Out of Bounds | Book 3 in USC...

بواسطة dontworryboutit123

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Book three: Jora Sanchez: She fell for the one guy that she shouldn't have. " I love you so much that it hurt... المزيد

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗.

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بواسطة dontworryboutit123


I stepped off of the jet and was greeted with the heat that Houston, Texas had to offer kissing my skin— more like blistering my skin.

" Jesus, my tit sweat is giving Niagara Falls a run for its money," Skylar pulls her hoodie over her head, revealing her cropped cami underneath and toned stomach.

I don't know how she did it. Skylar barely put in effort when it came to working out and she ate like a linebacker and yet, she had a physique that would make Kendall Jenner jealous and ass that any Kardashian would pay for. Skylar blamed it on her genetics and fast metabolism.

The bitch was just lucky.

" Sky, you are wearing a hoodie in a hundred degree heat," Marcus states the obvious as we reach the suvs.

" For only two seconds. I wish that I had the ability not to sweat like blondie over there," Skylar points to Elizabeth.

" Hi! I sweat!" Skylar, Ayanna, and I crossed our arms, staring her down. Her cheeks turned a shade of red, quickly sparing a look towards Abel who was loading her suitcase into the trunk.

" I-I sweat... occasionally," she stammers.

" Out of pure curiosity," Ayanna starts. " Is-"

" Keep your curiosity just that, a curiosity," Lizzie shuts down Ayanna before her teasing begins. The three of us giggle as we follow suit behind her and get into the car.

" Lizzie, it's okay," I rubbed her shoulder, consoling her. " If you aren't sweating while being bent into a pretzel, then he's not doing it right."

I could only count on one hand how many men bent me into pretzels, and even then I could only raise one finger to represent how many of them made me sweat in the process. I'm talking mascara dripping down the face, lipstick smudged, curls fallen... I would be the picture of what Beyoncé sang about in Partition.

Skylar took one look at the smirk that had appeared on my face and gagged. " Ew. Ew. Ew. You nasty whore. Stop thinking about sex with my brother right next to me."

Audrey slid into the car in the middle of us laughing at Skylar's dramatics. Her face was pure confusion as she slowly buckled up. " What's going on?"

" Pretzels," Ayanna, Elizabeth, and I responded as Skylar continued to gag. Her brows furrowed as our answer only made her even more confused than when she got in the car.

" And Jora being a brother fucker!" Skylar adds. " Stop calling me that!" I cried, slapping her shoulder. " It sounds wrong."

" Something tells me that I should stay confused about the conversation that just took place for my own good," Audrey states, pulling her airpod pros over her slicked hair.

" Smart girl," Elizabeth says, following suit and pulling hers over her head as well.

The drive over to the hotel was longer than I expected. Maybe it was due to being hungry and skipping out on breakfast, or the fact that I drank a whole bottle of water before getting off of the plane and my bladder was now punishing me for it. It didn't help that time seemed to be taunting me.

Once the vehicle came to a slow roll before stopping, I was already unbuckling my seat and climbing over Elizabeth. " I'll meet you guys at the front desk!" I yelled over my shoulder as I hurried into the hotel, quickly finding the bathroom with help from the doorman.

When I sat down on the toilet, my phone buzzed with a call from Kyler– a facetime call to be specific. " Shit," I cursed as I started peeing. I had no choice but to decline because I was using the bathroom, and a public bathroom no less. Instead, I shot him a message saying that I was in an important meeting and couldn't talk now.

He texted back quickly, wishing me luck on the meeting.

Flushing the toilet after I was done, I washed my hands and joined everyone in the hotel lobby. "Here is your room key," Ayanna handed me the key card and extra just in case. " We're all on the same floor."

" Oh great," I drawled, " I'm going to have to hear you guys fuck all weekend and have no consideration for your celibate friends." I would just have to hope that these hotel walls were thick enough to keep these opera singers' volumes at a minimum.

" Maybe if you didn't make our boy turn celibate, you too would be getting fucked," Xander says as the bellboy begins to load up our luggage on the cart. Xander flinched as I raised a hand to the back of his neck, slapping it harshly.

