Dark Maroon - A Collection of...

By olsenmyolsen

4.9K 92 341

This book will ONLY BE DARK ONE SHOT 18+ *Mainly Wanda and Natasha one shots!* Always open for requests! Tha... More

Should've Never Left (Female Reader X Ghostface Natasha Romanoff...)
Ever Since Natasha Saw You (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
The Basement (Female Reader X Agatha Harkness)
Be A Good Girl (Milf Reader X Kate Bishop)

My Favorite (Female Reader X Professor Yelena Belova)

1.4K 25 118
By olsenmyolsen

College AU
For real like 18+
Natasha and Yelena aren't related.

TW: Drugging, Kidnapping, Somnophilia, Obsession, Stalking, Blood, Murder (not you), Dubcon/noncon, Guns, Gunplay, Knife, Knifeplay, Blood, Alcohol

A/N: ngl scared myself with this one!

Rain turned the sidewalk a dark grey as you quickly ran into your brick-covered dorm building. Passing by peers and strangers who couldn't or wouldn't give you the time of day. A sophomore at a college you only attended due to your family legacy. One you rolled your eyes at.

It was very Lorelai Gilmore of you.

As you head to the stairs, you stop by the building's bulletin board. That's when you spot something new covering up your friend's Kate Archery Team flyer.

A Missing Persons poster. You do a double-take at the name and picture.

Jean Grey.

You look around the lobby before pulling it off the board. Jeany Grey.. was missing? How? You could've sworn you just saw her today. Or was that yesterday? The days of studying and soccer practice had started blurring together. You hold the piece of paper close to you as you head up the stairs to your floor. Your mind distracted by the information you just learned.

So distracted, in fact, you walked by the open door of your neighbors Gamora and Nebula in another screaming match without even taking a peek to see if blood was being drawn. You would typically step in or stand at the door, watching, waiting for the moment to calm them down. But today, you walked by without another thought to the sisters.

You make it to your door and unlock it before quickly closing it behind you. "Wanda. I'm home!" You call out to your roommate as you pull out the poster to look at it closely before dropping it onto the coffee table. Your bag on the ground next to it.

The sound of Wanda's door opening makes you look up to see her and Natasha exit the room. Looking disheveled and out of breath. Not to mention, Natasha's AC/DC shirt was on inside out. "You know, Wanda, you can just text me and tell me not to come home if you're busy. Hi Nat." You send the taller of the two a courtesy smile.

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that!" Wanda counters before heading to the kitchen. "Besides, we already had our fun a couple of times now, haven't we, baby." Wanda walks back with beers in hand, giving one to her girlfriend and a kiss on the lips. "Yes, we did," Natasha replies with a smile that makes yours falter.

Not because you weren't happy for the two. You're the one who played matchmaker for them. It's just their kiss made you realize you couldn't have that anymore, especially now that-

"Whoa! Jean Grey is missing!??" Wanda sets her beer on the coffee table. "Oh shit!" Natasha also sets her beer down and sits next to her girl before grabbing the same piece of paper to look at it. "Did you just get this??" Your friend looks up at you. "Yeah, it was downstairs."

"She was in your History class, right?" You nod. "And Russian and on the Archery team with Kate." Wanda looks at you with a raised brow. Clearly, you knew more about Jean than most people thought you did. Wanda grabs the piece of paper back. "Didn't you and Jean go to high school together? Xavier?" Natasha looks at you again, but this time with sad eyes, realizing just how long you've known the missing girl. "Yeah.. we weren't close, though."

At least not then.

"Well, I'm still sorry, Y/N." Natasha gets up and hugs you. Something that never would've happened before she met Wanda. Wanda made Natasha soft. "Thanks, Nat." You reply as you wrap your arms around her. "Can I say something?" You mumble. "Sure," Nat replies.

"Can you make sure you wear underwear next time you're in a hurry? I can feel the last time you shaved." That makes the hug stop in an instant. Natasha pulling her shirt down before turning around to yell at Wanda in her native tongue. Something Nat learned just for her.

