Oshi no Ko: The Maestro

By Lighningtzzz

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Hiroshi Shirotaka, a brilliant young genius, finds himself trapped in a world that fails to challenge his int... More

Prologue: The Bored Genius
Chapter 1: Youtou High School
Chapter 2: Hoshino Sibling
Chapter 3: Hidden Motives
Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company
Chapter 5: Blossoms of Destiny
Chapter 6: Dreams and Determination
Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters and Sinister Intrigues
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Enigma
Chapter 10: Unscripted Chemistry
Chapter 11: A Little Adventure
Chapter 12: Whispers of Deception and Desire
Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 14: Confrontation and Allegiance
Chapter 15: The Fierce Rivalries
Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets
Chapter 17: Blossoms of Love: A Night of Enchantment
Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation
Chapter 19: Shadowed Pursuit
Chapter 20: Stellar Intrigues: Echoes of Enigma
Chapter 21: LoveNow !
Chapter 22: Unveiling the Unexpected Contestant
Chapter 23: Beneath the Charisma
Chapter 25: Unraveling the Enchanting Lie
Chapter 26: A Candid Connection
Chapter 27: Algebra, Acting, and Almost a Getaway
Chapter 28: Romantic Rumble on the Love Bus
Chapter 29: An Date in Osaka?
Chapter 30: Jealousy's Hidden Embrace
Chapter 31: Entangled Hearts Beneath the Fireworks' Glow
Chapter 32: Dancing Shadows and Hidden Motives
Chapter 33: Aqua and Hiroshi's Malevolent Symphony
Chapter 34: Maze of Hearts: Navigating the Love Triangle
Chapter 35: Tangled Hearts and Trusted Confidants
Chapter 36: Clarity Amidst Complexity: Akane's Dilemma
Chapter 37: A Web of Ambitions and Intrigue
Chapter 38: Unexpected Twists and Midnight Conversations
Chapter 39: The Strategic Dance of Akane and Hiroshi
Chapter 40: Echoes of Akane's Heart
Chapter 41: The Grand Finale of LoveNow
Chapter 42: Revelations in the Shadows
Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma
Chapter 44: The Audacious Pursuit
Chapter 45: The Perils of Hiroshi's Mischief
Chapter 46: A Starlit Serenade of Friendship and Fans
Chapter 47: Dramatic Dynamics
Season Two (Anime) Announcement
Chapter 48: Scripted Conflicts
Chapter 49: Behind The Curtains

Chapter 24: Akane's Heartfelt Resolve

842 28 7
By Lighningtzzz

As the sun's rays began to gently filter through the curtains, Akane stirred in her bed, greeted by the soft chime of her alarm clock. With a determined sigh, she pushed off the blankets and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Today was going to be another hectic day, and she knew she needed to get a head start.

Her first stop was the bathroom, where she splashed her face with cool water, instantly feeling more awake. Akane then reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste, ensuring her morning breath would be banished. As she brushed her teeth, she mentally ran through her to-do list, mentally organizing her tasks for the day.

After a quick shower, Akane returned to her room, a towel wrapped around her body. She opened her closet doors and contemplated her outfit for the day. A busy schedule called for comfort and practicality.

With her clothes laid out, she moved on to her makeup.

As Akane stood before her vanity, carefully applying her makeup, she was interrupted by the sudden ringing of her phone. Startled, she reached for it, her hands still holding her makeup brush. Upon unlocking her phone, she was greeted by a flood of notifications that filled her screen, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. It seemed like messages, emails, and alerts had piled up during the time she had been getting ready.

As Akane continued to scroll through the notifications on her phone, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of boredom. She muttered to herself, "Ever since I joined 'LoveNow', my phone's been buzzing non-stop. It used to be a nice distraction, but now it's just... overwhelming." She shook her head and returned her focus to her makeup, trying to ignore the constant stream of messages vying for her attention.

"I should have listened to my manager and used two phones instead of one," Akane muttered, frustration evident in her voice. "Trying to manage my personal life and work all on one device is becoming a real challenge. I need to find a way to strike a balance without feeling overwhelmed by all these notifications."

As Akane finished applying her makeup, she took a deep breath and set her phone aside. Determined to start her day on the right foot, she reminded herself to stay focused and not let the constant notifications distract her. "I've got this," she muttered to herself, offering a determined smile in the mirror.

