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By Sailormoonuzumaki

229K 10.3K 1.4K

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Oc Diaspro
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Important notice (please read)
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๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฝ. แด›สœแด‡ แดกษชสŸแด…สŸแด€ษดแด…s
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿพ. ส€แด‡แด€สŸษชแดขแด€แด›ษชแดษด

๐Ÿธ๐Ÿท. ส€แดสแด€สŸ ส™แด€สŸสŸ

4.5K 290 41
By Sailormoonuzumaki


Diaspro let's herself get stabbed on the side by Sky making the girls who are watching her training gasp in horror, Brandon chuckles beside them. "Why are you laughing?! Sky basically killed Diaspro!" Layla shouts with a glare worried for her best friend.

"Because of that." Brandon said pointing to the battle, the girls were surprised when Diaspro breaks into red crystals like a broken glass and the real Diaspro falls from the sky aiming at Sky on the cheek with a staff once he had looked up.

"But how? We didn't see her disappear or make a clone of herself." Bloom said and Brandon smiles. "Even I don't know how she does it and she's been practicing that new spell." He said talking about Diaspro turning into a gem.

"It still needs more practice, I can still feel the stab." Diaspro said standing on top of Sky with her right leg holding him down pointing his own sword at his neck, while holding her side where he had strike. "Thanks." She said to Helia who hands her a towel and water, she blushed when they touched hands but she was quick to turn around not seeing Helia clear his throat with a smile.

Everyone was hanging out in the woods in Alfea since they had a day off from classes and training which in the end it lead with Diaspro egging Sky on into fighting wanting to try out her new spell. Both Diaspro and Sky frown hearing a familiar royal trumpet along with a Crystal empire guard parking near them, he makes his way to Diaspro with a bow.

"Princess Diaspro, a message from your mother and this." The guard said holding a bunch of invitations, Diaspro picks them up and reads the letter from her mother. "Diaspro, the Royal ball is an important event as you remember every important person will be coming over to my kingdom. Don't embarrass me."

Diaspro clench the letter and sighs taking a deep breath. "Thank you, let her know I'll be arriving to the ball." She said to the guard who nods handing a letter to Sky and left. Sky makes a sound and throws behind him with a glare.

"My parents are forcing me go attend in hopes that we get close." Sky said, both him and Diaspro look at each other for a couple of minutes and start laughing. "Here you girls go, please try to stay away from my mother's sight. I'm honestly shocked that she let you guys be in the ball, Helia you'll be my plus one." Diaspro said handing out the invitations to the girls one by one and she goes to Helia.

"I.. I mean if that's okay with you." She said ignoring how Brandon laughed behind them but try to cover it with a cough. Helia smiles taking her hand and kiss the back of it, looking quite proud as Diaspro lets out a small giggle. "I'll be honor to be your date." He said.


"You okay, Bloom?" Flora asked as she gets ready for the ball trying on her shoes but stops to see Bloom looking down at her dress. "I don't think I should go." Bloom said with a frown.

"What? Why?" Flora asked putting down her shoe and faced her. "Because I don't want to bumped into Diaspro's mom again, last time I did she give me the this bad feeling. It doesn't help that she called me horrible things after finding out I was the one who got in between Sky and her daughter when we met his parents at his kingdom." Bloom said and Flora puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Like Diaspro said last time, ignore her words and you know nothing had even happen between Sky and Diaspro. They made it very clear that they don't want any part of the marriage and they like each other as siblings, besides I'm sure Diaspro will make sure to get us away from her mother if she sees us uncomfortable." Flora said and push the dress on Bloom's hands.

"Now, go change so I can help with your hair." She said and Bloom smiles. "You're right, Diaspro won't let us near her mother." Bloom said and left to change.

____[Crystal empire]

Diaspro steps out of her changing room where Sky was waiting for her since they had been forced to join the ball and greet the guests together, meaning that Helia had to come with the others with the invitation in hand.

"How do I look?" Diaspro said as she shows Sky her red dress decorated in gems on the top, she adjusted her headband ignoring how it was glowing meaning her mother was talking to her. "Smile my dear, we have very important guests coming over. Don't disappoint." Her mother said and Diaspro sighs with a glare.