" First of all xandy-cakes," I smiled through my teeth, running my hand over his shoulder and gripped his ear tightly, bringing him down to my level since he was a whole foot taller than me.

Xander hissed, one arm raising in the air slightly as I took him off balance. " Ow, Jora, my earrr." His whining went in one ear and out of the other as I pinched it harder, hopefully teaching him that some things are just better left unsaid.

" Your 'boy' had a choice, celibacy or to be a whore, and he chose celibacy because there was no other way that I was taking him back if he thought that another apology and empty promise was going to cut it this time around. Second of all, mind your business." Letting go of his ear, I tapped his cheek before turning away and walking towards the elevators with a little extra oomph in my steps.

" Did you really think that was a wise idea?" Haze whisper-shouted to his best friend.

" Well no," Xander answered back." But everyone shits on him about his actions and I was just trying to defend him a little... I guess. Probably could've gone about it differently though."

Overhearing their not so silent conversation put a frown on my face. Everyone did shit on him about his actions from the past and recently, even myself. I was trying to work on moving forward and not throwing his past in his face, especially since he was trying so damn hard. And if we were going to give this a fair shot, a real shot– everyone else needed to hop on board with it too.

No more throwing his actions in his face.

Teasing in this group was natural, but sometimes, enough was enough.

Kyler already beat himself up enough. I already reminded him enough. Even recently when I had lied to keep this visit a surprise, I had felt super guilty about the things that I had said. The look on his face had only made it worse. It even weighed heavier on my guilty conscience when the mailman made a special delivery of flowers and not one, but two Birkin bags with another cheesy hand note written.

He had already spent entirely too much money on me that I was sure his agent and accountant were on his ass about it. Knowing Kyler, he was hard headed as fuck, he probably told them to go straight to hell. Some of the gifts were entirely too expensive, yet appreciated, and some of them were so heartfelt and sentimental to us.

He was really trying.

And as far as the media, the only time he was mentioned was when the team either had a really great game that he contributed to, or a really bad game.

I seemed to be functioning on autopilot mode as the elevator chimed, indicating that we were on our floor. " We still have a few hours before the game," Abel says, checking his watch. " I don't know about y'all but I need a nap."

" I second that," I agreed, yawning shortly after. Flights made me extremely tired, even if it was only a few short hours.

" We should all get some rest and then grab a quick bite before we start getting ready," Ayanna adds.

After we all agreed on a plan, we went our separate ways and entered our room.I walked in, seeing the king sized bed and plopped down face first. I was only given a few moments of peace when there was a knock on the door. Dragging myself out of the bed, I walked to the door and collected my bags from the doormen. Pushing the suitcase aside, I didn't  bother getting an early head start on choosing an outfit before it was time to leave.

Once my luggage was set safe in the corner of my room, I returned to the heavenly mattress and passed out with the smell of crisp hotel sheets lulling me to dreamland. I got some of the best sleep in hotel rooms– it was definitely the sheets that did it for me.

I'd awaken a few hours later, but not because of my alarm. Kyler's ringtone blasted in my ear, waking me up with an annoyed groan. He always called me before a game- it was a part of his routine now. Except today, I was going to be breaking that routine for the sake of this surprise.

Instead of answering, I just responded and told him that I was meeting with a few different brands that would like to sponsor me. Kyler is a very supportive person,  no matter what. He would be one of those socc— excuse me, basketball dad's with the biggest and most obnoxious sign for his kids.

Even though he and Skylar argued like cats and dogs, he was always supportive of how she switched majors like she switched her favorite Destiny's Child member. Kyler may have playfully given her grief, but he was always her biggest and loudest cheerleader. Especially when it came to defending her to their family.

Knowing Kyler's train of thought lately in my career choices, he would see this as a chance for me to make connections in the fashion industry. And lately, I was kind of entertaining the idea of me being in the fashion industry a little bit more.

I loved fashion— It shaped me into the person that I was today.

