Rescue˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Daryl Dixon...

By xoxo_gvf

5.4K 222 43

you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, t... More

Prologue (2)
Cell (3)
Escaping (4)
Alexandria (5)
Kingdom (6)
The Storm (7)
Lines Crossed (8)
Waves (9)
Bad Dream (10)
Silence (11)
Silence part two (12)
Bonds (13)
Eyes Open (14)
World Before (15)
Squeeze (16)
Stalker (17)
The Horde (18)
Walk (19)
Bloom (20)
Tower (21)
Certain Doom (22)
Home (23)
Find Me (24)
Diverged (25)
Dream (26)
Acheron: Part one (27)
Acheron: Part two (28)
The Hunted (29)
The Rendition (30)
Ashes (31)
On the inside (32)
Broken Promises (33)
Blood (34)
no other way (35)
New Haunts (36)
Rogue (37)
Lucky Ones (38)
Rotten (39)
Trust (40)
Acts of God (41)
Locked Down (42)
Deal (43)
New Varient (44)
The Birth (45)
Timejump (46)
Outpost (47)
Faith (48)
Family (49)
Rest In Peace: Part One (50)
Rest In Peace: Part Two (51)

Rest In Peace: Final (52)

125 1 3
By xoxo_gvf

y/n Martin

Pamela was now locked up, although i wanted much worse for her, this was the next best thing to do. Everyone gathered in a house together, we had finally gotten Alexandria back rightfully so. This has always been our home, and we won't let anyone take it that easily, especially without putting up a fight.

River was crawling all over the place, sometimes she even tried to walk. Everyone was so happy to finally be back together, in our home. Food had been cooked, and set on the tables, there was wine to go all around. Kelly sat next to her sister Connie, chit chatting. Coco Sat in her high chair eating some food.

River was eating now as well. It felt so nice, comforting to see everyone. They were all happy, smiling. I haven't seen them like this for awhile now. It was a good feeling, hearing everyone laughing. We did good, and accomplished a lot. We got back our home, found our people, found our children while only losing a couple people.

I noticed Eugene looked sad while looking at Rosita. I knew he had feelings for her, but the way he was looking at her— this was different. This was something else other than the fact he loves her. I furrowed my eyebrows seeing as though he was trying to hold back tears.

Carol was laughing, Princess was laughing while cuddling with Mercer, Judith was doing better now. "hey everybody. A toast. To Luke." Yumiko held up her glass of wine.

"to Luke." We all said, raising our glass.

Rosita walked around, looking at everyone and smiling, but there was also something hidden, something about her that was different. I couldn't take it anymore, and decided to walk over to her, pulling her away to speak with her, still being visible to the others in the room.

"Rosita..can we talk?" I asked.

"yeah, of course." Rosita nodded and walked with me.

"did something happen? after finding the children? Eugene looked at you, there was so much sadness in his eyes." I looked at her.

Rosita looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back up at me. She leaned in a little close. "we were surrounded by walkers, trying to climb up a building and into the open window. I fell into the horde." Rosita began to explain.

"oh my god.. but..did you? you're okay?" I looked at her worried.

"i was bit. The shoulder." Rosita shook her head. My heart dropped out of my chest, i had lost my breath, tears streamed down my face.

"Rosita.. no. I'm sorry.. i'm so sorry." I cried.

"it's okay... it's okay." Rosita's voice broke as she pulled in me for a hug, making it appear to the others that we were just having a moment which we were, but it wasn't anything i was expecting. "does anyone else know?" I asked.

"just you and Eugene now." Rosita answered.

"that's why he looked so sad.." My breath hitched. I felt like i was going to break down, and start sobbing at any minute, but I knew i had to be strong for Rosita, knowing this has to be so hard on her. Knowing she will die, and nothing can be done, knowing she will have to leave her daughter behind after just finally getting her back.

I wiped my tears away, hugging Rosita again before she walked away to sit down at the table. Gabriel coming over and sitting next to her, i know had the same kind of expression Eugene has. Judith looked over at Gabe and Rosita, holding a glass of water in her hand, she looked confused, sensing something was up. I closed my eyes, trying to stop the tears from flowing.

I could see the tears in Rosita's eyes after whispering something into Gabriel's ear, eventually wiping the tears away which only made it harder for me to contain myself. This was real. This was happening, but through it all Rosita still managed to smile. Judith's smile faded when she saw Rosita wipe away a tear, she knew something was wrong.

I walked away, going outside where i paced back and forth. "you okay?" I heard daryl's voice ring through my ears. There it was. That one simple question. That was all it took for me to fall apart. "it's... Rosita.. she." I cried.

"hey.. What's goin' on? baby talk to me." Daryl came in closer.

I shook my head, not being able to have the words. "she.. she was bit. We're gonna lose her. I can't lose her.. she's like a best friend.. she's family. She helped deliver River, helped brought river back to us..." I sobbed into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me.

I was completely heartbroken.

"only a few people know. Me, Eugene, i think she might've just told Gabriel, and you know now too. She might be telling the others.. i don't think she has long left.." I wiped my eyes.