As she got dressed and prepared to leave her room, a thought crossed her mind. She wondered how the other participants of "LoveNow" were managing this constant influx of messages and notifications. Were they also struggling to find a balance between their personal lives and the demands of the show?

Akane's thoughts shifted momentarily to her friend, Hiroshi, the main focus of the "LoveNow" show. She pondered how he was managing his newfound fame and the wave of attention that came with it. She imagined that being in that spotlight must be both exciting and exhausting. Considering the volume of messages and notifications she was dealing with, she couldn't help but wonder how much more challenging it must be for Hiroshi.

"Being the centre of attention can be a double-edged sword," Akane mused to herself. She imagined the constant scrutiny, media coverage, and public expectations that Hiroshi must be facing. As someone who had experienced a taste of the media's attention herself, she could empathize with the potential challenges he was likely encountering.

Akane's thoughts drifted back to the first episode of "LoveNow," where Hiroshi had made quite a surprising entrance. She couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of his confident demeanour as he introduced himself to the audience and the other participants. His ease in that high-pressure situation had caught everyone's attention, including hers.

"Ah, Hiroshi," she said with a smile, speaking softly to herself. "He really knows how to handle things with such ease. I have to admit, I admire him for that. Walking into a room full of strangers and cameras like he owned the place - not many people can pull that off."

A sense of contentment washed over Akane as she thought about Hiroshi's presence on the show. A smile crept onto her lips as she realized that amidst the whirlwind of notifications and busy schedules, having Hiroshi around provided a comforting familiarity. She reflected on how his personality had shone through on screen and how his presence seemed to bring a touch of authenticity to the chaotic environment of "LoveNow."

With a warm sigh, Akane spoke softly, almost to herself, "Having Hiroshi here... It's like having a reassuring anchor in this sea of chaos. I'm genuinely glad he's a part of this journey too. He brings a sense of ease and positivity that makes it all a bit more manageable."

Her admiration for Hiroshi's confidence and ease continued to grow as she remembered their interactions and the moments they'd shared since they first met.

As her thoughts about Hiroshi continued to fill her mind, Akane felt her face grow warm. She placed a hand over her heart, feeling its rapid beating. She realized that she had been dwelling on Hiroshi's presence and his confidence more than she had initially thought.

Blushing, Akane softly murmured to herself, "Wait, am I really thinking about Hiroshi this much? My heart is racing just from thinking about him... What's going on?" She chuckled nervously, recognizing her own feelings and how they seemed to be focused on him.

Later on...
The set for the next episode of LoveNow was ready.
Feeling a sense of camaraderie, Akane quickened her pace to join the group. She was eager to catch up with the others and perhaps share a few laughs before the filming began. However, her attention was suddenly diverted by a chorus of excited voices from across the room.

She turned her head in the direction of the voices and saw a group of girls animatedly calling out someone's name. Curious, Akane followed their gaze and realized they were calling for Hiroshi. It seemed like he had just entered the room, and his presence had caused quite a stir among the fans who were there.

Hiroshi swaggered into the room, his confident grin on full display. His eyes flicked towards Aqua, his rival, and he raised an eyebrow playfully. "Hey there Aqua," he drawled, his voice dripping with mischief. "You still keeping up with my pace or falling behind?"

Aqua, clearly caught off guard, straightened up and shot Hiroshi a competitive look. Before he could respond, Hiroshi's attention shifted, and he walked past him, heading straight for Akane. Ignoring Aqua's attempt to engage, Hiroshi leaned in towards Akane with a grin. "Hello, Akane. Ready to blast through this day like the stars we are?"

Akane's heart skipped a beat at Hiroshi's words, her blush appearing. She managed a smile and nodded, "Absolutely, Hiroshi. Let's make it a great one."

Hiroshi's confident presence didn't go unnoticed by the production team. As he walked into the room, the director approached him with a grin. "Shirotaka, you really know how to light up the room. The fans are going wild out there!"

Hiroshi laughed and ruffled his hair. "Well, you know me. Gotta give the people what they want!"

Meanwhile, Akane found herself engaged in conversation with Mem-Cho and Yuki. Mem-Cho, with her playful demeanour, shot Akane a mischievous smile. "Hey, Akane, can I ask you a slightly weird but straight-up question?"

Akane raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sure, go ahead."

Mem-Cho leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, since you know Hiroshi so well now, is he always like this? You know, all confident and charming?"