Ever since Kyler planted the seed into my head, it began to grow and fester, and it made me wonder if I could see myself sitting in a boardroom full of men who only saw me as a pretty face and nice body for them to get off on. Did I see myself fighting to prove my right for a position that I had earned? Or did I see myself being my own boss, building my own company from the ground up?

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I spotted my bag on the far edge of my bed. Crawling towards it, I pulled out my sketchbook that I had been carrying around with me— everywhere. I flipped throughout the sketchbook, my fingers running over the colored pencils and fabric that I'd cut out for inspiration glued to the sketchbook.  

Sighing heavily, I shut the book and looked at the time. I still had some time to kill before getting ready and I was starving. Grabbing the hotel phone and room service menu, I shifted through the pages and ordered two things of mozzarella sticks and fries.

" Knock! Knock! Knoccck!" Elizabeth's muffled voice came from behind my door.

" Coming!" I yelled, backflipping off of the bed and running to open the door.

I opened the door, finding Elizabeth in a baby blue velour juicy tracksuit and her hair in rollers. "I come bearing gifts," she sings, coming in with a bottle of Louis Roederer champagne and champagne glasses. " The other's are still asleep," she rolled her eyes as I opened the door wide and let her inside. " But that only means more for us."

" Perfect," I rubbed my hands as she popped the cork. " Hopefully it will ease the nerves of seeing Kyler for the first time in what feels like forever." Maybe that was an exaggeration, it wasn't forever, but it was at least a month and a few weeks max.

The tension between us would be off of the charts. I was confident in my self-control around Kyler– sexual tension be damned. Was I confident in his self-control? Mmmm. Not so much. I had no problems keeping my hands to myself. Since coming back from summer break, my vibrator was the only thing giving me pleasure.

" So Abel and I had an idea," Elizabeth sips on her champagne as she hands me my glass, licking her bottom  lip as I raise an eyebrow. Elizabeth was the friend that you wouldn't expect to scheme.

In reality, she had so many schemes up her sleeve that it was ridiculous.

" And what grand idea is that?" I leveled her with a look as I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs once I got into a comfortable position. Elizabeth was one of the most optimistic people that I had ever met. That could possibly be chalked up to her having the brains of fucking Einstein and the financial stability to not have to worry about her future. That and she's had her future planned long before middle school ended.

" We think that it would be fun to go on a double date with you and Kyler." Her perfectly pink lips formed a big, excited smile as she clapped. " Isn't that such a fun idea?"

" A double date sounds fun!" I had never been on a double date.

Let alone an actual date quite yet. Kyler and I were too busy focusing on the sex, arguments, and hurting each other— everything that builded the foundation of a toxic relationship. There was never a night that I could recall where I'd nearly passed out from an everything shower, to ensure that I was hairless and smelled absolutely delicious from head to toe because Kyler was taking me out on a date.

" Great! I know that the guys give him a lot of grief for the past, including Abel. He can be a bit too blunt at times, but he does see that Kyler is trying. And despite how angry I was that he hurt you again, I can see it too. We just want you guys to know that we love and support the both of you and your happiness together." Hearing Elizabeth say that, it really warmed my heart knowing that my friends supported us despite our tumultuous relationship.

Setting my champagne glass on the floor, I stood up and approached Elizabeth, engulfing her in a warm hug. " Thank you, Liz. It makes me really happy to hear you say that." Now that she had said it, I realized that I needed to hear words of support from my friends. It was nice.

" I love you JoJo," Elizabeth hummed, squeezing me tighter. " I just want you to be happy," she pulls back, blue eyes sparkling as she rubs my shoulders with a smile. " Even if I do want to choke your boyfriend out from time to time."

" He's not my boyfriend," I mumbled. " Not yet at least."

As much as I wanted him to be, he still had a three month trial to pass. With each day that has passed by, I could honestly say that I feel a bit more confident in us by the end of those three months.

Elizabeth levels me with an arched brow and rests her hand on the curve of her hip, popping it out. " I'm going to let you believe that."

" But my point still stands. I will do it and you know that I don't lie," Elizabeth nods her head, her lips curling up at the sides as she wiggles her brows.