The amused look and blush amongst both of their faces stop when the beeping of an alarm on everyone's phones goes off. You, being the only one with yours on your person, pulls it out.


You look at the time on your phone and realize it's 7:30. Leaving people like Natasha, who live in other buildings, only 30 minutes to do what they need to do.

"Fuck.." Nat says before running into Wanda's room to grab her things. Wanda quickly following. Likely to quickly go another round. "Hey, Wanda.." You stop her before she disappears. "You don't think the curfew has anything to do with Jean, right?" Wandas' face falls, seeing how worried you look. "I hope not." In an instant, Wanda is hugging you. "She'll come back," Wanda says, comforting you without stating the obvious.

Jean has to come back.

You were in a secret relationship, after all.


The weekend flew by without any information on the whereabouts of Jean Grey. Not that anyone would've told you anything. As far as everyone knew, you two were as close as mutual friends. Nothing more than a simple "hello."

But you and her were so much more than that. Late nights in her room marking each other's bodies red like the paint on her lips or sitting on the roof of her building drinking out of plastic cups sharing secrets you would laugh about in ten years.

What you guys had was more. It was love.

A love only two people knew about.

Why? You were out, and she wasn't.

While Wanda spent the weekend with her girlfriend, you spent it crying about yours, doing everything in your power to find any piece of information about her. But news travels fast. Every little strip of information you found was public knowledge.

Jean Grey was last seen leaving the science building.

She made it 200 yards away before she stopped.

And that's where her location still is. At least according to your iPhone tracker. But even when you went to that location. Nothing was there.

The last two people to see her aliv- at all were Scott Summers and Hank McCoy. Two guys you know would never harm her. Like you and Jean, they came from Xavier.

You know they were questioned by the school and police, but according to everyone. Their alibis were clean. So what happened to her?

"Y/N, come on, you're going to be late."

"I'm fine, Wanda. Just go." You called out through your door. A door you've left only a handful of times since Friday night. "Okay.. I'll be at Natasha's till curfew tonight. Don't be late to class. Be safe. Love you!" Your best friend called out. "Love you too." You called back through your cracking, dry throat. With a sigh, you turned over in bed, exhausted and dehydrated from crying all weekend, leaving you with no energy.

But what were you to do? The school and local police had been working non-stop to locate Jean. Flyers and posters had already been made. You couldn't provide information about your relationship without outing her and making yourself look like a suspect. Plus like stated before. To the world, you were just people who rotated through one another's lives but never once stopping to interact.

So, putting on a clean pair of sweats, fixing your hair, downing a water bottle. You grabbed your bag that hadn't moved all weekend and made your way to your first class.


With Professor Yelena Belova.


You left relatively on time, but walking like a zombie and stopping to write down all the things you loved about Jean into your notes app made you late.

So when the giant doors to the lecture hall opened up, all eyes were on you. Hushed murmurs whispering became louder as you stepped forward, only stopping when you felt the gentle hand of your favorite professor on your arm. "Miss Y/N, you should not be here." She said, making you tilt your head. Had you been so slow that you missed class entirely?

"Come with me." She spoke softly as she pulled you back towards the doors. "Class, no talking, or everyone fails next exam. I will know who talks." She threatens without turning her head around, making you smile for the first time all weekend. Mainly because you knew she would fail them, and her broken English always sounded a little funny.

As the lecture hall became farther and farther away, you realized that Professor Belova's hand never left your arm. It grips around you tighter. "Professor.." You swallowed. "Where are we going?" "My office." She stated like it was apparent, making you nod slightly. Did you miss her saying that? Just as you were about to ask more, she was unlocking her office door and moving you to the brown leather couch inside before turning back around to close it.

"You look exhausted." She stated as she bent down in front of you to take a closer look at your face. Her hand brushing your hair back. "Detka.." She whispered, making your ears perk up. "How about some water?" She asked without waiting for an answer as she went behind her desk to a mini fridge. "I love these things. I can store so many drinks. If you don't want water, I have cola and fruit water and juice."

