, then I'm sure she was incredible."

"I appreciate that, Jennie." Suzanne says with a wistful smile. It's a sad smile, but at the same time, Jennie can see how much time has passed just from her expression alone. If anything, she's just glad Suzanne and Lisa found each other. "I suppose I just wanted you to know that Lisa has done the same for me, too. She has that way about her."

"Yeah, she sure does." Jennie follows her gaze back to Lisa, who is now standing alone. Rosé has just returned from the bar and is now approaching them. Jennie quickly looks back towards Suzanne with an ever-expanding smile. "Would you excuse me?"

Suzanne tilts her wine glass in Jennie's direction. "Go right ahead."

Jennie gives her seat to Rosé before heading over to where Lisa is standing. It's slightly overcast, and Lisa seems very focused on the waves as they roll into the shore. There's something about her and the waves, as if they're connected somehow. Some sort of permanent bond that nature can't quite explain. It wouldn't surprise Jennie if they were.

As she approaches her, she slowly slinks her arms around Lisa's waist from behind. "Hi." She stands up on her toes, resting her chin on her shoulder. "You look lost in thought over here."

"I was thinking about whales, actually." Lisa doesn't seem alarmed by her presence, only turning her head slightly to look at her. "What you said when we did that tour, about how there's so much we don't know... I was just thinking that I feel that way about a lot of things."

"Wow... that's pretty deep. You sure I said that?" Jennie teases. Trust Lisa to spend a relaxing afternoon thinking about the vast unknowns of the universe.

Lisa rolls her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. I happen to find you quite wise. When you want to be, at least."

Jennie considers her for a moment, before a grin breaks out on her face. "You're so cute."

She can feel Lisa's ear warm beside her own. "I wasn't saying it to be cute."

"And yet here you are," she responds with a quick shrug.

"What were you and Suzanne talking about?" Lisa asks, leaning her body further against hers.

"You spotted that, huh?" Jennie hums, deciding to go with a condensed version of the truth. "We were talking about how much we love you. I had to leave or else we'd be talking all day," she teases.

Lisa hums, too. It's lower, and lasts a little longer, and Jennie resists the urge to kiss her neck. "And what was the verdict?"

"She thinks I'm good for you." Jennie stands up a little straighter, as if she's hearing the words for the first time all over again. "I don't think anybody's said that about me before."

"Suzanne's stamp of approval..." Lisa murmurs, and Jennie realises just how close her mouth is. "Perhaps I will keep you around."

Jennie doesn't expect her laugh to come out sounding so hearty. It doesn't matter how many months pass — she'll never get used to Lisa's unexpected, humorous right hooks. Jennie tugs on the side of her shirt, and Lisa seemingly gets the message, spinning around to meld into her arms.

"Just try to get rid of me," Jennie whispers.

Lisa pretends to consider it. "You know... I think I'd prefer to spend that energy on something else."

Jennie smiles into their kiss, and that feeling Suzanne was talking about, of Lisa making her whole, becomes so abundantly clear that it burns somewhere in her chest. Her mind begins to drift, back to that very first day in the bookstore.

Humpback whales make the lengthiest migration journey of any mammal. As the weather gets colder, they leave to seek warmer waters, but they'll always make the long journey back. They'll always return home. Jennie thinks that, maybe, she's inadvertently done the same.

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