Comfort Admist Chaos | Jikook...

By -Coffeekoo

355 40 3

Jungkook's hard work seems to go down a drain when his laptop glitches, giving way to the bubbling frustratio... More



176 25 2
By -Coffeekoo

The soft hum of a Sunday evening filled the dormitory as the members relaxed on the couches, each occupied with their chosen pastime. Jimin and Jungkook were nestled together on one couch, sharing a cozy blanket. Jimin was engrossed in a TV show, his eyes fixed on the screen, while Jungkook was hunched over his laptop, diligently working on an important presentation.

Jungkook had been making steady progress for hours, typing away and organizing his thoughts. But as fate would have it, just when he was nearing the final touches, his laptop suddenly glitched.

The screen flickered, and before he could react, the entire presentation disappeared into digital oblivion.

He blinked, and clicked away at his keys.

No, it couldn't be.

He worked on this for hours.

He couldn't lose it.

He tried again. Tapping away at his keys, more frantically this time. His eyes scanned the screen.


A blank PPT greeted him.

Gone was all his progress.

Everything he worked on for the past hour.

His frustration spiked instantly, his patience worn thin from hours of meticulous work. Jungkook's anger reached its breaking point, and he let out an exasperated shout that startled not only Jimin but the rest of the members as well, who weren't expecting that.

"Argh! Seriously? Why now?!" Jungkook ranted, his voice laced with anger, his hands clenched into fists.

Why does this always happen to me?!" Jungkook screamed out, his voice tinged with anger and despair. His hands trembled as he clenched them into fists.

The members exchanged worried glances, never having seen their maknae react in such a way before.

Jimin met Jungkook's gaze, his eyes wide with concern.

"Kookie, what's wrong?" he asked, gently, not used to see the angry frown marring his boyfriend's handsome features.

Jungkook felt his frustrations bubble over the fact that his laptop had betrayed him, and he began to unleash a torrent of harsh words.

"This fucking piece of junk!" He cried out, slamming the laptop shut, "I can't believe it! This fucking thing just ruined my hours of work! Hours!!! I put in hours of hardwork and this...this. It just fucking glitched and everything is gone. It's gone. Everything I worked on is fucking gone."

Seokjin's eyes widened. He would have scolded the maknae for swearing as much as he did, but he held himself back. If there was one thing he knew about their maknae, it was that Jungkook wouldn't express himself as openly as he did right then which only meant that all he had been bottling up had finally reached the rim, where he could no longer fill up anymore.

He knew the best choice right then was to allow their youngest to vent out, scream him hoarse if he had to, just to let out all that he had been holding in. From the looks of it, everything had been building up to this point and the laptop glitching was probably the last straw for him.

His gaze locked with Namjoon's and he knew he was thinking the same thing.

Just as they predicted, Jungkook's anger continued to pour out in a torrent of words.

"I can't seem to catch a fucking break! It feels like the fucking universe is against me! Why does this always happen at the worst possible time? I'm so sick of it! I'm done. I'm fucking done."

Saying so, Jungkook shoved his laptop away, chest heaving, eyes shining.

Jimin, realizing that Jungkook needed comfort more than anything else, moved closer to him on the couch. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook, pulling him into a gentle embrace.

"Shh, you're okay," Jimin whispered soothingly, his fingers gently rubbing Jungkook's back, trying to calm the storm of emotions brewing within him.

As Jungkook's anger began to subside, it left behind a sense of overwhelming defeat that settled like a heavy weight on his shoulders. He could feel the hot sting of tears welling up in his eyes, his throat tightening with the frustration and disappointment that had been building up over the hours of tireless work.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Jungkook buried his face in the crook of Jimin's shoulder, seeking solace in the comforting embrace. His shoulders shook with silent sobs as he let out the pent-up frustration that had been brewing within him. His grip on Jimin's shirt tightened, as if he could anchor himself to the safety and warmth of Jimin's presence.

Jimin, understanding the depth of Jungkook's distress, held him even tighter, as if to shield him from the storm of emotions that had taken over. His heart ached for his boyfriend, and he knew that sometimes, a comforting touch could speak louder than words.

With infinite tenderness, Jimin murmured words of reassurance into Jungkook's ear, his voice a soothing melody amid the chaos of emotions. He whispered promises that everything would be alright, that this setback was only temporary, and that he was there to share the burden of Jungkook's frustration.

His fingers traced soothing patterns on Jungkook's back, moving in gentle circles as if to erase the tension and pain that had knotted up inside him. He pressed soft kisses to the top of Jungkook's head, offering all the comfort and love he could muster.

"I'm here. I'm with you. You're okay. It's okay."

The other members watched this tender moment, their hearts aching for Jungkook and the struggles he faced, and at the same time, their hearts soaring over the love and affection their two members shared. A beautiful bond, the growth of which they witnessed over the years.

After a while, Jungkook's tears subsided, and he pulled away from Jimin, wiping his cheeks. He still felt frustrated, but the presence of his loving boyfriend did help him feel better.

"Thanks, Jimin," Jungkook whispered, his voice shaky but coated with gratitude.

Jimin smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair away from Jungkook's face, not saying a word, just leaning forward and placing a kiss over Jungkook's lips. Jungkook couldn't help but smile and snuggled closer to Jimin, listening closely to his heartbeat, a melodious symphony.

He'd be alright.

That he was now sure of.

The end.

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