"shh. Just breathe baby. Breathe." Daryl tried his best to comfort me. I nodded my head, taking his hand, and leading him back inside. We went upstairs together, seeing Maggie and Carol help Rosita over to the bed where coco was sound asleep. The weakness that could be visible in Rosita, the sadness in her eyes knowing this would be the last time she would see any of us.

Maggie sat on the edge of the bed with Rosita, kissing her on the side of the head, and pulling her in for a hug. Rosita hugged carol next, she eventually laid down, Carol and Maggie walking towards the door. Maggie was almost sobbing, seeing her i pulled in her for a hug.

This was hard for all of us.
Daryl stood in the doorway as i walked into the room, sitting next to Rosita. "i'll watch after coco. She will be safe.. I love you so much.." My voice broke, and i hugged Rosita one last time.

"thank you.." Rosita whispered. "i love you too." She smiled weakly. I walked away, letting Gabriel and Eugene have a moment with her.

Everyone gathered around, Ezekiel talking in front of everyone. "though we are not bonded by blood.. we are family. As your governor i and your lieutenant Governor, Micheal Mercer. We pledge to live by those words." Ezekiel smiled, everyone clapping their hands.

It had been one year since we fought against the Commonwealth, one year since we got our home back, and One year since we lost Rosita.

Eugene is married and has a daughter now, he named her Rosie in memory of Rosita.

Coco is walking now, River following right behind. Gabriel has been raising coco, but we've all been helping. Connie ran over to daryl and i, giving us each a hug. what's up cowboy? how's the frontier? Connie signed.

Quiet. For now. Daryl signed back to her. He's a lot better at sign language now.

keeping the new administration honest.. Connie smiled.

has to be you. I signed to her with a smile.
you seem happy. I smiled again.

I am. Connie smiled.

Lydia and Elijah were still happily dating, she's been doing better since losing her arm after being bitten. She loves spending time with her niece, River. It makes me happy. Carol cut her hair short again. It was beautiful.

Daryl and i walked over to everyone else, giving Aaron a hug. Judith, and Gracie ran to each other, hugging. "didn't think we'd ever get back to this. I had a hope, but we're all very lucky." Aaron looked at us. "not luck. It's effort. We have a lot to be proud of. Our family. Our community. Future." Gabriel smiled.

Next we walked over to Maggie and Hershel.
"aunt Maggie." Judith smiled.

"hey!" Maggie stood up, and hugged Judith.

"hey." I walked over to hug Maggie. Daryl following and doing the same thing.

"heard you wanted to talk?" I asked.

"yeah." Maggie smiled. "i want to talk about the future. There's a lot out there to find out about. I think it's time we did." Maggie looked at us.

Daryl and i walked away from Alexandria, sitting on a bench near some water. "it's a beautiful day to head out." I sat there, feeling the breeze through my hair.

"i'm proud of you." Daryl said. I smiled, and nodded my head. "no. I am. You made everything better, Made me better." Daryl smiled. Carol came over too to say goodbye to us. "hey. It's not like we're never gonna see each other again." Daryl noticed Carol crying.

"i'm allowed to be a little sad. You're my best friend." Carol cried. Daryl pulled her in for a hug before we went back.

Judith and Rj ran over, Ezekiel holding River in his arms. Daryl hugged both kids while i hugged Carol, Eventually switching and i hugged Judith, and Rj while Daryl hugged Carol again. "i'll keep an eye on dog." Judith told daryl.

"keep an eye on Carol too, will ya?" Daryl hugged Judith again.

"while we're out there, if we hear anything, see anything. I'll find them both. We'll bring them home. All right?" Daryl tells Judith.

Together Daryl and i walked over to Ezekiel, giving him a hug before grabbing River. I held her close in my arms, kissing her forehead.

"mommy loves you, we'll be back as soon as we can." I hug her again. Daryl hugs her and says bye, giving her back to Ezekiel.

"we'll be back." I tell Judith.

"i know." She nodded.

"let's go guys." Ezekiel tell Judith and Rj.

Daryl and i hugged Carol again before leaving.
"i love you." Daryl says to Carol.

"i love you too." Carol chuckles.

"I love you as well Carol. Thank you for everything." I smiled.

"i love you y/n. You guys be safe out there." Carol pulled me in for a hug after her and daryl finished hugging.

"we will." I nodded.

Daryl hopped onto his motorcycle, i climbed onto the back, wrapping my arms around him. The engine started, and Daryl drove away, leaving everything we knew behind to go find Rick and Michonne.


AHHHHH the story has officially ended!!
I'm honestly SO sad. Not only because this story is over, but because The Walking Dead has ended too. 😭😭

Hope you all enjoyed!! I nearly cried writing this last chapter.

•• Might do some editing on the story, so if you decide to reread, and notice different things, and see something else added that why's!!

who's ready for the Daryl Spinoff!! AND the rick and Michonne Spin-off??? I am SOOO FUCKING READY

The daryl spin-off starts this month of September and i couldn't be more impatient!

Again thank you all for reading, and i hoped you enjoyed.


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