Truth be told, you didn't want anything except maybe sleep. The couch provided you with some much-needed back support that you had been lacking as of late. But as your Professor stared at you, waiting for a response, you figured you would go with the first option. Water.

"I'll take a water Professor. Thank you." You made your Professor smile as she reached down and grabbed a cold bottle. "Now in Russian Y/N." She said as she rounded her desk. You looked up at her. Your eyes passed her suit pants and blouse, a combo you would never know she picked out just for you.

There were a lot of things you didn't know about your Professor.

"Umm.. Я возьму.. воду Профессор. Спасибо?" You stuttered and reddened your cheeks, but by the time you finished, you once again left your Professor smiling. "Good job, Y/N! This is why you're my favorite." My favorite.

Not student. Just my favorite.

You blushed under the compliment, completely missing the phrasing before you took the water. Your need for hydration at an all-time high once again. You made it halfway the bottle before being stopped by your Professor. "Jeez, slow down, Y/N Y/L/N. I can not have you dying on my favorite leather couch." She chuckled, making you laugh again. "Now, I want you to rest her while I return to teach."

"Wait, Professor. Why? I am fine. I can participle in class." You argued while lying. "No, Y/N Y/L/N, you can not. I know how close you and Jean Grey were. It's okay. You rest here, and I'll come back before your next class. We can go over your studies. Okay? Okay." She quickly walked out the door, shutting it behind her, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Too busy questioning if your Professor knew about your relationship with Jean that you didn't hear the office door lock from the outside.

But by the time you figured it out, the drugs in the water bottle had kicked in, knocking you out.


You had never felt like how you feel right now. Your brain was covered with a fog that was ever so slowly evaporating. Your senses were all off. It was like everything was slow.

And why can't I move? You think as your eyes struggle to open.

"Princess, wake up.." You hear a familiar voice near you. "I'm waking up." You mumble, unaware of the fact that pretty soon, you wish you didn't.

You go to move your arms again but can't; this frustrates you even more now that your senses are fixing themselves, becoming more aware of your surroundings. When you throw your hands forward again, you hear them clang against something. That's when you feel it. A cool metal on your wrist... and ankles? Are your legs trapped as well?

"What is that?" You speak to the voice in the room. "It's to keep you safe, my little one." She speaks calmly. "Safe?" You question. "Safe." She states back.

Where have you heard that voice before?

"Now come on, Princess, open those pretty eyes for me." You feel a dip in the bed that you're on before a soft hand strokes your cheek. "Open them up, baby." The voice coos you like an expert who wasn't doing this for the first time.

As you open your eyes, the light from the ceiling is blinding, making your head feel worse. "It'll be okay, baby. Look at me. I'll make it better soon. Find my voice." You blink a few more times as the gentle hand delicately runs through your hair. You turn your head, and on your final blink, you keep your eyes open.

The sight was confusing. This has to be a dream. Not like the good one you had before, no...

"Professor Belova?"

"Hi, my princess." She smiles at you, but the way she does it makes the pit your stomach grow. This doesn't seem right.

You move your eyes from hers and scan the room you're in. Green. Green paint on the walls. A dresser and desk against the left wall. A mirror standing catty corner.

You move your eyes to the right. You see a small door open. On the inside, you see clothes that appear to be in your size. Oh no, no, no... You read stories like this. You have heard stories like this. But this wasn't supposed to happen to you.

Was it?

That's when you notice your Professor's eyes following yours. You look at her, and she smiles. A wicked one. She already knows your thought process. That's when you notice her looking down your body.

You're not wearing the sweats you had on before. You're now wearing a loose-fitting graphic tee and green underwear. No bra. No pants. The further down you go, you see the handcuffs around your legs hooked onto the bed frame. You don't dare to look up at your wrists. Already knowing you'll see the same thing.