I laugh as a hard knock raps against the door. " Hold on, Liz." After shuffling through my purse to find my wallet, I pulled out some cash and opened the door. " Thank you so much," I thanked the staff member and handed them their tip.

" Mozzarella sticks!" I smiled.

" Bring on the fried cheese!"


My stomach grumbled angrily once I stepped out of the shower, not agreeing with the brilliant idea of downing mozzarella sticks with champagne. At the moment, it sounded good.

Now, it sounded like the toned down version of me getting the bubble guts after a mild case of food poisoning on a family trip to Costa Rica a few years ago. After drying off and wrapping the towel tightly around my body, I chewed a couple of Tums to help with my stomach discomfort for the night.

As I struggled to hook my corset, a knock on my door had me saying a silent thank you as I rushed to open it. Ayanna smiled from ear to ear. She was over the moon about finally seeing Carson again. " Need a hand?" She laughed.

" No, Ayanna." A tight lipped smile stretched across my face. " I think that I will continue to struggle and possibly pop my arm out of its socket while doing so. I don't need a hand at allll," I sarcastically drawled, as she entered the hotel room, shutting the door behind her.

" Turn around, smartass," she twirls her finger, motioning for me to face the mirror.

Turning around, I pulled my hair over my shoulder as she made quick work of fastening the corset. " Look at you with the sexy legs out tonight," I teased her, scanning her attire in the mirror.

Ayanna was dressed in a denim mini skirt, a fitted white tee shirt, and an oversized leather jacket that I was sure I had seen Carson wear a handful of times. Her legs that would make any man get down on their knees to worship her, looked even longer with the yellow pumps she'd paired to top the outfit off.

" Just a little something for my man," she smiles to herself. " Y'know, keep him motivated."

" Keep him motivated or keep him bricked up?" I smirked, fixing my breast to sit better than they already did thanks to the top.

Ayanna plops down on the edge of my bed and crosses her legs, her foot swinging in circles as she hummed. " Mmmm," she looked at me through her lashes as she turned her ringing phone on silent. " Both. Right now I'm probably driving him to a heart attack by not answering his pre-game call."

" Kyler had been blowing my phone up too," I tell her, slathering my hair in gel before running a brush over it. " I just told him that I had been in meetings all day with my agent and that they went longer than expected.."

Ayanna snapped her fingers. " That's smart. I should have thought of that," she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she watches me do my hair. " Are you excited to see him?"

If the silly smile that broke out on my face wasn't enough of an answer, I don't know what is? My lips pursed, trying to contain my smile but failed. I was equal parts nervous and happy to see Kyler. Nervous because when we were together, it was electric. Happy because I was finally seeing him and despite everything that has happened between us, we were in a good place right now.

Yeah, there was more work to do.

But we were good.

" A little too excited," I giggled, making my way into the bathroom to wash my hands of the gel that was creating a sticky residue on the back of my palms. When I returned to the bedroom, Ayanna was waiting patiently, tracking my every move as she waited for me to continue. " I don't know what I am going to do when I see him. It's been a while since we've kissed," I confessed.

More than a month.

I missed the feel of his lips against mine.

" I told him that if he won the game, I was going to give him a surprise."

" And what would that be?" Ayanna asked, intrigued.

Eyeing her through the mirror, a teasing smile formed on my lips as I adjusted my necklaces, letting my hands travel down my cleavage and down my body. " Showing him just how long and antagonizing that I plan on making these next few months," I winked. Staying true to my word, I wasn't going to lose control.

But I was for damn sure going to make it hard for him to keep his hands to himself. In the process, I was hoping that all of the pent up tension would have a mind-blowing outcome– and maybe a secret part of me would get off on this being a sort of punishment for his actions. If I wasn't going to be having sex for three more months, I was at least going to get some type of enjoyment out of this.

If that came at the price of Kyler nearly having an orgasm from me walking around in the skimpiest lingerie that I could get my hands on then so be it.