Akane chuckled and exchanged amused glances with Yuki. "Oh, you mean the whole 'confident and charming' act?" She playfully mimicked Hiroshi's swagger for a moment before continuing, "Well, let's just say Hiroshi definitely knows how to turn on the charm, especially when he's in the spotlight."

Yuki chimed in, a knowing smile on her face. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. Hiroshi might be a natural at this, but I think he can be quite different when he's around people he's close to."

Akane nodded in agreement, her smile growing wider. "Absolutely. Behind that confident exterior, Hiroshi is really kind and incredibly supportive. He's always been there for me, especially when things get overwhelming."

Mem-Cho noticed the affection in Akane's description of Hiroshi and couldn't help but smirk, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Huh? Well, well, Akane. You sure seem to have a lot to say about Hiroshi." She playfully raised an eyebrow, causing Akane to blush and sputter in surprise.

"Wh-What do you mean, Mem-Cho?" Akane stammered, her face turning an even deeper shade of red.

Yuki leaned in with a teasing grin and patted Akane's shoulder. "Good luck with that, Akane," she said playfully, giving her a knowing look.

Confused by the teasing exchange, Akane looked between Mem-Cho and Yuki with a puzzled expression. "Wait, what are you two talking about?" she asked, feeling her cheeks burn even brighter.

Mem-Cho chuckled and winked at Akane. "Don't worry, Akane. I'll leave him for you. Just enjoy the chaos of the show without any added distractions." With a playful salute, she turned to leave, leaving Akane in a state of mild embarrassment.

Yuki laughed softly and patted Akane's
back reassuringly. "Don't mind her, Akane. Mem-Cho just enjoys stirring things up. Anyway, let's focus on today's challenges and have some fun."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm and gentle glow across the set, Akane found herself making her way towards Hiroshi's designated resting area. The hectic day of filming had finally come to a close, and the exhaustion was starting to catch up with both of them.

Approaching the room, she hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

As Akane raised her hand to knock on the door, she suddenly caught the sound of a voice from inside the room. The voice was soft and muffled as if the person speaking didn't intend to be heard. Curiosity piqued, Akane paused, her hand hovering just inches from the door. She leaned in slightly, trying to listen more closely without being obvious.

"...Hiroshi, you've got this. Just stay focused and keep that confidence up." the voice murmured, sounding a bit self-assured

Akane's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the voice. It was Hiroshi, speaking to himself. Her heart softened after she thought that even someone as seemingly composed as Hiroshi had moments of self-doubt and needed a pep talk. She found herself smiling, both amused and touched by the vulnerability he was unintentionally revealing.

Hiroshi leaned against the wall, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and introspection. "Becoming famous definitely has its perks, you know? People recognize you, you get opportunities that others dream of, and yeah, it can make things a bit easier. But it's not all rainbows and sunshine. The pressure, the expectations-it's a lot to handle."

He let out a sigh, his expression serious. "But everything has its price. I've planned this for so long, and now that it's within reach, I can't afford to back down."

As Akane stood there, eavesdropping on Hiroshi's heartfelt monologue, her initial intention to knock on the door faded into the background. His words resonated with her, revealing a side of Hiroshi that she hadn't seen before - the depth of his determination and the weight of his aspirations.

As Hiroshi continued, his voice grew softer, as though he was revealing a secret to himself. "I know what I want from all of this. It's not just about the fame or the attention. There's someone I want to get closer to, to know more about. "

Akane's heart skipped a beat as his words hung in the air. Her mind raced, piecing together the clues he was unknowingly sharing. She felt a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and warmth, realizing that Hiroshi's drive to excel was fueled by a desire to connect with this certain someone he cared about.

As Akane quietly pulled away from the door, her mind was racing. The depth of Hiroshi's words had left her both surprised and introspective. It was clear that this person he wanted to get closer to meant a lot to him, perhaps even more than he let on. She found herself deep in thought as she walked away from his resting area.

As she wandered through the quiet halls of the set, Akane's thoughts swirled with a mix of emotions. She couldn't help but wonder about the person Hiroshi was referring to. Who could it be that had such a profound impact on him?

The weight of Hiroshi's determination resonated with her. It was a side of him she hadn't fully seen on the surface, and it made her view him in a new light.
She was aware that he didn't express his true emotions often and put up an act, thinking he did that because he didn't want to disappoint others.