"I have to say you're taking this better than most." She speaks to you and begins massaging your head with her hand that you forgot was there. It feels good. But it's not supposed to. Stop it. Stop. This.

"Stop!" She widens her eyes and shakes her head. "No, Princess, you don't get to use that word now."

"Please.." You beg. "Stop this. Let me go, and I'll promise I'll never say anything to anyone. Not the dean. Not the police. No one.." You control your breathing as you speak. If you appear to be calm, maybe she'll let you go, right? You, she likes you. Right?

"Ah, my Y/N.. you'll never say anything to anyone. I'll make sure if it Princess." She tightly grips your hair and pulls you forward till your lips smash into hers. They're soft, and she taste just as you have imagined once before. But instead of savoring and getting lost in the moment like your Professor wants you to, you start to cry.

You cry because the hope you have inside of you is rapidly disappearing. As her lips move down your chin and start to mark your neck, you think about Jean. Her lips on yours and how she was softer and caring. She loved you.

The woman above you does not.

Well, not in the way you think love is supposed to be.

Your Professor lifts her head and looks at you when she hears you cry. "Oh, baby! What's wrong? Why are you crying? Was I being too rough?" She genuinely looks like she feels terrible. Like she didn't want to hurt you.

But you just shake your head no. Confusing the blonde.

"Jean." You say as you choke on your tears. "You took her, didn't you?" Your Professor removes her hands from you and lifts herself off your body. "I can't believe this." She says as her body shifts away from you. "This so wrong." She whispers, but you hear it. "I know it is, but you can still let-"

"No, no, no!" She yells and stands up, startling you. "Her. You're thinking about her! I have you now, and you're thinking about her! Cyka!" She yells at you. Rubbing her head. You've never seen your Professor like this. She's so.. scattered. Lost. Confused even?

But then you see it. She's had this look during lectures. But it was never directed at you. She's pissed.

Before you can open your mouth, her soft hands are around your throat. Quickly cutting off your air. You look into her eyes and see tears forming. "You were supposed to be the one. Are you? Are you the one? My princess?! My favorite. I love you, Y/N. Only I can have you. I want you. You want me, right?? Do you want Daddy? Detka, please. Please!!" She doesn't stop as her hands grip themselves tighter around you. You want to speak, but you can't. You try your best to nod your head, but it's little effort.

But she sees it.

A slimmer of hope shines through her.

Just like before, her lips smash into you. Her hands detach themselves from your throat and work their way up your face. Wiping the tears you have leaking away. "Thank you, Princess." She whispers as air comes back into your lungs. Your Professor hugs you and puts her hot breath and thankful whispers next to your ear down your neck. "Your Daddy Yelena's now." She says before kissing you on the cheek—a smile glowing on her face.

"Is this for Daddy?" She teases. You're not sure what she means until you feel her index finger slip itself down the front of your green panties. A wet spot had grown, and you're not sure when.

You hope it wasn't when Yelena was choking you.

Hoping it was when your thoughts earlier turned to Jean Grey.

But you had a history of rough sex, so that didn't help your chances. So when Yelena asked again. "Is this for Daddy?" You hesitated.

You went to say yes after realizing your mistake, but it was too late.

"Stay there, Princess." Yelena left and exited the room with a fury behind her eyes. You tried your best to listen for any clues as to where Yelena was in the house you assumed to be. But nothing came. For being such a heavy walker during her lectures, she was quiet as a church mouse.

Minutes must've gone by, but still, there was no sign of Yelena. As the time grew longer and longer, you tried moving your arm and legs every which way to try and free yourself, but it was no use. Yelena knew precisely what she was doing. Evident by the room you found yourself in.

The room to the bedroom flew open, which was a force you were scared of. A figure being thrown onto the floor by Yelena, who looked aggravated. "Come here, you little shit!" She yelled and dragged the person by their arms as muffled screams tried their hardest to be loud. But you all knew no matter how loud you screamed, no one could hear you. "Stand up!" Yelena yelled at them as she dragged them to their feet. Yelena gripped whoever it was covered by a black hood by the neck. Her eyes turned to you with a sadistic smile. "Oh, my Princess, watch the show!"