"Yes, mother." She said and the link was cut off. "You look beautiful but I'm sure you like to hear that from someone else." Sky said once the glowing headband stopped, Diaspro throws a pillow at his face her cheeks feeling hot knowing who he was talking about.

"They arrived." Sky said hearing trumpets go off holding his hand out and she takes it, both making their way to the ball room. The double door were open by her guards, she smiles waving at one of them making the guard smile with a bow.

"May I present her Royal highnesses, Princess Diaspro and Prince Sky from Eraklyon!" The announcer said his voice sounding through the ball, Sky and Diaspro bow to the crowd. "And as tradition, they should dance as a celebration of their wedding!"

Sky and Diaspro eyes widen at the revelation looking at their parents. "This was a trap." They said at the same time walking at the center of the ball holding each other and began to dance seeing the frowns on Helia and Bloom.

"Again, don't disappoint me dear. Not in front of this people, is that clear!" Diaspro's mom said her voice echoing in her head, Diaspro looks at her with a glare. "I'm going to do something that our parents won't like probably even more of my parents." She said and Sky chuckles as he spins her around.

"What are you doing?!" Esther shouts making Diaspro have enough and takes off her headband earning a gasp from her mom before the link was cut off, Diaspro steps on the headband and gives Sky a nod. Sky seeing this grins and they danced their way to Bloom and Helia, he spins Diaspro around and pushed her into Helia's arms and Sky takes Bloom into his.

Diaspro looks up to Helia with a smile which he reruns one back, he moves into the center and they began to dance ignoring the whispers of the people. "For a minute there I was worried you'll try to hurt someone." He said and Diaspro laughs letting herself be spin around.

"Trust me, I really want to." She said and saw her mother standing up from her throne looking furious walking towards them. Diaspro looks at Helia with a smile holding his hand tightly. "Hold on." Diaspro said and Helia nods not getting startled as they begin to float, their steps leaving trails of magic.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look on that dress?" Helia asked, Diaspro smiles leaning her forehead on his chest. "Not until right now." She said and he chuckles.

"By the way, you look amazing on that suit and that necktie good match." Diaspro said and Helia smiles. "Luckily, Brandon let me barrow one of his suits." He said.

"Looks like party is over." She said hearing the music stop, Esther shouting everyone to leave and everything getting canceled.


Once the people left it was only Sky, Diaspro, their friends and parents in the room. Jackson and Timmy got the ship ready to take off outside, Helia was on the motorcycle waiting for Diaspro.

"You guys better go, we'll meet you there." Diaspro said to the girls except for Bloom who stayed behind for Sky. "Stay safe." Layla said holding her hands and Diaspro nods.

"This is outrageous! Me and your father are tired of this childish games of yours and Sky!" Esther shouts with a glare. "You both will get married wether you like-."

"No! You're going to listen to me for once, me and Sky are never going to marry each other!" Diaspro cuts her off pointing at her making Esther back off a bit surprised at her daughter's tone. "Sky and I have people we like which is why we won't get married, we see each other as brother and sister nothing else."

"So stop with this whole marriage thing because it will never happen, as future rulers of our kingdoms this is the best for us." Sky said and Esther scoffs. "What do you both know what's best for the kingdom? You both haven't even come of age to rule." Esther said and Diaspro laughs.

"Definitely more than you." She whispers at her with a glare, Esther clench her hands but raised her hand about to slap her when Helia holds it up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Helia said clenching Esther's wrist.

"A peasant! Get your filthy hand off of me!" Esther said yanking her hand away giving Helia a disgust which Helia responded back with a glare. "Hey! Don't call him that!" Diaspro said calming down before she did something she might regret.

"Everything is called off, no wedding plans and no more meddling!" She said as she walks away with Helia holding her hand, Esther felt everything fall apart as Sky's parents agreed on what their son had said and that they'll be taking back the agreement they made with them.

"Nooooo!!!" Esther shouts in anger as she's left alone in the ballroom.

The headband that Diaspro always wears was a way for Esther to talk to her in her head, mind link which it only works if they are near each other.

Also, yes I know I skipped one episode which it was the Musa episode this was more of Musa's episode than it was for Diaspro to get involved.

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