Akane found herself pondering the nature of their relationship. Had they known each other before the show? Were they friends or perhaps something more? She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Later on...
In the quiet solitude of her room, Akane sat on her bed, her thoughts consumed by the revelation she had inadvertently stumbled upon. Hiroshi's words echoed in her mind, each syllable carrying a weight that she hadn't fully comprehended before. As she replayed his monologue, she felt a swirl of emotions within her - surprise, curiosity, and a growing sense of connection.

She knew what it was like to balance personal aspirations with the demands of the outside world. Just like Hiroshi, she had her own dreams and goals, and the journey to achieve them was far from easy. The pressure to succeed, the fear of failure, and the desire to stay true to oneself were common threads they both shared.

As she sat there, Akane found herself feeling a sense of kinship with Hiroshi. She understood his drive and determination on a deeper level.

Akane's mind continued to replay the moments they had shared, the conversations they had, and the genuine connection that seemed to have formed between them. She remembered his comforting presence during the chaotic rehearsal days, his words of encouragement when things felt overwhelming, and the way he had made her laugh amidst the frenzy.

In that quiet moment, Akane realized that her feelings for Hiroshi ran deeper than she had initially acknowledged. Her admiration had evolved into something more profound - a genuine fondness and a connection that went beyond the scripted interactions. She found herself smiling, a mixture of emotions swirling within her.

With newfound determination, Akane gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her heart felt resolute as if a path had illuminated before her. She knew that she had an opportunity to support Hiroshi, just as he had supported her. Taking a deep breath, she spoke to herself softly, her voice filled with conviction.

"It's my turn now, Hiroshi. Just like you've been there for me, I'm going to be there for you. You've shown me what it means to face challenges head-on, to embrace the chaos with a smile."

As Akane spoke, her reflection seemed to mirror her determination. She continued, "I want to be your anchor, your confidante, just as you've unknowingly become mine."

With that affirmation, Akane's heart felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be without challenges, but she was ready to face them alongside Hiroshi...

The day of filming for the next episode of "LoveNow" had arrived, and the set was abuzz with activity. Crew members scurried around, making final adjustments to the lighting, cameras, and various props. Participants gathered in their designated areas, chatting nervously and exchanging glances of anticipation.

As the director gave final instructions to the production team, the cameras turned their attention towards Akane. She stood in the centre of a beautifully decorated garden, surrounded by vibrant flowers and delicate lanterns. Her heart raced, a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling within her.

(Alright, Akane,) she thought to herself, her voice determined and resolute. (This is your chance to make a difference, to support Hiroshi in the way he's been supporting you all this time. He's been there for you with his unwavering positivity and encouragement, and now it's your turn.)

As the cameras rolled and the soft melody of the background music began to play, Akane took a deep breath, her gaze focused ahead. With every step she took, the intricate patterns of the lantern light danced on her gown, creating a magical aura around her. Her steps were deliberate, her posture poised, and her eyes sparkled with determination.

(If I'm going to help him then I'm going to follow the rules of this show.
Alright, Akane, showtime,) she thought, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and resolve. She continued to walk gracefully through the garden, her mind clear and her purpose strong.

As Akane continued her graceful walk through the garden, her eyes locked on Hiroshi, who was standing not far away, engrossed in conversation with Nobuyuki. With a warm smile gracing her lips, she quickened her pace, her heart beating a little faster.

Hiroshi's eyes widened in pleasant surprise as he noticed Akane approaching. His usual confident demeanour momentarily faltered as he met her gaze, captivated by the genuine warmth in her smile. As she reached him, Akane's smile only grew wider, and without hesitation, she reached out and gently caught his hand in hers.

"Hiroshi," she said, her voice carrying a gentle but unwavering tone, "walk with me?"

Hiroshi blinked in mild astonishment, his initial surprise giving way to a delighted grin. He nodded enthusiastically, his fingers intertwining with Akane's. "Of course," he responded, his voice carrying a touch of genuine warmth.

Amidst the chaos of lights and cameras, Akane and Hiroshi found a moment of connection that spoke volumes without words. A new chapter begins, and the unspoken bond between them continues to grow.

Author's Note:

Hey there, amazing readers!

If you thought I was just going to serve up a few chapters of "LoveNow" and call it a day, well, guess what? I'm about to flip the script, just like Masaya looking for that extra scoop of ice cream!

Get ready, because the real "LoveNow" journey has only just begun. We're diving deeper into the drama, the relationships, and the twists and turns that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. Buckle up, because this rollercoaster ride is about to get even wilder, juicier, and more heart-pounding.

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