She removed the hood, and standing there covered in deep cuts and bruises was your girlfriend, Jean Grey. Both of your eyes widen with a mix of fear and sadness seeing each other in your states. "Y/N Y/L/N don't you see. I can love you in a way that she can't. It should be me." Yelena kept her grip on Jean tight as she did nothing but cry. What else was there to do? "Yelena-"

"Daddy!" She sternly corrected you. "Daddy..." The taste of the word did not feel right on your tongue. "I promise if you let Jean go, she'll never say anything. And I can be yours. Okay? I promise. Right Jean you won't say anything?! Okay?" You pleaded as much happiness and joy as you could salvage, but it wasn't enough. "Oh, Princess, as long as she's alive, you'll always think of her before me," Yelena said with a smile. Before she kicked out the backs of Jeans' legs, knocking her to the floor as she pulled out a pistol from behind her. "Daddy! Daddy, don't do it!" You started begging as Jeans eyes stared at you.

She lost hope.

You should, too.

"Daddy-" You hear the click of the gun. "Yelena, stop! Don't you do this! I swear to fucking God that-"


Jeans body hit the floor.

The ringing in your ears hurt but not as much as seeing the life leave her eyes.

You stare where her eyes were. Tears falling from yours. "See, Princess." Yelena's muffled voice spoke to you. "Look what you made Daddy do. I didn't wanna do that."

Yelena huffed when you didn't answer her. She walked through your eyesight and around the bed to you. You wouldn't have bothered turning to face her, but she lifted your shirt and placed the smoking hot barrel of the gun right onto your breast, making you squeal in pain. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" She barked. "I swear to God, Y/N Y/L/N, don't make me regret picking you!" She pointed the gun directly in your face.

"Maybe that's what you need." She said as an idea washed over her. "A lesson. Since you're the best student I have, let's see if I can make you the best whore I've had." Before you can protest, she drops the gun on the bed beside you before pulling out her personalized knife. She slices down the front of your shirt.

Satisfied, she bites down on the knife's blade, holding it in place as she rips the fabrics hanging off of you.

Yelena took the knife out of her mouth and held it in her hand. "My pretty princess." You looked up at her when she spoke to you this time. "Good girl."

You don't know what happened, but a smile formed on your face. You don't know why. Maybe the trauma was setting in, so your brain started going on autopilot.. you're not sure, but you wish you could say it did it for the remainder of the night because you didn't want to enjoy what happened later. But you did.

You enjoyed getting fucked by Yelena Belova.

"I'm going to kiss you now." You nodded as a stray tear slipped down your face. Her lips, just like before, were soft, except this time Yelena didn't rush the process. She was more gentle and peaceful in her movements, even while holding a knife to your body.

You flinched when you felt the metal tip skim by your hip. "Oh, baby..." Yelena, bringing her right free hand up to your face, smiled into your lips. "Do you think Daddy will hurt you again?" You shake your head no with the help of Yelena. "Only if you're bad, right?" Yelena grabs your chin and makes you nod. "See. You're learning so well. Do you think you deserve a treat?" Yelena once again moves your head up and down before letting go. "I think so, too."

Yelena begins kissing down your front. Stopping at the burn that's slowly eating away at you to blow on it and watch you squirm and do your best to remain silent. "I'm going to hear you eventually, detka." She loudly claims, and she spends time kissing your stomach and hips. "You're so beautiful, Y/N Y/L/N. I wish you didn't waste your time with her."

You wish you could say you were hurt by what she said, but truth be told, Yelena knew what she was doing between the kisses and marks left by her mouth on you. She had successfully made your body betray you.

"Now, this is for me, Princess." She took a finger to the more prominent wet spot on your panties and ran her finger up and down it. "So wet and pretty." Yelena leaned in and took a sniff. "Oh, and you smell so fucking good, baby." Yelena looked back up at you as your legs buckled, rattling the handcuffs below. "Someone likes this." She smirked, dragging two fingers up and down the cotton underwear, watching as your face contorted.