" Jora, you are going to drive that man to an early grave." Ayanna tutted as I shrugged, looking at my appearance in the mirror once more.

" He dug the grave himself." Smiling at my appearance, I backed away from the mirror and admired the way the leather pants hugged my waist and the corset enunciated the curvature of my breast. The leather jacket that I had chosen to tie the outfit all together hung off of my shoulders, I pulled the jacket over my shoulders as I licked my lips.

" Damn, I am so hot." That may be a bit vain, but being vain helped with confidence I had learned over the years.

" I am convinced that you should have been born a Leo," she states, standing up from the bed as she smoothes her hands over her outfit, pulling her skirt down as it rises up a little.

" There's nothing wrong with being a little self-obsessed," I say, reaching for my phone as both of our devices don't with notifications.

" Time to go," we say, reading the message at the same time.

The two of us gathered our purses and walked out of my room. I left the bedside lamps on and shut off of the lights before closing the door behind me. With each step towards the elevator, my heart began to pound and my palms moistened.

Nervousness. Excitement. Happiness.

All of the feelings that had been leading up to this moment were making their way to the surface. I felt a little silly but then I remembered how my mom would always say that she knew that she'd never fall out of love with my father as long as he kept her nervous.

And here I was, a nervous wreck for Kyler McKay.

It was funny how he could make me feel so much, no matter the circumstances. Some people would frown upon me for taking him back, giving him so many chances. Chances that he probably didn't deserve. But deep down, no matter how much pain he'd put me through, I knew that I was doing what was best for me.

People were lucky to find their greatest love. Hell, some even let their greatest love slip through their fingers. Me, I didn't plan on letting that happen.

Kyler was my greatest love story and I wasn't letting him go.

On the ride over to the stadium, I did everything in my power to contain my emotions before I let them take over and I combusted from overstimulation. Once we were inside the stadium and making our way to the courtside, it didn't even take Carson a millisecond before he spotted Ayanna and ran his happy little ass over to our seats.

Once Dominic and Kyler followed his movement, Kyler's eyes met mine and the biggest smile spread across his lips as I waved at him. He and Dominic were in a conversation with their cousy before they followed behind Carson, jogging towards us.

I braced myself for the impact of Kyler's body pummeling towards me. My lips were set in a giant smile, the corners of my lips burning from the stretch as Kyler's body crashed against mine. His arms held me tightly, lifting me off of the floor with ease.

His nose brushed against mine before his soft lips brushed over mine, kissing me softly.

It was just as I remembered. His lips felt like Christmas morning, the excitement of waking up and ripping apart wrapping to unveil the next present. It felt like the fourth of July when the fireworks were popping in the sky and sparklers were waving in the air, the fuse slowly dying out. His kisses felt like my lifeline.

Even though the kiss was short-lived, soft and innocent, I wouldn't have our first kiss after a while be any different than this one. It was a nice change of pace for the both of us.

" Is this my surprise?" He pants against my lips, breathing heavily.

" I said win the game," I reminded him, shaking my head. "This is just an added bonus."

Kyler's nose brushed against mine once more, his smile turning a little mischievous as he took my words as a challenge. " Oh, I'll win this game alright, Catalina. Just watch. But first I have to go before the coach benches my ass for missing the tip-off. I'll see you in a bit."

Kyler spares another moment to greet his twin, aggravating Skylar per usual before he backs away, winking at me before he takes off across the court. The girls and I got settled as the game started and moments later, sprite, popcorn, and a bag of sour patch kids were brought over to me.

My eyes snapped across the court, watching Kyler chew on his mouth guard as they went to the free throw line. He hunched over, his hands on his knees and I let out a low whistle. His head turns slightly, a grin on his lips as he shakes his head and returns his focus to the game.

" Sure you want to keep him on that three month sex ban?" Ayanna whispered in my ear.

Biting off the head of a blue sour patch kid, I nod my head. "As positive as a pregnancy test, Yaya."


Hopefully a double update will be uploaded tomorrowwww!!!

Did we like this chapter???

I love you guysss!!! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bio test to take.

Xoxo, alexisss

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