One half fighting to stay sane. Keep you from enjoying this—the other half. The winning half is fighting for pleasure.

Yelena took the knife and stabbed it into the bed before grabbing the gun with one hand while the other slid your green panties to the side. "Princess. Look at me." You did your best. "You don't cum until I say so. Okay?" She pointed the gun at you. "Answer me."

"Yes, Daddy. I won't cum until you tell me to."

"A+, my good girl."

Yelena placed the gun right next to your leg, almost as an act of torture, before leaning down to your bare pussy and having a taste making you fidget and her smile. "Oh, Princess, you have to have a taste yourself!" She took her knife out of the bed and placed the wooden end of it along your wet lips before running it up to your clit. Biting her lip, she watched it slide off the curved end.

"Open up." You didn't hesitate or fight back like she thought you would. Instead, you leaned your head forward and opened your mouth wide. Tongue flat as she dipped the handle in. Yelena watched you wrap your mouth around it and suck. Letting the handle slide deeper down your throat until you gagged, moving the blade so it fell against your lip.

Tears weld in your eyes as Yelena slowly pulled the tip out before she pushed it further back, causing the handle to make you gag again, this time cutting your lip.

This process repeated itself. All the while, Yelena's fingers began rubbing up and down your wet pussy. "Give me one more baby. Come on." Yelena pushed the handle again as blood from the tip slid down the blade before falling off disappearing into your mouth. "Good girl." Yelena's slick thumb started circling your clit as she had two fingers pumping in and out of you. With glee on her face, she pulled the knife out and threw it into the headboard behind you. "Didn't you taste so good?!" Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as the stimulation started becoming too much. Yelena asked you a question and you didn't answer. You started moaning louder and louder.. Until SLAP!

Yelena slapped your wet pussy, making you sit up and jolt in pain that morphed into pleasure. With her wet fingers, she slid out of you, grabbed the gun, and SHOT it through the headboard!

"Answer me!!"

"Yes!! Yes, Daddy! I tasted so good. So fucking good. Please keep going. Keep fingering me! Don't stop!" You cried. You begged for it!

You begged for her!

You begged the woman who just killed your girlfriend to fuck you.

Yelena didn't need to be told twice as her fingers returned to your pretty pussy that gripped her tight. "Oh fuck! Oh, my-" Your breath caught in your throat as Yelena's tongue moved up and down, flicking your clit with precision.

It had been years since you'd been fucked this good.

You arched your back as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. "Oh, my Yel- Daddy! Daddy, oh my god!!"

"Does my Princess want to cum?!" Yelena asked, detaching herself from you. "Yes! Yes! Please, can I cum?! Please, Daddy!??"

Yelena nodded and spoke, "Konchi dlya menya, moya Printsessa." (Cum for me, my Princess.)

You did. Hard. Covered in sweat. With blood dripping down the front of your chin. You came with your Professor's fingers inside of you. Those same fingers that pulled the trigger of a gun not once but twice in the past hour.

You flinched and bucked as Yelena slowed the pace of her fingers. She smiled, knowing she now had such power over you.

You watched as Yelena stood up and walked towards you with the brightest smile you've ever seen. "Hi." She spoke sweetly as she wiped your chin of blood with the fingers you covered before she took them in her mouth. Savoring it.

Once happy, she laid down next to you.

"Why? Why me?" You asked as the realization of what you just did sunk in.

"Because you're my favorite." She said like it was obvious. "Your favorite?" Yelena nodded. "I have one every year. At every new school, I go to." Something about the way she said that hurt you, especially after what just happened. There was always going to be someone else. Someone new.

"But maybe I'll stick around next year?" She lifted her head to look at you before leaning up for a kiss. "Yeah?" You asked, a little hopeful.

"Yeah." She said with a smile. "Your friend Wanda is adorable.

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